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Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.07190331/1


Date: Tuesday, 31 March 2020                                   


EUR: Bastiaan Goslings , Joanna Kulesza (apology), Matthias M. Hudobnik

LAC: Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez (absent), Humberto Carrasco, Sylvia Herlein-Leite

NA: Javier Rúa-Jovet (apology) , Jonathan Zuck, Marita Moll Moll (apology)

Liaisons: Andrei Kolesnikov(SSAC), Barrack Otieno (ccNSO), Cheryl Langdon-Orr (GNSO), Yrjö Lansipuro (GAC) 


Dial out Participants:

EN: Maureen Hilyard,  Jonathan Zuck, Bastiaan Goslings, Matthias M. Hudobnik, Holly Raiche, Justine Chew, Maureen Hilyard, Abdulkarim Oloyede, Dave Kissoondoyal, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Andrei Kolesnikov, Barrack Otieno, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Vernatius Okwu Ezeama Yrjö Lansipuro, Vernatius Okwu Ezeama, Jaewon Son, Priyatosh Jana, Hanan Khatib, Yeseul Kim, Amrita Choudhury, Ricardo Holmquist, Satish Babu, Sébastien Bachollet, Ritesh, Beran Dondeh Gillen, Chokri Ben Romdhane, Aris Ignacio, Lianna Galstyan, Parasar, Kaili Kan, Moriam Omowunmi Sulaimon

ES: Sylvia Herlein Leite, Humberto Carrasco,  Vanda Scartezini

FR: Ibtissam Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet, Gabriel Bombambo Boseko Boseko, Michelle Tchonang Linze

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber, Melissa Peters Allgood, Evin Erdoğdu, Alperen Eken, Yeşim Nazlar

Apologies: Kaili KanLeon Sanchez, Judith Hellerstein, Adrian Schmidt, Marita Moll, Alan Greenberg, Javier Rúa-Jovet, Joanna Kulesza, Natalia Filina, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Alberto Soto, Harold Arcos,


ES: Marina & David

FR:  Aurélie & Camila

Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar


Adopted Motions: EN

Decisions: EN

Recording: EN, ES, FR

Transcript: EN EN, ES, FR

Zoom Chat: EN


A G E N D A 


1. Roll Call and Apologies and Confirmation of Quorum– Staff (3 minutes)

2. Welcome, Aim of the Meeting, Adoption of Agenda and Call for Any Other Business or other Amendments – Maureen Hilyard (


3 minutes)

3. Review of ALAC Action Items from ICANN67 - Gisella Gruber,  Maureen Hilyard (2 minutes)

4. ALAC Policy Development Activities - Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Jonathan Zuck and Evin Erdoğdu (25 minutes)


At-Large Capacity Building Workshop - An Introduction to Policy Development at ICANN
2019 2020 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
At-Large Policy Summary
At-Large Executive Summary page
Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic
Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)

View file
200331 ALAC Monthly.pdf

Recently Ratified by the ALAC (Since last ALAC Monthly Meeting)

ALAC Advice to ICANN Board on DNS Abuse (submitted to the ICANN Board on 24 December 2019)

Implementation Plan for the GNSO Consensus Policy Relating to the Protection of Certain Red Cross Names
As a worldwide internationally recognized humanitarian aid organization, and one that has been regularly the target of those seeking to fraudulently extract donations, the ALAC believes that the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (incorporating National Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies, and the International Committee of the Red Cross) should be given the benefit of protection to its various identifiers, designations and/or acronyms as intended by the policy changes proposed for implementation in the said updated consensus policy. This includes the proposed action to recognize changes to the official names of the Red Cross Society entities, including component names, in Eswatini and Macedonia, respectively, an action we view as necessary.

Registration Directory Service (RDS-WHOIS2) Review Team Final Report
The ALAC finds the report to include very useful information that should be used to guide the development of relevant policies, and appreciates the team's effort and supports the provided recommendations. 

The ALAC highlights the importance of the recommendations related to the accuracy of data, and it strongly advises its acceptance by the ICANN Board. In light of the GDPR, the ALAC noted the importance of several other recommendations in the WHOIS Report​ encouraging a more proactive position of contractual compliance, especially in regards to DNS Abuse, as well as the team's findings with regard to law enforcement needs.

DRAFT PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and Budgets
The ALAC noted that the proposed PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and Budgets are aligned with the ICANN Strategic Plan, and are also very similar to previous years' budgets. An adjustment in the PTI budget is noticeable, including adjustments in salaries, services and other administrative cross-charges from ICANN to PTI or IANA.

