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This space is to archive all Items that have been discussed and closed during the NARALO monthly meetings. NOTE: Please archive Items in numerical order.

ITEM 001: New agenda for monthly meetings

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 20 Nov 2017

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: Presentation and approval of the new meeting agenda format.

20 November 2017: [Recording: 04] New agenda format was explained and discussed. [Decision]: Approved by consensus. Closed.

ITEM 002: 2018 NARALO Individual Member Representative (IMR) Elections

LEAD: Alan or Staff

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 14 May 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: To provide an update on the 2018 NARALO IMR Elections according to Paragraph 3.3 of the 2017 approved NARALO Rules and Procedures state that “Appointment of a new voting representative and alternate(s) of the Individual Members shall take place as soon as practical after each ICANN Annual General Meeting”.  

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action to take: NARALO secretary to coordinate with staff and Independent Members the selection of the 2018 representative [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: 21:52] Lead to be changed to Glenn McKnight.  Current rep is John Levine which is not interested in continuing in that role. Glenn to coordinate with staff to check which unaffiliated members want to continue their participation in NARALO and which ones have been active in the monthly calls. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Item not discussed.  [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting

12 February [Recording: --]  Need to clarify who is the current rep and how to move forward with selecting the new rep for 2018. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

14 March [Recording: 47:00] Briefly talked about these issues. No action items generated [Decision]: Carry froward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: 20 ]  Alan provided a summary of this. The position of representative is not currently filled. in the process of essentially refreshing the individual membership to make sure the people we have are still alive and active and interested in being involved which is going to happen before the end of May.  At that time, we will then have a selection process for selecting the individual representative  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 14 May [Recording: 16:48 ] Individual elections announced: Alan is the representative. Javier will be alternate.   [Decision]: Close discussion

ITEM 003: 2018 ALS Voting Rep & Alternates

LEAD: Glenn McKnight.

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: This item is created to execute the following: Paragraph 3.2 of the 2017 approved NARALO Rules and Procedures state that “Each ALS Member in good standing shall appoint one (1) voting representative and one (1) to two (2) alternates in accordance with its own selection procedures”.

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action to take: NARALO secretary to coordinate with staff and ALS members the selection of the ALS representative and Alternates. Item lead change to Glenn McKnight. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: 29:09] See current members here: NARALO Individual Members Roaster. There are a couple that need to define their alternates. Glenn to follow-up. Lead to be changed to Glenn McKnight.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Recommend to close [Decision]:  

ITEM 004: SOI Updates

LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: NARALO members should be encouraged to update/create their Statement of Interest (SOI).  

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action to take: NARALO secretary to coordinate with staff to encourage all NARALO members to update/create their SOIs. Item lead change to Glenn McKnight. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: --] Lead to be changed to Glenn McKnight.  [Decision]: Item not discussed. Carry forward to next meeting

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]   Recommend to close. [Decision]: 

ITEM 005: 2018 NomCom update report

LEAD: Leah Sykmekher

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: Brief report by our 2018 NomCom representative.

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: 52:05]  Report given. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting Off-Line Report: The 2018 NOMCOM is tasked with filling 9 open leadership positions on the ICANN board. The team kicked off with meetings at ICANN 60 in Abudhabi where we got right into the preparatory phase of our work that focused on detailed planning for responsibilities in the coming year. We achieved the following: - Defined operating procedures - Outlined 2018 NOMCOM timelines, goals and strategies - Formed 8 subcommittees each focused on specific tasks. Outreach:  We are currently in the candidate recruitment phase of our annual process where outreach to the community plays a significant role. NOMCOM delegates attending IGF 2017 in Geneva began our outreach efforts with more to come at ICANN 61 and at /through other appropriate channels. We welcome NARALO to encourage suitable candidates to apply for these open seats: ICANN Board of Directors 3 Seats, GNSO 1 seat, ALAC 2 seats (Europe & North America) & ccNSO 2 seats.Resources: For more information on NOMCOM 2018 and to be continually updated on our activities please use the following resources: 2018 NOMCOM website as a resource for information:,  2018 NOMCOM wiki for candidate applications (will be up soon), 2018 NOMCOM Update (will be available soon  [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting

12 February2018 [Recording: --]   Off-Line Report:  Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom: Thx Glenn direct people to my summary, the website and let all know that we are in the recruiting phase so direct intersted candidates  to website.Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom: [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

14 March [Recording: --] No report given.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: --] No report given.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

14 May [Recording: 1:02 ]  Off-line report update at @4/23/2018 :: for leadership positions within ICANN, the NomCom initiated a recruitment phase in January. The NomCom carried out various outreach activities, including circulating an invitation via social media platforms, email and news updates via professional networks. NomCom members presented at multiple events, reached out to potential candidates and encouraged them to apply. This effort was intensified during ICANN61. In parallel, an independent recruitment firm targeted candidates for Board positions. At the end of the period for expressions of interest, the NomCom received 109 complete applications. Applicants applied from Africa (19), Asia Pacific (25), Europe (21), Latin America and the Carribbean (13), and North America (31). There were 33 female and 76 male applicants. In terms of ICANN leadership position application numbers, there were (87) Board, (43) GNSO, (19) ALAC and (40) ccNSO.Updates on the candidate assessment phase will follow shortly. Reported by Leah Symekher ALAC-NARALO delegate to the NomCom 2018. Leah reported during the meeting as well [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

11June [Recording: 21:54] No report given. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

09 July [Recording: 53:20]  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

→ 13 August [Recording: 09:00]:  Report given. Please refer to Transcript page 6. [Decision]: Close this item. A new discussion item will be open again once the 2019 NOMCOM is active.

ITEM 006: Creation of Working Groups

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 11 Dec 2017

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: This item is to create a series of Working Groups (WGs) to structure our collective regional efforts more efficiently and effectively. WGs can be Formal or AdHoc. Formal WGs work closer with staff since Wiki pages, call coordination and such are involved. AdHoc WGs require minimal staff support and are mostly done on informal basis. WGs to be created are: Policy, Education and Outreach. 

20 November 2017: [Recording: 10] Initial scope and responsibilities for each follows:

Policy WG:

o   Scope:

§  All policy issues affecting NARALO end-users and/or interest to NARALO members in general

o   Responsibilities:

    1. Understand policy issues with an aim to become “matter experts” in selected policy issues
    2. Prepare NARALO statements/comments for ALAC and/or any other group
    3. Coordinate with the Education WG to prepare snippet (~ 15 minutes) webinars related to policy

Education WG:

o   Scope:

§  Any issues (i.e. policy, process, etc.) affecting NARALO end-users and/or interest to NARALO members in general.

o   Responsibilities:

§  Understand issues with an aim to prepare snippet type (~15 minutes) webinars to explain them in “layman terms”

§  Coordinate with staff to provide editorial help in with NARALO statements/comments for ALAC and/or any other group

§  Coordinate with staff the preparation/publishing of educational material for the region

Outreach WG:

o   Scope:

§  Any outreach program resulting in increasing the NARALO membership base

o   Responsibilities:

§  Identify and/or create outreach programs

§  Identify, create and execute metric process to measure results for each program

§  Keep track of deadlines, efforts and results for each program

Creation of the groups was approved by consensus. John Laprise to lead Policy, Alfredo Calderón to lead Education and Glenn McKnight to lead Outreach. Joining Policy: Jonathan Zuck and Javier Rúa and Sussanah Gray. Action required: Each WG to revise Scope and Responsibilities. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--->11 December 2017: [Recording: 05:01ƒ] Policy & Outreach WG ratified scope and responsibilities (s&r). Education WG ratified s&r with the following change to responsibility "a": Identify issues that have impact on ICANN's mission and NARALO region and prepare multimedia educational materials to highlight the issue and consequences in "layman terms". [Decision]: Open discussion items for each individual group to report work in progress and close this discussion item. Educaton WGWiki page created to communicate tasks as done. Invitation was sent to community and five individuals are part of the WG. First meeting will be programmed before the year ends to start organizing 'hot topics' to be developed. Responsibility # 1 has been modified and will be discussed in the first meeting. Approved to close.

