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This Workspace has been created to assist the ALAC/At-Large community in developing FY21 Additional Budget Request (ABR) proposals. The ALAC Finance and Budget Sub-committee (FBSC) will review all proposals submitted and will agree on which to submit to ICANN on behalf of the ALAC.

FY22 ALAC/ALT Plus Criteria for Additional Budget Requests: 

  • In the post-ATLAS III environment, proposals should include activities that will make the entire At-Large community more effective in policy advice development. 
  • Outreach should not be a major focus. Activities to improve engagement with existing members is encouraged.
  • If any request is made on outreach, it should go through the CROP program or as a part of a larger ALAC request for RALO Discretionary Funding. 
  • RALO requests should be strategic and in line with their RALO's strategic outreach plans and the At-Large 2021 Workplan and must be endorsed by their RALO prior to being submitted for consideration by the FBSC.
  • Priority will also only be given to those who have provided draft reports as requested as part of the FY21 ABR approval language. Final reports must be submitted by the end of FY21. 
  • Staff is currently expecting that basic resources for community communications/printing will be supported through the core ICANN budget, but that community proposals for printing , etc. will be accepted as a back-up in case expectations change.  Specific proposals for communications resources beyond simple printing and editing functions should be prepared and submitted.

Important Documents and Resources from ICANN Finance and Policy Staff

FY22 Additional Budget Request Timeline

The timeline and deliverables for the process are as follows:





Kick off and Submission period

09 Nov 2020

29 Jan 2021In Progress
FBSC representatives and/or staff to send notice of opening of FY21 Additional Budget Request (ABR) process to RALOs18 Nov 202025 Nov 2020
RALOs to review any ALS request or complete a template on behalf of the RALO and send requests to 

25 Nov 2020

18Jan 2021

(New.  extended date)

Discussion of Proposals with Finance and Policy Staff and FBSC11 Jan 202118 Jan 2021 (extended dates)
Revised proposals to be sent to the FBSC for final review.13 Jan 202118 Jan 2021
The ALAC to review the proposed At-Large FY22 ABRs during their monthly call19 Jan 202122 Jan 2021
The FBSC to review all the RALO requests.25 Jan 202128 Jan 2021

Submissions Due – send to (IMPORTANT: At-Large staff will send all At-Large requests to

29 Jan 2021

29 Jan 2021

Preliminary review of requests by

01 Feb 2021

05 Mar 2021

SO/AC consultations at ICANN 70 (by request, during Constituents’ Day)

20 Mar 2021

25 Mar 2021

Final assessments and recommendations by

12 Apr 2021

16 Apr 2021

ICANN Board Finance Committee Review and recommendation for approval to the Board

30 Apr 2021

30 Apr 2021

ICANN Board review and approval at May Board meeting

5 May 2021

14 May 2021



Person or Group Submitting

Title of Proposal

Request Number


Comments   by FBSC Members

FBSC Notes and Decision


Real-Time TranscriptionJudith HellersteinReal-time Captioning RTT of Zoom Meetings in Spanish and French

Recurring activity. Seeking 8 hours of RTT services in Spanish and 8 hours in French each month. The Spanish RTT will be off the Spanish language interpretation that is already provided and the French Translation will be off the French language interpretation in the calls.

Currently, RTT in English has made it to the core budget, but if for some reason it drops out of the core budget of ICANN than we would like this ABR to cover that RTT in English as well.

JH--Strongly Support

MH-- strongly support

JC – Strongly support

MM – Supportive but would want to see some stats re: use at the end of the year

RH - Support, but agree with MM

Threaded Discussion and Decision Support Tool Adoption and TrainingJonathan ZuckThreaded Discussion and Decision Support Tool Adoption and Training

JH-Support. Jz mentioned Loomio or slack with the clover pop addition. We really do need this especially if it works with mobile

 MH--Heidi - there was additional info on JZ's application form for this. This would be a great tool for CPWG to trial for their conversations rather than using the wiki

JC – Agree with MH; JZ has mentioned use of Loomio with Cloverpop, and Slack, in particular, which I strongly support.

MM - Supportive although not really familiar with these; General feeling in the community that we need to improve our tools in this area. 

RH - Not sure if this must be a At-Large ABR or a decision from ICANN IT

Translation and Publication of Materials for Individual User Education on DNS Abuse

Jonathan Zuck

MH--Similarly for this application

I strongly support this application to get information out about DNS abuse to the wider community. It would require more money to go into the comms budget to cater for the work which would come out of a small At-Large publication production team similar to our current ICANN Learn teams  

JC – Support.

