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Date: Monday, 12 August 2019

Time: 19:00 - 20:


00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)  

How can I participate in this meeting? 


 **Zoom room:      


Dial-out Participants:

EN: Denise De Alcantara-Hochbaum, Eduardo Diaz, Alan Greenberg, Bill Thanis, David Mackey, Glenn McKnight, Gordon Chillcott, Greg Shatan, Joe Catapano, John More, Jose Lebron, Judith Hellerstein, Leon Sanchez, Marita Moll, Lori Staylor, Michael Casadevall, Yubelkys Montalvo, Alan Greenberg, Bill Jouris, Allan Skuce, Adrian Schmidt

Apologies:  Susannah Gray, Alfredo Calderon, Jonathan Zuck, 

Staff:  Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Michelle DeSmyter 

Call Management: TBDMichelle De Smyter


Summary Minutes:    

Action Topics: EN

Recording: EN

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN    

Transcript: EN





1. Attendance (XX/


52 - XX%)

This section is to record the meeting attendance.








1Pacific Community Networks Association/CAAllan SkuceBev Collins
2ISOC DC/USDustin Phillips John MoreX
3ISOC PR/PREduardo DíazAlfredo CalderónX
4Canadian Association for Open Source (CLUE)/CAEvan Leibovitch Mathew Rice
5Foundation For Build. Sustainable Communities/CAGlenn McKnightRobert T Bell
6Greater Toronto Area Linux User Group/CAGordon ChillcottBill  Thanis
7Association of Internet Users/US :: ALAC 2017-19John LapriseCristina WilllardX
8ISOC NY/USGreg Shatan-X
9Capital Area Globetrotters/USJudith HellersteinLe-Marie ThompsonX
10Consumers Council of Canada/CA

Kenneth L. Whitehurst

Howard Dean

Karen Mulberry 

12ISOC SF/USLeah SymekherSusannah GrayX
13Native Public Media/USLoris TaylorElyse Dempsey
14Telecommunities Canada/CA Marita MollGarth Graham
15Communatique/CAMonique Chartrand -
16The IP/Tech. Section of the HI State Bar Assoc./USDavid MorrisDane AndersonX
17ISOC Quebec/CAPierre-Jean Darres Robert Castonguay
18ISOC Canada/CAShelley Robinson Murray McKercher 
X Inc./USThomas Lowenhaupt Robert PollardX20Hispanic Educational Tech. Services (HETS)/PRYubelkys MontalvoYelixa CastroX
2120Nova Scotia Community Access ProgramDana PerryErick Stackhouse
2221At-Large North American Graduate Students/USDavid Cristian MorarAnna Cecile Loup X
2322Alternatives, Inc.Michel LambertMyriam Cloutier
2423Colegio de Ingenieros de Puerto RicoJosé LebrónMiguel BauzáX


RED = Under decertification

Unaffiliated (Total


27 :: 6CA/


22US) Attendance (XX/


28 - XX%) 





1Adrian Schmidt
2Alan Greenberg
3Bill JourisX
4Daniel WrightX

5David Mackey
6Denise de Alcantara-HochbaumX

7Endrias ZewdeX

8Edward HasbrouckX

9Javier Rúa Jovet X

10Jeongwon RyuX

11Jeremy PesnerX

12Joey Doyle
13Jonathan ZuckX

14Kevin FrazierX

15Kirstin DoanX

16Kristian Stout X

17Linda KaiserX

18Michelangelo De Simone
19Nat CohenX

20Nathalie CoupetX

21Philip RighterX

22Robert Guerra
23Robert JacobiX

24Roland YarbroughX

25Thomas W CampbellX

26Thomas StruettX

27Wes BoudvilleX

28William Cunningham X

For updates please contact Evin Erdoğdu, At-Large Staff.

2. Approval of the Agenda & Discussion Order 

This section is to record the approval of this meeting agenda and its discussion order. (00:01/00:01)

→ 15 July: approved.

