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Allotted Time/Running Time


Introductory Remarks by NARALO Chair

→: To put the meeting in perspective  and bring-up anything of general interest to the membership:

    • New NARALO member
      • Kevin Frazier (US)
    • FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR)
      • Final approval by Board Finance Committee
    • CROP Reports by Judith Hellerstein, Alfredo Calderón and Michael Casadevall 
      • Overall Experience
      • Outreach efforts, follow-ups and expected results
    • Policy update presentation by Johnathan Zuck
    • 2019 NARALO Elections : Meet the Candidates
      • ALAC: John Laprise,
      • ALAC: Johnathan Zuck
      • Secretary: Judith Hellerstein,
      • Secretary: Leah Symekher


(00:04 / 00:05)

New NARALO Members

→: To introduce new members to the region

  • Kevin Frazier (US)


(00:05 / 00:10)

NARALO Discretionary Funds & FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR)

→: To provide a report on the request and/or use of discretionary funds and/or FY20 ABR for NARALO

  • FY19 Discretionary Funds (deadline June 30, 2019)
    • Current balance: $96
  • FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR) (see ABR results document HERE)
    • Approved:
      • Real-Time Transcription of up to ten (10) hours of Inter-sessional At-Large teleconference calls in English during FY20
      • Funding for FY20 outreach and engagement activities by Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs) - $4k/RALO
    • Not Approved:
      • Travel support for two (2) At Large policy/outreach leaders to ICANN Public Meetings
      • NASIG 2019
      • Support for policy writing course for and during ATLAS III/ICANN66



(00:05 / 00:15)

ATLAS III & North America School of Internet Governance (NASIG 2019)

→:To provide an ATLAS III and NASIG update

  • ATLAS III Timeline
    • 15-Apr through 31-May: Training Program Starts (In progress) 

      • Icann Learn - available 24/7
      • Weekly webinars (mostly for people whose primary language is not English)
        •  Domain Names (based on our selection of “Domain Names Demystified”) – Alan/Olivier (Completed)

        • GNSO (based on our selection of “Introduction to the GNSO”) – Marika/Steve Chan (Completed)
        • ccNSO (based on our selection of Onboarding: ccNSO”) – Bart/Joke (Completed)
        • GAC (based on our selection of Onboarding: Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) – Yrjo/Anna Neves (liaisons) (On Target)
        • Cybersecurity (based on our selection of Cybersecurity Basics) – David Conrad/Patrick Jones (On Target)
    • 1 May: Selection Panel Reps Chosen (Completed)
      • AFRALO          Fatimata Seye Sylla

      • APRALO          Holly Raiche

      • EURALO          Yrjo Lansipuro

      • LACRALO        Humberto Carrasco

      • NARALO          John Laprise

    • 6-May: Selection Panel Training.Starts (2 Wks) (Started)

    • 31-May: EOI Application Ends  (On target)

    • 3-Jun: SelectionBegins (3 Wks)  (On target)

    • 24-Jun: Selection Ends - List Ready  (On target)

    • 5-Jul: ICANN Travel Deadline  (On target)



(00:05 / 00:20)

NARALO Outreach Group Update Report

→: To provide a summary of the NARALO Outreach Group efforts

  • Reminder of CROP trips for FY19 (5 min each)
    1. NTC19 Portland, Oregon 13-15 March 2019
      1. Rep: Judith Hellerstein 
    2. Digital Inclusion Charlotte, North Carolina 1-3 April 2019
      1. Rep: Alfredo Calderón
    3. ARIN 43 Bridgetown, Barbados 7-10 April 2019 Next month
      1. Rep: Michael Casadevall
  • ISOC PR   Readout- Eduardo Diaz - Recording, Report, Pictures
  • Pending  Pre ICANN 65  Marrakesh Readout in Ottawa-Marita Moll
  • CROP Strategic Plan for FY20 DRAFT

Launch of   NARALO INSIGHTS  Video Interviews

SSIG in Mexico City

  • Received 100 LACRALO brochures to promote  ATLARGE in Mexico City






(00:20 / 00:40)