ITEM 009: NARALO Hot Topics

LEAD: John Laprice / Policy Group

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 9 April 2017

TYPE: Policy

DESCRIPTION: Seven (7) NARALO hot topics (HTs) were identified during the General Assembly (GA) held in New Orleans in April 2017. These are as follows: Privacy, Trust, Surveillance, Net Neutrality, Digital Literacy, Universal Internet Access and Cybersecurity. You can see a summary of these HERE. The original discussion that occurred during the GA is located HERE.  Volunteers have been assigned lead roles to f/u on the HTs. We need to re-confirm them. In addition, each HTs needs to be clearly defined indicating what is the specific issue(s) that affects our region and what outcome we want to see after discussing them.

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action required: Public WG to define these and include in their work flow. Decision]:   Carry forward to next meeting

11 December 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  There was no one from the Policy Group to discuss this item. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

12 February 2018 [Recording: 42]  There was no one from the Policy Group to discuss this item. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

14 March [Recording: 22:17]: Mentioned three groups that have been created to tackle hot topics and bringing new blood into the region. These are: Policy, Education and Outreach.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: 51] This item was discussed as part of the Policy group.  [Decision]: Recommend to close and fuse into into the Policy group.

ITEM 012: ABR (Additional Budget Request)

LEAD: Heidi Ulrich

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: Dormant @ 14 March 2018, Re-open: 11 june 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: To inform the region about important updates to the ABR

20 November 2017: [Recording: 37]  Kick-off: December 15, 2017, FBSC decisions by end of January 2018. See FY'18 workspace HERE for previous submissions. FY'19 workspace is HERE for time lines and more information. More details in the recording. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: 44:39] Announcement made by ICANN Finance HERE on December 5, 2017. Action required: report on next  steps. Clarify Core vs. Non-core. See the At-Large ABR wiki page HERE to check next steps in the time line. Core items get funded every year. It was clarified that in the case of Internet Schools that budget comes from the Global Engagement group. In this case, an ABR has to be generated every year if such event is to be funded. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Offline report: ABR deadline is Friday, 12 January 2018. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

12 February [Recording: 50] Final results in May 2018 [Decision]: Revisit in May - Recommend to put in a dormant state until then.

--→ 11June [Recording: 23:20]  $4,000/RALO , $15,000 for Communication and Outreach, $1,200 for Chair transition and $12,000 for a Two Hall event during ICANN63. See WIKI HERE for more specific information. [Decision]: Close Item

ITEM 013: ICANN 61 - two (2) open travel slots

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: ICANN 61 will be held in Puerto Rico (PR) in March 2018. Eduardo Díaz (NARALO Chair) and Javier Rúa (ALAC NARALO NomCom Appointee) live in PR therefore there will be two open slots for people to attend this event.

20 November 2017: [Recording: 46] Eduardo informed that he and Javier will be using the hotel and per diem budget allocation. It is allowed to use the two available travel slots with no hotel/per diem.  Possibility of combining the two travel slots into one  full supported travel slot, i.e. air, hotel & per diem. Action required: Judith to talk to Heidi/Alan privately to point to other RALOS that have done this (combining slots). Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: 11:02]  [Decision]: Active participation was defined as  participation in monthly calls in the past 6 months and participation in policy groups such as: GNSO/CCNSO PDP groups, CCWG and others. In other words, groups are focus in policy and not operations like Capacity Building and such. An open call will be sent to the region. Carry forward to next meeting.

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Call made to the region resulted in 0 interest.  [Decision]: Recommend to close.

ITEM 015: NARALO Newsletter

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 11 Dec 2017

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: This item is to discuss the change of the NARALO newsletter editor which is currently being done by Eduardo Díaz. Shelley Robinson, Executive Director of National Capital FreeNet/Libertel de la Capital nationale has volunteer to take over the production of the newsletter. This organization intents to be an ALS.

20 November 2017: [Recording: XX] This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action required: Approve change by consensus [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--->11 December 2017: [Recording: 24:20]  [Decision]: New editors Glenn McKnight and Shelly Robison announced. Links to the newsletter in the Wiki archive are not working. Glenn will continue to work off-line with staff until the problem is fixed. No objection received to have the new editors. Approved to close.