MM – Supportive; any end-user targeted info we can release to the wider community in formats they can easily absorb would be very helpful 


RH - Support

Professional Individual End User PollJonathan ZuckProfessional Individual End User Poll


The ALAC is charged with representing the interests of “individual internet users,” within the ICANN community and the context of ICANN Policy Development. Because “individual internet users” are not truly a type of individual but rather a class of activities, it is often sufficient to surmise the interests on individual end users with logic. However, there are certainly aspects of internet usage that those with more experience take for granted and it behooves the ICANN community generally and the At-Large community specifically, to “take the pulse,” as it were, of the broader individual user community.

Issues such as universal acceptance, string confusion and semantic expectation are areas where more knowledge would be helpful to the ICANN community. For example, the research, conducted by the CCT Review Team, revealed an individual user preference for a more semantic web, where the gTLD is more closely related to the purpose of the corresponding websites. This is especially true in otherwise “highly regulated” areas such as finance and healthcare. One could expect these preferences to vary by region, culture, gender and other factors and knowing them would allow the At-Large to even better represent these interests.

Another area of interest is individual internet user experience with the web. Is DNS Abuse as pervasive as it appears to some? As we balance the economics and interests of contracted parties and registrants with the interests of non-registrant users, knowing how pervasive the challenges truly are will help tip the balance.

Finally, what impact have Apps, Search Engines and social media impacted how people browse the web?

Many within the At-Large community have fielded ad-hoc surveys using tools such Google Forms and Survey Monkey and received valuable feedback. However, so-call “self-selection” polls are known to be flawed when attempting to survey a larger, less known, population. Similarly to ICANN public comments, self-selection polls are subject to selection bias as well as influence by those with an interest in a specific outcome.

An At-Large Individual Internet User Poll

The issues outlined above are merely examples of topics that could be covered by a poll. A polling effort would necessarily include:

  1. Identification of key issues
  2. Professional question construction
    1. To facilitate demographic distinction
    2. To minimize bias
  3. Fielding a professional survey

As the CCTRT discovered, fielding an international poll is not cheap, so great care would be taken with the question formation and it might make sense to begin with a single language and region to see how useful the information turns out to be.


The key deliverable would be the results of a professional poll on individual internet user proclivities, concerns and interests.

Technology Support: 

There would need to be a series of Zoom calls to establish the priorities and questions of the survey.

Language Services Support: 

Ideally, discussions of the survey would take place in multiple languages, as would the survey itself.

JH--Support but needs more clarity on whether they are looking for funding for the survey tool or just the analysis and discussions?

Also no mention of captioning which I think is needed here

MH--This is a project that a team from At-Large working with ICANN Org staff could develop for a specific purpose. Not sure if we need to make the request for an ABR or whether we could put forward a proposal for a particular poll and ICANN Org could administer it.

Its all in the purpose of the poll and the questions you ask, but Survey Monkey or one of those tools could do this. Hasn't ICANN already got an account we could use?

JC – Strongly support. JZ has clearly mentioned,

"A polling effort would necessarily include:

  1. Identification of key issues
  2. Professional question construction
    (a) To facilitate demographic distinction
    (b) To minimize bias
  3. Fielding a professional survey."

So, the focus is less about the tool itself but the designing of the poll to address his points 1-3 to best capture the data we need to formulate positions/direction. It is the designing that we require professional support for.

MM – agreeing with JC that this might need breaking down. Just getting experts to design a poll around various topics is no mean feat. 

RH - I think more clarity is needed, also some kind of budget


RALO Requesting


Person or Group Submitting

Title of Proposal

Request Number


Comments   by FBSC Members

FBSC Notes and Decision



Chadian School of Internet Governance 2021(TdSIG 2021)

(Four day capacity building event and Chadian SIG)


Chadian School of Internet Governance 2021(TdSIG 2021)

To organize and deliver the Second edition of Chadian School of Internet Governance (TdSIG). This would be a four-day capacity building event to provide 12 sessions in-depth knowledge of Internet Governance (IG) issues to approximately 60 individuals.

TdSIG gives Chadians room to learn more about Internet Governance and subsequently continue to participate in the IG space both locally and regionally. 

TdSIG was initiated by HOUSE OF AFRICA in collaboration with ADETIC for the benefit of members of the Chadian Internet community to actively participate in IG and ICANN process as well at the ATLARGE. 

TdSIG is to "bring Chadian ICT students, Chadian youth and professionals in the digital economy closer to the global internet ecosystem", by teaching them the history of the Internet, its technical management, an overview concepts, issues and institutions of Internet governance and Internet architecture, infrastructure, standards and protocols and management of Internet names and numbers and enable them to understand in depth the new challenges of Internet governance.


The TdSIG is planned to be held from September 1-4, 2021


There will be at least sixty (60) participants in the School of Internet Governance coming from the entire Stakeholder (CSOs, Government, academia, technical community, Youth, Women, and Media) and respecting also women gender.

