Versions Compared


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RegionRALO ResultNomCom Result
AFRALOAziz HilaliBukola OrontiTBD


Shah Zahidur RahmanJustine ChewTBD
EURALOPari Esfandiari NA
LACRALOLilian Ivette De Luque BrugesClaire Craig TBD
NARALOJonathan ZuckNA

ALAC Selection Timetable for 2023 ALAC Members* (NARALO**):



  • 17 April 2023 -  Announcement of call for nominations and Nominee's Statement.* (Except for NARALO that requires a call for nominations 30 days: 30 March 2023).

  • 17 April – 28 April 2023 - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 10 working days). 

  • 5 May


    2023 - Deadline for nomination acceptances

  • 9 May 2023 - 11 May 2023- Calls with the candidates if desired by the RALOs. 

  • 12 May - 19 May 2023 - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline). 

  • 2023 AGM [ ICANN78] - Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders shall be seated at the end of the 2023 AGM following the close of the Board Meeting on 26 October 2023.


ALAC Voting Delegates to the NomCom*

RegionRole Previously Held By


Nominated by

Date AcceptedStatement of Interest

Regional Candidate(s) Recommended to the ALAC

ALAC Appointed Delegates to the NomCom

Term to Serve

Tijani Ben Jemaa

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)


Ali AlMeshal 

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)


Yrjö Länsipuro

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)
Seun OjedejiSarah Kiden 


View file
nameSeun Ojedeji - Statement .pdf

Seun Ojedeji appointed by election.

Seun OjedejiAGM2023-AGM2024

Alvaro Javier Aguilar 

(Eligible for re-appointment) 

AGM2023-AGM2024NARALOJudith Hellerstein 
Dave KissoondoyalFanny Salyou


View file
nameD.Kissoondoyal SOI.pdf


Ali AlMeshal 

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Rao Naveed Bin RaisAmir Qayyum 


N/AMaureen Hilyard appointed by election.Maureen HilyardAGM2023-AGM2024


  1. All nominees are expected to submit a brief statement explaining why they believe they are a suitable candidate and must also complete or update their Statement of Interest (see: At-Large New SOIs Workspace).
  2. No one who is currently serving on the Nominating Committee may be nominated for the ALAC. See

The ICANN Bylaws require that the ALAC, in consultation with the RALOs, appoints five voting members of the NomCom, one per ICANN region. Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, starting at the close of the 2023 Annual General Meeting and ending at the 2024 Annual General Meeting, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws

  • XI-2.4.e The ALAC shall, after consultation with each RALO, annually appoint five voting delegates (no two of whom shall be citizens of countries in the same Geographic Region, as defined according to Section 5 of Article VI to the Nominating Committee.
  • VII-3.1 Each voting delegate shall serve a one-year term. A delegate may serve at most two successive one-year terms, after which at least two years must elapse before the individual is eligible to serve another term.

Voting delegate to the NomCom may not serve more than two consecutive one year terms.

IMPORTANT: Criteria for NomCom Delegates

Specific criteria and requirements regarding the NomCom composition and NomCom delegates are outlined in the ICANN Bylaws in Article 8.  

Please read the Job Description for NomCom Delegates. Additionally, please note the following as you select and appoint your delegate to the 2024 NomCom:

  • Ineligibility for Service – Current or future ICANN employees or paid ICANN consultants (including Ombudsman) are excluded from consideration for eligibility as described in Article 8, Section 8.9 of ICANN’s Bylaws.
  • The ICANN community is diverse and the composition of the NomCom should reflect this in order to fulfill its mission.   
  • NomCom delegates should have a high-level network of contacts essential to candidate recruitment.
  • The delegate should be able to join monthly teleconferences. Note that the NomCom's workload will increase significantly during the candidate assessment process. Conference calls are held more frequently during this time as well (typically weekly and the duration of the calls may last up to three hours).
  • All NomCom delegates should have the ability to travel to and participate in ICANN Public meetings and NomCom meetings when requested (travel and hotel accommodations will be provided for all approved meetings). If travel is restricted, then NomCom delegates will meet virtually.

