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Full Results:

FY18 SO-AC Additional Budget Requests Explanations Adopted Final.docx

FY18 SO-AC Additional Budget Requests Explanations Adopted Final.pdf



 Request  Original DescriptionDetails of DecisionMaterials RequiredLeadStatus

ALAC Leadership Team Strategy Sessions

This request is for a post-ICANN meeting ICANN Meeting Review and Planning Session. It will occur at the end of each ICANN meeting and will include the ALAC Leadership Team (1 person per Region), the Liaisons to other AC/SOs, other advisors to the ALT (typically the recent past ALAC Chairs of not there in some other capacity) and critical At-Large support staff.

This strategy meeting will include a number of components:

  1. Debriefing on the meeting just completed.
  2.  Address issues that have arisen during the meeting
  3.  Plan for ALAC actions over the coming months.
  4.  If available and practical, meet with senior ICANN staff (Chair of the Board, CEO, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support – such interactions have proven very constructive in the past),

Our experience is that in the absence of such a meeting, people disappear immediately for 1-2 weeks to either relax (rare!) or to catch up on their real lives and jobs after being at the ICANN meeting (often taken as vacation time from their real jobs). We then spend considerable time scrambling to get organized again and we inevitable do not quite make it, decreasing the ALAC and leader effectiveness and significantly increasing stress (on both volunteers and staff).

Optimally this would be a breakfast meeting allowing for an early start and early completion.

(Yes - Core)

Support for an At-Large Advisory Committee Leadership Team Strategy Session is now provided through the Policy Development core budget and this activity will be administered through that team.




Staff: Heidi Ullrich


Real-time Captioning of Adobe Connect Meetings In English, Spanish, and French

This is a continuation of our current pilot program of captioning for 5 RALO and/or ALAC monthly meetings, and/or 5 Working Group meetings or webinars over a 6 month period in FY18.

Our goal in this continuation of the pilot is to provide real-time captioning for either 5 RALO meetings a month or 4 RALO and 1 ALAC meeting, and/or 5 working group meetings or webinars a month to enable full participation of all At-Large Users within ICANN. An additional objective of this third phase of the pilot is to test the concept for the implementation of a permanent captioning program to replace the transcription program currently available. The metrics obtained from the second phase of the captioning pilot clearly indicates strong support for captioning. 

  • More than 91% described captioning as either extremely helpful or helpful.
  • More than 75% indicated the ability to understand the session more effectively
  • More than 54% had a greater understanding of the topics

The standard of captioning is now at such a high level that it is effectively a transcript. Captioning has the benefit of people being able to check facts and terminology during a call and thus being able to participate in a more informed manner. This is especially valuable for people whose primary language is not English, French or Spanish. On the WS2 Diversity call #9, 61% of participants stated that English was not their primary language. Most of the AFRALO call participants either did not have English as their primary language and/or had low bandwidth and 75% were able to understand the session more effectively and the topic better with captioning. This was even higher in the WS Diversity call at 84%. There were many comments about the advantage of being able to catch up especially if a speaker spoke quickly or the audio was not so clear.

We also want to raise awareness of the importance of including captioning whenever language support is offered. We are targeting RALO meetings since our goal is to increase engagement in ICANN within each of the respective regions. We are also targeting the working groups and webinars for the same reason as well as to promote more engagement from RALOs in these working groups. We think this will lead to more effective participation and engagement within ICANN. This is especially the case for people who are coming from bandwidth challenged countries where lack of bandwidth has limited their participation within ICANN. Adobe Connect is a large user of bandwidth and as such makes it difficult for those with limited bandwidth to fully participate. Adigo calls are helpful in that regard, but often in many places cell coverage is sparse and calls often drop or use up too much of a person’s quota.

Participants were enthusiastic and wanted captioning on working group and CCWG calls while 50% of WS Diversity participants wanted captioning on all calls.

The goal of the pilot is to continue to gather the necessary metrics to illustrate the need for captioning not only for accessibility reasons but also for those with limited bandwidth and novice without a clear understanding about the terminology used in key ICANN meetings. The data gained from this third phase of the pilot should help us meet these goals and show the need for captioning ICANN wide. This next phase of the project intends therefore to extend the reach of captioning even further so that it meets the intended goals.  This means offering more sessions with captioning including in French and Spanish and reaching out to any persons who have a hearing impairment. It would assist ICANN staff to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of captioning compared to the provision of transcripts after the call.

