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 Request Original DescriptionDetails of DecisionMaterials RequiredLeadStatus

Strategic Working Session for ALAC and RALO Leaders at ICANN Public Meetings 57 and 58 (from the ALAC)

To help the ALAC and RALO leadership carry out their work, including the current At-Large Review focusing on the nearly 200 At-Large Structures, the ALAC is again requesting Strategic Working Sessions for the ALAC and RALO Leaders to take place on the Saturday at the start of ICANN 57 and 58.

In particular, this request is for the necessary elements of these ALAC Strategy Sessions, including an external facilitator to lead the ALAC in the prioritizing their workload, facilitation skills and a working lunch.


Saturday Strategic Meeting at two public meetings

(Yes)(staff facilitator only)

This activity can be supported as part of the Meeting C agenda (Day One) and additional catering will be provided for meeting attendees. Staff facilitator to be used and economy travel costs provided. Approved for one meeting only (ICANN 57).

  Alan Greenberg and Leon SanchezCompleted at ICANN 57; Preparing for ICANN 58 

ALAC Development Session at ICANN 57 Second Pilot Activity 

Based on the success of the ALAC Development Session at ICANN 54, the ALAC is again requesting an ALAC Development Session for the 15 members of the ALAC, both continuing and incoming members, as well as ALAC liaisons to the ccNSO, GNSO and SSAC on the last day of the ICANN 57 Meeting to be held in Puerto Rico.

This ALAC Development Session, will foster co-operation within the ALAC as well as allow planning for ongoing and upcoming projects and activities within the ALAC. The Development Session will serve as a team-building exercise to increase collaboration and to work more effectively as a virtual global team inter-sessionally.

The activity will also include sessions on professional skills development and teambuilding. This latter activity will increase the ability of all ALAC members to develop critical skills needed to more effectively participate in meetings and work in a multi-cultural environment.


An external facilitator will lead the session

The requested day for the ALAC Development Session is Friday, 4 November between 12:00 and 18:00.

Friday developmental meeting at Meeting C

(Yes - with staff facilitator only)

This activity can be supported as part of the Meeting C agenda (final meeting day) and minimal additional catering will be provided for meeting attendees. Intent to use staff facilitator and resource allocation is dependent on facilitator's travel being accounted for in FY17-17.

  Alan Greenberg and Cheryl Langdon-OrrCompleted at ICANN 57. 

At-Large FY17 Special Community Request for a Real-time Captioning of Adobe Connect Meetings In English, Spanish, and French

This is a continuation of our current pilot program of captioning for 3 RALO and/or ALAC monthly meetings, and/or 3 Working Group meetings or webinars over a 4 month period in FY16.

Our goal in this continuation of the pilot is to provide real-time captioning for either 3 RALO meetings a month or 2 RALO and 1 ALAC meeting, and/or 3 working group meetings or webinars a month to enable full participation of all At-Large Users within ICANN. We also want to raise awareness of the importance of including captioning whenever language support is offered. We are targeting RALO meetings since our goal is to increase engagement in ICANN within each of the respective regions. We are also targeting the working groups and webinars for the same reason as well as to promote more engagement from RALOs in these working groups. We think this will lead to more effective participation and engagement within ICANN. This is especially the case for people who are coming from bandwidth challenged countries where lack of bandwidth has limited their participation within ICANN. Adobe Connect is a large user of bandwidth and as such makes it difficult for those with limited bandwidth to fully participate. Adigo calls are helpful in that regard, but often in many places cell coverage is sparse and calls often drop or use up too much of a person’s quota.

The goal of the pilot is to gather the necessary metrics to illustrate the need for captioning not only for accessibility reasons but also for those with limited bandwidth. The data gained from this second phase of the pilot should help us meet these goals and show the need for captioning ICANN wide.

In the original phase of the pilot we restricted ourselves to only providing English Language captions, but in this second phase we want to add support for Spanish and/or French as we have gotten requests for captioning in this language.

Continue Pilot effort


Approved to continue existing pilot for an additional 3 months (6 conference calls in total) consistent with the FY16 Pilot program parameters. This will give pilot effort 15 total calls experience to evaluate resource capabilities.


Judith HellersteinScheduling underway; Calls to be completed by March 2017. 
ALAC discretion to use allocated travel slots to support active volunteer leaders within At-Large to travel to and attend ICANN meetings (from ALAC SC on Outreach and Engagement)

The ALAC has been allocated travel slots specifically for GNSO and ccNSO liaisons to attend ICANN meetings. Currently these positions have been filled by persons who are already entitled to travel to ICANN Meetings.

The ALAC notes that since this request involves no additional budget allocation, it might be considered one which should be resolved purely within the Constituency Travel processes, and the ALAC agrees. However, since that process has not provided the needed flexibility, the ALAC is following this unusual process.

Travel Support Clarification

(Yes – Core - already included in travel guidelines) (0)

The ICANN Constituency Travel Team has interpreted the published FY14 Community Travel Support Guidelines to give the At-Large community the flexibility in assigning their travel slots, except for the two (2) liaison slots and the ALAC Chair slot. Other travel slots can be reassigned as deemed appropriate within each RALO. Please refer to the FY14 Community Travel Support Guidelines ( and liaise with ICANN Constituency Travel directly for further clarifications.

