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The ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement (O&E) develops strategy to:

This Subcommittee works with the broader At-Large Community to ensure its strategy is implemented successfully.

Get Involved

All who are interested in outreach and engagement for the At-Large Community are welcome to join the Subcommittee on O&E!

Please email your expression of interest to At-Large Staff at staff@atlarge.icann.org.

Summary of ALAC SC on Outreach and Engagement Activity (June 2017)

Check out the slides below, presented during the ALAC SC O&E F2F meeting at ICANN59:

Open PDF presentation

Key Links

At-Large Outreach and Engagement Workspace

At-Large Community Onboarding

Outreach Calendars

At-Large Outreach and Engagement Document Workspace

Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP)-FY18

Mailing List Archives of the SC on Outreach and Engagement

Monthly Reports of the SC on Outreach and Engagement

Meetings of the SC on Outreach and Engagement

Next Meeting: 29 August 2017

Previous Meeting: 30 May 2017

See the Meetings page to find recordings and transcripts of SC on Outreach and Engagement meetings.

Proposed Immediate Work Items for the SC on Outreach and Engagement


Name of Work ItemProject LeadNotes
Follow up on updated FY18 Outreach and Engagement Strategy for each RALO

O&E Co-chairs

At-Large Community Onboarding

The Community Onboarding Pilot Program is a collaboration between ICANN and the ICANN Community to effectively integrate new Community members into their volunteer roles. The program aims to create a structured, year-round (not Meetings-focused) Onboarding process taiored to each Community group. The program consists of three pillars:
  1. Welcome: Timely welcome of new Community member

  2. Onboarding: Structured courses, materials and tools for individuals to learn about their Community and how to participate

  3. Mentoring: Individualized peer-mentorship for selected members

Members of the SC on O&E are building out this structured Onboarding process for At-Large. See At-Large Community Onboarding for presentations and work developed to date.

Beran Dondeh Gillen, Isaac Maposa and Dev Anand Teelucksingh have been working on the Community Onboarding Project. See At-Large Community Onboarding for presentations and work developed to date.

Between ICANN58 and ICANN59, the work developed has been shared on RALO Leadership Calls, RALO Monthly Calls and ALAC Monthly Calls.

Note: The program builds upon an O&E presentation introducing At-Large to NextGen.

Possible FY18 budget requests, coordinated outreach for IGF 2017: Proposal submitted and approved. See:

Glenn McKnight

Despite substantial At-Large presence at IGF 2016 Mexico and a significant opportunity for outreach, there was a lack of awareness and promotion of At-Large.

The O&E proposal for the IGF 2017 panel session was not selected by IGF MAG, but an APRALO proposal was approved. Therefore the budget request for Outreach is still active (two travelers approved; one Outreach Subcommittee member and one ALAC member) for travel support to the IGF 2017 Meeting. Support is contingent upon:

(1) MAG approval of at least one At-Large RALO workshop; and

(2) Submission of a detailed report from each traveler within 30 days of related meeting, addressing each request as per itemized metric. The report is to be submitted to sbr-outcomes@icann.org and is a conditional upon future resource allocation. Approved travel includes economy airfare, four travel days and three hotel nights, plus per diems adjusted to regional standard of living.

Actively seek Outreach events to add to the At-Large Outreach Calendars. 

Evaluate past Outreach efforts to determine how successful they were.

(Suggested by Rao Naveed)

Ongoing collaboration and participation in the ICANN Civil Society approach.O&E Co-chairs 
Dev Anand Teelucksingh 
Collaborate with the At-Large Capacity Building Working Group in order to ensure that future capacity building webinars are complementary to SC Outreach and Engagement Strategy.  
Creation of  E-Books using existing materials to engage current members and recruit new members.Glenn McKnightStaff assigned Jana Juginovic in Communications and Jeff Dunn in DPRD (who leads the online learning platform, ICANN Learn).
Working Group Revitalization This topic was scheduled for discussion in ICANN56 but was postponed.

What is your idea or suggestion?



Staff Support Lead

Staff Support Lead: Heidi Ullrich


At-Large Members of the SC on Outreach and Engagement

The members of the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement, organized by regional affiliation, are listed below. See previous members here.

AFRALOWunmi HassanMember
AFRALOICANN Fellow, Nigeria
APRALORao Naveed Bin RaisICANN Fellow, Pakistan
APRALOAdeel SadiqICANN NextGen Program



Alexis Anteliz
Joined 24 March 2016
Joined 08 Sept 2015
Joined 10 Sept 2015
Joined 16 July 2015, Individual
Joined 21 Dec 2015

Joined 07 Sept 2015

Chair and Co-chair



Yubelkys Montalvo Carrión