Requesting: 5 meetings per month for a semester. 60 meetings per year.Administration of 5 surveys per month and tabulation of results.

(Yes - Core)

ICANN Org sees the value of this request, and has taken the budget for this pilot effort within the core policy development support team budget in FY18. Members of the Policy Development Support Team will collaborate with ICANN's Language Services Team and community proponents for this activity to continue this pilot effort in FY18.  The goal of this effort will be to identify a framework for managing and implementing the program across more communities and ICANN work activities. Expected deliverable: a comprehensive ICANN Org report outlining how this service can be effectively rolled out and managed in FY19. Report to be delivered to ICANN Language Services Team by 30 November 2017.





Staff: Heidi Ullrich
GSE Funding for RALO Activities

For FY18, the ALAC again requests that each of the five At-large Regional At-Large Organizations (RALO’s) are given access up to $2,000 each for targeted local discretionary funds to permit the local travel, luncheons, displays, graphic and promotional Facebook/Twitter graphics.

Opportunities exist for At-Large members to do local outreach and engagement about ICANN and ICANN policy related issues. The local activities can include local presentations, brown bag lunch topics, local business persons presentations i.e., Kiwana’s, Rotary, Professional Women’s  University Groups, Chamber of Commerce and more. These local groups at the grassroots are looking for professional speakers on a weekly basis and rely on local experts on various topics. They open up opportunities for speaking engagements at minimum cost.

While the FY17 Additional Budget Request on this issue was not approved, there was $10,000 in GSE funding made available. The ALAC is appreciative of this.

Well into FY17, a template was prepared and requests from the RALOs are now being submitted.

(Yes - Core)

After FY17 experience with community and regional Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) teams, this pilot program will continue for an additional fiscal year administered by the Policy Development Support Team in collaboration with regional stakeholder engagement VPs. The FY17 experience incorporated the development of a request form template, which should continue to be used in FY18. Approval of this request is contingent on ICANN Org development of a transparent assessment and reporting framework.  




Staff: Heidi Ullrich
 IGF Funding for At-Large 

The proposal is to organize and implement an effective, coordinated and sustained At-Large strategy to raise awareness of the end-user perspective and engage in targeted outreach and engagement program during the 2017 IGF to be held in Geneva 18-21 December 2017 which is a premier global event  targeting global stakeholders in the Internet Ecosystem.  The program will include awareness raising on end-user policy issues through 5 workshops, training activities and better utilize the ICANN information booth, thus heighten overall branding of At-Large and ICANN. 

Note that this request is being submitted in addition to several RALO-based requests for IGF support. This is necessary because there is no Assurance that a global At-Large IGF request will be accepted, and the individual requests, even if accepted by ICANN, will be contingent on IGF acceptance. However, on the assumption that this request is dealt with favorably, and one or more RALO requests are accepted, it is understood that they will be reconciled and implemented synergistically.

Moreover, it is understood that a global presence of At-Large representing ICANN at an IGF, without a particular ICANN funded workshop, is a new concept, and it is expected that this will need to be phased in over a period of several years.


Two travelers approved (one Outreach Sub-Committee member and one ALAC Member) for travel support to the IGF 2017 Meeting. Granting of support is contingent on: (1) MAG approval of at least one At-Large RALO workshop; and (2) submission of a detailed report from each traveler within 30-days of the meeting that addresses each itemized metric as per request. The report is to be submitted to and is a condition of future resource allocations. Approved travel includes assumption of economy airfare + four travel days and three hotel nights + per diems appropriate to region traveled.




Staff: Mandy Carver
Improve the tracking of ALAC’s Advice to the ICANN Board and ALAC Responses to ICANN Public Comments

The ICANN At-Large website has a summary page listing all of the correspondence issued by the ALAC including advice to the ICANN Board and responses to ICANN public comments. This summary page allows for searches by Topic Keywords (eg. IDN, WHOIS) of all of the At-Large Policy Advice issued by ALAC since 2003.