However, the ALAC pointed out that a change is in process in the Governance of the Root Server System, these changes are not reflected in the proposed PTI and IANA FY21 Operating Plan and Budgets. The ALAC asked several exploratory questions in their response.

In addition, informal ALAC feedback was given regarding:

Public Comment for Decision 

Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – PHASE 2
For all recommendations not listed in the ALAC statement, the ALAC noted that they they “Support as written”. The ALAC “supported wording with change” for several other recommendations - 1, 6, 7, 9, 15, 19 - and made a general comment that differentiation between natural and legal persons would offload the system from unnecessary queries that are permissible under GDPR.

Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team Draft Report
The ALAC noted that ensuring the security, stability and resiliency of the DNS is arguably ICANN's single most important role. The ALAC has a particular interest in the recommendations related to domain name abuse, and notes that several of the recommendations overlap with and complement those issued by the RDS WHOIS2-RT and the CCT RT. DNS Security, stability and resiliency is not something that we can afford to ignore.

The ALAC has a particular focus on and interest in DNS Abuse. To address this may require contractual changes to facilitate Contractual Compliance action. Such changes require either negotiations with the contracted parties or a PDP, and the ALAC recommends against a PDP and instead encourages ICANN to come to an agreement with contracted parties. Known vulnerabilities need to be corrected with the utmost haste.

ALAC Feedback to PIR Public Comment Proceeding
Note: Not an ICANN Public Comment. The Public Interest Registry (PIR) held a Public Comment proceeding on the issue of the ISOC/PIR. (8) responses were submitted on behalf the ALAC to the PIR Public Comment proceeding. 

The ALAC made several suggestions to PIR regarding the issue of ISOC/PIR. The ALAC noted that PICs are the best mechanism with which to enshrine the essential characteristics of a .ORG registry, yet there are significant issues with PIC enforcement that need to be addressed for PICs to be considered a trustworthy assurance. They noted that from the standpoint of an "individual end user," a 10 annual price cap would add a lot of predictability. The ALAC also noted that the stewardship council for .ORG is a good start, but its mandate should be wider than just free speech and privacy, and suggested a few board seats reserved for 501c(3) organizations, chosen by the community, would be more powerful. Reserving certain seats to be selected by NPOC and perhaps the ALAC (to represent the individual registrants) would help a great deal.

The ALAC’s objective is to enshrine PIR's best practices in its contract with ICANN such that they survive any further transitions of ownership.

See: Letter from Maarten Botterman regarding ALAC Advice to the Board on the ISOC/PIR issue (20 March 2020)

Draft FY21-25 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY21 Operating Plan & Budget,
The ALAC congratulated the ICANN Finance and Planning team, as the draft plans and budget have shown great improvement over the past few years. Not only in how the information is provided, but in the way the plans and budget are structured. The ALAC made several suggestions with regards to the Operating & Financial Plan and Budget, emphasizing that there is not an exact correlation between the number of domains and the income of ICANN. This is important because ICANN relies upon the number of contracted registries and registrars and the number of domains a gTLD has.

The ALAC drafted a separate response to Appendix C, relating to the Evolution of the Multistakeholder Model, following their statement. The At-Large community registered its surprise and disappointment at seeing this important subject, which has been such a major topic of discussion, now relegated to an appendix in this Public Comment - in which it is unlikely to get the time and attention it deserves from the ICANN community.

Public Comment for Decision 

Addendum to the Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – Phase 2  
Guidelines for Developing Reference Label Generation Rules (LGRs) for the Second Level Version 2  Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement 14 February 2020

Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close



Potential ALAC Advice to ICANN Board

See Google Doc for ALAC Advice on ISOC/PIR Issue (Jan 2020)



Draft Proposal for NextGen@ICANN Program Improvements






Roberto Gaetano

Jonathan Zuck


Drafting team volunteer(s):

Laurin Weissinger

Joanna Kulesza

Evan Leibovitch

Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) Study 1

31 Jan





DRAFTINGAs per 06 January Single Issue Call AI, a drafting team formed before assigning penholder


Drafting team volunteer(s):

Laurin Weissinger

Abdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede

Proposed Dates for ICANN Public Meetings 2024-2028 and Revised Dates in 202211 Feb
Middle East and Adjoining Countries (MEAC) Strategy 2021-2025



Proposed Final Report of the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group

Drafting team volunteer(s):

Satish Babu

Seun Ojedeji

Raymond Selorm Mamattah (AFRALO)

Dr. T.V. Gopal (APRALO)

14 Feb






Drafting team volunteer(s):


Phase 1 Initial Report of the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs Policy Development Process

25 Feb



Marita Moll (contributing to Multistakeholder portion of the Public Comment)


Drafting team volunteer(s):

Gregory Shatan

Marita Moll


5.  Review of current ALS and Individual Member applications – Evin Erdoğdu and Alperen Eken (5 minutes)  

For Information:  ALS application tracking page and Individual Members page


ALS Application Status

Certified (20)

#312 Internet Society Lebanon - APRALO, #306 Internet Society Chapitre Haiti - LACRALONone

Decertification (10)

Reference: Decertification Wikispace

#246 Association of Internet Users - NARALONone

AFRALO will begin the process of providing evidence to ask the ALAC to decertify MACSIS and several other ALSes, which are no longer active.

