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Action Items: EN 

Recording: EN

Transcript: EN

AC Chat Transcript: EN  


Dial-out Participants

EN: Daniel Nanghaka, Maureen Hilyard, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Tijani Ben Jemaa,  Olivier Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Fatimata Seye Sylla, Maritza Aguero, Vernatius Okwu Ezeama, Ali AlMeshal, Glenn McKnight, Joanna Kuleza, Robert Jacobi, Natalia Filina, Matthias Hudobnik, Ricardo Holmquist, Satish Babu, Yrjo Lansipuro, Judith Hellerstein, Greg Shatan, Anne Marie Joly, Ejekeme Egbuogu, Ajay Data, John Laprise, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Sebastien Bachollet, Lianna Galstyan, Nkem Nweke, Nadira Alaraj, Marita Moll, Vanda Scartizini, Juan Manuel Rojas, 

Apologies: Alfredo Calderon, Lilian Ivette De Luque, Joel Okomoli, Alexis Anteliz, Adrian SchmidtApologies: 

Staff:  Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Claudia ,  Siranush Vardanyan, Adam Peake, Claudia Ruiz

Call Management: Claudia Ruiz



A G E N D A 

  1. Roll Call



    4 minutes


  2. Meeting Intro and updates (Daniel K. Nanghaka) - 7 minutes

    1. Draft online engagement strategy (Natalia Filina) - 5 minutes

    2. Call for blog posts or articles for the O&E Newsletter Issue 1 - The newsletter will be published 3 times each year and also will feed into the respective meetings at each respective ICANN meeting - 2 minutes

  3. Outreach activity for Kobe meeting (Ali Meshal) - 10 minutes

  4. Update on IGF Outreach (Glenn McKnight) - 5 minutes

  5. Open discussion for ideas (Daniel) - 30 minutes

    1. Suggestions for FY20 Additional Budget Requests - 15 minutes

      1. See: At-Large FY20 Budget Development Workspace 

    2. Request for Metrics indicators for ATLAS III - 15 minutes

  6. AOB (Daniel) - 3 minutes

  7. Introduction to the Meeting - Daniel (15 minutes)

    b. Follow-up on IGF Leads 
    c. Updates on RALO use of CROP and Discretionary Funds (RALO Co-Chairs/RALO Leaders)
    d. Communication during ICANN Meetings with Reference to At-Large/ALAC Meetings being listed in the schedule at ICANN f2F Meetings - PRESENTATION - Dev/Glenn
  8. Update from ALAC:  What's happening? - Maureen (10 minutes)

  9. Introduction of GSE 'Liaison' and Roles of GSE Liaison to O&E - Adam/Maureen (10 minutes)

  10. Capacity Building - Tijani and Maureen (25 minutes)

    a. At-Large Capacity Building 2019 - Tijani
    b. Ideas for Increasing effectiveness of Skills Development within the At-Large Review Implementation - Maureen
    c. How At-Large can work with the GAC CB program - Maureen
  11.  Review of Potential FY20 Additional Budget Requests Related to Outreach and Engagement - Maureen and Heidi (10 minutes)

  12. Updates on Outreach and Engagement Activities from RALOS (2 minutes each; 10 minutes) 

    a. AFRALO - Fatimata

    b. APRALO - Ali
    c.  EURALO - Matthias
    d. LACRALO - Maritza
    e. NARALO - Glenn
  13. Update on Outreach and Engagement at ICANN64 - Ali (5 minutes)

  14. AOB - Daniel (2 minutes)

  15. Next Call - January 20, 2019 - Daniel (1 minute)

  16. Next Call - probably 20th December (Daniel) - 2 minutes