  Alan GreenbergBeing implemented. 
Access by RALOs for funding of local engagement activities (from ALAC SC on Outreach and Engagement)

Opportunities exist for At-Large members to do local outreach and engagement about ICANN and ICANN policy related issues. The local activities can include  local presentations, brown bag lunch topics, local  business persons presentations i.e., Kiwanais, Rotary, Professional Women’s  University Groups, Chamber of Commerce and more. These local groups at the grassroots are looking for professional speakers on a weekly basis and rely on local experts on various topics. They open up opportunities for speaking engagements at minimum cost.

The ALAC requests that each of the five At-large Regional At-Large Organizations (RALO’s) are given access up to $2,000 each for targeted local discretionary funds to permit the local travel, luncheons, displays, graphic and promotional Facebook/Twitter graphics.

For complete transparency and proper oversight, all RALO budget requests will be reviewed through a process defined once funding is approved.

Local regional accounts requested

(No)(See comments)

Collaboration with regional GSE Teams is the appropriate mechanism to take advantage of these proposed short-term opportunities as provided for in the core engagement team regional budgets. Nominal seed funding of 10,000 USD being provided to regional GSE teams to share in response to this proposal.

  RALO ChairsFormat of template being confirmed. 

Fixing the bugs in ICANN’s machine translation tool used for the LACRALO mailing lists (from the Technology Taskforce)

LACRALO has two mailing lists:

The key issue is that ICANN has not allocated a dedicated person to fix this software tool. Senior staff have not given this critical communication tool the priority it deserves. The continuing lack of an effective tool to allow EN and ES speakers within LACRALO to communicate with each other has contributed to challenging situation within LACRALO.

It is clear that a dedicated IT staff resource is critically needed at ICANN with a mandate to fixing this software.

Hence this budget request is for funding to be made available for the staff resources to work on ICANN’s new machine translation tool and fix the remaining bugs by October 2016 so that the new software tool can be installed and ease the communication difficulties faced by LACRALO, the At-­Large Community and ICANN Staff over the past 9 years.



Internal staff discussions have confirmed the importance of addressing this matter with existing staff resources as soon as possible. Policy Staff supporting the ALAC will coordinate this work with the ICANN IT Team. Development resources provided.




Dev Teelucksingh (Chair of the TTF) and Mark Segall from IT Staff

23 August from Mark:

The project team had a kick off meeting a couple weeks ago and our new developer is getting up to speed on the existing code.  We’ll have more of an update by end of next week.



RALORequestOriginal RALORequestOriginal Description                                                                    Details of Decision                                                                Materials Required                                   LeadStatus
Cross RALO

RALO Leader Development Session at ICANN 57 Second Pilot Activity (from RALO Leaders)

Based on the success of the ALAC Development Session at ICANN 54, the RALO Leaders, consisting of the RALO Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Secretaries from the five RALOs, are requesting a one day RALO Leadership Development Session for the 10 RALO Leaders attending Meeting C who will be continuing or incoming to be held on the last day of the ICANN 57 Meeting to be held in Puerto Rico.

The RALO Leaders Development Session will foster cooperation across the RALOs as well as planning for ongoing and upcoming projects and activities within the Regions. The RALO Leaders Development Session will serve as a team-building exercise to increase collaboration and to work more effectively as a virtual global team inter-sessionally.

The Session will also include a session on professional skills development. This latter activity will increase the ability of all RALO leadership to develop critical skills needed to more effectively participate in meetings and work in a multi-cultural environment.

An external facilitator will lead the session.

The afternoon of the day on which this activity will be held will be occupied by work sessions in which the RALO Leaders will incorporate what they have learned in the RALO Leadership Development Session.

Friday Afternoon developmental meeting at Meeting C

(Yes – with Staff Facilitator)

This activity can be supported as part of the Meeting C agenda and minimal additional catering will be provided for meeting attendees. Must use staff facilitator for FY17. Lower amount granted for nominal catering only due to facilitator's travel being accounted for in FY17-17.

  Satish Babu (TBC)Completed at ICANN 57.

AFRALO General Assembly + Capacity Building and engagement Program for the ALS representatives (from AFRALO Chair Aziz Hilali)

This same request was submitted for FY16 Budget, but the Finance department and/or the BFC rejected it because of the organization in Marrakech of the GAC high-level meeting; they stated that priority would be given to an AFRALO General Assembly in FY17. It will be a face to face general assembly of one representative of each African ALS at ICANN 59 (26-29 Jun 2017), and will include daily capacity building sessions for the ALS representatives.

(TBD)(see FY17-66 At-Large Assemblies)

FY17 resources are only available to support two out of the 3 requested At-Large assemblies this fiscal year. The ALAC has the opportunity to choose between the AFRALO (FY17-47), LACRALO (FY17-53) and NARALO (FY17-54) proposals. Consideration of future assemblies will be taken up again in FY18. (FY17-53, FY17-54, FY17-47). See FY17-66 – At-Large Assemblies.

The ALAC has agreed that AFRALO will hold their GA during ICANN 59 in Johannesburg, South Africa in June 2017.