3. Meeting Discussion Order 




Allotted Time/Running Time


NARALO member Thomas John Lowenhaupt (R.I.P)

  • Reflection by Greg Shatan/Joly MacFie
  • 1 minute of silence
-(00:09 / 00:10)


Introductory Remarks by NARALO Chair

→: To put the meeting in perspective  and bring-up anything of general interest to the membership:

    • 90 minutes meeting today
    • New Topics in this meeting
  • Introduction of new Individual  member
  • ICANN 65 Brief Report
  • FY20 NARALO Discretionary Funds
  • Real-Time Transcription (RTT)
        • Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) & Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC)

        • Universal Acceptance (UA)
        • Snipped Webinar :: Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) and the Latin Script by Bill Jouris 
      • Introduction of new Individual  members
        • Denise de Alcantara
        • Nat Cohen
        • Bill Jouris
      • Update Reports
        • FY20 NARALO Discretionary Funds 
        • Real-Time Transcription (RTT)
        • Outreach Group 
          • Reminder of
    Outreach Group Update Report
  • Report by  Michael Casadevall
          • FY20 Events
        • ATLAS III/NASIG updates
    NomCom Update Report
        • Student Outreach by  the North American Graduate Students At-Large Structure
        • Policy update presentation by
    John Laprise 
        • Johnathan Zuck
        • EPDP


    05 / 00:

    Introduction of New Individual  Members

    →  To introduce new individual members to the region

    • New member:
      • Nat Cohen
      • Denise de Alcantara-Hochbaum
      • Bill Jouris





    (00:05/ 00:

    ICANN65 Brief Report

    • ALAC Moving Topics @ June 2019 ← Eduardo
      • Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and Universal Acceptance (UA)
      • DNS Security and Abuse, DNSSEC and Cybersecurity
      • ICANN and Human Rights, including Privacy and GDPR / WHOIS
      • ICANN Jurisdiction and Internet Governance (building upon the recommendations of the Jurisdiction Working Group)
      • New gTLDs: Perspectives and Scope
      • ICANN Transparency and Accountability, in terms of enhancing / building end user trust
      • Facilitating multi-stakeholder consensus within the ICANN community; working together with governments, business and civil society
      • Capacity Building on all themes listed above, with due regard to geographical, cultural and language diversity
    • Talking points :: Presentation / Detailed Document ← Eduardo
    • High Interest Sessions ← Eduardo
      • Policy Aspects of DNS over HTTPS (DoH), DNS over TLS (DoT) and Related Issues
      • Evolving the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model
      • Impacts of EPDP Phase 1 Recommendations on Other ICANN Policies and Procedures
      • Policies Around Universal Acceptance
    • Pilot Reporting Project ← Glenn



    (00:10 / 00:25)056ATLAS III &2019 North America School of Internet Governance (NASIG 2019)

    →:To provide an ATLAS III and NASIG update

    • ATLAS III  ← Eduardo
    • NASIG 2019
      • Timeline details ← Glenn



    (00:10 / 00:35)064

    FY20 NARALO Discretionary Funds

    → To report on the use of the funding for FY20 outreach and engagement activities by Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs) - $4k/RALO

    • Reminder on steps to apply (FY20 RALO Requests for Funding to support an Outreach Activity):  ← Eduardo
      1. request form needs to be completed to initiate the process.
      2. The request needs to be reviewed and approved by Regional Leadership prior to sending to ICANN org staff
      3. The request must be sent to Silvia Vivanco and Heidi Ullrich at least three weeks prior to the planned activity. 
      4. Approval (or not) will be informed via email to the organization representative that made the request.
    • For this meeting
      • Current Balance : $4,000
      • New application by Glenn McKnight ::  $200 for food and drinks ← Glenn
        • Workshop scheduled for  Saturday Nov 2nd, 2019 called  GDPR for Citizens organized by  Open Knowledge Finland and Raoul Plommer. It is a two hour workshop on GDPR  and will be held  at the Montreal Co Work location at  4388 St Denis St #200, Montreal, QC H2J 2L1


    ATLAS III &2019 North America School of Internet Governance (NASIG 2019)

    →:To provide an ATLAS III and NASIG update



    (00:05 / 00:25)

    FY20 NARALO Discretionary Funds

    → To report on the use of the funding for FY20 outreach and engagement activities by Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs) - $4k/RALO

    • Reminder on steps to apply (FY20 RALO Requests for Funding to support an Outreach Activity):  ← Eduardo
      1. request form needs to be completed to initiate the process.
      2. The request needs to be reviewed and approved by Regional Leadership prior to sending to ICANN org staff
      3. The request must be sent to Silvia Vivanco and Heidi Ullrich at least three weeks prior to the planned activity. 
      4. Approval (or not) will be informed via email to the organization representative that made the request.
    • For this meeting
      • Current Balance : $3,500
      • Approved
        • September-Adrian Schmidt ::  $300 for equipment
          • Building awareness of ICANN to the technical and business students. Expected participants 25-30

        • November 2-Glenn McKnight :$200  for food
          • GDPR for Citizens at the Montreal CoWork location



    (00:05 / 00:30)

    Universal Acceptance (UA)

    →  To create a team of volunteer to liaise with the UA Org to educate NARALO in UA concepts and help identify ways on how our RALO and the UA Org could work together to help spread the importance of UA in our region. Team updates will be covered within this discussion topic.



