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RegionRALO ResultNomCom Result
AFRALOTBDSarah KidenNot applicable


TBDHolly Raiche Not applicable
EURALOTBDJoanna KuleszaTBDPari Esfandiari
LACRALOTBDSindy Obed Not applicable
NARALOTBDMarita Moll Greg ShatanTBD

ALAC Selection Timetable for 2020 ALAC Members*: **(AFRALO)


ALAC Voting Delegates to the NomCom*

RegionRole Previously Held By


Nominated by

Date AcceptedStatement of Interest

Regional Candidate(s) Recommended to the ALAC

ALAC Appointed Delegates to the NomCom

Term to Serve

Hadia Elminiawi

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Hadia ElminiawiAbdulkarim Oloyede


View file
nameHadia ElMiniawi SOI -New.pdf

Hadia Elminiawi by acclamation. 

Hadia Elminiawi 

2020 AGM to 2021 AGM


Amrita Choudhury

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Amrita ChoudhuryLianna Galstyan


I graciously accept the nomination to NomCom from APRALO for a second term. While the first year is  more of a learning experience, I have attempted to network and reach out to community  members in APAC and encourage eligible candidates to apply for the various positions, actively participate in the NomCom calls and discussions, keep the community updated as much as possible, while maintaining confidentiality of the process on the developments related to NomCom2020.

If nominated by ALAC for a second term, based on the experience of first term, I would attempt to lead in committee roles and functions, continue outreach initiative to encourage eligible candidates from the region to apply and fullfill the responsibility of a NomCom member to work with the other committee members to select appropriate candidates for the leadership positions.

   2020 AGM to 2021 AGM

View file
nameAmrita Choudhury SOI.pdf

APRALO agreed to send the names of both Amrita Choudhury and 

Aris Ignacio to the ALAC. 

   Amrita Choudhury 
2020 AGM to 2021 AGM
Holly RaicheFariz AhmadiDeclinedN/A
Aris IgnacioShreedeep Rayamajhi


View file
nameAris Ignacio SOI.pdf


Erich Schweighofer

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet

Joanna Kulesza


2020 AGM to 2021 AGM
Matthias KettemannErich Schweighofer


Nominee Statement of Interest

Clément GentyDavid MitchellDeclined N/A

Olivier BacholletClément GentyDeclined N/A

Bastiaan GoslingsAnnette Mühlberg

Holly RaicheFariz AhmadiDeclinedN/AAris IgnacioShreedeep Rayamajhi08


View file

Aris Ignacio SOI

Bastiaan EOI .pdf

Bastiaan Goslings

Bastiaan Goslings (resigned)

Following a EURALO

selection, the ALAC voted to appoint Sébastien Bachollet


Tracy Hackshaw

Erich Schweighofer

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet
Joanna Kulesza2020 AGM to 2021 AGMMatthias KettlemannErich SchweighoferClément GentyDavid MitchellOlivier BacholletClément GentyBastiaan GoslingsAnnette MühlbergLACRALO

Tracy Hackshaw

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Vanda Scartezini
Sylvia Herlein Leite
Vanda Scartezini

Sylvia Herlein Leite


View file

View filenameVanda

Scartezini SOI - LACRALO NomCom 2020.pdf

Vanda Scartezini by acclamation.Vanda Scartezini 2020 AGM to 2021 AGM

Glenn McKnight

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Glenn McKnightSelf-nominated


View file
nameGlenn Statement of Interest .pdf

Glenn McKnight by acclamation.Glenn McKnight 2020 AGM to 2021 AGM


  1. All nominees are expected to submit a brief statement explaining why they believe they are a suitable candidate and must also complete or update their Statement of Interest (see: At-Large New SOIs Workspace).
  2. No one who is currently serving on the Nominating Committee may be nominated for the ALAC. See


2020 AFRALO Regional Selections

AFRALO Secretariat

Sarah Kiden

PositionRole Previously Held By


Nominated By

Date AcceptedStatement of InterestResultsTerm to Serve
ALAC Member (RALO)

Tijani Ben Jemaa

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Tijani Ben JemaaGabdibé Gab-Hingonne

Sarah Kiden
2020 AGM to 2022 AGM
Alex CorenthinFatimata Seye Sylla


View file
nameAlex Corenthin Statement .docx

Sarah KidenRamanou Biaou


See Sarah Kiden's Home Page

View file
nameSarah Kiden AFRALO - SOI.pdf

AFRALO Secretariat

Sarah Kiden

(Not eligible for re-appointment)

Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong

Gabdibé Gab-Hingonne


View file
nameAbdeldjalil Bachar Bong SOI.pdf

Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2020 AGM to 2022 AGM
Liz OremboNkem Nweke


View file
nameLiz Orembo Statement .pdf

ALAC Delegate to the NomComHadia Elminiawi

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Hadia ElminiawiAbdulkarim Oloyede
2020 AGM to


View file
nameHadia ElMiniawi SOI -New.pdf

Hadia Elminiawi by acclamation. Her name will be forwarded to the ALAC. 2020 AGM to 2021 AGM

2020 APRALO Regional Selections

PositionRole Previously Held By


Nominated By

Date AcceptedStatement of InterestResultsTerm to Serve
ALAC Member (RALO)

Holly Raiche

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Holly RaicheAli AlMeshal


I gratefully accept this nomination and would look forward to serve APRALO as their ALAC member. My primary area of interest is policy and I have been deeply involved in the development of ALAC policy for some time. I have given presentations to several ICANN meetings on issues surrounding privacy and WHOIS, developed and presented a five part workshop on policy development at another ICANN meeting, presented the ALAC perspective on WHOIS at a joint NCUC/ALAC meeting, and was the initial Chair of the most recent Review of ALAC, developed. I presented a five session workshop on policy development, focussing on Competition, Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice at an ICANN meeting, organised a round table on Policy at another ICANN meeting and, most recently, developed and presented a policy panel discussion on DoH/DoT at the most recent (virtual) ICANN meeting.

I have 'held the pen' developing ALAC policy positions on a number of issues, and been a member of GNSO working groups of issues including ITRP, privacy/proxy services and WHOIS. I have developed and delivered presentations on policy issues in several APAC meetings, and report to the monthly APRALO meetings on policy issues being considered by ALAC. I also attended and presented at two regional IGF meetings, at the Cook Islands and Armenia. I regularly attend and contribute to discussions in the weekly ALAC Consolidated Policy Working Group and would deeply appreciate the opportunity to continue to bring the APAC perspectives to policy discussions in ICANN.
Holly Raiche

2020 AGM to 2022 AGM

View file
nameHolly Raiche - SOI.pdf

Holly Raiche by acclamation
2020 AGM to 2022 AGM
Satish BabuFouad BajwaDeclinedN/A
Hanan KhatibShreedeep RayamajhiDeclinedN/A


Satish Babu

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Satish BabuPrateek Pathak


Nominee Statement of Interest 

Satish Babu2020 AGM to 2022 AGM
Fouad BajwaVivek S. Rana


View file
nameFouad EOI .pdf

Satish BabuFouad BajwaDeclinedN/AHanan KhatibShreedeep Rayamajhi


Satish Babu

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Satish BabuPrateek Pathak


Satish Babu SOI2020 AGM to 2022 AGMFouad BajwaVivek S. Rana



Ali AlMeshal

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Ali AlMeshalEmani Fakaotimanava-Lui


I thankfully accept this nomination for Vice-Chair, and I hope my dedication and commitment to supporting the region are an indication of my credibility and ability in helping APRALO going forward. 

In the past years, we have been very much focused on engagement and outreach, as well as policy awareness and contributions.  A number of great achievements I have been involved in include the special mentorship student program in Kobe, ATLAS III coaching, and At-Large Ambassador in Montreal. Being a Co-chair on the Outreach and Engagement Sub-committee involves working alongside my leadership colleagues  to prepare  strategic planning and activities as my responsibility for across the APRALO region. I have given regular reports on the work of the O&E committee at our monthly APRALO meetings. Virtual activities have become very important, especially at this time when my participation in other activities, like APRICOT and Middle East DNS forum had to be cancelled due to COVID-19. During the year I was able to participate in the SmartSec conference and exhibition.

Looking forward to fruitful contributions to serve the end-user community together with APRALO / ALS members.

2020 AGM to 2022 AGM

View file
nameAli AlMeshal SOI.pdf

Nadira Al-Araj2020 AGM to 2022 AGM
Nadira Al-ArajAmrita Choudhury


View file
nameNadira Al-Araj SOI 2020.pdf

APRALO Secretariat*

Pavan Budhrani

(Eligible for re-appointment)

2020 AGM to 2022 AGM
ALAC Delegate to the NomComAmrita Choudhury

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Amrita Choudhury

Lianna Galstyan


View file
nameAmrita Choudhury SOI.pdf

APRALO agreed to send the names of both Amrita Choudhury and 

Aris Ignacio to the ALAC. 

