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This Workspace has been created to assist the ALAC/At-Large community in developing FY21 Additional Budget Request (ABR) proposals. The ALAC Finance and Budget Sub-committee (FBSC) will review all proposals submitted and will agree on which to submit to ICANN on behalf of the ALAC.

FY22 ALAC/ALT Plus Criteria for Additional Budget Requests: 

  • In the post-ATLAS III environment, proposals should include activities that will make the entire At-Large community more effective in policy advice development. 
  • Outreach should not be a major focus. Activities to improve engagement with existing members is encouraged.
  • If any request is made on outreach, it should go through the CROP program or as a part of a larger ALAC request for RALO Discretionary Funding. 
  • RALO requests should be strategic and in line with their RALO's strategic outreach plans and the At-Large 2021 Workplan and must be endorsed by their RALO prior to being submitted for consideration by the FBSC.
  • Priority will also only be given to those who have provided draft reports as requested as part of the FY21 ABR approval language. Final reports must be submitted by the end of FY21. 
  • Staff is currently expecting that basic resources for community communications/printing will be supported through the core ICANN budget, but that community proposals for printing , etc. will be accepted as a back-up in case expectations change.  Specific proposals for communications resources beyond simple printing and editing functions should be prepared and submitted.

Important Documents and Resources from ICANN Finance and Policy Staff

FY22 Additional Budget Request Timeline

The timeline and deliverables for the process are as follows:





Kick off and Submission period

09 Nov 2020

29 Jan 2021In Progress
FBSC representatives and/or staff to send notice of opening of FY21 Additional Budget Request (ABR) process to RALOs18 Nov 202025 Nov 2020
RALOs to review any ALS request or complete a template on behalf of the RALO and send requests to 

25 Nov 2020

18Jan 2021

(New.  extended date)

Discussion of Proposals with Finance and Policy Staff and FBSC11 Jan 202118 Jan 2021 (extended dates)
Revised proposals to be sent to the FBSC for final review.13 Jan 202118 Jan 2021
The ALAC to review the proposed At-Large FY22 ABRs during their monthly call19 Jan 202122 Jan 2021
The FBSC to review all the RALO requests.25 Jan 202128 Jan 2021

Submissions Due – send to (IMPORTANT: At-Large staff will send all At-Large requests to

29 Jan 2021

29 Jan 2021

Preliminary review of requests by

01 Feb 2021

05 Mar 2021

SO/AC consultations at ICANN 70 (by request, during Constituents’ Day)

20 Mar 2021

25 Mar 2021

Final assessments and recommendations by

12 Apr 2021

16 Apr 2021

ICANN Board Finance Committee Review and recommendation for approval to the Board

30 Apr 2021

30 Apr 2021

ICANN Board review and approval at May Board meeting

5 May 2021

14 May 2021



Person or Group Submitting

Title of Proposal

Request Number


Comments by ICANN Staff Regarding Possible Collaboration

FBSC Notes and Decision


Real-Time TranscriptionJudith HellersteinReal-time Captioning RTT of Zoom Meetings in Spanish and French

Recurring activity. Seeking 8 hours of RTT services in Spanish and 8 hours in French each month. The Spanish RTT will be off the Spanish language interpretation that is already provided and the French Translation will be off the French language interpretation in the calls.

Currently, RTT in English has made it to the core budget, but if for some reason it drops out of the core budget of ICANN than we would like this ABR to cover that RTT in English as well.


RALO Requesting


Person or Group Submitting

Title of Proposal

Request Number


Comments by ICANN Staff Regarding Possible Collaboration

FBSC Notes and Decision



Protecting the Internet’s Unique Identifier System in an Age of Disinformation


Joanna Kulesza, EURALOProtecting the Internet’s Unique Identifier System in an Age of Disinformation

The aim of this additional budget request is to support ongoing activities aimed at awareness  raising and capacity building on the global impact of platforms governance and disinformation among the ICANN community  and end-users, to signpost new developments in this highly topical area and to provide inputs for ICANN policy recommendations.