 Aziz Hilali and Tijani Ben JemaaBeing developed. An AFRALO Organizing Committee will be formed in October 2016. AFRALO Leadership held an initial planning call with At-Large staff in September 2016.
AFRALOAFRALO Workshop at the 2016 AFRALOAFRALO Workshop at the 2016 IGF on “ Privacy and users’ data management” (from AFRALO Chair Aziz Hilali)

A Workshop at the IGF 2016 to address the issue of the Internet users’ data and their management. It will be a kind of panel where the panelists will just introduce the topic (5 min each), and then the debate is open. Attendees from all over the world shall make comments or contribution, or ask questions to the panelists.

Travel support for 5 persons.

Guadalajara IGF Workshop support

(No – to Outreach component)(Yes – to Workshop component)(See details in recommendations)

There are two components to this proposal. In regard to the Outreach component, as the proposal notes, it is not anticipated that there will be many African attendees at the Guadalajara IGF meeting. The metrics provided for leadership team outreach do not appear to track for an event that is in Latin America rather than Africa. This concept may be more applicable for a future IGF located in the Africa region.

With respect to the Workshop component of the proposal - pending acceptance by the IGF MAG of the sessions proposed here - support for two (2) AFRALO travelers will be allocated. ICANN staff is not available to support session development, preparation or execution. Approval (and potential future allocations) contingent on: 1) MAG approval of panel; and 2) submission of detailed report from each traveler within 30 days of meeting that addresses: audience turnout/engagement at workshops, number of new ALS applications, number and diversity of contacts and relationships established, number of bilaterals, number of existing ALS members reached at IGF). Report should include analysis of IGF attendance from the RALO's region by stakeholder category - based on public registration data. Report to be submitted to Implementation by IGF and Constituency Travel Support Teams.

  Aziz Hilali and Tijani Ben JemaaA Flash workshop completed at the 2016 IGF.
AFRALO 1er Forum sur le DNS au Tchad(from ISOC TCHAD)

The DNS Chad Forum is the first edition of what will be an annual event and an important event for issues related to domain name systems.

It should be noted that this forum will bring together interested participants with key actors in the domain name field in order to discuss current topics in the Chadian industry in particular, as well as world wide.

Our objectives are among others:

  • Contribute publicly to better serve the local community
  • Contribute to a DNS Resiliency in Chad
  • Unite the Technical Community of the Internet around the issues that are the DNS
  • Develop DNS Business in Chad
  • Etc

Total amount being requested: $13,000


Le Forum DNS Tchad est la première édition au Tchad de ce qui sera un événement annuel et un rendez-vous insoutenable pour les questions liées aux systèmes de  noms de domaines .
Il faut aussi précisé que ce Forum réunira des participants intéressés avec les principaux acteurs dans le domaine de nom de domaine, afin de discuter des sujets d'actualité dans l'industrie tchadienne en particulier et du monde en particulier.
Nos objectifs sont entre autre:
-Contribuer publiquement pour mieux service la communauté locale;
-Contribuer à la résilience d’un DNS au Tchad ;
-Fédérer la communauté Technique de l’internet du Tchad autour des questions qui trouvent le DNS ;                                        
-Développer les Business de DNS au Tchad
Total amount being requested: $13,000


DNS Fora are considered regular engagement activities and should be brought to the attention of the Global Stakeholder Engagement Regional VP for Africa for consideration as an FY17 core engagement activity.

 APRALO Leadership Team Outreach at the Eleventh Annual IGF Meeting tentatively scheduled to take place in Mexico City, Mexico, in September 2016   (from APRALO Leadership Team)   

The Eleventh Meeting of the annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF), under the revised mandate, is tentatively scheduled to take place in Mexico City, Mexico in September 2016. The final announcement relating to the venue and dates is expected shortly at the time of preparing this proposal. The slight delay in the announcement is on account of the requirement for the formal renewal of the IGF Mandate, which has since been obtained at the WSIS+10 meeting in December 2015.

IGF is an open and public forum that brings interested participants from various stakeholder groups as equals, under a multistakeholder process. IGF focuses on public policy issues relating to the Internet. Starting out in 2006, original 5-year IGF mandate was renewed once. The current renewal at the WSIS+10 meeting in December 2015, is for a period of ten years. The extension of the duration of the mandate indicates the growing importance of IGF.

IGF's open format allows anyone interested in Internet policy to participate. Consequently, it presents a unique opportunity for outreach as well as for networking and interacting with several global communities that are otherwise difficult to contact independently.

Several members of APRALO—including some of the members of the APRALO Leadership Team—have been actively participating in IGF over the years, and have been organizing workshops on different IG-related topics.

In 2015, for the first time, APRALO was able to send an official delegation to IGF 2015 held at João Pessoa, Brazil, with ICANN budget support. The initiative was very successful, and the APRALO team was able to extensively interact with members of APRALO, members of the Asia-Pacific Internet Governance community, members of other RALOs, ICANN community members, and the larger IGF Community. The APRALO team also supported the APRALO members in organizing their workshops.

Continuing further with the successful 2015 IGF initiative, the APRALO Leadership Team proposes participation of 3 members of its Leadership Team at the 2016 IGF.

