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ALAC/At-LargeExisting Continuous Improvement Activities: Link to wiki page(s)Working Group(s)? Y/NPublicly available? Y/NExamples of challenges and improvements...
  1. Implementation of all accepted 'community' AC/SO recommendations from the 2nd At-Large Review, see also ALAC and At-Large Improvements WGs and in particular-
    1. At-Large Structure (ALS) Mobilization - Report
    2. Unaffiliated Individual Member Mobilization - Report
    3. Metrics (Rec 16) - the establishment and collection of consistent performance metrics;
  2. Implementation of relevant  WS2 Recommendations - 
    1. ALAC and RALOs for At-Large  - WS2 Wiki Space
  3. Regular review of and updating as required of the ALAC Rules of Procedure (RoP) - last update was adopted in August 2022; the next major ALAC RoP Review date is yet to be confirmed but the last substantive review was finalized in 2018 so likely in 2025.
  4. Evolution of the ALAC's foundation of key Work Teams the Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG); Operations Finance and Budget Working Group (OFP-WG); and the Sub Committee on Outreach and Engagement  (O and E) to ensure more complete and effective engagement of all serving ALAC Members.
  5. Investigation on effectiveness of messaging methodologies for outreach and engagement with current exploration of the At-Large Loop
  6. Exploration into more effective and efficient Capacity Building for serving ALAC and Regional Leadership including strategic planning for any given year.
    1. See also At-Large FY25 Strategic Priority Activities - ALAC




see hyperlinked 


Demonstrable improvements for the ALAC / At-Large community, in terms of 'fitness for purpose' and the 'continuing role of the ALAC / At-Large as well as various efficiencies and effectiveness have been seen as a result of current CIP activities listed 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6; 5 messaging methodologies and the 'At-Large Loop' is a test-bed situation and at this stage the process is too early to make assumptions on specific improvements, but the hypothesis is the community should be able to reliably assess and assume the most suitable communication approach for various messaging efforts as a result of the program. 

Challenges in particular include:- 

Implementation of Recommendation 16 from the 2nd At-Large Review, relates to the establishment and collection of consistent performance metrics; in its implementation planning the ALAC noted that regarding this matter ' ...The ALAC has had a Metrics WG and an ALS Review Taskforce, both of which largely went into stasis during the IANA Transition and Accountability efforts. It proposed to revive this activity as part of the At-Large Review Implementation.'  The ALAC noted further  '...that regional differences make it more difficult to have uniformity over participation metrics, but agrees that is an important target. The ALAC notes that collecting such statistics is a staff-intensive operation.'

The ALAC was advised that there was an opportunity to streamline some aspects of metrics data capture and reporting with the planned implementation of a CRM tool once  this tool was eventually rolled out to At-Large  it was envisaged that implementation planning would be '... Nine months to design, staff and newly constituted ALAC Metrics WG  and then ongoing, with a checkpoint one year after collection starts, all presuming availability of staff resources. '  

A current challenge is that the proposed CRM tool was never rolled out to At-Large and we are unaware of any non intensive staff input option that exists for use at this time, yet there are still useful baseline data being captured regarding attendance at meetings and calls etc.,  A current improvement note is that since this outstanding matter was held 'in stasis' most if not all Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs)  have reviewed or are reviewing their Rules to incorporate the recommendations  from the ALS and UIM Mobilization WG's  both sets of recommendations clarified and established baseline expectations and performance metrics for At-Large; some setting in their reviewed Rules additional and often harmonized with other RALO Rules sections or adjuncts on 'Metrics'  and several are also starting to collect and report on, in various ad lib and ad hoc ways, statistics around performance. This will be useful for later harmonization and activity improvement efforts. 



1.APRALO Rules of Procedure (RoP) Review Working Group

Review, implementation of accepted relevant recommendations from the 2nd At-Large Review, in particular via:

  • The At-Large Structure (ALS) Mobilization Working Party Report
  • The Unaffiliated Individual Member (UIM) Mobilization Working Party Report

Consideration of learnings from growth of APRALO, past, ongoing RALO administration issues, and future-proofing where feasible



 AP-RoP-WG Wiki

Challenges re RoP review:

  • Some outdated provisions needing updating
  • Lack of needed provisions (i.e. gaps) to boost RALO administration


  • Improvements to RALO governance & administration - Meetings, Communication channel, Selection procedure 
  • Identification of criteria for leadership candidates, and Selectee responsibilities
  • Mobilization of At-Large Structures (ALSes) and Individual Members (IMs)
  • Identification of Metrics (Rec 16 of 2nd At-Large Review

2. APRALO Policy Forum

Implementation of RALO engagement on APRALO Priorities as informed by ICANN’s Operating Priorities and APRALO Members, updated from time to time. Engagement focuses on consideration of ICANN policy development / implementation, especially those with specific impact or interest to the AP Region, as well as capacity building.