NARALO Policy Group Update Report

→: To provide an update report by the head of the Policy Group as to the ICANN policies being discussed at the moment affecting NARALO end-users and/or interest to NARALO members in general

      • Presentation: At-Large Policy Advice Updates


(00:10 / 00:50)

2019 NARALO Elections (@13 May - Meet the Candidates)

→ To provide an update on the 2019 NARALO Election

  • Schedule:
    • 29 March 2019- Announcement of call for nominations and Nominee's Statement.** (Completed)

    • 29 April – 10 May 2019 - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 10 working days). (Completed)

    • 17 May 2019  - Deadline for nomination acceptances (On target)

    • 20 May - 22 May 2019 - Calls with the candidates if desired by the RALOs. (On target)

    • 23 May - 30 May 2019 - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline). (On target)

    • 2019 AGM [ ICANN 66 ] - Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders shall be seated at the end of the 2019 AGM following the close of the Board Meeting on 7 November 2019. (On target)

  • Details on Meet the Candidate Call @13 May (format follows)

    • Opening Statements (5 min each)

      • ALACJohn L, Jon Z 

      • Secretariat: Judith, Leah

    •  Floor open for 8 Minutes of questions
    • Closing Statements (3 min each)

      • Secretariat: Judith, Leah
      • ALACJohn L, Jon Z 



John L

John Z



(00:40 / 00:90)

if we get to them...


2019 NomCom update report

 →:To provide a brief report by our 2019 NomCom representative.


EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data

→: To provide an update report on this effort


North America Stakeholder Engagement

→: To provide an update report on North America Stakeholder Engagement efforts

  • Current and future engagements




NARALO ALAC members Update Reports

→: To provide a summary by our current NARALO representatives in ALAC of what was discussed since our last meeting in ALAC regarding policy and anything else that the region should be aware about.


John L.



NARALO Education Group Update Report

→: To provide provide an update report by the head of the Educational Group since our last call.


Social Media Update Report

→: To report on the At-Large Social Media Working Group (SoMe) and NARALO required efforts to support this initiative

  • What is the strategy for At-Large? For RALOs? for NARALO?
  • What are timelines for implementation?

Student Outreach by  the North American Graduate Students At-Large Structure

→: To provide an updated report on efforts related to outreach University students by this At-Large Structure 

  • F/U syllabus work and Google doc for research material




RIR Outreach

→: To provide a report on RIR outreach efforts


to be updated in the future...



→: To provide an update/report for the following CROP supported events:  

  • ARIN 41 (William)



Academic Credits

→:To work on ways that we could possibly exchange academic credit for students who participate in ICANN policy development processes





Any Other Business (AOB)

-Next meeting: June 10, 2019 @20:00 UTC--


Please join the weekly  At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) meeting.

View file
name190408 NARALO.pdf

Recently Ratified by the ALAC (Since last NARALO Monthly Meeting)

1st Comment: ICANN Draft FY20 Operating Plan and Budget and Five-Year Operating Plan Update
Of principle concern to the ALAC/At-Large is their ability to achieve the objectives of the At-Large Review Implementation Plan. The comments in the statement relate to particular portfolio or project areas and incorporate specific At-Large concerns, namely: language services, raising stakeholder awareness of ICANN worldwide, engage stakeholders regionally, support policy development, policy related and advisory activities, reinforce stakeholder effectiveness, collaboration and communication capabilities, coordination of ICANN participation in Internet Governance, supporting organizational reviews, and supporting stakeholder participation.

2nd Comment: ICANN Draft FY20 Operating Plan and Budget and Five-Year Operating Plan Update
The ALAC Chair determined to submit an additional ALAC statement on this public comment, in accordance with new rules regarding FY20 Additional Budget Requests (ABRs). As ABRs are no longer intended to request travel support to ICANN meetings, the ALAC decided to submit an additional comment to the FY20 Budget public comment, requesting two travel slots to support the attendance of active At-Large policy/outreach leaders in At-Large work session activities at ICANN meetings.