And 5 trainers/speakers from local and outside.


 Venue rental, catering and communication, video, t-shirts.



JH--Support but needs more info on what sessions they are offering?  Think proposal could be strengthened by adding in the proposed sessions and showing how these sessions can build up capacity of users on Domain Name issues

MH--what is the direct relevance to ICANN, domains or other ICANN sections - can this be done online similar to what Glenn and Alfredo have done .

JC – I don't object to this proposal on the basis of it "teaching them the history of the Internet, its technical management, an overview concepts, issues and institutions of Internet governance and Internet architecture, infrastructure, standards and protocols and management of Internet names and numbers and enable them to understand in depth the new challenges of Internet governancebut it should be subject to local pandemic protocols. JH's suggestion to strengthen the proposal is a good one.

MM – I think schools of Internet Governance are the best way to draw potential participants into the ICANN ecosystem. So am supportive of the idea with the proviso that the multistakeholder system needs to be highlighted. Also cost seems high for 60 participants


Digital inclusion, Chadian girls at coding

(F2F Training for secondary students)

Action pour l’Education et la Promotion de la FemmeDigital inclusion, Chadian girls at coding

In collaboration with our partner Wenaklabs, we will organize a discovery and initiation workshop in computer coding for young people aged 13 to 17 for 20 hours spread over eight weeks (between July 1 and June 30, 2022). During this period, more than 50 students (girls and boys) from 10 secondary schools in N'Djamena will be introduced to the use of Scratch software (Scratch is free software) for the creation of video games and the acquisition of knowledge. basics on making cartoons. During this workshop, participants will show their ingenuity by creating their own fun animations. The main lesson learned from this initiative lies in the immensity of the potentialities of adolescents who lie dormant for lack of an awakening and technological reinforcement mechanism. AEPF-Tchad and its partners will very soon initiate during the school holidays, a series of advanced training courses on computer programming languages ​​at the service of pupils and students of N'Djamena, and will lead with them practical projects allowing them to create the start-up of the future. We will ensure that more than half of the beneficiaries are girls. These girls are going to be role models for others. We will rent a room with computers and internet for the training. We will call on other technical partners for the success of the project. Images and activity reports will be shared throughout the ICANN community and on social media. The beneficiaries' productions will also be shared and the activities covered by the media.

The direct beneficiaries of our project are the pupils (girls and boys) of secondary schools in N'Djamena. They are young people between 13 and 17 years old.


Venue rental, experts, per diem for trainers, translation, travel,  catering, post-meeting analysis, etc. 



JH--Interesting project but unclear what is the connection to ICANN. Will build up ICT skills which is good but not an ICANN activity, Great program for ISOC Foundation or other more broad foundations

MH-- does meet an SDG goal with regards to education and training but not relevant to ICANN or its mission.

JC – Agree with JH and MH. It is nearly impossible to make a case for how this proposal falls under ICANN's remit.

MM – agree with comments above. Great project but not close enough to ICANN's remit.


National Forum on the use of Social Networks

(F2F Training on social networks)

ISOC MALINational Forum on the use of Social Networks

National Forum on the Use of Social Networks. The National Forum on the Use of Social Networks is an initiative of the Malian Chapter of the Internet Society (ALS AFRALO) undertaken following the various problems it has observed in the use of social networks in Mali. 

The ICT and Internet revolution has contributed to a new civic life. Exchanges between individuals on social networks have reached a level that deserves special attention and a new policy of use in our country. Today in Mali, everything is put on social networks: civil status facts; administrative documents, some even confidential, etc.

Worse still, every day we witness the publication on these networks of images, audio or videos of personalities and ordinary citizens with the sole aim of harming them.

In view of this situation, ISOC MALI has initiated a first project "called Debaters" which is in its second edition and which aims at putting the university and secondary schools in a contradictory debate on topics related to the protection of privacy on social networks. This forum is the logical continuation of this project.

If the debaters project targeted the majority of young users of social networks, the forum includes both users and decision-makers.


August 2021


Venue Rental, Catering, COVID-provisions, training materials



JH--Support, but highlight again the specific ICANN related issues you will teaching. Without this, hard to see how the Board would agree to fund this over other proposals that are ICANN specific.  Also should provide RTT as well as interpretation

 MH-- focuses on content and that is not in ICANN's remit

JC – It is very difficult to make a case for how this proposal, as written, falls squarely under ICANN's remit.