The specific activities that would be carried out by the three-member Outreach Delegation, jointly and individually, are:

  • Participate as APRALO resource persons in different workshops. For this, the team members would be registering themselves as Resource Persons in the IGF Resource Persons' Roster.
  • Collaborate and support activities of other ALAC Members 
  • Explore, and if possible, plan and execute an At-Large Outreach event at the location of the IGF, jointly with Universities and other institutions in the area (including local ALSes, if any). The objective of such an outreach process would be to introduce At-Large (and thereby, ICANN), and to stimulate growth and participation of local end-user communities in At-Large activities.
  • Although there are uncertainties arising out of the approval process of Workshops at IGF, going by past history it is likely that there would be workshops being organized by APRALO members (there were two such workshops last year). The Outreach Delegation would support these workshops.
  • Assuming we have other RALO representatives available, consider creating an At-Large 'corner' in the ICANN booth to provide information on ALAC/At-Large, its role, reach and diversity to visitors
  • As in the case of 2015, hold talks with AP regional organizations for specific regional collaborative programmes

As of now, the neither the themes for IGF 2016 nor the Call for Proposals have been published. APRALO had discussed a plan to propose three Workshops last year, but finally we submitted and got through workshops on two other topics. This year we would like to propose the following workshops that have been adapted from our last year's plans, to the IGF (depending on the IGF 2016 sub-themes that will be announced shortly):

  • Fostering Civil Society Engagement for Inclusive Growth of the Internet: The APRALO Experience
  • Linguistic Diversity and Universal Acceptance as tools for Digital Inclusion on the Internet
  • Internet as an instrument for Development: Role of Capacity Building for Geographic & Linguistic Minorities and the Differently-Abled

As for presence on panels, this would be known only after the initial short-listing of workshops are complete. Going by past history, the three APRALO members should be on about two speaking slots each.

Outreach and Guadalajara IGF Workshop support

(No – to Outreach component, Yes – to proposed Workshop: See details in recommendations)

This proposal has more than one component. In regard to the Outreach component, as the proposal notes, it is not anticipated that there will be many APAC attendees at Latin America IGF. The metrics provided for leadership team outreach do not appear to track for an event that is in Latin America rather than Asia. This concept may be more applicable for a future IGF located in the APAC region.
With respect to the Workshop component of the proposal - support for two (2) APRALO travelers will be allocated - pending acceptance by the IGF MAG of the sessions proposed here. ICANN staff is not available to support session development, preparation or execution. Approval contingent on: (1) MAG approval of panel; and (2) submission of detailed report from each traveler within 30 days of meeting that addresses: audience turnout/engagement at workshops, number of new ALS applications, number and diversity of contacts and relationships established, number of bilaterals, number of existing ALS members reached at IGF). Report should include analysis of IGF attendance from the RALO's region by stakeholder category - based on public registration data and submitted to Implementation by ICANN IGF Team and Constituency Travel Team.

  Satish Babu (TBC)

Completed at the 2016 IGF.



Two Workshops were approved by the MAG.

14. Asia and the Next Billion: Challenges in Digital Inclusion
21. Open Source: A Key Enabler on the Path to the Next Billion

This means that FY17 budget request for 2 people can be also approved, as it was upon MAG approval.

More details on who will travel to IGF will be forthcoming.

See approved Workshops:





Showcase local APRALO activities at APNIC42 to be held in Dhaka, Bangladesh (from ISOC Bangladesh)

APNIC will be

Showcase local APRALO activities at APNIC42 to be held in Dhaka, Bangladesh (from ISOC Bangladesh)

APNIC will be holding one of their meetings in Dhaka, and we would like to take advantage of having many people coming from all over Bangladesh and beyond to showcase what our ALS, ISOC Bangladesh Dhaka is doing as an APRALO organisation, and also to use the event to highlight ICANN’s activities not only in the Bangladesh community but also in other regional and global areas as well. The event will be held at the end of the workshop week, but it will serve as an introduction to the conference week which we will encourage our participants to join, to learn more about APNIC and the internet ecosystem.

(No – CROPP)(0 – See FY17-60)

A combination of CROPP supported travel and collaboration with the appropriate GSE Regional VP should be an acceptable way to implement this proposal. See FY17-60 CROPP.

  Satish Babu (TBC)Meeting was moved to Sri Lanka. ISOC sessions will not be held. 
 ICANN workshops in support to the 1st  Palestinian National IGF (from ISOC Palestine)

As an initiative from the Internet Society Palestine Chapter (ISOC Palestine), we are planning to organize the first Palestinian National Internet Governance Forum (Pal IGF) for two days to be held in Ramallah in August 2016.

In spite the many geopolitical challenges, absence of the parliament and national regulatory authorities in Palestine, the Internet and its governance is working well under the regulations of the split government and private sector.  However the role of well-informed civic engagement proved to be very important in advocating the alignment of Internet policies.

ISOC Palestine is aiming through Pal IGF to bring all stakeholders together for the first time, to encourage and facilitate the cooperation among the concerning parties. 

Our request is to provide partial financial support to Pal IGF and full support to the two ICANN workshops.

The first workshop will be an information and capacity building session about ICANN and its role into the Internet governance ecosystem.

The second workshop will be a round table discussion for marketing and development strategies for the ccTLD of .ps and .فلسطين through the Palestinian National Internet Naming Authority (PNINA).  Given the fact since 2010 correspondences with staff at PININA office located in Gaza Strip and the West Bank are limited to virtual communications. 