    (00:05 / 00:35)

    Student Outreach by  the North American Graduate Students At-Large Structure

    →: To provide an updated report on efforts related to outreach University students by this At-Large Structure 

    • F/U syllabus work and Google doc for research material





    (00:05 / 00:40)

    Real-Time Transcription (RTT) 

    LEAD: Judith Hellerstein supported by Silvia Vivanco (ICANN Staff)

    →  To provide an update report on the results of this resource.

    • FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR)
      • Approved:
        • Real-Time Transcription (RTT) of up to ten (10) hours of Inter-sessional At-Large teleconference calls in English during FY20
          • F/U: Judith & Silvia to coordinate FY20 RTT meeting schedule

    NARALO Policy Group Update Report

    →: To provide an update report by the head of the Policy Group as to the ICANN policies being discussed at the moment affecting NARALO end-users and/or interest to NARALO members in general

        •  At-Large Policy Advice Updates


    (00:05 / 00:45)

    NARALO Outreach Group Update Report

    →: To provide a summary of the NARALO Outreach Group efforts

    • Remainder of CROP Trips FY20 (1 July 2019 through 20 June 2020)
      1. ARIN
      2. NonprofitTechnology Conference 2020 (NTC 20) March 24/26 @Baltimore,Maryland :: Application deadline is January 10, 2020
      3. Net Digital Inclusion 2020 (NDIA 20), April 7/9 @Portland, Oregon :Application deadline is January 10, 2020




    (00:05 / 00:

    EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data

    NARALO Outreach Group Update Report

    →: To provide

    a summary of the NARALO Outreach Group efforts
  • Reports:
    • ARIN 43 Bridgetown, Barbados 7-10 April 2019 Next month →  Michael Casadevall
  • CROP Trips FY20 (1 July 2019 through 20 June 2020)
  • ARIN (only one of these)
  • NonprofitTechnology Conference 2020 (NTC 20) March 24/26 @Baltimore,Maryland :: Application deadline is January 10, 2020
  • Net Digital Inclusion 2020 (NDIA 20), April 7/9 @Portland, Oregon :Application deadline is January 10, 2020Application form ::



    (00:10 / 00:55)055

    2019 NomCom update report

     →:To provide a brief report by our 2019 NomCom representative.

    Leah(00:05 / 00:60)050

    Student Outreach by  the North American Graduate Students At-Large Structure

    →: To provide an updated report on efforts related to outreach University students by this At-Large Structure 

    • F/U syllabus work and Google doc for research material



    (00:10 / 00:70)028

    NARALO Policy Group Update Report

    →: To provide 

    an update report on this effort

    Alan(00:05 / 00:55)

    Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) & Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC)

    --> To call for volunteers to participate in these groups and to update the region on its work

     Alan(00:05 / 00:60)

    Snipped Webinar :: Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) and the Latin Script

    →  IDN is one of the ALAC moving topics @ June 2019 .Our region should be more aware of what it is so it can be more effective in its appreciation for such an important concept that affects millions of Internet end user around the world.



    (00:30 / 00:90

    if we get to them...


    North America Stakeholder Engagement

    →: To provide an update report on North America Stakeholder Engagement efforts

    • Current and future engagements




    NARALO ALAC members Update Reports

    →: To provide a summary by our current NARALO representatives in ALAC of what was discussed since our last meeting in ALAC regarding policy and anything else that the region should be aware about.


    John L.



    NARALO Education Group Update Report

    →: To provide provide an update report by the head of the

    Policy Group as to the ICANN policies being discussed at the moment affecting NARALO end-users and/or interest to NARALO members in general

    Educational Group since our last call.


    RIR Outreach

        •  At-Large Policy Advice Updates


    (00:10 / 00:80)052EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data

    →: To provide

    an update report on this effort

    a report on RIR outreach efforts


    Real-Time Transcription (RTT) 

    LEAD: Judith Hellerstein supported by Silvia Vivanco (ICANN Staff)

    →  To provide an update report on the results of this resource.

    • FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR)
      • Approved:
        • Real-Time Transcription (RTT) of up to ten (10) hours of Inter-sessional At-Large teleconference calls in English during FY20
          • Up to date report



    to be updated in the future...