MM - agree with comments above that this is outside of ICANN's remit


2nd edition of Malian School on Internet Governance MaliSIG

(F2F SIG in Mali)

 ISOC MALI 2nd edition of Malian School on Internet Governance MaliSIG

Project Summary

Internet governance is a multidimensional activity carried out by several actors from different sectors.  For this purpose, the actors need proven knowledge adapted to this governance. This session of the Ecole Malienne training course on Internet Governance, which is an initiative of the Malian Chapter of the Internet Society, is the first in Mali. The goal of this training session is to give participants from various sectors and stakeholder groups the opportunity to gain the knowledge and confidence to participate effectively in Internet governance processes and debates at the national, sub-regional, and international levels.

The training will last 5 days and will take place face-to-face with national and international expert speakers. Four (04) themes composed of eleven (11) modules will be given during these 5 days. The expected results of this training include the creation of an innovative framework for discussion and exchange of views on the contributions of each of the stakeholders to the resolution of current issues of Internet development in Mali and the training of 50 people from various sectors and disciplines.

Overall Objectives

The overall objective is to give Malians from various sectors and stakeholder groups the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and confidence necessary to participate effectively in Internet governance processes and debates at the national, sub-regional and international levels.

Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the first MaliSIG training are :

  • to strengthen the existing capacity of a wide range of stakeholders in the field of IM in Mali in all sectors;
  • to provide an innovative framework for discussion and exchange of views on the contributions of each of the stakeholders to the resolution of current issues related to the development and use of the Internet in Mali;
  • to give participants practical experience in IM processes through an internship that involves playing a role on a current topic through multi-stakeholder negotiations; 
  • encourage learning and application of skills and expertise at the local level.


October 2021


Venue Rental, Catering, COVID-provisions, training materials



JH--Good Proposal, but add in a summary of why this is a particular interest to ICANN, such as particular ICANN related issues being discussed.

Should also provide RTT

MH-- agree with JH The multistakeholder model and some ICANN related issue needs to be incorporated into the application. Also in today's environment, an online version needs to be proposed and if F2f is possible then a hybrid model could be implemented.

JC – Agree with JH and MH in respect of link to ICANN and being subject to local pandemic protocols.

MM - agree with previous comments. Cost seems reasonable for 50 participants


Awareness session followed by debate in the working-class neighborhoods of Bamako on the advantages and dangers of using the Internet

(F2F awareness raising on dangers of the Internet)

Association pour la promotion des femmes par les TIC MUSODEVAwareness session followed by debate in the working-class neighborhoods of Bamako on the advantages and dangers of using the Internet

Nowadays, the internet is widespread everywhere in Mali, although the cost of use is still high for the middle class.

This is a good thing, because no one can question the immense mine of opportunities behind it, but it has to be said that children, young people and parents are constantly exposed to cybercrime and harassment on the internet.

It is in this context that the association for the promotion of women through ICT for Musodev, wishes to organize awareness-raising sessions in two working-class districts and three peripheral districts of Bamako.

The objective of these sessions is on the one hand to draw the attention of these young people through debates on the advantages as well as the dangers linked to the internet and on the other hand to help parents to put in place measures to protect young people. Students will be also equipped on the ICANN ecosystem and how to get involved.

For a pilot phase, this project will concern two working-class districts and three peripheral districts of Bamako. It may well be spread over the entire territory.


November 2021


Communications, logistics



JH--Support, but highlight the ICANN related issues you will be training the youths on

MH--agree with JH, there must be a connection with ICANN eg the impacts of abuse of the DNS on internet users. General dangers of the internet are not in ICANNs remit

JC – Agree with JH and MH in that this proposal needs to address a stronger link to ICANN's remit apart from just "Students will be also equipped on the ICANN ecosystem and how to get involved."  JH's earlier suggestion of the proposed curriculum could apply to this proposal.

MM – agree with previous comments. There needs to be an ICANN connection



(Virtual Tanzania SIG)

Jabhera Matogoro

Tanzania Community Networks Summit is designed to accommodate technical workshop for Tanzania Community Networks Operator’s Group (tzcNOG), Tanzania Community Networks School of Internet Governance and Annual General Meeting for Tanzania Community Networks Alliance members. It is a localized event similar to African Internet Summit only designed for community networks operators in Tanzania.


Annual event scheduled 23 – 27 August, 2021


Human Resources and infrastructure, web streaming,  admin assistance, Sign interpreter for hearing impaired participants  (RTT?)



JH--Support. Glad to see RTT and Sign language support here

MH--but what is the relevance to ICANN? - incorporate multistakeholder approach to an ICANN-related NOG issue or issues.

JC – Any other sponsors involved?