We propose to  run a  series of three events  investigating  the impact of disinformation actors on the Internet’s unique identifier system and the response by public authorities and private actors. Disinformation is a geopolitical issue involving  coordinated activity, often across borders. Disinformation actors target the Internet’s unique identifier system, often  with malicious activity. We seek to explore whether this activity might fall into the non-exclusive catalogue of DNS Abuse. Enforcement actions against disinformation may seek assistance from the ICANN community.  How do these factors impact on the Internet ecosystem and what concerns are raised by the users? In this context, how can ICANN protect the Internet as an open and interconnected system?   

The proposed agenda targets both: advancing the multistakeholder model and a better representation of end user interests. It also falls directly into the global geopolitical discussions around platform regulation and their impact onto the existing Internet governance model. The project will  seek to identify end user interests as a mean to advancing the multistakeholder model and, supporting the global public interest. It will deepen understanding of how disinformation actors operate, and how enforcement actions are implemented, and in that regard it   will contribute to ICANN’s strategic objective of addressing the geopolitics affecting ICANN’s mission and policy development.

We will plan and run a series of three events. We will invite speakers from the ICANN community  to address the issues and  share their  experiences. They will include registries and users that have been affected, as well as external actors who could include law enforcement authorities,  regulatory bodies, and external experts.  Two online events will be culminated by a face-to-face meeting during the IGF planned for December of 2021 in Katowice, Poland.

A series of 2 online events (webinars)  in the autumn of 2021, ,  and a communication plan building towards a face-to-face event (panel discussion)   during IGF 2020.


  • Two online events (webinars) between June and December (realistically  between September – December) to identify the problems and explore solutions 
  • A communication plan building towards a capacity-building face-to-face event during IGF 2020.
  • Rapporteur’s report on the three sessions.


  • Administrative  support
  • Liaise with IGF;
  • Manage communications
  • with ICANN users and other relevant stakeholders (email shots, social media)
  • Domain / DNS seizures;
  • Registry perspective;
  • End user community representatives;
  • Experts on disinformation activity;  
  • Communications – email shots and social media. Promotional web page. Event registration.
  • Web conferencing facilities and technical manager for webinars using Zoom or similar conferencing platform.
  • Web streaming depending on facilities available at IGF.
  • Travel support for panelists’ travel to venue, and accommodation, assuming that travel will be back to normal by December.

    Support for organiser travel ( London – Poland), accommodation ( 3 nights),  per diem expenses.



EURALOInternet-of-Things (IoT) and the Increasing Governance Challenges Ahead (Workshop at the 2021 Global IGF)EURALO (Wale Bakare)Internet-of-Things (IoT) and the Increasing Governance Challenges Ahead

This is a request for support of a EURALO Workshop at the 2021 IGF.

The IoT evolution includes a broad range of industries, including the automotive, finance, consumer electronic devices, retail services, manufacturing, agriculture and other sectors important for sustainable development of the humanity. Central to the solutions and deployments of IoT is unified communication. The unified communication relies heavily on the All-IP-Based scheme for end-to-end delivery of IoT solutions.

All-IP-Based Deployment: what about the Internet architecture evolution? All things Internet rely on implementation and deployment as a set of unified protocols, numbering and addressing. What is the role of numbering and naming in IoT environment?

Workshop's themes:

- what is IoT, how to move the public perception from “smart coffee machine” to industry 4.0?

- evolution of IoT protocols and networks and impact on governance

- IoT (small and big) data parsing, building behaviour models and future risks to privacy of individuals

- cross border IoT (IIoT) data exchange and role of governments

- Critical infrastructure: bikes vs. nuclear plants. How do we manage critical objects? Do we really want to connect everything to the Internet?

- IP-less communications: All-IP-Based is not a religion, but business approach. At what conditions is there no need to All-IP-Based devices?

- Proprietary protocols and war of standards. ISO vs RFC, history repeats or lessons learned?


RALO Support Staff assistance

Zoom Room

Interpretation in 6 UN languages


Diversity in ICANN Leadership bodies (Part I)

(Workshop at either 2021 Global IGF or EuroDIG2022 as well as Research and Study)

EURALODiversity in ICANN Leadership bodies

The diversity includes a broad range of data. To enhance diversity, we need to be able to collect those data.

It will be useful to gather the data both from an historical point of view and from a current and future situation.

All the ICANN leadership bodies can be concerned but the first one to be discuss (as the data are already collected and in the last mile to be analyzed) can/must be the Board of ICANN.

In future steps (specifically going to a workshop during 2021 IGF) we will need to take into account other leadership bodies of other Internet Governance structure (Internet Society, IETF, IGF MAG…).