    Alan(00:10 / 00:90)

    if we get to them...


    North America Stakeholder Engagement

    →: To provide an update report on North America Stakeholder Engagement efforts

    • Current and future engagements




    NARALO ALAC members Update Reports

    →: To provide a summary by our current NARALO representatives in ALAC of what was discussed since our last meeting in ALAC regarding policy and anything else that the region should be aware about.


    John L.



    NARALO Education Group Update Report

    →: To provide provide an update report by the head of the Educational Group since our last call.


    RIR Outreach

    →: To provide a report on RIR outreach efforts


    to be updated in the future...



    →:To work on ways that we could possibly exchange academic credit for students who participate in ICANN policy development processes





    Any Other Business (AOB)

    -Next meeting: August 12, 2019 @19:00 UTC--

    *(allowed time/running time)


    → 10 June: Marita Moll reported on the Pre ICANN 65  Marrakesh Readout in Ottawa. Others reported as well. Evan shared a comment regarding CROPS and similar instances. Check the transcript page #12.

    → 15 July:

    Topic 026:  NARALO ALAC Members Update Reports

    Michael Casadevall provided a report for his trip to ARIN 43 Bridgetown, Barbados 7-10 April 2019. Other details are in transcript page 18.

    Topic 026:  NARALO ALAC Members Update Reports

    LEAD: Javier Rúa, LEAD: Javier Rúa, John Laprise & Alan Greenberg


    → 10 June: Report was provided.See transcript page 29 for more details.

    → 15 July: See transcript page 30 for more details.

    Topic 029: NARALO Education Group Update Report


     10 June: Overview given. Check transcript page #1 for more details 

    → 15 JulyOverview given. Check recording starting at 1:09 for more details

    Topic 044: North America Stakeholder Engagement


    → 14 January  [Recording: 27:00]:  Nothing to report. Apologies provided.

    → July 15: Apologies received by David Morar. Will report next time.

    Topic 052: EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data 


    DESCRIPTION: To provide an update report on this effort

    Topic 055: 2019 NomCom update report

    LEAD: Leah Symekher

    OPEN: 10 December 2018, CLOSED: 

    TYPE: General

    DESCRIPTION: Brief report by our 2019 NomCom representative.

    →10 December [Recording: 23:50]: This year openings are (from transcript): "The public technical identifiers, we have one seat open; that's a three-year term. The ICANN board of directors, we have three seats open; that’s a three-year term. GNSO Council, we have two seats opens; that’s a three-year term. And for the At-Large Advisory Committee, we have three seats open; a three-year term. The At-Large is for specific regions. As you see, we have Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands. We have Africa, and we have election in America and the Caribbean Islands. So that's the space specific in terms of geography. The ccNSO council, we have one seat and that's a three-year term." Check transcript starting in page #16 for more details.

    → 14 January  [Recording: 23:00]: (from transcript) :"we have ten open seats that we are filling this year. Three for the Board of Directors, one for the PTI and that’s the Public Technical Identifier Board, two for the GNSO Council, one for the ccNSO Council, and three for ALAC. And the ALAC regions that we’re focused on this time is the Asia, Australia, Pacific Island region, one candidate from that region; Africa as the second one; and the LAC region. That’s the third one. That’s a total of ten.". Check transcript starting in page #15 for more details.

    → 11 February:  From transcript: "We have three for the Board of Directors, two GNSO seats, three At-Large, specifically the regions that we’re especially looking for candidates are Asia, Australia, the Pacific Islands, that's one region, Africa is another region, Latin America and the Caribbean islands is another region, so, three seats in total. ccNSO, one seat. We are also looking for one seat for the PTI Board. We already have the application, was already opened on January 17th. It closes on March 18th.Check transcript starting in page #18 for more details.

    → June 10: Update report given. See transcript page #27 fro more details.

    Topic 056: ATLAS III & North America School of Internet Governance (NASIG 2019)

    → July 15: From transcript page 25 :: "All right. Thank you very much. On the EPDP, we are in the process right now of looking at a number of sample use cases for under what conditions would third parties get access to the confidential data. The use cases we’re looking at are selection that is being provided by a number of members. They’re not meant to be exhaustive but will hopefully give us a feel for the kinds of things we need to consider in building the general case.". More details in the transcript.