There are two key limitations with this search function on this summary page on the At-Large website :

1)     The ICANN Board responses to the advice submitted by the ALAC cannot be found as they are not linked to the database. The information on how the ICANN Board treated the advice from ACs is maintained on a separate page at in several PDFs. It appears to be generated manually and any linkage needs further manual intervention by staff - which makes for a very inefficient use of staff resources plus a cumbersome end user experience

2)     The text of the PDFs of our Policy Advice is not indexed, limiting the ability to search for persons who acted as penholders for the advice statements and looking for specific wording in the policy statements. The keyword search method is very limited and hard to use for users that are not well versed in the topics - this being the majority of our At-Large Community.

This proposal seeks to have ICANN allocate resources to design and build a system that will remove or significantly reduce these limitations.

As a start (phase 1):

1)     Adding the ICANN Board responses to the ALAC statements database on the At-Large website. This would be of benefit to At-Large to show the impact of our work both within and outside of At-Large.

2)     Having the text inside the PDFs of our ALAC documents fully searchable. Additional data fields for each ALAC statement such as penholders can be added.

This would pave the way for a wider ranging phase 2 - a Policy Management Process System, by aligning databases to a common standard based on Open Data standards, interoperability and interactivity.

At present, all coordination of databases, from the Board’s response to ALAC advice to RALO involvement and At-Large Structure input to policy is done manually, resulting in a high workload on At-Large Staff and in inaccurate and sporadic updating of policy according to overall workload and key personnel. The resulting set of information to be used by At-Large members is disseminated amongst several sources, from the At-Large Web site to a WIKI and is thus completely customer unfriendly. The ALAC has been repeatedly falsely accused of purposely not making information easy to find. Some commenters have seen a deeper, somehow more sombre goal of At-Large leadership to keep information hard to find (information hoarding) so as to remain in their elected seats. This accusation is of course completely unfounded and the ALAC has been trying for years, through its Technology Task Force, to find tools that would ease the difficulty to provide a welcoming environment for volunteers to access key information that would help in drafting statements, thus increasing organisational effectiveness.

It is clear that the current system of Web and WIKIs only goes so far and falls short of our members’ needs for easy access to information. Furthermore, it is clear that a significant part of a volunteer’s motivation comes from seeing that their action has had an impact on the organisation - thus ongoing feedback on the effectiveness of At-Large policy advice is essential and has to be optimised through automated processes for it to be durable and sustainable.

Whilst this proposed is a short term measure (phase 1 of a wider “Policy Management Process System”), ICANN needs to treat this in a holistic fashion.

(Yes - Core)

This request has been shared with ICANN’s Product Management Team that is responsible for community digital services. It appears that these recommended fixes/improvements can be managed via a collaboration between the Technology Taskforce, ICANN’s Global Domains Division (GDD), and the Product Management Team.  The GDD has been working with ICANN Board Support on a new tool to create a database of Board responses and this is in progress.

After this is completed, it can be linked to the At-Large website via Application Programming Interface and updated on the At-Large Advice web page.

While it is expected that core ICANN Org support and core budget can be used to address these improvements, it may be necessary to expend development resources for an independent security audit pending a review of the final integration architecture. Those prospective costs (potentially $40,000 USD) are being factored into this authorization of work.




Staff: Laura Bengford

APRALO General Assembly at the 2017 AGM in Abu Dhabi

This proposal envisages organizing the Asia-Pacific Regional At-Large Organization  (APRALO) General Assembly (GA) – that is, bringing together one representative from each of the APRALO ALSes, as well as a selected representative for individual members, at a single location for a combination of strategic development, policy development, capacity building and outreach and engagement. The last APRALO GA was held in London in 2014.

The proposed date and location is specifically requested to be at ICANN 60 (Meeting C) scheduled to take place 28 October - 3 November 2017 in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

This request for a APRALO General Assembly is in line with the timeline for RALO General Assemblies and the next At-Large Summit as developed by the ALAC. APRALO meetings at the requested General Assembly will focus on three specific components:

1. How to better engage our ALSs – also known within ICANN as “inreach” – in a candid examination of expectations, member engagement, program execution and community adhesion, we intend to deliver a one-day workshop intended to discover what needs to be done, both by ICANN and the APRALO community, to maximize volunteer participation, increase the ability to represent the best interests of end-users, as well as increase ICANN's “on the street” relevance.