IMPORTANT: RALOs may recommend one or more candidates to the ALAC. The appointment of NomCom delegates is carried out by the ALAC. Therefore, RALO recommendations are not binding.

Selection Schedule for 2024 ALAC Selectees from the NomCom - TBD by the NomCom (see: 2024 NomCom webpage)

Quick Links to the RALO Selection Pages

2023 AFRALO Regional Selections




Nominated By


Dave Kissoondoyal

Eligible for re-appointment)


Raymond Selorm Mamattah

(Eligible for re-appointment by the NomCom)


Maureen HilyardGunela Astbrink


View file
nameMaureen statement.pdf

Fouad BajwaSelf nominationN/A (self nominated)

Yrjö Länsipuro

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Betty FaustaSelf nominationN/A (self nominated)

View file
nameStatement of interest EURALO Elections 2023.pdf

Betty Fausta appointed by acclamation.Betty FaustaAGM2023-AGM2024

Alvaro Javier Aguilar 

(Eligible for re-appointment) 

Lia Hernandez Self nominationN/A (self nominated)
Lia Hernandez appointed by acclamation.Lia Hernandez AGM2023-AGM2024

Judith Hellerstein 

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Alfredo CalderonGlenn McKnight


View file
nameAlfredo Calderon SOI.pdf

Alfredo Calderon appointed by acclamation.Alfredo CalderonAGM2023-AGM2024


  1. All nominees are expected to submit a brief statement explaining why they believe they are a suitable candidate and must also complete or update their Statement of Interest (see: At-Large New SOIs Workspace).
  2. No one who is currently serving on the Nominating Committee may be nominated for the ALAC. See

The ICANN Bylaws require that the ALAC, in consultation with the RALOs, appoints five voting members of the NomCom, one per ICANN region. Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, starting at the close of the 2023 Annual General Meeting and ending at the 2024 Annual General Meeting, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws

  • XI-2.4.e The ALAC shall, after consultation with each RALO, annually appoint five voting delegates (no two of whom shall be citizens of countries in the same Geographic Region, as defined according to Section 5 of Article VI to the Nominating Committee.
  • VII-3.1 Each voting delegate shall serve a one-year term. A delegate may serve at most two successive one-year terms, after which at least two years must elapse before the individual is eligible to serve another term.

Voting delegate to the NomCom may not serve more than two consecutive one year terms.

IMPORTANT: Criteria for NomCom Delegates

Specific criteria and requirements regarding the NomCom composition and NomCom delegates are outlined in the ICANN Bylaws in Article 8.  

Please read the Job Description for NomCom Delegates. Additionally, please note the following as you select and appoint your delegate to the 2024 NomCom:

  • Ineligibility for Service – Current or future ICANN employees or paid ICANN consultants (including Ombudsman) are excluded from consideration for eligibility as described in Article 8, Section 8.9 of ICANN’s Bylaws.
  • The ICANN community is diverse and the composition of the NomCom should reflect this in order to fulfill its mission.   
  • NomCom delegates should have a high-level network of contacts essential to candidate recruitment.
  • The delegate should be able to join monthly teleconferences. Note that the NomCom's workload will increase significantly during the candidate assessment process. Conference calls are held more frequently during this time as well (typically weekly and the duration of the calls may last up to three hours).
  • All NomCom delegates should have the ability to travel to and participate in ICANN Public meetings and NomCom meetings when requested (travel and hotel accommodations will be provided for all approved meetings). If travel is restricted, then NomCom delegates will meet virtually.

IMPORTANT: RALOs may recommend one or more candidates to the ALAC. The appointment of NomCom delegates is carried out by the ALAC. Therefore, RALO recommendations are not binding.

