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Comment: Updating Action Items


  • Lead: AOC=ATLASII Organizing Committee, TBD=To Be Determined
  • Status to use: Unstarted, Started, Completed

Active Action Items


Heidi Ullrich/03/14
Action#DescriptionLeadOpenDueStatusLatest Report
029Populate the information in the ATLAS II Participants Wiki pageCarlos Reyes02/03/1414/03/14Started

(26/03/14 @ Singapore): This item was not discussed during the Singapore meeting.



17/03/14): IN

PROGRESS. Now that the participant database and thematic group survey are both largely complete, Carlos Reyes will begin to populate the

PROGRES: ATLAS II Participants wiki page

. [Chat] [

is in development. Participants, ALSes, and regions have been added. Thematic groups and mentors will be added next. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.1] [Reference Meeting Page]


030Reminder for survey regarding thematic sessions and result updatesCarlos Reyes15/03/1427/03/14Started



26/03/14 @ Singapore):

  Opened today

This item was not discussed during the Singapore meeting.

013Coordinate Faire of Opportunities EventGlenn McKnight12/01/1427/03/14Started(06/03/14): The following three key action items have been ratified: 1-Purpose and goals of the event, 2- Ambient or  background music 3.Food for the event.  Outstanding for the each RALO to assign a designate to collect their local music collection and  person in charge of their  table displays. [Chat] [Reference Meeting Page] 
014Coordinate the ATLAS II Mentoring ProgramFatima Cambronero13/01/1427/03/14Started(06/03/14): Working in modify the draft of Mentoring Program. The Staff has already created a mailing list for the Mentoring Program. [Chat] [Reference Meeting Page] 

 (17/03/14): IN PROGRESS: 92 ALSes have participated in the thematic group survey. Reminders will be sent to remaining ALS participants. [Chat]  [Transcript - Pg.2] [Reference Meeting Page] 

032Send a note to all RALOs suggesting to add a quick ATLAS II status update in their monthly meetings.Carlos Reyes26/03/1425/04/14Unstarted(26/03/14 @ Singapore)Opened today. [Audio Recording ~12:00]
033Explore possible use of RFID/QR Codes tags as part of the participant badgesMurray McKercher26/03/1415/05/14Unstarted

(26/03/14 @ Singapore): This item was not discussed during the Singapore meeting.

(17/03/14): Opened today. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.8-9] [Reference Meeting Page]

034Select a hashtag for the ATLAS II eventTBD17/03/1430/04/14Started

(26/03/14 @ Singapore): This item was not discussed during the Singapore meeting.

(17/03/14): Opened today. Initial suggestions: #atlasii, #icannatlasii & #atlasiiicann. Will ask the ATLAS II Communications Group to come up with a suggestions list.[Chat] [Transcript - Pg.13-14] [Reference Meeting Pag

013Coordinate Faire of Opportunities EventGlenn McKnight12/01/1427/03/14Started

(26/03/14 @ Singapore): Two possibilities for the room layout - (1) finish all meetings by 14:00 and remove chairs, tables and microphone equipment for event, (2) Remove only chairs and leave tables but the tables can not have people in side the "U" because of all the power equipment. ICANN staff will let us know about possibility #1. Please refer to [Audio Recording ~ 31:00] for more details on other specifics. Conversation have started with Tim Berners-Lee but there is nothing definitively to inform. [Audio Recording ~ 18:00]

(17/03/14): Room assigned is the Windsor Suite. Need to define final layout of the room. Waiting for staff to give us feedback on whether Tim Berners-Lee is available. These items will be discussed in Singapore. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.9-10] [Reference Meeting Page]

014Coordinate the ATLAS II Mentoring ProgramFatima Cambronero13/01/1427/03/14Started

(26/03/14 @ Singapore): Draft not ready due to changes in the initial program. The new draft will be discussed with working group members and sent to staff for comments. A wiki page will be open for mentors and mentees to "virtually" meet before arriving in London. A call for mentors will be sent to ALAC members as well as to RALO members attending ATLAS II. [Audio Recording ~ 1:01] 

(17/03/14): No report given. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.20-21] [Reference Meeting Page]

022Coordinate the ATLAS II Event AgendaTijani Ben Jemaa18/02/1427/03/14Started

(26/03/14 @ Singapore): Rooms for the various events and break out session were assigned and discussed. Please check room details here. [Audio Recording ~ 11:40]

(17/03/14): No report given. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.11-12] [Reference Meeting Page]


Sponsorship updates

Olivier Crepin-Leblond



(26/03/14 @ Singapore)Google pledged $10K: No specific allocation, Afilias: Interested and working out details, PRI: Interested working out details, Microsoft: new in ICANN. studying proposal, Verisign: studying proposal, ICANN: $20K mostly to support part of the Saturday dinner event, Nominate: may not be available since they are sponsoring other venues. Others: Please contact Olivier, Staff or anyone in the ATLAS II OC group if you have any contacts. [Audio Recording ~ 02:31]

(17/03/14): No movement yet on the sponsors since last week  [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.22] [Reference Meeting Page]

009Ask Constituency Travel about visa application invitation letters for ATLAS II participants and ensure that the list of approved travelers is sent to the Foreign Office for distribution to the UK Embassies and UK Consulates around the worldHeidi Ullrich20/11/1331/01/14Started

(26/03/14 @ Singapore): This item was not discussed during the Singapore meeting.