2020 AGM to

2021 AGM    

Holly RaicheFariz Ahmadi


Aris IgnacioShreedeep Rayamajhi


View file
nameAris Ignacio SOI.pdf

*The APRALO Secretariat position is a discretionary appointment

2020 EURALO Regional Selections

2020 EURALO NomCom Delegate Selection - Vacant Position - Nominations now being accepted

PositionCurrent Holder of PositionNomineeNominated ByDate Accepted

Statement of Interest

ResultsTerm to Serve

ALAC Member (RALO)

Bastiaan Goslings

Nadira Al-ArajAmrita Choudhury


APRALO Secretariat*

Pavan Budhrani

(Eligible for re-appointment)

2020 AGM to 2022 AGMALAC Delegate to the NomComAmrita Choudhury

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Amrita Choudhury

Lianna Galstyan


Refer to my statement in the "ALAC VOTING DELEGATES TO THE NOMCOM" table above.

2020 AGM to

2021 AGM    

Holly RaicheFariz Ahmadi


Joanna KuleszaYrjö Länsipuro

Aris IgnacioShreedeep Rayamajhi08


View file

Aris Ignacio SOI

Kulesza SoI.pdf


*The APRALO Secretariat position is a discretionary appointment

2020 EURALO Regional Selections


Statement of Interest



Joanna Kulesza2020 AGM to 2022 AGM
Wale BakareDavid Mitchell


Nominee Statement of Interest 
ALAC Member (Selected by NomCom)

Joanna Kulesza

(Eligible for re-selection)


2020 AGM to

2022 AGM

ALAC Delegate to the NomCom

Erich Schweighofer

(Not eligible for re-appointment)

Anne-Marie Joly-BacholletJoanna KuleszaDeclinedN/A
2020 AGM  to 2021 AGM
Matthias KettemannErich Schweighofer


Nominee Statement of Interest
Clément GentyDavid MitchellDeclined N/A
Olivier Bachollet Clément GentyDeclinedN/A
Bastiaan GoslingsAnnette Mühlberg


View file
nameBastiaan EOI .pdf

Bastiaan Goslings. His name will be forwarded to the ALAC. 

UPDATE: Due to professional commitments, Bastiaan Gosling resigned from this position.

Following a EURALO selection, the ALAC voted to appoint Sébastien Bachollet

2020 LACRALO Regional Selections

2020 LACRALO ALAC member election /2020 eleccion del miembro del ALAC - Opening 13 July 2020


ALAC Member (RALO)


Bastiaan Goslings

(Eligible for re-appointment)


Joanna Kulesza

(Eligible for re-selection)


2020 AGM to

2022 AGM


Erich Schweighofer

(Not eligible for re-appointment)


Please see the 2020 LACRALO Regional Selections workspace for important details of the LACRALO elections rules and requirements.


PositionCurrent Holder of PositionRegional Rotation/Member Countries of Current Holder of PositionNomineeNominated ByRegional Rotation/Member Countries of NomineeDate AcceptedExpression of InterestConflict of Interest DeclarationResultsTerm to Serve

LACRALO Chair Elect 

Vice Presidente 


vacante *1

Region A (excepcionalmente para las elecciones 2020)*2Lia Hernandez Abdias Zambrano A (Central America and Mexico)

2020 until AGM 2021

(1 year to complete the remaining term)* 3

Augusto Ho Yoselin Vos


View file
nameLia Hernandez Statement .pdf

View file
nameLia Hernandez COI .pdf

2020 until AGM 2021

(1 year to complete the remaining term)* 3

Augusto Ho Yoselin Vos


View file
nameDeclaración Augusto Ho.pdf

View file
nameAugusto Ho LACRALO Conflict of Interest Form - EN - Google Forms.pdf

Augusto Ho 
Luis M. Martinez Self-nominated

Luis M. Martinez Self-nominated


ALAC Member (RALO)

Humberto Carrasco

(Not eligible for re-appointment)

Region B Andes

(Andes:Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela)

Tracy HackshawBartlett Morgan

Region C (Caribbean) 


2020 AGM to 2022 AGMALAC Delegate to the NomCom

Tracy Hackshaw

(Not eligible for re-appointment)

Region C (Caribbean) 

Vanda ScarteziniSylvia Herlein LeiteRegion D (Mercosur: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay).