Selection Schedule for 2024 ALAC Selectees from the NomCom - TBD by the NomCom (see: 2024 NomCom webpage)

Quick Links to the RALO Selection Pages

2023 AFRALO Regional Selections

PositionRole Previously Held By


Nominated By

Date AcceptedStatement of InterestResultsTerm to Serve
ALAC Member (RALO Selected)

Dave Kissoondoyal

Eligible for re-appointment)

Aziz Hilali Fatimata Seye Sylla


View file
nameAziz Hilali SOI.pdf

Aziz Hilali appointed by acclamation.

Raymond Selorm MamattahAbdulkarim Oloyede

Declined on  

ALAC Member (NomCom Selected)

Raymond Selorm Mamattah

(Eligible for re-appointment by the NomCom)

NomCom selects this position

Bukola OrontiAGM2023-AGM2025

Seun Ojedeji

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Hadia El MiniawiSarah Kiden 


View file
nameHadia ElMiniawi SOI.pdf

Hadia El Miniawi by election. AGM2023-AGM2025
Aziz Hilali Abdulkarim Oloyede 

Declined on  

Raymond Selorm MamattahFrank Anati 


View file
nameRaymond Mamattah SOI.pdf

Pastor Peters Osawaru Omoragbon Self-Nomination

Withdrawn 11 May 2023

N/A (self-nominated)

View file
namePastor Peters Omoragbon. SOI.pdf

AFRALO Vice Chair

Aziz Hilali

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Bram FudzulaniSarah Kiden 


View file
nameBram Fudzulani - Statement .pdf

Bram Fudzulani   appointed by acclamation.AGM2023-AGM2025
ALAC Delegate to the NomCom

Tijani Ben Jemaa

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Seun OjedejiSarah Kiden 


View file
nameSeun Ojedeji - Statement .pdf

Seun Ojedeji selected by election as the AFRALO recommended ALAC Delegate to the NomCom from the African region. The ALAC will make the final appointment. AGM2023-AGM2024
Dave KissoondoyalFanny Salyou


View file
nameD.Kissoondoyal SOI.pdf

2023 APRALO Regional Selections*

Please see the 2023 APRALO Regional Selections* workspace for important details of the APRALO elections requirements. 

PositionRole Previously Held By


Nominated By

Date AcceptedStatement of InterestResultsTerm to Serve
ALAC Member (RALO Selected)

Maureen Hilyard

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Shah Zahidur RahmanGunela Astbrink


View file
nameShah Zahidur Rahman SOI.pdf

Shah Zahidur Rahman by election.AGM2023-AGM2025
Rao Naveed Bin RaisHolly Raiche


View file
nameNaveen Bin Rais SOI.pdf

ALAC Member (NomCom Selected)

Rao Naveed Bin Rais

(Eligible for re-appointment by the NomCom)

NomCom selects this position

Justine ChewAGM2023-AGM2025


Gunela Astbrink

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Ali AlMeshal Amir Qayyum 


View file
nameAli AlMeshal SOI..pdf

Ali AlMeshal  by election.AGM2023-AGM2025
Gunela AstbrinkShah Zahidur Rahman


View file
nameGunela Astbrink SOI..pdf

ALAC Delegate to the NomCom

Ali AlMeshal 

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Maureen HilyardGunela Astbrink


View file
nameMaureen statement.pdf

Maureen Hilyard selected by election as the APRALO recommended ALAC Delegate to the NomCom from the Asia Pacific region. The ALAC will make the final appointment. 

Rao Naveed Bin RaisAmir Qayyum 


Fouad BajwaSelf nominationN/A (Self nominated)

View file
nameFouad Bajwa SOI..pdf

*The APRALO Secretariat position is a discretionary appointment and,  therefore, is not part of the annual selection process. 