MM - agree with MH. No clear connection with ICANN


Members Force 1: Training and awareness on DNS and personal data protection in Togo

(F2F capacity building on DNS Abuse and privacy)

INTIC4DEVMembers Force 1: Training and awareness on DNS and personal data protection in Togo

This project will be a first in Togo in terms of promoting ICANN. It consists of capacity building and awareness of journalists and communicators in Togo on the topic of DNS (Domain Name System) abuse and the protection of personal data, in particular in this period of the Covid-19 pandemic. The activity will contribute to the promotion of the law on the protection of personal data adopted by the Togolese National Assembly on October 29, 2019, therefore recently and the promotion of ICANN works too. We named our activity MembersForce1.

MembersForce1 will allow in a short term:

-  to make ICANN and its role in the Internet governance ecosystem well known to a target audience of local communicators and journalists;

-  it will make it possible to train this target audience on abuses linked to the DNS, in particular those linked to personal data and their protection

- finally, carry out one of the recommendations of the 7th edition of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Togo, held on December 14, 2019 in Lomé, the theme of which was: "Internet governance and data protection in Togo" 

The foregoing necessarily requires adequate information and training of the Togolese population on the issue of DNS abuse and personal data protection; to communicate widely around the Law No. 2019-014 of October 29, 2019 relating to the protection of personal data.

The deliberate choice of the target audience of journalists and communicators is to facilitate a rapid 

multiplicationof these notions in the community of end users since the government of the country, Togo, has recently announced the launching a process of digital transformation of its society.

General objective:  

Make the Internet end-users community in Togo more effective in shaping Internet governance policies.

Specific objectives 

 -  Build the capacities of 20 Togolese journalists on the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and on the issue of DNS abuses related to the protection of personal data, in particular in this time of global pandemic due to Covid-19

- Contribute to the promotion of the law on the protection of personal data in Togo in this Digital Transformation era.

- Build the capacities of the Internet ecosystem multistakeholders.


 - Organization of a 2-day face-to-face training workshop for 20 journalists / communicators.

- Organization of a one-day (online) workshop for approximately 100 people to promote the law on the protection of personal data in Togo.

Place and date: Lomé, from 7 to 9 September 2021

General theme of the project:  DNS abuse and personal data protection in Togo.


1) Introduction to DNS and DNS abuse

2) Introduction to the concept of personal data protection.

3) Introduction to Internet Governance.


Logistical support for f2f



JH--Support, but a bit confused. Is it an in-person event or a virtual event.  Should also include RTT and language support

MH--I suggest that you prepare an online course and incorporate it into a mixed on and off-line course if you can attend F2F

JC – What does "Logistical support for f2f" mean? As in funds requested to only support the "2-day face-to-face training workshop for 20 journalists / communicators"?

MM – Trying to fit too many topics in one frame. Is this one event or more. I like the idea of educating journalists and communicators but there seems to be a lot more in here.

AFRALOTranslation tool for French (TRANSBOT)AFRALO ChairTranslation tool for French (TRANSBOT)

The AFRALO community is widely diverse and apart from English language, French is the next language that is widely spoken within our members both on our mailing list and other communication media. In view of this, there is need to better communicate to our members hence a need for some form of language translation on our mailing list that will allow messages sent in English to be translated to French on the list and vise-versa.

JH--Strongly support

MH--agree, strongly support

JC – Strongly support

MM – strongly support

SBT - I support also but hope it can be used in all the region where there are French speaking countries/groups


3 x additional  CROP slots to enable 3 members of the APRALO Leadership to attend and participate in the Pacific IGF in Fiji (6-11 Sept, 2021).

(Travel Support)

3 x additional  CROP slots to enable 3 members of the APRALO Leadership to attend and participate in the Pacific IGF in Fiji (6-11 Sept, 2021).

PICISOC (an At-Large ALS) proposes to hold a 2 day IGF alongside an APTLD Annual meeting and training week. The Pacific participants will be invited to attend a half-day session of the APTLD meeting. The other scheduled times will consist of sessions provided by At-Large, PICISOC, Internet NZ, APNIC,  This is the first Pacific IGF event where an application has been made for APRALO Leadership to attend and to participate. The three participants would include Maureen Hilyard, the ALAC Chair and Pacific representative on the APRALO Leadership Team, Satish Babu, the APRALO Chair and member of AP Youth Leadership Training events over several years, and Lianna Galstyan, APRALO Vice Chair who is also a member of the APTLD and 2021 ALAC Shadow Liaison to the ccNSO.