(17/03/14): Invitation letter web form is ready in English, Spanish and French and a note to that effect was sent to the ATLAS II participant mailing list. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.3] [Reference Meeting Page]

031Update on room assignments for ATLAS summit events as follows: ATLAS II plenary and thematic sessions and Fayre of OpportunitiesHeidi Ullrich15/03/1401/04/14Started(15/03/14): Opened today. 
016Coordinate the ATLAS II Communications Working Group

Carlos Aguirre Natalia Enciso Maricarmen Sequera 

13/01022Coordinate the ATLAS II Event AgendaTijani Ben Jemaa18/02/1427/03/14Started


06/0314): Waiting for the survey results for the thematic sessions. Rooms for the thematic sessions have not been allocated yet. Capacity building program is being form . Staff helping in getting trainers.  [Meeting Recording ~22:00] [Reference Meeting Page] 

Sponsorship updates

Olivier Crepin-Leblond



(06/03/14): Afilias will send a counterproposal. Found the numebrs to be to high. Other have not responded to our requests with the exception of Microsoft who is moving it up the hierarchy in the company.  [Meeting Recording ~35:00] [Reference Meeting Page] 

009Ask Constituency Travel about visa application invitation letters for ATLAS II participants and ensure that the list of approved travelers is sent to the Foreign Office for distribution to the UK Embassies and UK Consulates around the worldHeidi Ullrich20/11/1331/01/14Started(06/03/14):  Invitation letter has not gone out yet. It will be sent in English first. Pending invitation letters in other languages and travelers list to the UK Foreign Office. [Meeting Recording ~12:00] [Reference Meeting Page] 
031Update on room assignments for ATLAS summit events as follows: ATLAS II plenary and thematic sessions and Fayre of OpportunitiesHeidi Ullrich15/03/1401/04/14Started(15/03/14): Opened today. 

26/03/14 @ Singapore): Web page was discussed and agreed to transfer from Wordpress format to Drupal. This is an innovative idea since it will be the first time that the community will provide and update the actual content. Need to establish a timeline on when the page can be made available and process flows on how it is going to be updated. There will be some extra effort that needs to be done to make sure that the page is accessible by all. [Audio Recording ~ 21:00] 

(17/03/14): Almost ready to start with our work in the pre ATLAS stage and finalizing the design of webpage and logo. Tomorrow there will be a call and on this we expect approve and adopt a webpage template .Sent the interview questions to our key interviewed for each newsletters and already have received 2 of them. Carlos Reyes is an excellent support. Our Logistic Team already sent us the information to post in our webpage and newsletter , and now are working to translate to different languajes.We are coordinating the ATLAS 2 social media work with Ariel into staff. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.12] [Reference Meeting Page]

017Develop outreaching ATLAS II strategic goalsMurray McKercher06/02/1427/03/14Started

(26/03/14 @ Singapore): This item was not discussed during the Singapore meeting.

(17/03/14): This item is interconnected with AI 025. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.15] [Reference Meeting Page]

019Define ATLAS II likely impact and call to actionMurray McKercher30/01/1427/03/14Started

(26/03/14 @ Singapore): This item was not discussed during the Singapore meeting.

(17/03/14): This item is interconnected with AI 025. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.15] [Reference Meeting Page]

025Coordinate the ATLAS II Public Relations Sub-Working GroupMurray McKercher20/02016Coordinate the ATLAS II Communications Working Group

Carlos Aguirre Natalia Enciso Maricarmen Sequera 





): Sub-teams created for the Newsletter and WebPage design work. Already had 2 calls. Timeline established. Tasks assigned to Sub-Team Leaders and members.  Defined a call with each sub team leaders next for week to coordinate their work.

@ Singapore): This item was not discussed during the Singapore meeting.