2. Policy briefings on critical ICANN issues intended to ensure that APRALO ALS

representatives are adequately informed to educate their ALS memberships, and that they

are better able to channel bottom-up end-user perspectives and ideas into the At-Large

community’s policy debates.

3. Leadership training, intended to educate APRALO ALSes about the details of ICANN processes, and develop a clear understanding of its role in the broader Internet Governance Ecosystem. As an example, the current deluge of activity surrounding the Post transition of the IANA stewardship is mainly the realm of those who can follow it practically full-time, with multiple working groups and dozens (if not hundreds) of proposals in the air. It is our experience that many in the At-Large community do not understand much of what's going on or even the relevance. Awareness of both the processes and the path from idea to policy is a critical part of advancing the public interest within ICANN.

(Yes - Core)

This is a critical regional component of the Five-Year At-Large Summit cycle and will be addressed as part of the Policy Development Support core FY18 budget. General Assembly activities for APRALO are currently anticipated to take place at ICANN60.




Staff: Heidi Ullrich
Public Media Initiative


Using a contest aimed at communications and visual arts students, we hope to find sources of independent, creative approaches to providing publicly-focused factual information through a variety of media (web, video podcasts, etc). An advisory committee will determine the priority topics and judge the winning proposals, a secretariat will create and publicize the contest, conduct supporting research/fact-checking, and oversee the execution and distribution of the final material.

The advisory committee is tentatively to be composed of:

  • ICANN communications staff
  • Expertise in video production
  • Expertise in journalism
  • Members of the ICANN At-Large Community
  • Other expertise in Internet Governance

While the project (obviously) is counting on the support of ICANN and others, it is intentional that the media content produced as a result of the contest be independent and not official ICANN communications. Indeed, it is possible that some analysis and humor may not be totally in-line with ICANN messaging, but that is acceptable. What is most important is accuracy, relevance and understandability (and thus trustworthiness) by a maximum audience.


This is a very creative idea, but the strategic premise of this request is not shared by the ICANN Org. The community is encouraged to collaborate with ICANN's Communications Team and NextGen program coordinators to explore further innovative ways to increase At Large engagement and release information about the ICANN activities.




Staff: Deborah Esclara and Communications staff






RALORequestOriginal Description                                                                    Details of Decision                                                                Materials Required                                   LeadStatus
AFRALOOrganization of a Workshop at 2017 IGF in Geneva

This proposal consists in the organization of a workshop at the 2017 IGF due to take place in Geneva from 18 to 21 December 2017 on a high interest topic in accordance with the IGF overall arching theme that is not yet defined. The topic will relate the end-users’ perspective in the global Internet ecosystem. Speakers will be selected respecting the diversity rules (Geographic regions, gender and stakeholders)

This request might be part of an overall  At-Large request for the 2017 IGF.

Although this RALO request is submitted separate from the At-Large, it is understood that should both be funded, they are complementary and will need to be synchronized.

Requesting: Travel support for 5 AFRALO members.


Two workshop panelists from AFRALO are approved for travel support but granting of support is contingent on: (1) MAG approval of panel; and (2) submission of detailed report from each traveler within 30-days of meeting that addresses each itemized metric as per request (audience turnout/engagement at workshops, number of new AFRALO members - number and diversity of contacts and relationships established, number of bilaterals, number of existing AFRALO members reached at IGF). Report to be submitted to and is a condition of future resource allocations. Approved travel includes assumption of: economy airfare + four travel days and three hotel nights + per diems appropriate to region traveled.




Staff: Mandy Carver
AFRALOActive participation in the 2017 African IGF

AFRALO active participation in the 2017 African IGF is composed of:

  • An AFRALO booth kept by AFRALO members with the AFRALO pop-up banner and AFRALO and ICANN outreach material
  • A workshop on a topic addressing an African end-users’ concern to be chosen to match with the 2017 African IGF main theme which is not yet defined

Effectively participate in the African Internet Governance School that is held yearly by APC back to back with the African IGF. Our participation will ensure that the governance of the Internet unique Identifiers will be addressed as well as the governance of the usage of Internet.