    Topic 056: ATLAS III & North America School of Internet Governance (NASIG 2019)

    LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

    OPEN: 14 January 2019, CLOSED:

    TYPE: Outreach

    DESCRIPTION: To provide an ATLAS III and NASIG update

    → 11 February  [Recording:XX:XX]: Changed Topic title and description. Update given. Check transcript starting in page #4 for more details.

    → 08 April : [Recording:16:00]: Maureen Hilyard  was invited to provide a report on ATLAS III. Glenn provided the NASIG update starting at 24:00. 

    → 13 May: [Transcript page : 08] Current number of applications for ATLAS III is 40. John Laprise went through the training on the selection process with the group that designed the rubric. That’s on target. NASIG report not provided. 

    → 10 June: [Transcript page: 03] Glenn provided a summary update for NASIG. On ATLAS III more than 80 application are received but only 67 pass the first test. 

    → 15 July: Please refer to transcript page 9 for more details.

    Topic 059: RIR Outreach

    LEAD: Judith HellersteinLEAD: Eduardo Díaz

    OPEN: 14 January 2019, CLOSED: 

    TYPE: Outreach

    DESCRIPTION:  To provide an ATLAS III and NASIG updateto provide a report on RIR outreach efforts

    → 14 January → 11 February  [Recording: XX38:XX45] : Changed Topic title and description. Update given. Check transcript starting in page #4 for more details.

    → 08 April : [Recording:16:00]: Maureen Hilyard  was invited to provide a report on ATLAS III. Glenn provided the NASIG update starting at 24:00. 

    → 13 May: [Transcript page : 08] Current number of applications for ATLAS III is 40. John Laprise went through the training on the selection process with the group that designed the rubric. That’s on target. NASIG report not provided. 

    → 10 June: [Transcript page: 03] Glenn provided a summary update for NASIG. On ATLAS III more than 80 application are received but only 67 pass the first test. 

    Topic 059: RIR Outreach

    LEAD: Judith Hellerstein

    OPEN: 14 January 2019, CLOSED: 

    TYPE: Outreach

    DESCRIPTION: to provide a report on RIR outreach efforts

    → 14 January  [Recording: 38:45] Report provided. From transcript: "Many RIRs have grant programs and other community programs. ARIN is the only RIR that does not have any of those programs, so we have to think of different ways of trying to work with them. We had originally thought of an idea several years ago to do a liaison position with them, but they had turned that down then, thinking that they were afraid of favoritism. But we are going to try to reintroduce the idea again, but also trying to figure out our topic so that we can get the RIRs to know us more and us to know what they are doing." Check transcript starting in page #23 for more details.

    5. New Discussions

    This section is for new discussions in the agenda for this meeting

    Topic 063: ICANN65 Brief Report

    LEAD: Eduardo  Díaz

    OPEN: 10 July 2019, CLOSED: 10 July 2019

    TYPE: [General]

    DESCRIPTION: To provide a brief report on ICANN 65 as follows:

    • ICANN 65 brief report
      • ALAC moving topics @ June 2019 
        • Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and Universal Acceptance (UA)
        • DNS Security and Abuse, DNSSEC and Cybersecurity
        • ICANN and Human Rights, including Privacy and GDPR / WHOIS
        • ICANN Jurisdiction and Internet Governance (building upon the recommendations of the Jurisdiction Working Group)
        • New gTLDs: Perspectives and Scope
        • ICANN Transparency and Accountability, in terms of enhancing / building end user trust
        • Facilitating multi-stakeholder consensus within the ICANN community; working together with governments, business and civil society
        • Capacity Building on all themes listed above, with due regard to geographical, cultural and language diversity
      • Talking points :: Presentation / Detailed Document
      • Pilot Reporting Project
      • High Interest Sessions
        • Policy Aspects of DNS over HTTPS (DoH), DNS over TLS (DoT) and Related Issues
        • Evolving the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model
        • Impacts of EPDP Phase 1 Recommendations on Other ICANN Policies and Procedures
        • Policies Around Universal Acceptance

    → 15 July: Report given. See transcript page XX for more details.

    Topic 064: FY20 NARALO Discretionary Funds

    LEAD: Eduardo Diaz

    OPEN: 15 July 2019, CLOSED:

    TYPE: [Outreach]

    DESCRIPTION: To report on the use of the funding for FY20 outreach and engagement activities by Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs) - $4k/RALO

    1. request form needs to be completed to initiate the process.
    2. The request needs to be reviewed and approved by Regional Leadership prior to sending to ICANN org staff* 
    3. The request must be sent to Silvia Vivanco and Heidi Ullrich at least three weeks prior to the planned activity. 
    4. Approval (or not) will be informed via email to the organization representative that made the request.