3 x additional CROP slots for the three APRALO Leaders

JH--Not clear how this differs from the earlier proposal as it seems to be the same topic. The Fellowship and travel should be on the same proposal and not two separate ones

 MH-- this is for the same event as above, but different only in that GSE will not fund this application. This is asking for 3 additional CROPS (not touching APRALO's  current allocation which should remain for any catchup outreach that may be possible f2f, in other parts of the region)

MM – confusing funding crossovers here – but would support if appropriate

RH - The previous ABR was eliminated, this should address most of the concerns above


Protecting the Internet’s Unique Identifier System in an Age of Disinformation

(Series of three events: 2 online and 1 at the 2021 Global IGF -  including administrative and travel support)

Joanna Kulesza, EURALOProtecting the Internet’s Unique Identifier System in an Age of Disinformation

The aim of this additional budget request is to support ongoing activities aimed at awareness  raising and capacity building on the global impact of platforms governance and disinformation among the ICANN community  and end-users, to signpost new developments in this highly topical area and to provide inputs for ICANN policy recommendations.

We propose to  run a  series of three events  investigating  the impact of disinformation actors on the Internet’s unique identifier system and the response by public authorities and private actors. Disinformation is a geopolitical issue involving  coordinated activity, often across borders. Disinformation actors target the Internet’s unique identifier system, often  with malicious activity. We seek to explore whether this activity might fall into the non-exclusive catalogue of DNS Abuse. Enforcement actions against disinformation may seek assistance from the ICANN community.  How do these factors impact on the Internet ecosystem and what concerns are raised by the users? In this context, how can ICANN protect the Internet as an open and interconnected system?   

The proposed agenda targets both: advancing the multistakeholder model and a better representation of end user interests. It also falls directly into the global geopolitical discussions around platform regulation and their impact onto the existing Internet governance model. The project will  seek to identify end user interests as a mean to advancing the multistakeholder model and, supporting the global public interest. It will deepen understanding of how disinformation actors operate, and how enforcement actions are implemented, and in that regard it   will contribute to ICANN’s strategic objective of addressing the geopolitics affecting ICANN’s mission and policy development.

We will plan and run a series of three events. We will invite speakers from the ICANN community  to address the issues and  share their  experiences. They will include registries and users that have been affected, as well as external actors who could include law enforcement authorities,  regulatory bodies, and external experts.  Two online events will be culminated by a face-to-face meeting during the IGF planned for December of 2021 in Katowice, Poland.

A series of 2 online events (webinars)  in the autumn of 2021, ,  and a communication plan building towards a face-to-face event (panel discussion)   during IGF 2020.


  • Two online events (webinars) between June and December (realistically  between September – December) to identify the problems and explore solutions 
  • A communication plan building towards a capacity-building face-to-face event during IGF 2020.
  • Rapporteur’s report on the three sessions.


  • Administrative  support
  • Liaise with IGF;
  • Manage communications
  • with ICANN users and other relevant stakeholders (email shots, social media)
  • Domain / DNS seizures;
  • Registry perspective;
  • End user community representatives;
  • Experts on disinformation activity;  
  • Communications – email shots and social media. Promotional web page. Event registration.
  • Web conferencing facilities and technical manager for webinars using Zoom or similar conferencing platform.
  • Web streaming depending on facilities available at IGF.
  • Travel support for panelists’ travel to venue, and accommodation, assuming that travel will be back to normal by December.

    Support for organiser travel ( London – Poland), accommodation ( 3 nights),  per diem expenses.



JH--Support  but should be scaled down. Ask is too high. Also if the panel is not chosen by the IGF what happens?  We need a Plan B as if the topic is not chosen than this falls apart. Need commitment that it will occur regardless of whether the topic is chosen

MH--dependent on acceptance by global IGF (but requires that the two online sessions take place)

MM - valuable proposal but very expensive. Not clear to me if such a proposal would normally fall in this ABR category

SBT - can we add?

Language Services Support:

All ICANN supported languages and RTT

EURALOInternet-of-Things (IoT) and the Increasing Governance Challenges Ahead (Workshop at the 2021 Global IGF)EURALO (Wale Bakare)Internet-of-Things (IoT) and the Increasing Governance Challenges Ahead

This is a request for support of a EURALO Workshop at the 2021 IGF.

The IoT evolution includes a broad range of industries, including the automotive, finance, consumer electronic devices, retail services, manufacturing, agriculture and other sectors important for sustainable development of the humanity. Central to the solutions and deployments of IoT is unified communication. The unified communication relies heavily on the All-IP-Based scheme for end-to-end delivery of IoT solutions.

All-IP-Based Deployment: what about the Internet architecture evolution? All things Internet rely on implementation and deployment as a set of unified protocols, numbering and addressing. What is the role of numbering and naming in IoT environment?

Workshop's themes:

- what is IoT, how to move the public perception from “smart coffee machine” to industry 4.0?

- evolution of IoT protocols and networks and impact on governance

- IoT (small and big) data parsing, building behaviour models and future risks to privacy of individuals

- cross border IoT (IIoT) data exchange and role of governments

- Critical infrastructure: bikes vs. nuclear plants. How do we manage critical objects? Do we really want to connect everything to the Internet?