TEM 018:  ALAC and the ALAC Appointee Selection Committee (AASC)

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 11 Dec 2017

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: Under the request of Alan Greenberg, Chair of the ALAC and the ALAC Appointee Selection Committee (AASC), we are issuing a call for members of the 2018 AASC.The AASC reviews applications for various positions related to the ALAC and makes recommendations to the ALAC on which candidates to appoint or endorse.The AASC is Chaired by the ALAC Chair and is composed of: 

·  the ALAC Leadership Team excluding the ALAC Chair (Seun, Maureen, Bastiaan and Bartlett) and one other ALAC Member from the Chair's region;
· one member representing each RALO.
The AASC selects people to occupy critical positions and AASC members must be both able and willing to take the time to review applications in detail and to participate in the decisions of the Committee. For your information, the RALO representatives on the 2017 AASC are:
·         AFRALO - Barrack Otieno
·         APRALO - Ali AlMeshal
·         EURALO - Nenad Marinkovic
·         LACRALO - Maritza Yesenia Aguero Minano
·         NARALO - John Laprise
There are no term limit requirements. RALO Chairs should inform Alan and At-Large staff by 24 November at 23:59 UTC who the RALO Member will be from your region. 

20 November 2017: [Recording: 32] Action required: A call for self-nominations will be sent to the region. Please see recording for details [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--->11 December 2017: [Recording: 06:17] The call was made.  Judith was the only one interested in representing NARALO. A letter went out confirming the member selected. Recommend to close this item. [Decision]: Approved to close.

ITEM 019:  ALAC Finance and Budget Sub-Committee (FBSC)

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 11 Dec 2017

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: Under the request of Alan Greenberg, Chair of the ALAC and ALAC Finance and Budget Sub-Committee (FBSC), we are issuing a call for members of the 2017-2018 FBSC.  The tasks of the FBSC include but are not limited to: 

- Coordination of the annual additional Budget Requests from the ALAC and the RALOs that will be filed to go into the yearly ICANN budget
- Drafting of any Statement regarding the ICANN Budget Process
- Drafting of any Statement regarding the ICANN Strategic Process
- Drafting of any Statement regarding ICANN's Operating plan
- Issues involving Constituency Travel Budgets

There will be two Members per region:
- One ALAC member to be selected by the region's ALAC members. Please note that Alan is the Chair of the FBSC and would prefer not to serve as the NARALO ALAC member. 
- One Member representing the RALO. This will normally be a RALO Chair, Vice-Chair (if the region has such an officer defined) or Secretariat. A RALO may choose someone else to be their official representative, as long as that person is both involved in the selection and preparation of that region's budget requests, and is empowered to act on behalf of the region on the FBSC.

Need to inform Alan and At-Large staff  by Friday, 24 November at 23:59 UTC who the RALO Member will be from our region.

20 November 2017: [Recording: 20] Judith, William and Eduardo will be part of this group. Action required: A call to region will be sent to the region to invite other members. See recording for more details. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--->11 December 2017: [Recording: 07:03] A call was sent to the region. NARALO representative: Eduardo, Participants: William, Glenn, Alfredo & Judith. ALAC member: Javier Rua. Recommend to close this discussion item:   [Decision]: Approved to close.

ITEM 021: Snippet Webinar - Net Neutrality

LEAD: Alfredo Calderón / Education Group

OPEN: 8 January 2018, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: Policy

DESCRIPTION: dismantling the rules regulating the businesses that connect consumers to the internet. One of the main questions to answer is: Should changes to the NN rules concern ICANN at all?

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Snippet Webinar (SW) about Net Neutrality will be held during this meeting. The purpose is to hear what net neutrality really is and what changes are expected to happen with the new FCC ruling. After the SW, there will be an opportunity for all to participate and comment about this theme. One of the main questions that we want to answer is the following: Does the NN ruling affects ICANN directly? . [Decision]:  The webinar was held. recommend to close.

ITEM 022: 2018 At-Large Webinars

LEAD: Tijani Ben Jama

OPEN: 8 January 2018, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: Education

DESCRIPTION: Presentation of 2018 At-Large Webinars

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Heidi explained that Tijani did not planned to talk in this meeting but that what he wanted was to remind everyone to send him topics for 2018 Capacity Webinar series. [Decision]: Recommend to close.

ITEM 023: NARALO Elections

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 12 February 2018, CLOSED: 11 June 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: To provide an update on the 2018 NARALO Election 




23 April 2018 (ended)

Nominations* open for four positions: Chair, Secretariat, ALAC Representative and NomCom Delegate. ROP 6.1.2"Candidates for office may be an Individual Member or a member of an ALS Member, and must be resident in North America."