Additional information from the APRALO Leadership Team on why this request should be supported by the FBSC for submission:

APRALO LT support the applications from Bangladesh and Palestine because:

     a) both the individuals who have made these applications are active participants in APRALO and         At-Large discussions, and APRALO is very appreciative of their continued positive engagement

     b) both individuals have made applications in good faith that they are supporting ICANN in one of the few ways that they can, through an appropriiate event that is supported by other organisations as well to demonstrate to their communities that ICANN is a partner in their activity.

     c) Both activities propose to facilitate discussions about name and number issues involving the invited ICANN participants alongside local participants who are actually working with IANA and other ICANN related organisations in At-large. These discussions will go beyond outreach and actually engage people in discussions about name and number issues that impact them..     

     d) Both applicants are from countries that are impoverished not only financially but also with regards to information about ICANN and what it does and how it can support the delivery of the internet within their part of our region. Both applications would like the information to be provided by people whose credentials are their formal connection to ICANN. These matters are important to both cultures. Both countries have major internet issues.

The APRALO LT recognises that GSE and CROP funding are available for these types of events. But support for our ALSes is a strategic intent for our region to encourage engagement, which is why we appreciated that the two ALSes who took the time to put their applications forward. We also recognise that neither GSE nor CROP are limitless pools of money and that these applications would be thrown into the mix of more ad hoc applications when these applicants had taken the time to apply to FBSC.

The APRALO LT would recommend that the applications from Bangladesh and Palestine be given $2000 each as a contribution from At-Large to support their event objectives, for example as a contribution towards travel support to get an APRALO member to the event or any other event need. I am assuming that if they invited someone from the Middle East office, that the office would support this from their own budget?


The GSE Middle East Regional Team will examine this proposal as part of the core budget. Conditioned upon OFAC clearance, the team may be able to support 6 regional travelers for this activity.





Support to the First Indian School on Internet Governance (ISIG 2016) (from ISOC TRV, ISOC Delhi)

India has a population of 1.28 billion (Jan 2016), and an Internet user base that is fast approaching 500 million. Despite the very large end-user base, participation of the country's community members in Internet Governance has been relatively low. At the same time, there has been widespread participation in India in the recent debate on Net Neutrality and Zero Rating, where more than 10 million users responded to the regulator's call for opinions.

One of the most significant reasons for the low participation in Internet Governance, particularly through institutions including ICANN, is the low awareness about how and why users can participate in IG.

In order to enhance capacity of the Internet End-User Community in particular and Civil Society in general, and to stimulate their participation in Internet Governance activities, ISOC Delhi and ISOC-TRV, both member ALSes of APRALO, are jointly planning to organize the first India School on Internet Governance (ISIG 2016) in July 2016 (tentatively). ISIG 2016 aims to bring together about 25 participants in the first batch and is expected to be an annual programme. Resource persons drawn from the International IG Community will handle sessions. The syllabus has been loosely based on the APSIG syllabus (used with permission).

Most of the funding for the program will be generated from internal sources (particularly from NIXI, Delhi), but the organizers are also applying to ICANN (through this proposal) and ISOC (if they have funding available).


Additional Information on this Activity:

1. This would be the first-ever IG School in India, and tactically it is important that ICANN is also associated with it. Most of the funding for the initiative is likely to come from National Internet eXchange of India (NIXI, Govt. of India), and a smaller amount from ISOC.

2. After the heated Net Neutrality debate that started from 2015, there is a significant interest in IG in India, but there are no schools yet. Therefore, the ISIG 2016 initiative has a good chance of taking off and becoming a biannual (or even more frequent) school after a while, given the size of India's Internet user community.

3. The current initiative is led by two APRALO ALSes, ISOC-TRV and ISOC-Delhi, and is therefore community-led.  The announcement of the initiative has already generated quite a bit of interest, and several other civil society institutions may join (including the largest ALS in At-Large, Computer Society of India).

4. In the meantime, there is currently a lively debate happening in Asia Pacific, through the Asia-Pacific School on Internet Governance (APSIG) initiative, on the need for more/better IG Schools in Asia-Pacific. APSIG, which is closely associated with APrIGF, is likely to be launched at the APrIGF 2016 meeting at Taipei in July 2016.

5. APSIG is also positioned as a community initiative. The APSIG Steering Committee is composed mostly of APrIGF MAG members and an academic group led by Prof. Kilnam Chon of Keio University, Japan. APSIG has requested that ISIG 2016 join the broader regional community IG School initiative that will share IG training content as well as resource persons and models. ISIG considers that this is good idea that will lead to building synergy for the community model in the Asia Pacific region.

6. It is therefore logical and natural that funding support for ISIG 2016 is provided through a community mechanism rather than an ICANN corporate or regional development mechanism. Further, funding through other organs of ICANN may require co-ordination and reporting through the ICANN Staff hierarchy rather than ALAC/At-Large. Funding through ALAC/At Large will also provide better visibility for ALAC, APRALO and At-Large. The perceived ownership of the IG School by ALSes of the APRALO community also strengthens perceptions on the effectiveness of the At-Large mechanism within ICANN.