    * is an additional step that have been implemented for FY20 and future years

    → 15 July: 

    Topic 065: Real-Time Transcription (RTT)

    LEAD: Judith Hellerstein

    OPEN: 15 July 2019, CLOSED:

    TYPE: [[Outreach]

    DESCRIPTION: To provide an update report on the results of this resource.

    • FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR)
      • Approved:
        • Real-Time Transcription (RTT) of up to ten (10) hours of Inter-sessional At-Large teleconference calls in English during FY20
          • F/U: Judith & Silvia to coordinate FY20 RTT meeting schedule

    → 15 July: 

    Topic 067: Introduction of New Individual  Members

    LEAD: Eduardo Diaz

    OPEN:15 July 2019, CLOSED:

    TYPE: [General]

    DESCRIPTION: To introduce new individual members to the region

    • New member: Nat Cohen

    Report provided. From transcript: "Many RIRs have grant programs and other community programs. ARIN is the only RIR that does not have any of those programs, so we have to think of different ways of trying to work with them. We had originally thought of an idea several years ago to do a liaison position with them, but they had turned that down then, thinking that they were afraid of favoritism. But we are going to try to reintroduce the idea again, but also trying to figure out our topic so that we can get the RIRs to know us more and us to know what they are doing." Check transcript starting in page #23 for more details.

    Topic 064: FY20 NARALO Discretionary Funds

    LEAD: Eduardo Diaz

    OPEN: 15 July 2019, CLOSED:

    TYPE: [Outreach]

    DESCRIPTION: To report on the use of the funding for FY20 outreach and engagement activities by Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs) - $4k/RALO

    1. request form needs to be completed to initiate the process.
    2. The request needs to be reviewed and approved by Regional Leadership prior to sending to ICANN org staff* 
    3. The request must be sent to Silvia Vivanco and Heidi Ullrich at least three weeks prior to the planned activity. 
    4. Approval (or not) will be informed via email to the organization representative that made the request.

    * is an additional step that have been implemented for FY20 and future years

    → 15 July: See transcript page 14 for more details.

    Topic 065: Real-Time Transcription (RTT)

    LEAD: Judith Hellerstein

    OPEN: 15 July 2019, CLOSED:

    TYPE: [[Outreach]

    DESCRIPTION: To provide an update report on the results of this resource.

    • FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR)
      • Approved:
        • Real-Time Transcription (RTT) of up to ten (10) hours of Inter-sessional At-Large teleconference calls in English during FY20
          • F/U: Judith & Silvia to coordinate FY20 RTT meeting schedule

    → 15 July: Heidi covered this item. See transcript page 17  for more details.

    Topic 067: Introduction of New Individual  Members

    LEAD: Eduardo Diaz

    OPEN:15 July 2019, CLOSED:

    TYPE: [General]

    DESCRIPTION: To introduce new individual members to the region

    • New members: 
      • Nat Cohen
      • Bill Jouris
      • Denise de Alcantara

    → 15 July: Not present.

    5. New Discussions

    This section is for new discussions in the agenda for this meeting

    Topic 068: Universal Acceptance (UA)

    LEAD: Denise de Alcantara-Hochbaum

    OPEN: 12 August 2019, CLOSED:

    TYPE: Policy, Outreach


    This topic was created as an action item assigned by ALAC to all RALOS. See the following email received on 25 July 2019: 

    "Dear RALO Chairs,

    Further to an action item from yesterday's ALT-PLUS meeting, please see the Tracking Pages for the At-Large Universal Acceptance Pilot for your respective RALO here.

    These pages are meant to facilitate the record of At-Large activity related to UA by region. Please share with your leadership team and community. John Laprise, ALAC Vice Chair has also requested you please also contact your regional UASG Ambassador regarding Universal Acceptance.

    You may find the main At-Large Workspace on the UA Pilot here, with the below resources from Ajay Data of the UA Steering Group (UASG). Please share these resources with your RALO community."

    See: RALO Tracking Pages for UA Pilot

    Resources Shared by Ajay Data

    For more details and technical documents, please visit:

    Additional UASG Resources

    → 12 August: 

    Topic 069:  Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) & Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC)

    LEAD: Alan Greenberg

    OPEN: 12 August 2019 ], CLOSED:

    TYPE: General

    DESCRIPTION: To call for volunteers to participate in these groups and to update the region on its work


    Initial email sent to all RALOs:

    "Dear All,

    To prepare for the selection of the Board Member selected by At-Large to be seated at the October 2020 Annual General Meeting, Maureen Hilyard, the Chair of the ALAC, has asked staff to make an immediate call for members of the two groups who will be responsible for moving the process forward.