Comment: ICANN Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2021 – 2025
The ALAC stressed the importance of ICANN’s role in the multistakeholder model of Internet Governance (including 6 recommendations to improve its effectiveness), suggested a rebalancing of representation on the ICANN Board to enhance the Internet end user perspective, and noted that more fulsome cost/benefit analyses of programs like the gTLD expansion should be available in order predict the future impact on total resources. The ALAC also commented on strengthening the security of the Domain Name System (DNS) and the DNS Root Server System, evolving the unique identifier systems to continue to serve the needs of the global Internet user base, addressing geopolitical issues impacting ICANN’s mission to ensure a single and globally interoperable Internet, and ensuring ICANN’s long-term financial sustainability.

Comment: First Consultation on a 2-Year Planning Process
The ALAC/At-Large community agrees that more time should be given for additional community involvement, and requests that ICANN Org provide a listing of priorities and statements on the impact of each project within ICANN Org and on each of the unique ACs and SOs. The ALAC also encourages ICANN Org to provide the appropriate level of resources to ICANN IT for continued support of services which are vital for community policy work. The ALAC believes that the additional time from 15 months to 2 years would provide more transparency as the community is becomes more aware of priority ranking of projects or has collaborated with ICANN Org on priority ranking. The At-Large Advisory Committee believes that beyond the priorities of keeping the Internet secure and stable, and maintaining the multistakeholder model, the community should be directly involved in setting other priorities. In addition to policy activity, the ALAC emphasizes that outreach and engagement are integral to the planning cycle, and the benefit of CCWGs and CCEGs in planning activities. The ALAC supports a formalized, dedicated planning phase to plan for SO/AC activities. The ALAC noted it strongly believes that for ICANN to be as inclusive as possible, documents should be translated into multiple languages; important community meetings should be held in different time zones and in different languages, with real time translation (language channels) and captioning / real time transcription (RTT) provided on all calls. Finally, the ALAC strongly believes that for ICANN to be seen to be truly multistakeholder-focused and inclusive, then appropriate resources must be made available to remove barriers that might prevent the full participation of the ICANN community in policy activities.

Comment: Updated Operating Standards for Specific Reviews
It is the view of the ALAC that the level of specificity for specific reviews is necessary to prevent misunderstandings and missteps by any of the parties involved in the review. The ALAC believes scope should be well defined within the confines of bylaws and review teams should be free to pursue their mandate within that scope. Accordingly, the ALAC voiced their strong support for the updates to the Operating Standards for Specific Reviews.

Comment (sent to ICANN Board): ICANN64 Joint GAC-ALAC Statement on EPDP
During ICANN64, the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) and Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) drafted and approved a Joint GAC-ALAC Statement on the EPDPThe GAC and ALAC are aligned overall with the EPDP Phase I Report, as it pertains to outstanding concerns as articulated in their respective statements to the report. The two advisory committees are in agreement on the need to distinguish between natural and legal persons. In addition, the GAC and ALAC highlighted the importance of data accuracy, the technical contact field, and protecting the public interest. The statement was drafted jointly with the GAC with input from the ALAC Liaison to the GAC, Yrjö Lansipuro, and GAC representative, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, as well as the At-Large representatives to the EPDP, Hadia Elminiawi and Alan Greenberg.

Public Comment for Decision

Proposed Renewal of .biz Registry Agreement  


Recently Ratified by the ALAC


Public Comment for Decision

Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone Version 3 (RZ-LGR-3)  Note: CPWG suggested to ALAC "No Statement".

Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

To be ALAC advice to the ICANN Board.

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close



ALAC Statement on Registry Agreement Renewals .org, .biz and .info

GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Policy Recommendations for ICANN Board Consideration

17 Apr






Proposed Renewal of .org asia Registry Agreement



Evolving ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model

29 Apr  


Process Proposal for Streamlining Organizational Reviews

Proposed Renewal of .asia Registry Agreement

07 May  

Maureen Hilyard