Outreach material for ICANN and AFRALO to be used in the booth:

  • USB flash disk containing All the beginner guides
  • ICANN pins
  • Printed graphics
  • AFRALO and ICANN flyers


Travel support for 5 AFRALO members


This request can be accommodated via the core ICANN budget using the FY18 Community Regional Outreach Program for regional travel. AFRALO is encouraged to coordinate with the Regional Stakeholder Engagement VP at ICANN for travel to this event. The community may also wish to explore options with the appropriate ICANN regional engagement team.




Staff: Pierre Dandjinou

APRICOT, Kathmandu, Nepal, Feb 2018 – to enable at least 3 members from the APRALO Leadership Team to attend the AP* and APRICOT meetings in Kathmandu, Nepal, in Feb 2018 and future AP* and APRICOT meetings.

This proposal is to enable the APRALO leadership team to first of all request attendance of the AP* and APRICOT in Nepal in 2018, but secondly to request that this attendance be a recurring activity, in order for APRALO to continue to maintain the positive and productive relationships that the leadership team has built up over the years within the regional AP* community.



APRALO Leadership is encouraged to utilize their travel allocations via the CROP program. The CROP program after four consecutive years in its pilot phase is moving to the core Policy Development Budget in FY18. APRALO leadership is encouraged to utilize this resource moving forward.





Staff: Janice Douma Lange
 APRALO Armenia IGFTo organize a course on Internet Governance with program including the IG infrastructure, Multistakeholder model, IGF mandate, ICANN and other I* organizations, their roles and activities, Human Rights and Cybersecurity issues, etc. The course is envisaged especially for students to provide them with solid knowledge of current developments in Internet governance ecosystem.


The Global Stakeholder Engagement Team has confirmed partial sponsorship resources are available to support this activity as part of the Team’s core activities for FY18. APRALO is encouraged to collaborate with ICANN's Regional VP responsible for Armenia to further explore this request. The travel component of this request may be addressed via the CROP program accounted within the Policy Development Support team core budget in FY18.


Community: Lianna


Staff: Michael Yakushev
 APRALOIndia SIG proposal for 2017This proposal is for organizing the second India School of Internet Governance (inSIG 2017) in a suitable location in India, tentatively just before ICANN60 meeting.


The Global Stakeholder Engagement Team has confirmed partial sponsorship resources are available to support this activity as part of the team’s core activities for FY18. Organizers are encouraged to engage with the appropriate ICANN regional engagement team to strategize about ICANN speakers and the partial sponsorship for this event as part of their core FY18 activities and budget. For the additional travel components in this request, organizers are encouraged to use existing core budget mechanisms (i.e. Board support travel and CROP) to fund this type of request.



Satish Babu

Staff: Kelvin Wong

APRALOThe APIGA proposal for potential APRALO leadersThis request is to seek funding to enable at least TWO ambassadors, selected from within the APRALO ranks, to participate in the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy, in order to enhance leadership capacity within APRALO as well as increase potential for informed outreach in the area of Internet Governance related to the work of ICANN within their area of the AP region.


APRALO is encouraged to coordinate with the appropriate Regional Stakeholder Engagement VP to use travel allocations through the Community Regional Outreach Program, which is now in the core ICANN budget to conduct outreach in the region. The APRALO may also wish to explore other options with the appropriate ICANN regional engagement team.  





Staff: Janice Douma Lange


APRALOGlobal IGF 2017 

Continuing further with the successful previous IGF initiatives, the APRALO Leadership Team proposes participation of 3 members of its Leadership Team at the 2017 IGF.

The specific activities that would be carried out by the three-member Outreach Delegation, jointly and individually, are:

  • Participate as APRALO resource persons in different workshops. For this, the team members would be registering themselves as Resource Persons in the IGF Resource Persons' Roster.
  • Collaborate and support activities of other ALAC Members
  • Explore, and if possible, plan and execute an At-Large Outreach event jointly with other RALOs present at Genva and local ALSes, if any, with Universities and other institutions. The objective of such an outreach process would be to introduce At-Large (and thereby, ICANN), and to stimulate growth and participation of local end-user communities in At-Large activities.