30 Apr  

View file
nameVanda Scartezini SOI - LACRALO NomCom 2020Expresion de interes LUIS MARTINEZ.pdf

2020 AGM - 2021 AGM (NOTE: This is a one year term)

NARALO 2020 Regional Selections

Marita Moll


View file
nameLuis Miguel Martinez COI .pdf

View file

ALAC Member (RALO)

Humberto Carrasco

(Not eligible

PositionCurrent Holder of PositionNomineeNominated ByDate Accepted

Statement of Interest

ResultsTerm to Serve

ALAC Member


for re-appointment)

Region B Andes

(Andes:Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela)

Tracy Hackshaw

This candidate is not eligible based on Section 8.8 of the ICANN Bylaws.

Bartlett Morgan

Region C (Caribbean) 


View file
nameTracy Hackshaw EOI .pdf

View file
nameTRACY LACRALO Conflict of Interest Form - EN - Google Forms.pdf

Sindy Obed (see: 2020 LACRALO ALAC member election /2020 eleccion del miembro del ALAC)2020 AGM to 2022 AGM
ALAC Delegate to the NomCom

Tracy Hackshaw

(Not eligible for re-appointment)

Region C (Caribbean) 

Vanda ScarteziniSylvia Herlein LeiteRegion D (Mercosur: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay).


View file
nameVanda Scartezini SOI - LACRALO NomCom 2020.pdf

View file
nameVanda COI .pdf

Vanda Scartezini by acclamation. Vanda's name will be sent to the ALAC. 2020 AGM - 2021 AGM (NOTE: This is a one year term)

NARALO 2020 Regional Selections

2020 AGM - 2021 AGM
PositionCurrent Holder of PositionNomineeNominated ByDate Accepted

Statement of Interest

ResultsTerm to Serve

ALAC Member


Marita Moll

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Marita MollGlenn McKnight


View file
nameMarita Moll SOI.pdf

Marita Moll by acclamation. Marita MollGlenn McKnight


I believe that the voice of At Large, on behalf of Internet end users, is a crucial part of ICANN's structure and it is a role that needs to be strengthened. This is why, during my first term as NARALO rep. to ALAC, I have led discussions and written At Large responses to ICANN's 5-year strategic plan, especially the evolution of the multistakeholder system. But it is also crucial to ensure that the voice of end users flows up through the RALOs and into At Large responses to policy and administrative issues. In order for this to happen, information about ICANN decisions and processes must also flow down to end users in ways that are accessible. I think this will be an important part of our work over the next two years. I hope to have your support to continue in the role as your representative for another term.

2020 AGM - 2022 AGM

ALAC Member

(Selected by the NomCom)

Javier Rua

(Eligible for re-selection)

2020 AGM - 2022 AGM



Eduardo Diaz

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Eduardo Diaz DiazGlenn McKnight


I graciously accept this nomination for Chair, and I hope my strength and commitment to the region are a testament to my faithfulness and ability in helping move NARALO forward. 

In the past two years we have been focused in engagement, education and policy awareness and contributions.  We have had many achievements, among which are the first North American School of Internet Governance (NASIG 2018) held in in Puerto Rico, followed by another one in Quebec in 2019.

We have also able to use most of our time during our monthly meeting on educating our membership in ICANN current issues. In the past two years we had 24 monthly meetings, 7 snippet webinars, celebrated NARALO’s 10th anniversary and increased our membership by 15% (at a rate of 7% a year).

Looking forward, I propose that we focus in four major areas:

[1] Policy: Establish a working framework to increase regional participation in policy development through policy discussions in NARALO and participation in the Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) and others spaces as necessary , [2] Outreach & Engagement: Advance our O&E strategic plans and support the 2021 and 2022 North American Schools of Internet Governance (NASIG 2021 &NASIG 2022), [3] Education:  Continue to provide snippet webinars to maintain the region informed of issues and policies related that affect the stability and security of the global Internet's systems of unique identifiers and coordinate NASIG 2021 & 2022 [4]Membership: Coordinate the 2021 NARALO General Assembly. Maintain and/or increase our membership roll by a rate of 7% increase.

I look ahead to the contributions to the end-user community and beyond that together will make through NARALO.

2020 AGM - 2022 AGM

ALAC Delegate

to the NomCom

Glenn McKnight 

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Glenn McKnight Self-nominated


Currently a NOMCOM member, the NOMCOM has become a much more complicated process that needs a two year cycle to be fully productive. The first year is more of a learning experience and the second year involves more leadership taking on specific committee roles and functions.  I think it's critical that anyone seeking this position it should be deemed a two year commitment.  I am willing to stand for an additional year. 

