17:31:09 From Yesim Nazlar : Welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce WG Call taking place on Monday, 20 May 2019 at 15:00 UTC.
17:31:24 From Yesim Nazlar : Agenda: https://community.icann.org/x/2pWGBg
17:55:01 From Evin Erdoğdu : Hello all, welcome.
17:55:12 From christina.rodriguez : Good moring everyone
17:55:40 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thanks :)
17:56:39 From Evin Erdoğdu : Hello Christina, welcome!
17:58:19 From Raymond Mamattah : Good afternoon from Ghana
17:58:28 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Hello all
18:03:21 From laura.bengford : I’ll provide the update on the accessibility item.
18:05:58 From Evin Erdoğdu : Awesome :) thank you Laura & team!
18:06:57 From Fred Kwadwo Aazore : well done Laura and Team
18:07:04 From Raymond Mamattah : Judith, your voice is very low and difficult to hear you correctly
18:08:26 From Carlton Samuels : Good morning all.
18:08:36 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Background regarding LACRALO translation tool : https://community.icann.org/display/LACRALO/discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues
18:08:49 From Harold Arcos : Morning Carlton!
18:08:55 From Carlton Samuels : There was a break on Mark's voice at "main issue"..
18:09:12 From silvia.vivanco : Do you have an estimated time for completion?
18:09:59 From Carlton Samuels : Is there a log we can see of the codes are?
18:10:14 From Carlton Samuels : Aaah. Thanks Dev...
18:11:32 From Carlton Samuels : Voice disappeared for a bit again
18:11:41 From silvia.vivanco : Ok thanks Mark!
18:12:37 From Carlton Samuels : Yes, you answered the wuestion
18:13:46 From Carlton Samuels : Judith's voice disappeared for a bit..
18:15:03 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Heres' the link to the questions regardng Zoom : https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Questions+to+ICANN+regarding+Zoom
18:17:30 From Carlton Samuels : Does the RTT process have any ability to be trained for voices?
18:22:01 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : The automatic transcription of Zoom recording is a feature of paid Zoom plans
18:23:24 From Carlton Samuels : Thanks Judith. Given the variety of accents at play, it is in the At-Large's interest for any solution to come with a capability to be 'trained'.
18:24:23 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : I consider myself lucky to see the scribes at the ICANN meetings when they were there at the ICANN F2F meetings (a long time ago)
18:24:27 From Carlton Samuels : Hi Cristina! Thanks for the info. Good to hear you.
18:26:29 From gisella.gruber : Terri/Nathalie - are ALL your transcripts with LS?
18:26:46 From Sara Caplis : Perhaps the GNSO posts the Zoom transcription until the official transcription is complete
18:26:48 From gisella.gruber : We are on TTF … and Judith saying Auction Proceeds transcription was posted VERY shortly after the call
18:27:14 From christina.rodriguez : I think that ay be the case Sara
18:28:12 From gisella.gruber : @All - apologies - just checking on transcriptions Judith mentioned
18:30:08 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Re: hand raising, it looks like the host only has the order sequence of hands which was raised and not the person chairing the call which is harder for the persons chairing the call
18:30:36 From Carlton Samuels : In my view the At-Large's interest in comm tools differ significantly from the GNSO. Yes, the baseline language is English; that is, everything to English in voice communications. We want not only transcription but translation/interpretation with transcription.
18:33:30 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Mentioned before, but just in case, the ICANN At-Large blog : https://icannatlarge.blog/2019/03/05/news-from-lacralo-february-2019/ has machine translation of the blog posts as well as speaking the blog post in multiple languages
18:36:12 From christina.rodriguez : Just confirmed with the GNSO Team - ALL GNSO transcripts are being rocessed via ICANN Language Services
18:36:52 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : There's a Zoom integration with Slack : https://www.zoom.us/zoom-slack-integration
18:39:03 From christina.rodriguez : JUST CONFIRMED --- GNSO uploads the rough draft from Zoom, but does NOT use the Zoom version as the official transcript. The official version is publishd when ICANN Language Services delivers
18:39:05 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : See also Zoom and Slack: Building the future of team communication - An update on our joint commitment to making work seamless across platforms https://slackhq.com/slack-zoom-partnership-announcement
18:39:19 From Carlton Samuels : Can see only one window at a time on mobile. I'm on mobile now...
18:40:29 From Satish Babu : How do you pop up both Chat and Participant list on the Desktop version? I don't seem to be able to open both at the same time (I'm using Zoom on Linux)...