4 May 2018 (ended)

Nominations Close. ROP 6.4.1"The nomination period shall be no fewer than ten (10) working days."

11 May 2018 (ended)

Deadline for Nomination Acceptance. ROP 6.4.2"Nominations other than self-nominations must be accepted within 7 days of the close of the nomination period."

14 May 2018 (ended)Elections, if required, open.

15 May, 2018 (ended)

NARALO Special Purpose Call on NARALO 2018 Elections: "Get to Know the Candidates" -  15 May 2018 @ 21:00 UTC

18 May 2018 (ended)

Elections, if required, end.

18 May 2018 (ended)Elections results are published.

Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders shall be seated at the ALAC Wrap Up Session during the 2018 AGM.


NARALO Chair: Currently held by Eduardo Díaz. Eduardo is not term limited. Current term ends at the end of the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM).  

NARALO Secretariat: Currently held by Glenn McKnight.  Glenn is not term limited. Current term lasts until the end of the 2018 AGM.

ALAC  Representative:  Currently held  by Alan Greenberg.  Alan is not term limited. Current term lasts until the end of the 2018 AGM.

NARALO  NomCom Delegate: The current NA delegate to the 2018 NomCom is Leah Symekher. Leah is not term limited. Current term last until the end of the 2018 AGM. 

12 February 2018: [Recording: 51] Heidi mentioned that the dates presented in the DRAFT may change since staff is  synchronizing all RALO elections two run simultaneously. [Decision]: Carry froward to next meeting

14 March [Recording: --] No discussed. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: 16:00] Heidi provided a detail account of the election time line. Refer to recording/transcript (page8) for more details. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

14 May [Recording: 16:48 ] Individual elections announced: Alan is the representative. Javier will be alternate. By ROP 6.5.1, NARALO Chair and Secretariat elected by acclamation. Alan clarified the process on how elections are run when there are more that two candidates for one position. See discussion on the transcript page #14.  Election time table in the wiki (and here in the agenda ) is incorrect. Elections starts on 24 May 2018. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 11June [Recording: 1:43]  Results mentioned. [Decision]: Close Item.

ITEM 027: Global indigenous Ambassador Program (GIA)

LEAD: Matthew and Geoffrey

OPEN:14 March 2018, CLOSED: 14 March 2018

TYPE: [Outreach]

DESCRIPTION: Program Update

--→ 14 March [Recording: 12:20] Update given. Testimonial given by Mathew about his experience with the program. Testimonials given by Michelle from Canada and Lillian from Colombia. [Decision]: Recommend to close.

ITEM 030: ccTLD Update - Dot NYC

LEAD: Tom Lowenhaupt

OPEN: 09 April 2018, CLOSED: 09 April 2018

TYPE: [General]

DESCRIPTION: Presentation about city ccTLDs

--→ 09 april [Recording: 33] Presentation given. Please see details starting at page 18 in the transcript. Tom would like to know from anyone in the group how well city TLDs are serving the needs of resident of various cities.  [Decision]: Recommend to close.

ITEM 031: North America Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for FYI 18/19

LEAD: Chris Mondini / Joe Catapano

OPEN: 14 May 2018, CLOSED: 14 May 2018

TYPE: Outreach

DESCRIPTION:  To discuss the final North America Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for FYI 19/20 to be launch on May 14, 2018.

--→ 14 May [Recording: 32:35 ]  Presentation was given.  [Decision]: Close discussion.


LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 14 May 2018, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION:  To call for volunteers to provide feedback about the NARALO.ORG  website as to navigation and content.

14 May [Recording: 5:04]   Expanded on Anna Loop's background. Discussion starts in transcript page #4. The following people volunteer to help in the group: Judith, Joy and Susannah. Some problems were discussed.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11June [Recording: 27:53] Glenn reported. Check transcript for more details. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

→ 13 August [Recording: 12:00]: Everybody has given feedback on the changes and updating of the links. Evin has worked hard on fixing the site. So if there are any other comments from any other community members, please let us know. [Decision]: Close item.