In summary:

  1. The initiative is a partnership between prominent regional and national community organizations
  2. It fostersengagement between ALSes in a region of strategic interest for At-Large
  3. It provides capacity building for ALSes as well as end-user communities
  4. It generates learning content in generic and region specific forms that may be reused by others (in forms such as subtitled videos and ebooks that At-Large may be interested in)


Additional information from the APRALO Leadership Team on why this request should be supported by the FBSC for submission:

APRALO LT support the applications from Bangladesh and Palestine because:

     a) both the individuals who have made these applications are active participants in APRALO and 

         At-Large discussions, and APRALO is very appreciative of their continued positive engagement

     b) both individuals have made applications in good faith that they are supporting ICANN in one of            

         the few ways that they can, through an appropriiate event that is supported by other 

         organisations as well to demonstrate to their communities that ICANN is a partner in their 


     c) Both activities propose to facilitate discussions about name and number issues involving the invited ICANN participants alongside local participants who are actually working with IANA and other ICANN related organisations in At-large. These discussions will go beyond outreach and actually engage people in discussions about name and number issues that impact them..     

     d) Both applicants are from countries that are impoverished not only financially but also with regards to information about ICANN and what it does and how it can support the delivery of the internet within their part of our region. Both applications would like the information to be provided by people whose credentials are their formal connection to ICANN. These matters are important to both cultures. Both countries have major internet issues.

The APRALO LT recognises that GSE and CROP funding are available for these types of events. But support for our ALSes is a strategic intent for our region to encourage engagement, which is why we appreciated that the two ALSes who took the time to put their applications forward. We also recognise that neither GSE nor CROP are limitless pools of money and that these applications would be thrown into the mix of more ad hoc applications when these applicants had taken the time to apply to FBSC.

The APRALO LT would recommend that the applications from Bangladesh and Palestine be given $2000 each as a contribution from At-Large to support their event objectives, for example as a contribution towards travel support to get an APRALO member to the event or any other event need. I am assuming that if they invited someone from the Middle East office, that the office would support this from their own budget?

(No - CROPP)(0 – See FY17-60)

The concept of SSIG in India is a strategic and useful endeavor for ICANN and its community. A combination of CROPP supported travel in combination with support from the appropriate Global Stakeholder Engagement Regional VP should be the appropriate means to address this request. Any implementation will be managed by the appropriate GSE regional team. See FY17-60 below for additional guidance on the CROPP parameters available to the APRALO in FY17.

 Satish Babu

Completed prior to ICANN 57.


School will be taking place between 31 October and 2 November in Hyderabad. For full details, see:



EURALO EURALO Members’ Program at the 16th ICANN Studienkreis meeting, 6-7 October 2016 in Dubrovnik, Croatia (from Olivier Crepin-Leblond, EURALO Chair)

EURALO requests funding for 5 EURALO members to participate in a workshop for EURALO Members at the ICANN-Studienkreis to take place on 6-7 October 2016 in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

The ICANN Studienkreis, the German expression for "ICANN Study Group", is an open network composed of experts in the Internet industry who are dedicated to organizing high-level expert seminars on issues regarding ICANN development and internet governance. Individuals and constituencies from the private sector, government, academic institutions, the civil society and the media participate in yearly conferences organized by ICANN Studienkreis.

ICANN Studienkreis focuses 100% on ICANN topics and thus is a perfect opportunity for EURALO Members to hold a workshop on the key policy issues facing Europe within EURALO and ICANN.

The workshop being proposed will consist of both experienced and newer EURALO members to ensure the Workshop both provides value and is educational.

The ICANN Studienkreis is essentially attended by participants in ICANN’s ecosystem and includes influential participants. ICANN’s President and CEO Fadi Chehadé has attended the last 2 ICANN Studienkreis, as the conference is directly related to ICANN activities. Other speakers included several ICANN senior staff, Chairs of Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committees, as well as at least two ICANN Board members per meeting.

Meeting these participants is an essential part of the experience the EURALO participants will have, an opportunity they will not have as easily in other fora.

Requests similar to this one have been made in past years and have all been rejected. In retrospect, the ALAC Finance and Budget Sub-Committee finds this exceedingly difficult to understand given the activity’s focus on ICANN, heavy participation of ICANN (non-At-Large) community members, Board Members and Senior ICANN staff. The Finance and Budget Sub-Committee respectfully requests that this request be seriously considered. 

This request includes travel support, hotel, per diem and a contingency fund. The total amount we are requesting is $6 000.

(No – CROPP) (0 – See FY17-60)

This proposal can be implemented by utilizing the existing Community Regional Pilot Program based on CROPP parameters. The community may also wish to explore options with the appropriate ICANN regional engagement team. No additional special allocation resources are available to be allocated in FY17.

LACRALO LACRALO GA during ICANN 57 in Puerto Rico(from Alberto Soto, Chair of LACRALO)

The proposal is to hold a Latin America and Caribbean Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO) General Assembly (GA) that would bring together one representative from each LACRALO At-Large Structure (ALS).

The objective of the General Assembly is for the ALS representatives from LACRALO to have the chance to meet face-to-face to discuss the critical issues to the future of LACRALO including to build trust among all ALSes, improve the working environment of all ALSes in the Latin American and Caribbean region, to engage in intense rules of procedure drafting, to foster strategic development and to participate in capacity building.  The GA will serve to address the long-running issues which have reached the point at which it is not possible for LACRALO to engage in productive policy work.

The proposed date and location is requested to be at ICANN 57 (Meeting C) scheduled to take place 29 October - 4 November 2016 in San Juan, PR.  The days of the LACRALO General Assembly are 31 October through 2 November.

The location of Puerto Rico, a territory that is bilingual EN/ES, is an ideal location for the EN/ES speakers of LACRALO members to work on strengthening their trust, leading to more clear rules of procedure and a more effective engagement within the At-Large community.