APF Wiki


  • Lack of awareness, knowledge of ICANN issues
  • Lack of communication specially on policy issues
  • Lack of resources - time, subject matter experts 
  • Lack of tools for useful metrics data capture, assessment and leverage


  • Implementation & periodic review of activities targeted at both capacity building of APRALO Community members and policy discussions aligned to APRALO Priorities (in line with  ICANN, At-large priorities) such as: Single Topic Webinars or policy consultations, Fireside Chats, Town Hall meeting to seek periodic input on biannual plans
  • Activities are designed to either share knowledge and/or gather RALO input for various channels - CPWG, RALO statement development, other WGs/IRTs etc.,
  • Spearheading APRALO ICANN Readouts to facilitate outreach opportunities within the AP Region and with other RALOs and ICANN communities on ICANN policy issues

3. APRALO General Assembly (GA)

The APRALO GA is usually organized as a face-to-face or hybrid activity that brings together all the active members of APRALO. It is organized once about 5 years. The most recent GA was organized in Sep 2023 at Istanbul.

One additional observation made about the General Assembly cycle of At-Large notes that AP's last GA was in Nov 2017 - 6 years prior to the 2023 Istanbul meeting (noting further that this meeting was unassociated with an ICANN Meeting as such and that the Board Meeting being held at the venue in the days before the GA did not result in other than 3 Board members interacting with the attendees; apparently this was a lack of communication issue. This alteration to the GA schedule has now set a precedent for APRALO to possibly have more regular gatherings 'out of synch' with public meetings - an issue especially as the region is so diverse and noting that our region is without the same benefits of more regular ICANN meetings being held within the region. This is a real loss to our region as where a GA can be associated with an ICANN Public meeting there is greater opportunity for deeper understanding about the ICANN community and its processes, and where APRALO fits into the scheme of things by our Members.


Ad Hoc WG 


Ad-Hoc WG Wiki

AP-GA Agenda


  • Reduced community cohesion and effectiveness, especially given the break due to the global pandemic
  • Low awareness of the APRALO community on regional policy priorities as well as overall ICANN policy priorities
  • Limited knowledge of the APRALO community on specific issues such as the forthcoming Round of new gTLDs
  • Relative unfamiliarity of the membership & functions of key ICANN structures such as the ICANN Board 


APRALO General Assemblies, including the last one in 2023 at Istanbul, allows the APRALO community to re-orient itself to the evolving challenges that the ICANN At-Large Community faces. Specifically, the 2023 GA achieved the following:

  • Rejuvenated community cohesion and effectiveness by face-to-face engagement and collaboratively working on tasks
  • Enhanced its awareness on key regional policy topics through working sessions
  • A special session on the forthcoming round of new gTLDs enhanced the community’s understanding of the different dimensions of the round
  • Through interactions with the ICANN Board members, the APRALO community enhanced its understanding of the ICANN structure and functions

EURALO Rules of Procedure (RoP)

Review, implementation of accepted relevant recommendations from the 2nd At-Large Review, in particular via:

  • The At-Large Structure (ALS) Mobilization Working Party Report
  • The Unaffiliated Individual Member (UIM) Mobilization Working Party Report

Consideration of learnings from growth of EURALO, past, ongoing RALO administration issues, and futureproofing where feasible

EURALO organized the 2023 election for the EURALO Board (2024-2025) based on the new (and first) ROP




Procedures and Policies

LACRALO during 2017 have had a Mediation Process to improve relations among subregions, and determine the representatives times to each one   

LACRALO is currently working on Metrics of participation

After LACRALO GA on March, 2023 in CANCUN meeting the region decide to iniciate a future improve plan (under study)  


Governance WG

LACRALO CIP Small team 


Procedures to elect representatives by different subregions

Improve a policy of conduct a GA

Improve desition making - 


Communication between subregions - specially  with different languajes languages /cultures


NARALO Rules of Procedure (RoP)

The NARALO RoP were completely re-written in 2017 and had a minor update in 2022. In 2024, The RoP will again be reviewed and updated as necessary. As well, the other related documents will be reviewed and updated as required.