View file
nameEduardo Diaz SOI.pdf

Eduardo Diaz by acclamation. 

2020 AGM - 2022 AGM

ALAC Delegate

to the NomCom

Glenn McKnight 

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Glenn McKnight Self-nominated


View file
nameGlenn Statement of Interest .pdf

Glenn McKnight by acclamation. Glenn's name will be sent to the ALAC. 2020 AGM - 2021 AGM

ALAC Chair

PositionRole Previously Held ByNomineeNominated ByDate AcceptedNominee StatementResultTerm to Serve
ALAC ChairMaureen HilyardMaureen HilyardJonathan Zuck18 September 2020Thank you so much for your support for my nomination for another year as ALAC Chair which I accept. I am aware of the many challenges we face and it is only because I know that we have a great team and we will continue to work together to contribute to the work of ICANN to the best of our ability. I look forward to it. Maureen Hilyard re-appointed by acclamation. 

2020 AGM to

2021 AGM

Selection Schedule for ALAC Chair

  • 7 September 2020 -  Announcement of call for nominations and Nominee's Statement. (Only current ALAC Members may make nominations. Nominations must be sent to the ALAC list.)

  • 7 September – 21 September 2020 (23:59 UTC) - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 14 calendar days). 

  • 28 September 2020 (23:59 UTC) - Nomination acceptance deadline. Messages accepting or declining nominations must be sent to the ALAC list no later than 7 days after the close of nominations.

  • TBD - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).  The winner must receive votes from the majority of sitting ALAC Members. The ALAC RoP Section 17.2 details the election procedure and how to proceed in the case of a variety of unusual conditions.

  • 2020 AGM [ ICANN69 ] - The newly elected ALAC Chair shall be seated at the 2020 AGM following the close of the Board Meeting on 22 October 2020.

ALT Members

PositionRole Previously Held By / RALO

Nominee / RALO

Nominated By (Nominations need not be seconded)

Date Accepted


Term to Serve

Maureen Hilyard (APRAL0)

(Eligible for re-appointment)

2020 AGM to 2021 AGM Member


(Eligible Not eligible for re-appointment if re-appointed by AFRALO)

Dave KissoondoyalMarita Moll6 October 2020Dave Kissoondoyal2020 AGM to 2021 AGM 

Joanna Kulesza

(Eligible for re-appointment if re-selected by the NomCom))

Joanna KuleszaMarita Moll6 October 2020Joanna Kulesza2020 2020 AGM to 2021 AGM 

Humberto Carrasco

Not eligible for re-appointment

Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez

Marita Moll9 October 2020Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez2020 AGM to 2021 AGM 

Jonathan Zuck

(Eligible for re-appointment))

Jonathan Zuck

Marita Moll5 October 2020Jonathan Zuck2020 AGM to 2021 AGM 

Selection Schedule for 2020-2021 ALT Members


  • 28 September 2020 -  Announcement of call for nominations. (Only current ALAC Members may make nominations. Nominations must be sent to the ALAC list.)

  • 28 September - 5 October  2020 (23:59 UTC) - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 14 calendar days). 

  • 12 October 2020 (23:59 UTC) - Nomination acceptance deadline. Messages accepting or declining nominations must be sent to the ALAC list no later than 7 days after the close of nominations.

  • TBD - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).

  • 2020 AGM [ ICANN69 ] - The newly elected ALT shall be seated at the 2020 AGM following the close of the Board Meeting on 22 October 2020.

  • 2020 AGM [ ICANN69 ] - Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders shall be seated at the end of the 2020 AGM following the close of the Board Meeting on 22 October 2020.

ALAC Chair


2020 AGM to


ALAC Liaisons

PositionRole Previously Held ByNomineeResultTerm to Serve
ccNSO Liaison
 Barrack OtienoBarrack OtienoBarrack Otieno2020 AGM to 2021 AGM
GNSO Liaison
Cheryl Langdon-OrrCheryl Langdon-OrrCheryl Langdon-Orr2020 AGM to 2021 AGM
SSAC Liaison
Andrei KolesnikovAndrei KolesnikovAndrei Kolesnikov2020 AGM to 2021 AGM
GAC Liasion
 Yrjö LänsipuroYrjö LänsipuroYrjö Länsipuro2020 AGM to 2021 AGM
