Nathalie  Peregrine: (12/15/2014 15:07) Dear all, welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce meeting on the 15th December 2014
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:07) Agenda page:
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:25) Action Items:
  Murray McKercher: (15:46) good morning Nathalie
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:47) Hello Murray, welcome!
  Gordon Chillcott: (15:54) Good morning . . .
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:54) Hello!
  Gordon Chillcott: (15:55) Hi, there.
  Juan Manuel Rojas P: (15:55) hi everyone
  Murray McKercher: (15:58) Hello Juan, how is your internet connection today?
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:00) Hello everyone
  Juan Manuel Rojas P: (16:00) Hi Murray.. fine.. I am talking through phone
  judith hellerstein: (16:03) Sorry I was late
  Glenn McKnight: (16:03) @Gordon and  Murray  I will send details to you both on our  DIY Showcase in Oshawa
  Glenn McKnight: (16:03) It will be on Family day
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:04)
  Murray McKercher: (16:05)
  Murray McKercher: (16:06) 7.2(a) - Establish a Technology Task Force (TTF) of community members that will periodically review the appropriateness of available technology, train RALOs/ALSes in new technologies, and possibly staff a help desk.
  Glenn McKnight: (16:08) 1.  Social Media  group  created
  Glenn McKnight: (16:08) 2.  Aggregrate the content ie. SLACK
  Glenn McKnight: (16:08) 3.  Followers  on FB, Twitter
  Glenn McKnight: (16:09) 4.   ConfereTcing Tools
  Beran Gillen: (16:11) good afternoon everyone
  judith hellerstein: (16:12) Hi Beren
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:14) I am joining here now my dial out was crancky
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:14) Also, been looking at ATLAS II Recommendations for the TTF
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:15) Also we have directly/indirectly assisting other WGs
  Beran Gillen: (16:15) hi judith
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:17) seems that the chat pod is frozen for me as I'm not seeing any updates
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:17) TTF Monthly Reports :
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:18) If this is happening for others, please log out of the AC room and log ack in
  Beran Gillen: (16:18) i am but cant talk background noise
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:18) Beran is not on th eline
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:19) Remmy was unmuted
  Beran Gillen: (16:19) i will type up my comments here
  Beran Gillen: (16:19) sorry bout that Glenn
  Beran Gillen: (16:20) i am thinking that we should reach out to other working groups and see how we can be of help
  Murray McKercher: (16:20)
  Beran Gillen: (16:20) perhaps also look at translation. i remember there were issues with translation in the London meeting.
  Beran Gillen: (16:21) perhaps we could see how we could help with that. I am also aware that sometimes meetings are set up during the ICANN week without translation or even minute taking. perhaps we could look at how we can help with these ad hoc meetings
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:22) Jitsi Meet :
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:23) Anymeeting :
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:23) Thanks I am Remmy Nweke for the records. I think this session is very important for the ICANN's multistakeholder approach being professed. So, I am glad to be here.
  Murray McKercher: (16:23) @Beran, we did have a demonstration of simoultaneous translation on Adobe connect which looked quite good
  Beran Gillen: (16:25) @Murray must have missed that
  judith hellerstein: (16:26) @beran, actually it was in the captioning session, but we were testing out machine translation on captioning
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:26) Adobe Connect Plugins :
  Beran Gillen: (16:26) i remember we had an AFRALO meeting (adhoc ) at ICANN 51 and no one could follow as there was no recording or translation. we tried connecting via skype and was not so successful and thus no remote participation
  Beran Gillen: (16:27) we should also consider those of us living in the bandwidth challenged part of the world to make sure whatever we suggest must not be bandwidth hungry
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:27) @Beran I think by connecting directly to AdobeConnect makes it lot easier
  Beran Gillen: (16:28) @Remmy it was not in a designated room thus no Adobe Connect was available
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:29) @Beran I see
  Murray McKercher: (16:30) @DEV perhaps we should have the adobe folks pitch us their new technology solutions
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:31) yes
  judith hellerstein: (16:31) @beran captioning gives you a separate html link so that will help people with bandwidth issues
  Murray McKercher: (16:32) @Nathalie what browser is the best one to use for Adobe your experience?
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:32) @Judith, what do you mean by separate html being helpful for those with bandwidth issues?
  judith hellerstein: (16:32) @beran if we have all meetings captioned than that would solve your problems
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:33) @ Murray, Firefox works the best for me
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:33) both on C and on MAC
  Glenn McKnight: (16:33) Hi all
  Glenn McKnight: (16:33) It works
  judith hellerstein: (16:33) if we have captioning on the calls the people who do the captioning can send us a link to a separate text only html page where the captioning is done
  Glenn McKnight: (16:34) Action i tem  please  Natalie  
  judith hellerstein: (16:34) For me I use Safari and that works best for macs, but used to use firefox but then had problems with that so went to safari
  Glenn McKnight: (16:34) Set a  time for a  joint  call on the testing of Dev's  tool with the Accountability and Metrics  group
  judith hellerstein: (16:35) Today, I had not updated my flash before the call so went to firefox
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:35) @ Dev, tech support has confirmed they can add these plugins easily in the TTF room for testing purposes
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:36) For me and for now, @Judith my Firefox is still working fine
  Glenn McKnight: (16:36) Perhaps  Dev  we can do a short  presentation at the  Accountabiliy WG  on the tool  too in Feb  in Singapore
  Glenn McKnight: (16:36) Thanks remmy
  judith hellerstein: (16:36) I am using firefox now and perhaps it is better
  Glenn McKnight: (16:36) All working fine for me now
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:37)
  Murray McKercher: (16:37) great thanks
  Beran Gillen: (16:37) @judith i agree about the captioning. i also use mac and safari not so friendly at times.