- IP-less communications: All-IP-Based is not a religion, but business approach. At what conditions is there no need to All-IP-Based devices?

- Proprietary protocols and war of standards. ISO vs RFC, history repeats or lessons learned?


RALO Support Staff assistance

Zoom Room

Interpretation in 6 UN languages

JH--Support  but confused, is this only a virtual event. If so, than what are they asking for?  Also if the panel is not chosen by the IGF what happens?  We need a Plan B as if the topic is not chosen than this falls apart. Need commitment that it will occur regardless of whether the topic is chosen

MM - no indication of cost. 

SBT - Staff told Euralo not to put cost
Concerning JH comments, we try to take them into account in the inhance proposal.
Will be send soon.


Diversity in ICANN Leadership bodies (Part I)

(Workshop at either 2021 Global IGF or EuroDIG2022 as well as Research and Study)

EURALODiversity in ICANN Leadership bodies

The diversity includes a broad range of data. To enhance diversity, we need to be able to collect those data.

It will be useful to gather the data both from an historical point of view and from a current and future situation.

All the ICANN leadership bodies can be concerned but the first one to be discuss (as the data are already collected and in the last mile to be analyzed) can/must be the Board of ICANN.

In future steps (specifically going to a workshop during 2021 IGF) we will need to take into account other leadership bodies of other Internet Governance structure (Internet Society, IETF, IGF MAG…).

Workshop's themes:

- what is Diversity (based on the WS2 ccwg-ICANN accountability document)?

- what are the data that need to be collected?

- evolution of diversity in various ICANN leadership groups

- how to enhance diversity in ICANN leadership groups?

- role of the NomCom to enhance diversity?

Research/Study and Meeting EURALO/At Large/otherSO/AC joint workshop at one ICANN7x (FY2022)


RALO Support Staff assistance

Zoom Room

Interpretation in 6 UN languages

Printing of documents

Additional one person from EURALO, one from At-Large and one per body concerned will get involved in this workshop.

And 2 people to IGF 2021 or EURODIG2022

JH--Support  but should be scaled down. Also if the panel is not chosen by the IGF what happens?  We need a Plan B as if the topic is not chosen than this falls apart. Need commitment that it will occur regardless of whether the topic is chosen

Also not clear on what monetary contributions they are looking for

JC – Not clear why this is (1) EURALO specific and (2) tied to 2021 Global IGF or EuroDIG 2022 (appears to be a distraction).

RH - JC, it is one or the other, as plan B if not selected by IGF21

SBT will take those comments into an enhance proposal.


Diversity in ICANN Leadership bodies (Part II)

(Travel support to ICANN Meetings for three young people)

EURALODiversity in ICANN Leadership bodies

Following ATLAS III involvement of some youths in each RALO.
And the difficulty to keep them involved.

In complement of the work done by NextGen & Fellowship programs.

Following the need to have a longer-term engagement of youths in RALOs/At-Large activities.

Adding 3 slots for young to participate to ICANN meetings

One for the region of the meeting and 2 additional


FY 2022

Seattle (AGM) EU - NA - LAC

San Juan (CF) LAC - NA - AF

The Hague (PF) EU - APAC - AF


RALO Support Staff assistance

Zoom Room

Interpretation in 6 UN languages

Printing of documents

Adding 3 slots for young to participate to ICANN meetings

JH--This is really confusing as it seems to be similar to the one ahead of it.

JC – I suspect ICANN will require an explanation of how and why this need is not met through NextGen or Fellowship programs.

MM – agreeing with JC

RH - Focus of Next Gen/Fellowship is not former ATALS III ambassadors. Yes, it can be included in those programs, but they must include our ATALAS III ambassadors

SBT - it is an At-Large specific. NextGen is for young people to learn about ICANN in general. But then it is diffiicult to have them involved into SO/AC. It sii why we suggest to support 3 youngs (if possible already ATLASIII ambassadors)


IGF Global (2021 in Poland) specific budget - At-Large delegation proposal for IGF Global in Poland (Katowice 2021)

(Travel Support for At-Large Delegation to the 2021 Global IGF)

EURALOIGF Global (2021 in Poland) specific budget - At-Large delegation proposal for IGF Global in Poland (Katowice 2021)

IGF global were organized in 2017 in Geneva (Switzerland – Europe), in 2018 in Paris (France – Europe), in 2019 in Berlin (Germany – Europe), virtually in 2020 and virtually will be organized in 2021 in Katowice (Poland – Europe).

IGF Global face-to-face is organized for the 4th years in a row in Europe but for the 1st time in Eastern Europe.

To allow the participation of At-Large and organize its presence during Global IGF each of the last 3 years EURALO used one on its crop slot.