18:41:07 From Judith Hellerstein : @satish you look for more and then hit that and there is something that says pop out
18:41:15 From Harold Arcos : yes Carlton,,that was an issue reported by @Satish, and other difficult on mobile version,,
18:42:11 From Evin Erdoğdu : @Judith noted
18:43:25 From Satish Babu : Thanks @Judith, but there's nothing in More that permits this (on Linux).
18:44:01 From Harold Arcos : My concern is about what seems like a step backwards in the steps that we had advanced such as transcripts of chat, live transcription ,,,
18:44:18 From Satish Babu : Only one opens at a time on Linux...
18:44:21 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : @Satish, exit full screen, there are icons at the bottom of the zoom, then for each window, click on the down arrow (see screenshot : https://www.dropbox.com/s/vszeoqdu02lweee/zoom-pop-out-chat.png?dl=0
18:45:10 From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : I'm ok on windows 10
18:45:10 From Heidi Ullrich : @Judith, when did you wish to have the training? F2F or on a teleconference?
18:45:48 From Sara Caplis : https://zoom.us/livetraining
18:45:50 From Satish Babu : Thanks @Dev. Let me check it out.
18:46:28 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you @Sara
18:46:42 From Heidi Ullrich : @All, just heard that hosts/co-hosts can’t raise their hands.
18:46:44 From Carlton Samuels : Might I suggest we record the different OS/interfaces.....ok, Sara made the suggestion!
18:47:09 From Sara Caplis : @Heidi Ullrich we have asked that to be fixed n the feature set so that ALL can raise hands
18:48:14 From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : Yes Heidi
18:48:15 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Maybe a wiki page to document it
18:49:12 From Satish Babu : Ok, we can pop up both in Linux *if* we are not in full-screen mode...
18:49:43 From Gordon Chillcott : THere is that, yes.
18:50:02 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : @Satish - correct - full screen is well...full screen within the Zoom "screen"
18:51:12 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Also, chromebooks seemed to have an issue connecting (from Glenn)
18:52:17 From Harold Arcos : Dev proposal +1....Maybe on the same wiki of questions about this topics? : https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Questions+to+ICANN+regarding+Zoom
18:53:00 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : @Harold - indeed, or a separate wiki page under that
18:53:09 From Carlton Samuels : Judith went..again
18:53:45 From Sara Caplis : Zoom also hosts a 60 minute “ask me anything” session where they will show you any feature you wish to see
18:53:54 From Sara Caplis : https://zoom.us/webinar/register/4d173303911ebc14d746f627e8486654
18:55:19 From Carlton Samuels : Dev's voice went. .for awhile
18:55:41 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Mentioned before, but just in case, the ICANN At-Large blog : https://icannatlarge.blog/2019/03/05/news-from-lacralo-february-2019/ has machine translation of the blog posts as well as speaking the blog post in multiple languages
18:57:00 From Sara Caplis : Thanks Dev, I will check this out!
19:00:31 From Carlton Samuels : I'm checking out now. Duty calls. Thanks all. See you all next time
19:01:58 From Harold Arcos : Where can we see the AIs we are creating at the meeting? We need a strategy so that you can see it in the recording of the Session and you can see it later during the review of the recording.
19:02:14 From Judith Hellerstein : @harold, Even can email them to you
19:02:21 From Judith Hellerstein : *Evin
19:03:39 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Of course, open source chat solutions can be looked at, which removes the $ per user issue
19:03:56 From Judith Hellerstein : So could zoom chat features
19:05:06 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : AC / SOs could have Slack rooms and there can be shared Slack channels across different rooms
19:05:21 From Harold Arcos : thanks @Judith, not just for me. I am thinking about the Session Record. Many members has habit to review the records and they will not be able to see them.
19:05:45 From Satish Babu : Agree with Harold.
19:07:24 From Harold Arcos : after they will be uploade in the Wiki but will not be in the recording.
19:07:41 From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : must run
19:07:52 From Harold Arcos : can you hear me
19:09:36 From Satish Babu : Thanks everyone, and bye!!
19:09:39 From Gordon Chillcott : THanks and bye for now.
19:09:40 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you all and thank you to our guest speakers (great Q&A)
19:09:42 From Sara Caplis : Thank you all - I will get back shortly with follow up!
19:09:56 From Fred Kwadwo Aazore : thanks all...bye
19:09:57 From Harold Arcos : thanks all,,,bye bye
19:10:04 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : bye all

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