Note: AFRALO recently ratified their AFRALO Decertification Rules.

Awaiting advice (8)

#313 Women's Technology Empowerment Centre - AFRALO (awaiting just received GSE feedback), #311 Association des Utilisateurs des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication - AFRALO (awaiting just received GSE feedback), #310 GreenICT Initiative (GreenICTi) - AFRALO (awaiting GSE just received applicant feedback), #309 Initiative TIC et Citoyenneté - AFRALO (awaiting AFRALO feedback), #305Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach Uganda - AFRALO (negative GSE feedback, will move to AFRALO for feedback), #304 Corporacion Asesorias para el Desarrollo de la Innovacion y Tecnologia - Asesorias IT - LACRALO (awaiting received GSE feedback, with request for more information),#303 AgeCare Foundation (CRB) - AFRALO, #282 Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - AFRALO (awaiting AFRALO feedback - may be put on hold)

Due diligence (21)#309 Initiative TIC et Citoyenneté - AFRALO (positive GSE feedback, undergoing due diligence), #288 Liberia Information Technology students Union - AFRALO (awaiting applicant feedback - to confirm with AFRALO whether will be moved to "on hold" status) 
On hold (76)#303 AgeCare Foundation (CRB) - AFRALO, #299/308 China Internet Development Foundation - APRALO (Withdrawn), #297 The Bear Foundation - NARALO (Withdrawn), #292 Asociacion Civil Para la Investigacion Social y Tecnica de Internet (AGEIA España) - EURALO, #270 BSDCongo - AFRALO, #267 Surabhi Softwares, #112 Arab Regional ISPs & DSPs Association (ARISPA) - APRALO 























Recently accepted: 1  2 - AFRALOEURALO, 1 - APRALONARALO

Applications: 1 - AFRALO None





Current Status

Recommendations for the ALAC

Post-ATLAS III ReportingEduardo DiazStrawman being reviewed by team
Policy InvolvementJonathan Zuck

Capacity BuildingJoanna Kulesza

Three sub-groups working: 

a) ICANN Learn Policy Development Course Team

b) ICANN At-Large Onboarding Slide Deck Team

c) Webinars Team

Outreach and Engagement Daniel Nanghaka

FY20 SC on O/E Activities

Sub-Committee on Outreach and Engagement Table of Virtual Events - FY20-FY21

CommunicationsMaureen Hilyard
  • ARIWG tasks to be completed asap.
  • At-Large Communications Strategy 2020 - Google Doc for comment
  • feedback fom SOAC Chairs on ICANN67 - what worked, what do we need to work on?
  • ALAC Chair - Board Chair meeting - feedback on ICANN67 - how are we coping with COVID-19? - how should we do things in ICANN68
  • Prioritising Post-ATLAS activities during COVID-19 

View file
nameALAC mtg 21 Jan 2020.pdf

8.  Discussion with Leon Sanchez, Vice Chairman of the Board and Board Director Selected by At-Large (10 mins)


Prepare for Virtual ICANN68 - CEO advised of no F2F meetings before September 2020.

8.  2020 At-Large Priorities in the COVID-19 Environment - Maureen Hilyard/All (


5 minutes)

See: At-Large Priority Activities - 2020


9Discussion of draft At-Large Communications Strategy and Next Steps - Maureen/All (10 min)

See: At-Large Communications Strategy: O&E SC Sub-Team Workspace

See: At-Large Communications Strategy 2020 - Google Doc for comment


10. At-Large Review Implementation - Update and Next Steps - Maureen Hilyard, Cheryl Langdon-Orr (5 mins)

See: At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development

See: At-Large Review Implementation Status Report 2

1211Feedback on ICANN67 and Priorities for ICANN68 - Maureen Hilyard (15 10 minutes)

a. Key takeaways for ICANN67 and feedback from SOAC Chairs

b. Key priorities for ICANN68 and Next Steps

12.  2020 At-Large Elections - Maureen Hilyard (5 mins)

See: 2020 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments - including proposed schedule

13. AOB 13. AOB - Maureen Hilyard (5 2 mins)