ITEM 033: New ALS :: North American Graduate Students (NAGS)

LEAD: David Morar / Anna Loup

OPEN: 14 May 2018, CLOSED: 14 May 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION:  To provide introduction remarks by the founders

--→ 14 May [Recording: 2:04 ]  Anna described the group. See transcripts starting at page #2 [Decision]: Close discussion.

ITEM 034: ICANN 62 @ Panamá - Reports

LEAD: Various

OPEN: 09 July 2018, CLOSED: 09 July 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: To provide a summary report by participaing NARALO members in this meeting

→ 09 July [Recording: 1:38]  Reports given. See Transcript for details. [Decision]: Close Item.

ITEM 035: ICANN 62 @ Panamá - Onboarding Fellow Report

LEAD: Gladys Maldonado

OPEN: 09 July 2018, CLOSED: 09 July 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: Provide a summary report on the experiences and insights about this program acquired during this meeting

→ 09 July [Recording: 22:53]  Report given. In summary, the program needs improvements to engage participants while in the ICANN meeting. Acronyms usage in meetings was mentioned as one deterrents in understanding what was going on. [Decision]: Close Item

ITEM 036: ICANN 62 @ Panamá - Fellowship Program Report (Fellow)

LEAD: Alfredo Calderón

OPEN: 09 July 2018, CLOSED: 09 July 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: Provide a summary report on the experiences and insights about this program acquired during this meeting

→ 09 July [Recording: 26:40]  Was not impressed with the fellow sessions in Panamá. Had the opportunity to serve as an open coach to three newcomers from Latin America. See more details in transcript - page 15 [Decision]: Close Item.

ITEM 037: SWebinar :: Universal Acceptance

LEAD: Johnathan Zuck

OPEN: 09 July 2018, CLOSED: 09 July 2018

TYPE: Education

DESCRIPTION: To provide an understanding of Universal Acceptance as related to ICANN's mission. Universal Acceptance ensures that all domain names and email addresses can be used by all Internet-enabled applications, devices and systems. It is essential for the continued expansion of the domain name system and provides a gateway to the next billion Internet users. Basic info here. Jonathan's Presentation.

Universal Acceptance.pptm

→ 09 July [Recording: 35:40] Webinar give. Please transcript page 20 for more details. [Decision]: Close Item.

ITEM 038: SWebinar :: Work Ahead to meet the Implementation Review

LEAD: Allan Greenberg and Cheryl Langdon-Orr

OPEN: 13 August 2018, CLOSED: 13 August 2018

TYPE: Education

DESCRIPTION: Short presentation on the "Work Ahead to meet the Implementation Review" ( based on the 'Organizational Review of the At-Large - Final Report and Recommendations' approved by the ICANN Board ( During the ICANN Panama Meeting some ideas where shared as to what lies ahead for RALOs.

→ 13 August [Recording: 35:00]: Details of the presentation can be found starting in transcript page 22. [Decision]: Close item.


LEAD: Glenn McKnight, Judith Hellerstein, Jonathan Zuck , Others

OPEN: 13 August 2018, CLOSED: 13 August 2018

TYPE: Policy

DESCRIPTION: To share experiences and insights by NARALO members that attended this event

→ 13 August [Recording: 26:00]: Very successful event.  Reports given by Dusting Phillips, Judith, Glenn  and Johnathan Zuck. Johnathan recommended to watch the following discussion on whether or not the United States should adopt GDPR-like legislation. Link here:

 [Decision]: Close item.

ITEM 046: SWebinar :: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Subsequent PDP

LEAD: Jonathan Zuck

OPEN: 8 October 2018, CLOSED: 8 October 2018

TYPE: Education

DESCRIPTION: Short presentation on the Initial Report on the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process (Overarching Issues & Work Tracks 1-4)

          • What is this?
          • What did ALAC do different this time to comment on this policy?
          • Why is this important to the end-users? 
            • Overview of the ALAC comments

→ 8 October [Recording: 41:00] Webinar given. Please hear details via the recording starting at indicated time. [Decision]: Approved to close.


LEAD: Olivier Crepin-Leblond

OPEN: 8 October 2018 CLOSED: 8 October 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: To provide updates to this event which is scheduled for ICANN 66 , 2-7 November 2019 in Montreal, Canada

→ 8 October [Recording: 05:05] : Provided an extensive summary covering from structure of how it will be coordinated, leadership and a brief timeline. There were question regarding the working groups , selection criteria, working group leaders, etc. [Decision]: Closed.