2023 EURALO Regional Selections 


Current Holder of Position


Nominated By

Date Accepted

Statement of Interest


Term to Serve

ALAC Member (RALO Selected)

Matthias Hudobnik

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Pari EsfandiariSébastien Bachollet


View file
namePari Esfandiari - EOI 2.pdf

Pari Esfandiari appointed by acclamation.AGM2023-AGM2025

Sébastien Bachollet 

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Sébastien Bachollet Natalia Filina


View file
nameEOI Sebastien Bachollet.pdf

Sébastien Bachollet appointed by acclamation.AGM2023-AGM2025
EURALO Secretary

Natalia Filina 

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Natalia Filina Sébastien Bachollet


View file
nameStatement of interest_Filina N_EURALO elections 2023.pdf

Natalia Filina appointed by acclamation.AGM2023-AGM2025
ALAC Delegate to the NomCom

Yrjö Länsipuro

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Betty FaustaSelf nominationN/A (self-nominated)

View file
nameStatement of interest EURALO Elections 2023.pdf

Betty Fausta selected by acclamation as the EURALO recommended ALAC Delegate to the NomCom from the European region. The ALAC will make the final appointment. AGM2023-AGM2024

2023 LACRALO Regional Selections

Please see the 2023 LACRALO Regional Selections workspace for important details of the LACRALO elections rules and requirements.

PositionCurrent Holder of PositionRegional Rotation/Member Countries of Current Holder of PositionNomineeNominated ByRegional Rotation/Member Countries of NomineeDate AcceptedExpression of InterestConflict of Interest DeclarationResultsTerm to Serve

ALAC Member (RALO Selected)

Carlos Aguirre

(Not Eligible for re-appointment)

Region D Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay)

Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges

(Minka Digital)



Claire Craig

Region B Andes 

(Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela)


View file
nameLilian Expresion de Interés.pdf

View file
nameLACRALO COI Lilian.pdf

Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges appointed by acclamation AGM2023-AGM2025
Humberto Carrasco (Chile)Jose Barzallo 


ALAC Member (NomCom Selected)

Laura Margolis


Seun Ojedeji

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)


Aziz Hilali

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)


Tijani Ben Jemaa

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)


2023 APRALO Regional Selections*

Please see the 2023 APRALO Regional Selections* workspace for important details of the APRALO elections requirements. 

PositionRole Previously Held By


Nominated By

Date AcceptedStatement of InterestResultsTerm to ServeALAC Member (RALO Selected)

Maureen Hilyard

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Shah Zahidur RahmanGunela Astbrink


View file
nameShah Zahidur Rahman SOI.pdf

AGM2023-AGM2025Rao Naveed Bin RaisHolly Raiche


View file
nameNaveen Bin Rais SOI.pdf

ALAC Member (NomCom Selected)

Rao Naveed Bin Rais

(Eligible for re-appointment by the NomCom) 

NomCom selects this position

Claire CraigAGM2023-AGM2025


Gunela Astbrink

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Ali AlMeshal Amir Qayyum 


AGM2023-AGM2025Gunela AstbrinkShah Zahidur RahmanALAC Delegate to the NomCom

Ali AlMeshal 

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Maureen HilyardGunela Astbrink

LACRALO Chair Elect 

Vice Presidente 

Harold Arcos

(NOT eligible for re-appointment as he will be Chair)

Region B


(Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela)

Christelle Vaval (ISOC Haiti) 

Lia Hernandez 

Region C

(Caribbean Islands) 

Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Granada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, St Vincent and Grenadines, St Lucia, St Cristobal and Nieves, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago. 

Christelle Vaval declined nomination on  

Lance Hinds appointed by acclamationAGM2023-AGM2025

Lance Hinds 

(Dev Net) (Guyana) 

Niran Beharry 

18 Apr


View file

Maureen statement

Lance Statement .pdf

AGM202-AGM2024Rao Naveed Bin RaisAmir Qayyum 


*The APRALO Secretariat position is a discretionary appointment and,  therefore, is not part of the annual selection process. 