  Glenn McKnight: (16:37) Problem  with  using  audio via  computer on Adobe  
  Glenn McKnight: (16:37) It hanged it up
  Beran Gillen: (16:37) @judith i resort to chrome when it decides to go haywire
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:38) @Beran at the beginning of entry, there is always a brief guide to what is availability except if someone checked "do not show this page again"
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:40) @Remmy - indeed this is new for Adobe Connect 9.3
  Beran Gillen: (16:40) yes it was thanks @judith
  judith hellerstein: (16:41) great!!
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:41) Yes @Dev, but interestly great
  Murray McKercher: (16:42) @Glenn, I also liked those two pods, what is required to implement these add ons? and is there any more administrative overhead
  Glenn McKnight: (16:43) The  captioning of videos
  Glenn McKnight: (16:43)
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:43) btw, any takers for updating AnyMeeting Review
  Glenn McKnight: (16:43) Craptions to Captions
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:44) Captions Review for ATLASII Recommendation 11 :
  judith hellerstein: (16:45) Thanks Dev
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:45) @Glenn what is that about "Craptions to Captions"?
  Glenn McKnight: (16:45)
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:46) @Glenn I got there and get stucked
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:46) I thought it was to get to yourtube
  Glenn McKnight: (16:47) I will do  a presesentation on this tool
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:47) @Glenn Ok, I heard you say so at next meeting?
  judith hellerstein: (16:48) Do you have to provide the script and upload it
  Juan Manuel Rojas P: (16:48) yes, but maybe in Meetings we could avoid captioning as Main room on ICANN meetings.
  Glenn McKnight: (16:49) Yes
  Murray McKercher: (16:49) We have about 10 minutes remaining in the call
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:50) @Murray Do we have this in recommendation 26 in document for sharing
  judith hellerstein: (16:51) Can you post this to the chat?
  Murray McKercher: (16:51) @ Remmy, I am not sure, Glenn or Dev may have the answer to that
  Ariel Liang: (16:51) Here is the consolidated post atlas ii workspace:
  Ariel Liang: (16:52) This is the grid that indicates the status of recs:
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (16:52) @Thanks
  Juan Manuel Rojas P: (16:52) create a taxonomy of policy categories,
  Juan Manuel Rojas P: (16:52) That is 26. i think
  judith hellerstein: (16:53) @Ariel there is nothing done for Recommendation 11 and I have a whole write up on this
  Glenn McKnight: (16:53) Also  add  to action item  a short  presentation to the accountablity committee on Dev's  suggestion
  Glenn McKnight: (16:54) Suggestion;   We need  to  get an idea of  the member's  bio's
  Ariel Liang: (16:54) I believe Rec 11 has been completed. It was presented during the Board ALAC meeting in ICANN 51. But if it is incorrect we can connect offline
  Glenn McKnight: (16:54) what was item  11
  judith hellerstein: (16:54) there is nothing in the spot by rec 11
  Glenn McKnight: (16:55) link?
  judith hellerstein: (16:55) 11 was accessibility
  Glenn McKnight: (16:55) yes
  judith hellerstein: (16:57) We can use this for CROPP
  Murray McKercher: (16:58) @Ariel, looks all our members have confluence accounts? If not what is the process to get an account?
  Glenn McKnight: (16:58) I uploaded my  Craptions to Captions  Slideshow  to share  
  Glenn McKnight: (16:58)
  Juan Manuel Rojas P: (16:59) @Murray.. Until I know, yes. All we have confluecen accounts.
  Murray McKercher: (17:00) @juan OK Thanks
  Murray McKercher: (17:01) I have a hard stop at 11:00, good call, look forward to following this topic...
  Glenn McKnight: (17:03) Thanks  Murray.  Don't  forget  to email  me your  suggestions for  topics  in 2015
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (17:04) Remy, you are unmuted
  Glenn McKnight: (17:04) yes  i can hear him now
  judith hellerstein: (17:04) This will work for CROPP to remind people of deadlines
  Beran Gillen: (17:07) @judith for a lot of the working groups actually
  Beran Gillen: (17:07) as forgetful as i am this could really be helpful
  Beran Gillen: (17:07) thanks @Ariel
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:08)
  Ariel Liang: (17:08) no problem. If you want to explore the test pages for the action items, please feel free to visit my personal space:
  Ariel Liang: (17:08) leaving the call now. Bye everyone!
  judith hellerstein: (17:08) Bye
  Juan Manuel Rojas P: (17:09) bye ariel
  Glenn McKnight: (17:09) none
  Juan Manuel Rojas P: (17:10) Some topics on Translations LACRALO list are still remaining
  judith hellerstein: (17:12) Good idea
  Juan Manuel Rojas P: (17:12) Maybe we could inform what we do on our own RALO
  judith hellerstein: (17:12) Should we do a survey?
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (17:13) @Judith, I think survey could help and we take up from there
  Beran Gillen: (17:13) guys i have to go but will listen in on the audio later on
  Beran Gillen: (17:13) and transcript of course
  judith hellerstein: (17:13) by Beran
  Beran Gillen: (17:13) bye judith
  Glenn McKnight: (17:14) Action  short  survey of  topics
  Glenn McKnight: (17:14) Also extended survey of past
  Gordon Chillcott: (17:15) Not a bad discussion . . .
  Glenn McKnight: (17:16) Lets  do it in Survey monkey
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (17:16) Yes @Glenn Survey monkey will do.
  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]: (17:17) Merry Xmas to everyone
  judith hellerstein: (17:17) Ok bye all
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (17:17) Best wishes to everyone!
  Gordon Chillcott: (17:17) Best of the Season, everybody!  And thanks Dev.
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:17) bye all
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:17) Bye All

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