Previous LACRALO General Assemblies were held in Mexico City in 2009, Costa Rica in 2013 and London 2014.

The LACRALO meetings at the requested General Assembly will focus on three specific components:


  1. Building trust among ALS representatives and raise awareness of value-creation discussions – in a frank examination of relations, interests, communication and expectations, the General Assembly will aim to discover what needs to be done, both by ICANN and the LACRALO community, to allow members to engage in an environment open and welcoming to all to better represent the best interests of end-users within the LACRALO region.
  2. Drafting and getting toward agreement of new, more effective LACRALO rules of procedure – to provide an environment that will allow for all ALSes within the region to work more effectively together, new clearer rules of procedure (in both EN and ES) that will facilitate greater trust within the region, will be drafted with the aim to reach agreement, or at minimum, a timetable for the agreement of the new rules.

 3. Strategic Development sessions – a session will be held to begin the development of strategic plans for all ALSes within the region. This would include conversations with GSE staff from Latin America and the Caribbean to foster greater collaboration on common strategic goals.

We note that the proposed time and location will maximize the value of such a meeting while minimizing its cost:

  • The location is well served by airfare to San Juan  for many Latin American and Caribbean  ALSes
  • A volunteer Organization Committee within LACRALO, in collaboration with staff, will work to identify the topics for the General Assembly sessions and help organize them.



The FBSC supports the funding of this activity conditional on continued improvement within LACRALO. The location of this event may be changed if ICANN 57 is re-located.

The FBSC initially gave its conditional approval based on placing request into official template and changing GA location to ICANN 57.

UPDATE: Revised request finalized and posted.

(TBD – See FY17-66 At-Large Assemblies)(0)

FY17 resources are only available to support two out of the 3 requested At Large assemblies this fiscal year. The ALAC has the opportunity to choose between the AFRALO (FY17-47), LACRALO (FY17-53) and NARALO (FY17-54) proposals. Consideration of future assemblies will be taken up again in FY18. (FY17-53, FY17-54, FY17-47). See FY17-66 Assemblies.



This event will be an Assembly for a subset of the LACRALO ALSes to focus on building trust as part of the LACRALO Roadmap.

 Mediators and StaffLACRALO Assembly planned for 30 January through 1 February 2017.This Meeting is part of the LACRALO Roadmap. 

FY17-13-LACRALO-Capacity Building workshop on DNSSEC, IPv6 technical community for the academic network reaccium (Submitted by Raitme Citterio of LACRALO.


The proposal is to hold the first Capacity Building workshop on DNSSEC, IPv6 technical community for the academic network reaccium.


Barquisimeto – Venezuela. It is a university city where top 5 universities in Venezuela where careers are studied telecommunications and information technology focus. where the predominant language is Spanish.

That defines it as the best place for members of the university network face to face are to receive training in the areas of DNSSEC and IPv6.


- 3 days of training in the area of DNSSEC (ICANN sent a specialist).

- 2 days of training in the area of IPv6 (a member of the ISOC Chapter Venezuela will be the instructor).

The objective of the Capacity Building workshop:

Promote academic network in the greater openness about the need to improve the stability and security of the academic network using DNSSEC and IPv6; highlighting the importance of security mechanisms they can be implemented on IPv6.

Since the academic network currently only 3 universities are generating traffic based on IPv6 as chapter we want to increase the number of universities that can drive traffic to IPV6.

This forms our strategy as ALS is to support the academic network providing information on these important issues for both our members and the rest of the art community of the academic network.


- Provide training in the area of security (DNSSEC, IPv6) as a mechanism to ensure greater stability and security of the entire academic network for the consolidation of security mechanisms adapted to the needs of future growth.

- Connect to network with academic experts ICANN to have the opportunity to meet experts in the area of implementing DNSSEC (ICANN) and exchange relevant information.

We note that the proposed time and location will maximize the value of such a meeting while minimizing its cost:

- The location is well served by airfare to major cities around the country.

- A volunteer Organization Committee within LACRALO, in collaboration with staff, will work to identify the topics for the General Assembly sessions and help organize them.


The ICANN Security Team is available to support this request and is able to coordinate with the appropriate regional team to develop program and conduct a workshop. RALO leadership and Policy staff supporting the At Large community to confer with Regional VP who will collaborate with ICANN's Security Team to implement.

  Rodrigo de la Parra and Raitme CitterioStarting to implement. 
NARALONARALO General Assembly (Draft NARALO  GA  submission - Authors Eduardo, Judith and Glenn  This is an update of  last years' submission for the GA @Arin)

The proposal is to hold a North American Regional At-Large Organization (NARALO) General Assembly (GA) – that is, bringing together one representative from each North American At-Large Structure (ALS), as well as the selected representative for unaffiliated members, at a single location for a combination of strategic development, intense policy development, capacity building and outreach and engagement.

The proposed date and location is specifically requested to be at ICANN 57 (Meeting C) scheduled to take place 29 October - 4 November 2016 in San Juan, PR. 

Previous NARALO General Assemblies were held in Mexico City in 2009, Toronto in 2012 and London 2014.

This request for a NARALO General Assembly is in line with the timeline for RALO General Assemblies and the next At-Large Summit as developed by the ALAC.