2023 EURALO Regional Selections 




Current Holder of Position




Nominated By


Date Accepted


Statement of Interest




Term to Serve


ALAC Member (RALO Selected)


Matthias Hudobnik

(Eligible for re-appointment)


Sébastien Bachollet 

(Eligible for re-appointment)


Natalia Filina 

(Eligible for re-appointment)


Yrjö Länsipuro

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)


2023 LACRALO Regional Selections

Please see the 2023 LACRALO Regional Selections workspace for important details of the LACRALO elections rules and requirements.


ALAC Member (RALO Selected)


Carlos Aguirre

(Not Eligible for re-appointment)


Region B Andes 

(Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela)


Laura Margolis

(Eligible for re-appointment by the NomCom) 


LACRALO Chair Elect 

Vice Presidente 


Harold Arcos

(NOT eligible for re-appointment as he will be Chair)


Region B


(Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela)

Region C

(Caribbean Islands) 

Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Granada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, St Vincent and Grenadines, St Lucia, St Cristobal and Nieves, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago. 

View file
nameLACRALO COI Lance.pdf

LACRALO Secretary Elect

Vice Secretario 

Sergio Salinas Porto

(NOT eligible for re-appointment as he will be Secretariat)

Region D Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay)Jan Alvarado (Red de Desarrollo Sostenible Honduras) 

Lia Hernandez 

Region A 

Central America and Mexico 

(Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico and Panama)


View file

View file
nameLACRALO COI Jan Alvarado .pdf

Sandra Rodriguez  by election AGM2023-AGM2025

Sandra Rodriguez 

(ISOC El Salvador)

Lito Ibarra 


View file

View file
nameSANDRA LACRALO Conflict of Interest Form - EN - Google Forms.pdf

ALAC Delegate to the NomCom

Alvaro Javier Aguilar 

(  Eligible for re-appointment) 

Region A

Central America and Mexico

(Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico and Panama)

Lia Hernandez 



Region A 

Central America and Mexico

(Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico and Panama)

N/A (Self nominated)

View file
nameLia Statement.pdf

View file
nameLia Hernandez - LACRALO Formulario de Conflicto de Intereses - ES - Google Forms.pdf

Lia Hernandez 

selected by acclamation as the LACRALO recommended ALAC Delegate to the NomCom from the LAC region. The ALAC will make the final appointment. 


2023 NARALO Regional Selections


Current Holder of Position


Nominated By

Date Accepted

Statement of Interest


Term to Serve

ALAC Member


Jonathan Zuck

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Jonathan ZuckGreg Shatan


Jonathan Zuck appointed by acclamation.


NARALO Secretary

Glenn McKnight 

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Bibi Rookayya GulmahamedGlenn McKnight


View file
nameBibi Rookayya Gulmahamed SOI.pdf

Adrian Schmidt by election. AGM2023-AGM2025
Adrian SchmidtMarita Moll


View file
nameAdrian Schmidt SOI..pdf

ALAC Delegate to the NomCom

Judith Hellerstein 

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Alfredo CalderonGlenn McKnight


View file
nameAlfredo Calderon SOI.pdf

Alfredo Calderon selected by acclamation as the NARALO recommended ALAC Delegate to the NomCom from the North American region. The ALAC will make the final appointment.


ALAC Chair


Role Previously Held By


LACRALO Secretary Elect

Vice Secretario 


Sergio Salinas Porto

(NOT eligible for re-appointment as he will be Secretariat)


Region A 

Central America and Mexico 

(Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico and Panama)


ALAC Delegate to the NomCom


Alvaro Javier Aguilar 

(  Eligible for re-appointment) 


Region A

Central America and Mexico

(Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico and Panama)


2023 NARALO Regional Selections


Current Holder of Position


Nominated By

Date Accepted

Nominee Statement

of Interest



Term to Serve



Jonathan Zuck

(Eligible for re-appointment)

ZuckGreg ShatanAGM2023-AGM2025

NARALO Secretary

Glenn McKnight 

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Bibi Rookayya GulmahamedGlenn McKnight


View file
nameBibi Rookayya Gulmahamed SOI.pdf

AGM2023-AGM2025Adrian SchmidtMarita Moll


View file
nameAdrian Schmidt SOI..pdf

ALAC Delegate to the NomCom

Judith Hellerstein 

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Alfredo CalderonGlenn McKnight


View file
nameAlfredo Calderon SOI.pdf


ALAC Chair

confirmed his willingness to serve a second year as set out in the ALAC ROPs. 