Two workshop panelists from APRALO are approved for travel support but granting of support is contingent on: (1) MAG approval of panel; and (2) submission of detailed report from each traveler within 30-days of meeting that addresses each itemized metric as per request (audience turnout/engagement at workshops, number of new APRALO members - number and diversity of contacts and relationships established, number of bilaterals, number of existing APRALO members reached at IGF). Report to be submitted to and is a condition of future resource allocations. Approved travel includes assumption of: economy airfare + four travel days and three hotel nights + per diems appropriate to region traveled.




Staff: Mandy Carver
 EURALOPromote ICANN’s Role and Multistakeholder approach at the 2017 IGF

A workshop organized by EURALO on the “The Public Interest”. EURALO has been at the forefront of the discussions on the Public Interest in ALAC but also in ICANN, through its working group on the Public Interest and its involvement in the ICANN-wide public interest discussions.

This workshop at the Internet Governance Forum, Chaired by Wolf Ludwig, would explore the Public Interest in ICANN’s remit and compare it with other Multistakeholder systems and the Public Interest in wider Internet Governance. Representatives from the various stakeholder groups composing the Multistakeholder ecosystem will be invited to explain their perspective. The discussion of the Public Interest in ICANN’s remit would act as a starting point for a wider debate that touches on the broader Internet Ecosystem.


Two workshop panelists from EURALO are approved for travel support but granting of support is contingent on: (1) MAG approval of panel; and (2) submission of detailed report from each traveler within 30-days of meeting that addresses each itemized metric as per request (audience turnout/engagement at workshops, number of new EURALO members - number and diversity of contacts and relationships established, number of bilaterals, number of existing EURALO members reached at IGF). Report to be submitted to and is a condition of future resource allocations. Approved travel includes assumption of: economy airfare + four travel days and three hotel nights + per diems appropriate to region traveled.




Staff: Mandy Carver
LACRALOCreating Leaders in LACRALO

This aim of this activity is to create leaders in LACRALO. Oriented to those who have never held any positions in LACRALO, ALAC or ICANN.

It has as a prerequisite to have taken following courses in ICANN LEARN: "Intro to the At-Large Advisory Committee" and "Introduction to LACRALO" (in EN and ES). This will allow for the leveling of basic knowledge required.

The second stage contains the specific contents of creating leaders. Provide participants with concepts, tools and techniques that every leader must know in order to generate competencies to influence their collaborators and guide them towards obtaining the expected results. This material would be developed by LACRALO experts in collaboration with At-Large staff.

Working in collaboration with previous LACRALO leaders, including the soon to be created Council of Elders, and staff, a guide on key leadership activities will be prepared to provide incoming leaders with more information on what is required of them as leaders. 

Program Outline: Foundation and Leadership Development - Project Management - Tools and Supervision Exercises - Leadership at ICANN. All content will be oriented to ICANN's activities. When explaining the conditions that a leader must meet, each example will be with the characteristics of our ecosystem. If the exercise says "ride a bike" it will be on an ICANN bike.

In addition, participants would be required to participate actively in LACRALO policy development capacity building activities so as to develop knowledge on ICANN policies and their potential impact on end-users.

A third stage would be implementation of a LACRALO mentoring program that would match experienced LACRALO leaders with potential leaders.

The next steps would potentially include the observation that from there they are prepared to run for RALO, ALAC or ICANN positions with the best base and only have to adjust to the form of work depending on the position. In addition, they can apply voluntarily to the positions requested by the NONCOM, or as Chairs in the WG without


A common theme among the FY18 community Additional Budget Requests is the desire for capability training/skillset building/leadership development of ICANN community members. LACRALO is encouraged to collaborate with the ICANN Learn Team to develop a tailor-made online course for leadership skills, including a module on cultural sensitivities. The course will be moderated by a regional facilitator in collaboration with ICANN’s Regional GSE VP. Approved components include content development for leadership skills and an online training course facilitated by an external consultant in collaboration with ICANN GSE VP.

The Public Responsibility Support and GSE Teams in collaboration with the designated facilitator will determine the full components for this program including the number of on-line hours allocated for the course.

For the online course component, LACRALO is also encouraged to look at request FY18-14 whereby the ICANN Org will be working on ICANN Learn materials, including leadership training skills, which can be repurposed as needed for LACRALO.

Additionally, with the core ICANN Leadership Program being slightly expanded in FY18 (see FY18-03) LACRALO will be eligible to apply for an additional training seat for ICANN61.


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