ITEM 049: Presentation : Brief Read Out of the Highlights of ICANN63

LEAD: Chris Mondini

OPEN: 12 November 2018, CLOSED: 12 November 2018

TYPE: Education

DESCRIPTION: To provide a brief ICANN 63 meeting read out.

→ 12 November [Recording: 32:00]: Check slide deck in the AC recording. Check transcript starting in page #23 to read Chris presentation. Closed.

Topic 053: FY20 ALAC/RALO Additional Budget Requests (ABR)

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz / Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 10 December 2018, CLOSED: 11 February 2019 (integrated with topic 051)

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: →: To request proposals for submission to this process and report on its results. Requirements for proposals are as follows:

    • Proposals should include ways in which will make the entire At-Large community more effective and develop the At-Large community rather than a single section of the At-Large community.
    • Outreach should not be a major focus. Activities to improve engagement with existing members is encouraged.
    • If any request is made on outreach, it should go through the CROP program or as a part of a larger ALAC request for RALO Discretionary Funding. 
    • RALO requests should be strategic and in line with their RALO's strategic outreach plans and must be endorsed by their RALO prior to being submitted for consideration by the FBSC.
    • Staff is currently expecting that basic resources for community communications/printing will be supported through the core ICANN budget, but that community proposals for printing , etc. will be accepted as a back-up in case expectations change.  Specific proposals for communications resources beyond simple printing and editing functions should be prepared and submitted.





      Kick off and Submission period



      In progress

      FBSC representatives and/or staff to send notice of opening of FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR) process to RALOs15/11/201815/11/2018Completed
      RALOs to review any ALS request or complete a template on behalf of the RALO and send requests to

      Discussion of Proposals with Finance Staff and FBSC07/01/2019 11/01/2019Completed
      Revised proposals to be sent to the FBSC for final review.14/01/201918/01/2019Completed
      The ALAC to review the proposed At-Large FY20 ABRs during their monthly call 22/01/201922/01/2019Completed
      The FBSC to review all the RALO requests.23/01/201923/01/2019Completed

      Submissions Due – send to




      Preliminary review of requests by



      On target

      SO/AC consultations at ICANN 64 (by request, during Constituents’ Day)



      On target

      Final assessments and recommendations by



      On target

      ICANN Board Finance Committee Review and recommendation for approval to the Board



      On target

      ICANN Board review and approval at May Board meeting



      On target

→ 10 December [Recording: 09:00]: Proposal to be submitted: Policy Course, North American indigenous fellowship program and the second North American School of Internet Governance (NASIG). Check transcript starting in page #4 for more details.

→ 14 January  [Recording: 20:52]: Report given. Check transcript starting in page #13 for more details.

→ 11 February  [Recording:XX:XX]: This topic has been integrated with Topic 51. Close

Topic 057: Presentation: What is ahead for ICANN in 2019

LEAD: Chris Mondini

OPEN: 14 January 2019, CLOSED: 14 January 2019

TYPE: Outreach

DESCRIPTION: To provide a fresh perspective of pending ICANN policies, reviews and issues in 2019. 

→ 14 January  [Recording: 44:15]: From transcript : "...There’s security, ICANN’s governance model, the DNS and unique identifiers, geopolitical issues and financial health.". Check transcript starting in page #26 for more detail - Close

Topic 058:Report on the Universal Acceptance Steering Committee Group

LEAD: Michael Casadevall

OPEN: 14 January 2019, CLOSED: 14 January 201

TYPE: Policy

DESCRIPTION: Report on the face-to-face meeting participation held by this organization

→ 14 January  [Recording: 31:08] Report provided. Check transcript starting in page #20 for more details. Closed

Topic 061: ICANN 64 Read Out

LEAD: Chris Mondini

OPEN: 8 April 2019, CLOSED: 8 April 2019

TYPE: [Outreach]

DESCRIPTION: To provide a summary of the ICANN 64 meeting activities 

→ 8 April [Recording:52:22]: Chris presented the brief read-out. Watch the AC recording starting at 52:00 to see the actual slide deck used by Chris. Closed.

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