Jonathan ZuckAGM2023-AGM2024

ALT Members

PositionRole Previously Held By / RALO

Nominee / RALO

Nominated By (Nominations need not be seconded)

Date Accepted


Term to Serve
MemberMaureen Hilyard / APRALO Justine Chew / APRALOEduardo Diaz 


Justine Chew / APRALOAGM2023-AGM2024
MemberJoanna Kulesza /EURALOJoanna Kulesza / EURALOEduardo Diaz 


Joanna Kulesza / EURALO
MemberDave Kissoondoyal /AFRALORaihanath Gbadamassi / AFRALOEduardo Diaz 


Raihanath Gbadamassi / AFRALOAGM2023-AGM2024
MemberLaura Margolis /LACRALOClaire Craig / LACRALO Eduardo Diaz 


Claire Craig / LACRALO 


Role Previously Held By


Nominated By

Date Accepted

Nominee Statement


Term to Serve

ALAC Chair

Jonathan Zuck

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Selection Schedule for


2023-2024 ALT Members: 

  • 6 October 2023 -

    TBD - 

    Announcement of call for nominations

    and Nominee's Statement



    (Only current ALAC Members

    may make nominations. Nominations must be sent to the ALAC list.)
  • TBD (23:59 UTC) - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 14 calendar days). 

  • TBD (23:59 UTC) - Nomination acceptance deadline. Messages accepting or declining nominations

    may make nominations. Nominations must be sent to the ALAC list

    no later than 7 days after the close of nominations.
  • TBD - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).  The winner must receive votes from the majority of sitting ALAC Members. The ALAC RoP Section 17.2 details the election procedure and how to proceed in the case of a variety of unusual conditions.

  • .)

  • 6 October - 12 October 2023 at 23:59 UTC) - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 7 calendar days). 

  • 19 October 2023 at 23:59 UTC) - Nomination acceptance deadline. Messages accepting or declining nominations must be sent to the ALAC list no later than 7 days after the close of nominations.

  • TBD - Elections (If required)

  • 26 October 2023 - The newly elected ALT

    2023 AGM [ ICANN78 ] - The newly elected ALAC Chair

    shall be seated at the 2023 AGM following the close of the Board Meeting on 26 October 2023.


ALAC Liaisons


Role Previously Held By / RALO

Nominee / RALO

Nominated By (Nominations need not be seconded)

Date Accepted

Role  Currently Held By



Term to Serve

MemberMaureen Hilyard / APRALOMemberJoanna Kulesza /EURALOMemberDave Kissoondoyal /AFRALOMemberLaura Margolis /LACRALO

Selection Schedule for 2023-2024 ALT Members: 

ccNSO Liaison
Lianna GalstyanLaura Margolis
GNSO Liaison
Justine ChewJustine Chew
SSAC Liaison
Andrei KolesnikovMatthias Hudobnik 
GAC LiaisonJoanna KuleszaJoanna Kulesza

Selection Schedule for 2023-2024 ALT Members: TBC


  • 26 October 2023 - The newly (s)

  • TBD - Announcement of call for nominations. (Only current ALAC Members may make nominations. Nominations must be sent to the ALAC list.)

  • TBD(23:59 UTC) - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 7 calendar days). 

  • TBD (23:59 UTC) - Nomination acceptance deadline. Messages accepting or declining nominations must be sent to the ALAC list no later than 7 days after the close of nominations.

  • TBD - Elections (If required)

  • TBD - The newly

    elected ALT shall be seated at the 2023 AGM following the close of the Board Meeting on 26 October 2023.

ALAC Liaisons




Role  Currently Held By






Term to Serve