The NARALO meetings at the requested General Assembly will focus on three specific components:

  1. How to better engage our ALSs – also known within ICANN as “inreach” – in a frank examination of expectations, program execution and community adhesion, we intend to deliver a one-day workshop intended to discover what needs to be done, both by ICANN and the NARALO community, to maximize volunteer participation, increase the ability to represent the best interests of end-users, as well as increase ICANN's “on the street” relevance.
  2. Policy briefings on critical ICANN issues intended to ensure that NARALO ALS representatives are adequately informed to educate their ALS memberships, and that they are better able to channel bottom-up end-user perspectives and ideas into the At-Large community’s policy debates. NARALO members have traditionally been the source of a large proportion of At-Large's policy initiatives, and such interactive briefings are intended to go beyond the traditional webinar, to maintain and enhance the capability for the NARALO community to sustain this momentum. .
  3. Leadership training, intended to educate NARALO ALSes about the complex workings inside ICANN, and develop a clear understanding of its role in the broadr Internet Governance Ecosystem. As just one example, the current deluge of activity surrounding the transition of the IANA stewardship is mainly the realm of those who can follow it practically full-time, with multiple working groups and dozens (if not hundreds) of proposals in the air. It is our experience that many in the At-Large community do not understand much of what's going on or even the relevance. Awareness of both the processes and the path from idea to policy is a critical part of advancing the public interest within ICANN.

We note that the proposed time and location will maximize the value of such a meeting while minimizing its cost:

  • The location is well served by airfare to San Juan  for many North American ALSes
  • Local ALSes have already offered to help with logistics
  • Commitment for substantial pre-events by local ALSes such as ISOC PR and HET leading up to General Assembly
  • A volunteer Organization Committee within NARALO will identify the topics for the workshops and help organize them.
  • NARALO volunteers will facilitate the workshops
  • Arrangements will be made for an ALS representative mentoring program to take place in the run up to and during the NARALO GA.


(TBD – See FY17-66 At-Large Assemblies)(0)

FY17 resources are only available to support two out of the 3 requested At-Large assemblies this fiscal year. The ALAC has the opportunity to choose between the AFRALO (FY17-47), LACRALO (FY17-53) and NARALO (FY17-54) proposals. Consideration of future assemblies will be taken up again in FY18. (FY17-53, FY17-54, FY17-47). See FY17-66 - Assemblies.


, FY17-47). See FY17-66 - Assemblies.


The ALAC has agreed that NARALO will hold their GA during the ARIN Meeting in New Orleans in April 2017.

 Glenn McKnight and Judith Hellerstein

To be held 2-5 April 2017.

The schedule has been agreed with the community leads, ARIN and staff. A workspace has been created. An Organizing Committee for the agenda is being established.

A call for membership was sent. Planning will begin shortly.

NARALOPilot Tribal Ambassadors Proposal for ICANN 57 (from Native Public Media)

On behalf of tribal communities across the United States, Native Public Media (NPM) respectfully requests your consideration of the Tribal Ambassadors Pilot Project (Project).  The Project addresses the digital divide throughout Indian Country in the United States by enhancing ICANN’s outreach to Native American stakeholders.  Specifically, the Project aims to generate increased awareness and understanding of educational opportunities available for internet governance development within un-served and underserved tribal communities, in addition to advocating for intergovernmental digital communication policies that are responsive to the unique perspectives and characteristics of Native communities. 

An ambassadorship opportunity for one student at one ICANN conference with two adult coaches will help NPM to protect and advance the rights of tribal communities in the digital age will facilitate that Native Americans have a voice at the ICANN policymaking table.

Expanded outreach to underserved populations of developed countries
Travel for two tribal ambassadors for ICANN57 is authorized. Community to identify an At Large Guide to serve as a coach for the ambassadors. The At Large Guide to come from among existing/expected experienced attendees at the meeting. Staff has recommended more transparency on recruitment of ambassadors and adjustment of success metrics to include - progress toward a native community ALS.
Additional conditions of allocation are: (1) At Large Guide to follow the guidelines of the Community Mentor Pilot Program to introduce ambassadors to ICANN and the ICANN Meeting - from approximately 6 weeks prior to Meeting, act as the ambassadors’ “one-on-one” guide through the ICANN experience during Meeting week, and follow up beyond the Meeting to further guide continued knowledge and engagement; (2) ambassadors to participate in the ICANN Newcomer Sunday meeting with DPRD team representative who will be facilitating the session to ensure inclusion; (3) ambassadors to participate in the Fellowship Morning sessions Monday through Thursday in order to gain overall ICANN experience and understanding of its Multistakeholder community; and (4) both At Large Guide and ambassadors to submit detailed report within 30 days of the ICANN Meeting that addresses activities at the meeting and assessment of experience. These reports will help in assessment of future pilot efforts. Report to be submitted to:
Implementation by Policy and DPRD Staff supporting the At Large Community and Constituency Travel Team.
The Mentor At-Large Guide for this project will be Siranush Vardanyan. .Loris Taylor, Judith Hellerstein and Janice Douma Lange

Completed at ICANN 57.

Reports to be filed.

A Selection Committee has selected the two Tribal Ambassadors. The Project will follow along the lines of the Fellowship Program. See: NARALO Tribal Ambassadors Pilot for ICANN 57.

Maureen Hilyard will be the Guide.