Workshop's themes:

- what is Diversity (based on the WS2 ccwg-ICANN accountability document)?

- what are the data that need to be collected?

- evolution of diversity in various ICANN leadership groups

- how to enhance diversity in ICANN leadership groups?

- role of the NomCom to enhance diversity?

Research/Study and Meeting EURALO/At Large/otherSO/AC joint workshop at one ICANN7x (FY2022)


RALO Support Staff assistance

Zoom Room

Interpretation in 6 UN languages

Printing of documents

Additional one person from EURALO, one from At-Large and one per body concerned will get involved in this workshop.

And 2 people to IGF 2021 or EURODIG2022


Diversity in ICANN Leadership bodies (Part II)

(Travel support to ICANN Meetings for three young people)

EURALODiversity in ICANN Leadership bodies

Following ATLAS III involvement of some youths in each RALO.
And the difficulty to keep them involved.

In complement of the work done by NextGen & Fellowship programs.

Following the need to have a longer-term engagement of youths in RALOs/At-Large activities.

Adding 3 slots for young to participate to ICANN meetings

One for the region of the meeting and 2 additional


FY 2022

Seattle (AGM) EU - NA - LAC

San Juan (CF) LAC - NA - AF

The Hague (PF) EU - APAC - AF


RALO Support Staff assistance

Zoom Room

Interpretation in 6 UN languages

Printing of documents

Adding 3 slots for young to participate to ICANN meetings


IGF Global (2021 in Poland) specific budget - At-Large delegation proposal for IGF Global in Poland (Katowice 2021)

(Travel Support for At-Large Delegation to the 2021 Global IGF)

EURALOIGF Global (2021 in Poland) specific budget - At-Large delegation proposal for IGF Global in Poland (Katowice 2021)

IGF global were organized in 2017 in Geneva (Switzerland – Europe), in 2018 in Paris (France – Europe), in 2019 in Berlin (Germany – Europe), virtually in 2020 and virtually will be organized in 2021 in Katowice (Poland – Europe).

IGF Global face-to-face is organized for the 4th years in a row in Europe but for the 1st time in Eastern Europe.

To allow the participation of At-Large and organize its presence during Global IGF each of the last 3 years EURALO used one on its crop slot.

This proposal is to leave a crop slot to Euralo and to allow a new opportunity for At-Large to be more involved in Eastern part of Europe (covering both EU and AP).

As ICANN is now very much organized around 3 pillars: ICANN Board, ICANN Org. & ICANN Community.
The global ICANN budget for IGF global must be split equally between the 3 groups: ICANN Board, ICANN Org. & ICANN Community.

Part of the ICANN Community budget will be used by At-Large in the following way.

At-Large delegation proposal for IGF Global in Poland (Katowice 2021):

  • Chair of ALAC
  • Chair of Euralo
  • Chair of O&E
  • If more budget is available, the At-Large delegation will add the 5 Co-Chairs of E&O (one per ICANN regions)


RALO Support Staff assistance

Zoom Room

Interpretation in 6 UN languages

Video & infographic production

Adding 3 slots for young to participate to ICANN meetings


Support participation of individual users in EURALO

(Staff support to manage the European Individuals Associaition)

Roberto Gaetano (EURALO)Support participation of individual users in EURALO

An association has been created to provide a home for the individual users in EURALO. This association has now grown and has about 40 members. The need is to support the management of the discussions among EURALO individual users about the policy development activities while at the same time promote the association in order to enlarge the number of participating individual users.

In detail, the following activities have been identified:

  • to manage an individual users’ mailing lists and the EURALO individual users web site
  • to run polls and votes as needed about policy development activities and decisions
  • to conduct periodic meetings in person or teleconference of the EURALO individual users
  • to report on activities of the EURALO individual users
  • to produce outreach material for involving new individuals


At-Large Staff Support

Adobe Connect for teleconferences

Web site development and support

Voting and polling tools

Outreach material should be translated in the major European languages, like other EURALO outreach material

Printing of Brochures

NARALOVSIG TranslationProf. Alfredo Calderon and Glenn McKnightVirtual School of Internet Governance 

Delivery of extensive online training on Internet Governance  in English, French and Spanish

Requesting: $6,000 for translation

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