    According to the ALAC Rules of Procedure (2018) ( ), the two groups are the 2019-2020 Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC) and the 2019-2020 Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC). Please see ALAC Rules of Procedure Section D.19 - Procedure for Making the Selection to fill Seat 15 on the ICANN Board.

    The deadline for applying to be members of these groups is 23:59 UTC on Monday 15 August 2019.

    If you are interested, please send a note to At-Large staff at staff@atlarge.icann.orgspecifying which committee(s) the application is for and attach an Expression of Interest (EoI) explaining your interest and citing any applicable experience/knowledge.
    Please note that your personal data submitted with your EoI may be shared with the RALO leadership, RALO ALS representatives, and/or ALAC Members/Leadership, as appropriate, as part of the evaluation and selection process, and that, if selected, your name and regional affiliation will be published on the BCEC Workspace ( or the BMSPC Workspace ( as relevant. The processing of your personal data for these purposes will be carried out in accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy and the website Terms of Service.

    The At-Large Board Member 2019-2020 Selection Workspace is available at: []).
    The RALO leadership is requested to send a list of their RALO's supported candidates and alternates for each group to the Chair of the ALAC and staff by 23:59 UTC Tuesday, 23 August 2019.

    The ALAC will name the final membership soon after.

    The details of the two groups are:

    1)      Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC)

    According to Article 19.2 of the ALAC Rules of Procedure:

    "The ALAC shall name a Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC) which shall oversee the entire selection process including the election culminating the process but excluding those responsibilities specifically retained by the ALAC or given to the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee. The composition of the BMSPC will be regionally balanced and the committee will be populated with two representatives of each region selected by both the ALAC and the RALOs plus a chair selected by the ALAC. For each region, one Alternate member will be selected who can replace a member from the same region who for whatever reason is not able to fully participate and such replacement will be at the sole discretion of the BMSPC Chair in accordance with BMSPC guidelines."

    The group is open to ALAC Members, At-Large community members and to RALO Leaders. However, the membership should include members of the community with significant experience from previous Board Director selected by At-Large process.  English will be the working language of this group. The workload of the BMSPC is not expected to be very heavy.

    The group must be regionally balanced, with two representatives from each of the five RALOs. Each RALO will also select an Alternate member in the event one of the original members must be replaced. The RALO selection may be done by any means thought appropriate by the RALO leadership.

    Please note that no member of the 2019-2020 BMSPC may submit an EoI for the position of the Board Director selected by At-Large.

    The ALAC has selected Alan Greenberg as Chair of the BMSPC. The first meeting of the BMSPC will be scheduled for early September.

    2)    Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)

    The ALAC Rules of Procedures state the following on the composition and task of the BCEC:

    "19.3 The ALAC shall name a Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) to compile an initial slate of candidates for election to Seat 15. A new BCEC consisting of two delegates selected by each of the RALOs plus a chair selected by the ALAC will be convened for each Board seat selection process. Each RALO shall also select an Alternate member who can replace a member from the same region who for whatever reason is not able to fully participate and such replacement will be at the sole discretion of the BCEC Chair in accordance with BCEC guidelines."

    "19.4 The task of the BCEC is to identify applicants who would each make an excellent Board Director. [19.4.1] Applicant selected by the BCEC must meet the criteria specified in the ICANN Bylaws Article VI, Section 3 ( []). These criteria include but are not limited to being: a) accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence, with reputations for sound judgment and open minds, and a demonstrated capacity for thoughtful group decision-making; and b) persons with an understanding of ICANN's mission and the potential impact of ICANN decisions on the global Internet community, and committed to the success of ICANN. Moreover, the Director selected by the At-Large Community must understand the mission of At-Large and the needs of the global community of Internet end users."

    "19.5 No member of the electorate (Paragraph 19.10) may simultaneously serve as a member of the BCEC."

    According to 19.5, members of the electorate (i.e., members of the ALAC and RALO Chairs who will be serving in 2020) may not be BCEC members.

    The group must be regionally balanced, with two representatives from each of the five RALOs. Each RALO will also select an Alternate member in the event one of the original members must be replaced.

    Additionally, no member of the 2019-2020 BCEC may submit an EoI for the position of the Board Director selected by At-Large.