(17/03/14): Waiting  to  connect  more  closely  with  ICANN  PR  so  that  we  have appropriate roles lined up [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.15] [Reference Meeting Page]

017Develop outreaching ATLAS II strategic goalsMurray McKercher

026Coordinate having a special lanyard or a special sticker at the bottom of the name tags to identify ATLAS II participants Heidi Ullrich2006/02/142731/03/14Started




): No status report presented  [Reference Meeting Page] 
019Define ATLAS II likely impact and call to actionMurray McKercher30/01/1427/03/14Started(06/03/14): No status report presented  [Reference Meeting Page] 
025Coordinate the ATLAS II Public Relations Sub-Working GroupMurray McKercher20/02/1427/03/14Started(06/03/14): No status report presented  [Reference Meeting Page] 

@ Singapore): This item was not discussed during the Singapore meeting.

(17/03/14): Purple sticker with the words "ATLAS II Participants" selected by consensus. Proposed Lanyard: white back ground with the words: "ATLAS * London * June 2014" in purple color with ATLAS II logo repeated in between. Staff to provide examples to select final one. There was a request to get a good quality Lanyard, i.e. no glue or stitching in the back of the neck area. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.4-7] [Reference Meeting Page]

028Prepare a "wish-list" of items to give a way (memorabilia) for the ATLAS II Participants

Carlos Aguirre
Natalia Enciso
Maricarmen Sequera 

026Coordinate having a special lanyard or a special sticker at the bottom of the name tags to identify ATLAS II participants 

20/02/1431/03/14Started(06/03/14): Verifying with meeting staff to see if lanyard and badge sticker can be handed-in to ATLAS II participants at the time of their registration. Plan B will be to give the lanyards and badge stickers at the beginning of the summit activities. [Meeting Recording ~13:00] 17/03/14): Nothing new to report [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.13] [Reference Meeting Page] 027Propose a design for the special lanyard or a special sticker at the bottom of the name tag that will be used to identify ATLAS II participants. (see AI 026 also)Carlos Aguirre
Natalia Enciso
Maricarmen Sequera
024Coordinate the ATLAS II ROI Sub-GroupCheryl Langdon-Orr1820/02/1431Started/01/15Started

(26/03/14 @ Singapore): This item was not discussed during the Singapore meeting.




 Work in progress. Designers are working on a new design for the Atlas II following ICANN profile [Chat] [Reference Meeting Page] 
028Prepare a "wish-list" of items to give a way (memorabilia) for the ATLAS II Participants

Carlos Aguirre
Natalia Enciso
Maricarmen Sequera 

20/02/1431/03/14Started(06/03/14): Desig team is working on these. Designs that have been asked are: Newletter, WebPage, Tag, Memorabilia. [Chat] [Reference Meeting Page] 
024Coordinate the ATLAS II ROI Sub-GroupCheryl Langdon-Orr18/02/1431/01/15Started(06/03/14): No status report presented 

 The ROI team will be preparing definitions and possible key measures between Singapore and London, and specifically setting up some value based calculation options once exact funds commitments details are known closer to the date of ATLASII the lions share of ROI analysis and reporting will occur post London meeting not actually before... I am loathed to pre load too many assumptions OR make claims on what the ROI outcomes will be (other that the generalities already stated in the proposal materials + some minor embellishments that are 'no brainers') to far on advancement of actual expenditure values and 'counts' re participants and their activities during London and perhaps most importantly leading up to and short and medium term after the event... [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.27-29] [Reference Meeting Page]





Completed Action Items

Action#DescriptionLeadOpenDueStatusLatest Report
002Follow up with Meetings TeamHeidi Ullrich05/12/1318/12/13Completed(19/12/13): Consolidated into AI 007. [Reference page] 
005ATLAS II Overarching-theme, Public Relations (PR) Message and strategic goalsEduardo Diaz16/12/1319/12/13Completed(23/01/14): Reached consensus on the following PR msg suggested by Duncan Burns: "The At-Large community in ICANN is the voice of the end-user around the world into the policies that govern the Domain Name System" and the rest of the following strategic goals: (3) "Strengthen At-Large as a reservoir for civil society allies pursuing like-minded goals in terms of public interest", (4) "Make At-Large broader, inclusive and stronger (like one ALS per country)" , (5) "Improve inclusiveness and participation of existing and new member ALSs",  (6) "Bridge knowledge gaps between At-Large insiders and the broader membership and RALO organizations", (7) "Exchange of members / ALSs experience and strengthen of bottom-up approach", (8) "Better understand concerns, ideas, working areas and expectations of our members", (9) "Help the At-Large community to learn more about ICANN’s work, functioning and current issues" [Transcript: Page 23 Reference Page]
003Note to Meeting Staff regarding room allocation.