This proposal is to leave a crop slot to Euralo and to allow a new opportunity for At-Large to be more involved in Eastern part of Europe (covering both EU and AP).

As ICANN is now very much organized around 3 pillars: ICANN Board, ICANN Org. & ICANN Community.
The global ICANN budget for IGF global must be split equally between the 3 groups: ICANN Board, ICANN Org. & ICANN Community.

Part of the ICANN Community budget will be used by At-Large in the following way.

At-Large delegation proposal for IGF Global in Poland (Katowice 2021):

  • Chair of ALAC
  • Chair of Euralo
  • Chair of O&E
  • If more budget is available, the At-Large delegation will add the 5 Co-Chairs of E&O (one per ICANN regions)


RALO Support Staff assistance

Zoom Room

Interpretation in 6 UN languages

Video & infographic production

Adding 3 slots for young to participate to ICANN meetings

JH--Confused it seems to be also asking for spots for 3 young people. Makes it seem too similar to the earlier one. We should have distinct proposals

SBT - Not at all JH. It is to have a At-Large leaders delegation to IGF Global.


Support participation of individual users in EURALO

(Staff support to manage the European Individuals Associaition)

Roberto Gaetano (EURALO)Support participation of individual users in EURALO

An association has been created to provide a home for the individual users in EURALO. This association has now grown and has about 40 members. The need is to support the management of the discussions among EURALO individual users about the policy development activities while at the same time promote the association in order to enlarge the number of participating individual users.

In detail, the following activities have been identified:

  • to manage an individual users’ mailing lists and the EURALO individual users web site
  • to run polls and votes as needed about policy development activities and decisions
  • to conduct periodic meetings in person or teleconference of the EURALO individual users
  • to report on activities of the EURALO individual users
  • to produce outreach material for involving new individuals


At-Large Staff Support

Adobe Connect for teleconferences

Web site development and support

Voting and polling tools

Outreach material should be translated in the major European languages, like other EURALO outreach material

Printing of Brochures

JH--This is really not an ABR. They are just looking for staff support. Should be just sent to the GSE and have them support it.  Not clear on why it is here and not a request to the GSE

MM – JH has a point

LACRALOLAC Digital Forum (Civil Society and Goverment)Sergio Salinas Porto, LACRALOLAC Digital Forum (Civil Society and Goverment)

LAC DIGITAL is proposed as a space for dialogue and proposals for Civil Society, DNS Ecosystem and States to expose the most recent challenges facing the Internet ecosystem within Latin America and the Caribbean. How to participate and influence the Policy Development Processes.

It will be developed in three (3) days (August-2021) where the Technical areas, Policies and ICT Legislation, Impact on Users will be addressed.

Each day there will be two (2) Thematic Panels (am / pm) with a duration of two (2) hours each.

Education / training - Policy Discussion / Meeting

One time activity

*  Evolve policy development and governance processes, structures and meetings to be more accountable, inclusive, efficient, effective and responsive;

  • Promote ICANN’s role and multi-stakeholder approach;
  • Encourage engagement with the existing Internet governance ecosystem at national, regional and international levels;
  • Participate in the evolution of a global, trusted, including multi-stakeholder Internet governance ecosystem that addresses Internet issues;
  • Develop and implement a global public interest framework bounded by ICANN’s mission;
  • Promote understanding of the complexities related to Internet Governance and its importance in the future of the Internet.

At-Large Structures (ALSs) accredited within LACRALO and all Regional Internet Users from all levels.  Civil Society, Technical Community, Goverments within de Latin America and Caribbean Islands.

* Report LAC Digital - Conclusions. 

* An individual appraisal from each ALS representatives attending the forum expressing which area will be attending within ICANN Ecosystem and the name of a new member to include.

At least six (6) ALS incorporating new members to ALAC working groups.

At least one new member from each ALS registered on the LACRALO mailing list and participating in the next ALAC working group meetings.


Zoom Management

Zoom Platform


Social Media Manager


JH--Again, a bit unclear why this is here as an ABR when it is looking for items that can be supported by Staff and the GSE.  also they should ask for RTT as well

MM – ICANN is  well highlighted in this proposed meeting. From that perspective, a worthwhile proposal

NARALOVSIG TranslationProf. Alfredo Calderon and Glenn McKnightVirtual School of Internet Governance 

Delivery of extensive online training on Internet Governance  in English, French and Spanish


$6,000 for translation

JH--Strongly support. Helps provide capacity building on icann related issues to the community

JC – To be fair, proposal should explicitly refer to its curriculum and a link to ICANN (even if it has been demonstrated).

MM – SIGs are our best bet for bringing in new members. This one is attracting many participants from outside of Europe/North America – otherwise hard to reach. JC's comment is fair – the link should be clarified

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