    Please note that experience on previous BCECs, on the ICANN Nominating Committee or comparable experience is an asset. The RALO selection methodology must ensure that only suitably qualified candidates are put forward to the ALAC by the RALO Chair.

    English will be the working language of this group.

    The ALAC has selected Yrjö Lansipuro as Chair of the BCEC. The first meeting of the BCEC will be scheduled for early September."


    → 12 August: As fo today NARALO: 2 BCEC & none for BMSPC. BMSPC work is not expected to be heavy. We are covered in BCEC.

    Topic 070: Snipped Webinar :: Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) and the Latin Script

    LEAD: Bill Jouri

    OPEN:12 August 2019, CLOSED:

    TYPE: Education

    DESCRIPTION: IDN is one of the ALAC moving topics @ June 2019 an as such our region should be more aware of what it is so it can be more effective in its appreciation for such an important concept that affects millions of Internet end user around the world including our region

    → 12 August→ 15 July

    6. Any Other Business (AOB)

    This section is for any new discussions not in the agenda for this meeting.



    071*: [Topic title here]

    LEAD: [name]

    OPEN: [open date], CLOSED:


    At-Large Capacity Building Workshop - An Introduction to Policy Development at ICANN
    2019 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
    At-Large Policy Summary
    At-Large Executive Summary page
    Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic

    ALAC moving topics @ June 2019 

    Please join the weekly  At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) meeting.

    Recently Ratified by the ALAC

    Evolving ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model
    The ALAC contribution to the evolving multistakeholder model condensed the 21 issues developed through community consultations into 4 general categories: (1) structural, (2) process, (3) participation and (4) intergroup relations. Regarding structure and process, the ALAC recommends more specific scoping, the use of external influences and project management tools, easily retrievable records of discussions and decisions and joint community/staff priority setting. Regarding participation, the ALAC noted the mutlistakeholder system depends on wide participation in the process and wide participation from all regions remains a challenge, including language barriers and volunteer burnout. Finally regarding intergroup relations, the ALAC noted there will always be disagreements,  but a culture of positive relations between and among groups must be actively encouraged.

    Recently submitted (note: not ICANN public comment): 

    Public Comment for Decision

    Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)


    Recently Ratified by the ALAC

    Draft Financial Assumptions & Projections and Operating Initiatives for the development of Fiscal Years 2021-2025 Operating & Financial Plan
    Executive Summary TBD

    Proposed IANA SLAs for Publishing LGRs/IDN Tables
    The ALAC supports the recommendations of the CSC and PTI for the proposed IANA SLAs for publishing the LGRs/IDN Tables.

    Fundamental Bylaws Amendment Proposal – IANA Naming Function Review
    The ALAC supported the current version of the ICANN Bylaws Section 18.7(a) and 18.7(b), but understands that it has now proven to be difficult to implement. The ALAC agrees that the proposed change preserves the intent of the original Fundamental Bylaw and supports the change. Subject to any new information being brought to the ALAC’s attention, the current intention is that the ALAC will support this Fundamental Bylaw change when it is presented to the Empowered Community.

    Public Comment for Decision

    • None

    Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

    Public Comment Name

    Public Comment Close



    Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System



    Proposed Definition of Name Collisions and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collisions Analysis Project



    CPWG SubPro Updates

    See: Email thread regarding ALAC Response to New gTLD SubPro (11 July 2019) and Google Doc for Reply to the SubPro PDP WG Co-Chair's Questions (comment-only)

    Ongoing Workspace

    As per 17 July CPWG AI, this is an informal At-Large workspace on the topic.


    SAC105 Comment


    As per 24 July CPWG AI, this is an informal At-Large workspace on the topic.

    Public Comment Name

    Public Comment Close



    Process Proposal for Streamlining Organizational Reviews



    CPWG recommended No Statement to ALAC.

    Proposed IANA SLAs for Publishing LGRs/IDN Tables 


    Fundamental Bylaws Amendment Proposal – IANA Naming Function Review



    Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System



    Proposed Definition of Name Collisions and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collisions Analysis Project





    FY20 NARALO Outreach

    NARALO FY19 Outreach and Engagement Strategic plan

    Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP)-FY18 Home




    FY20 NARALO Outreach

    NARALO FY19 Outreach and Engagement Strategic plan

    Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP)-FY18 Home

    At-Large Social Media Working Group

    Universal Acceptance (UA)

     RALO Tracking Pages for UA Pilot

    Resources Shared by Ajay Data

    For more details and technical documents, please visit:

    Additional UASG Resources