Tijani Ben Jemaa

06/12/1319/12/13Completed(19/12/13): Consolidated into AI 007.  [Reference page]
012Ensure ATLAS II Working Group to incorporate global Internet governance issues as planning continuesEduardo Diaz20/11/1310/01/14Completed(10/01/14): Completed.Events sub-group has incorporated this as part of the events agenda  (draft agenda @ 7/1/14). [Reference page]
023Survey to help with the formation of the ATLAS II 5 thematic break out sessionsCarlos Reyes18/02/1421/02/14Completed(06/03/14): COMPLETE.  Just over half of the ALSes participating in ATLAS II completed the survey. The survey will remain open to assist with the creation of Thematic Groups.  [Chat] [Reference Meeting Page] 




Mailing list for participating ALSs

Matt Ashtiani




(23/01/14):  Completed. [Transcript: Page 2 Reference page] Matt Ashtiani

006Finalize list of ALS travelers by 31 January 2014Carlos Reyes20/11/1331/01/14Completed(06/02/14): The database is done. There are a total of 151 individual RALOs participating in the event: 23 from AFRALO, 30 from APRALO, 28 from EURALO, 37 from LACRALO, and 22 from NARALO, plus the full ALAC and its liaisons. Total will be approximately 176 participants. [Transcript Pages 3-7] [Reference Meeting Page]
007Provide Tijani Ben Jemaa with list of rooms and their availabilities for ATLAS II by 2 DecemberCarlos Reyes20/11/1302/12/13Completed(09/01/14): TB and HU have been in touch with Meetings Team regarding room availability. Everything is on track.  [Reference page]
008Ask Constituency Travel about visa application invitation letters for ATLAS II participants.Heidi Ullrich20/11/13TBDCompleted(19/12/13): Consolidated into AI 009. [Reference page]Ullrich20/11/13TBDCompleted(19/12/13): Consolidated into AI 009. [Reference page]
021MILESTONE: Provide list of all ATLAS II ALS travelers to Constituency TravelCarlos Reyes13/02/1413/02/14Completed(06/03/14): COMPLETE. The ATLAS II ALS Participants database was provided to Constituency Travel on 20 February 2014.   [Chat] [Reference Meeting Page] 
010Ensure that an ICANN Staff Public Relations Working Group for ATLAS II is established with Duncan BurnsHeidi Ullrich20/11/1309/01021MILESTONE: Provide list of all ATLAS II ALS travelers to Constituency TravelCarlos Reyes13/02/1413/02/14Completed(0609/0301/14):  COMPLETE. The ATLAS II ALS Participants database was provided to Constituency Travel on 20 February 2014.   [Chat] [Reference Meeting Page] 
Duncan Burns has joined the ATLAS II PR mailing list. [Reference page]
011Ensure that the ATLAS II Public Relations Sub-Working Group convenes and discusses expected achievements and have a joint meeting with 010Ensure that an ICANN Staff Public Relations Working Group for ATLAS II is established with Duncan BurnsHeidi Ullrich20/11/130931/01/14Completed(0920/0102/14):Duncan Burns has joined  This item will be taken by the ATLAS II PR mailing list. [Reference page]011Ensure that the ATLAS II Public Relations Sub-Working Group convenes and discusses expected achievements and have a joint meeting with ICANN Staff Public Relations Working GroupHeidi UllrichSub-working group. Completed. [Transcript page 12] [Reference Meeting Page]
018Welcome Message to participant ALSsOlivier Crepin-Leblond30/01/1420/11/1331/01/14Completed(2006/02/14):  This item will be taken by the ATLAS II PR Sub-working group. Completed. [Transcript page 12] [Reference Meeting Page]
018Welcome Message to participant ALSsMessages was sent 08/0214 [Message] [Reference Meeting Page]
020Coordinate and maintain an ATLAS II Web PageMaricarmen SequeraOlivier Crepin-Leblond30/01/143127/0103/14Completed(06/02/14):Messages was sent 08/0214 [Message]  This group is being merged with the Newsletter Working Group Action Item 016. The Newsletter WG name will be changed to ATLAS II Communications Working Group. [Transc[Transcript pages 11-15]ipt pages 7-10] [Reference Meeting Page]020
027Propose a design for the special lanyard or a special sticker at the bottom of the name tag that will be used to identify ATLAS II participants. (see AI 026 also)Carlos Aguirre
Natalia EncisoCoordinate and maintain an ATLAS II Web Page
Maricarmen Sequera






 This group

 This item is being merged

with the Newsletter Working Group Action Item 016. The Newsletter WG name will be changed to ATLAS II Communications Working Group. [Transc[Transcript pages 11-15]ipt pages 7-10

into action item #26 [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.13] [Reference Meeting Page]


Generate a feedback form in conjunction with the ROI Sub-group to capture summit feedback from attending ALSes

Wolf Ludwig/Cheryl Langdon-Orr19/12/1312/02/14Completed(06/03/14): Feedback form submitted. Need to be updated before London. This action item will be updated as part of AI 024.