Versions Compared


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Dial-out Participants:

EN:  Eduardo Diaz, Jonathan Zuck, Glenn McKnight, Gordon Chillcott, Bill Jouri, Tom Lowenhaupt, William Michael Cunningham,  Ron Da Silva, Joly MacFie, Susanah Gray, Adrian Schmidt, Dustin Phili, Judith Hellerstein, Loris Taylor, Eve Edelson, Javier Rua-Jovet, Marita Moll, Leah Symekher, Dana Perry, Kristian Stout, John More, Monique Chartrand

FR:  None

Apologies:  Alfredo Calderón, Alan Greenberg

Staff: Heidi Ulrich, Joe Capetano, Claudia Ruiz, Silvia Vivanco, Mario Aleman

Interpreters:  Claire and Jacques

Call Management: Mario Aleman


Action Items: EN

Recording:   EN, FR FR

AC Chat: EN    

AC Recording: EN EN

Transcript: EN EN, FR




1. Attendance (



This section is to record the meeting attendance. Colors are to identify the corresponding attendance state:  Green=Present, Yellow=Apology, Red=Not Present,

ALS (Total 23 :: 10CA/2PR/11US) - Attendance (







1Pacific Community Networks Association/CAAllan SkuceBev Collins
2Nova Scotia Community Access Program/CADana Perry (P*)Erick Stackhouse
3ISOC DC/USDustin Phillips (P)John More (P)
4ISOC PR/PREduardo Díaz (P)Alfredo Calderón
5Canadian Association for Open Source (CLUE)/CAEvan LeibovitchMathew Rice
6Foundation For Build. Sustainable Communities/CAGlenn McKnight (P)Robert T Bell
7Greater Toronto Area Linux User Group/CAGordon Chillcott (P)Scott Sullivan
8Knujon/USGrath Bruen -No response
9Association of Internet Users/US :: ALAC 2017-19John LaPriseCristina Willlard
10ISOC NY/USJoly McFie (P)Greg Shatan
11Capital Area Globetrotters/USJudith Hellerstein (P)Le-Marie Thompson
12Consumers Council of Canada/CA

Kenneth L. Whitehurst

Howard Dean

Karen Mulberry(TBA)

14ISOC SF/USLeah Sykmekher (P)Susannah Gray (P)
15ISOC NC/USLynden PriceCesar Campos
16Native Public Media/USLoris Taylor (P)16Native Public Media/USLoris TaylorElyse Dempsey
17Telecommunities Canada/CA Marita Moll    (P)Garth Graham
18Communautique/CAMonique Chartrand (P)-None
19The IP/Tech. Section of the HI State Bar Assoc./USSeth ReissTracey Ohta
20ISOC Quebec/CADestiny Tchehouali
Robert Castonguay
21ISOC Canada/CAShelley RobinsonMurray McKercher Inc./USThomas Lowenhaupt (P)Robert Pollard
23Hispanic Educational Tech. Services (HETS)/PRYubelkys MontalvoYelixa Castro

For updates please contact Evin Erdoğdu, At-Large Staff.


Unaffiliated (Total 21 22 :: 3CA4CA/1PR/17US) Attendance (X5/2122





1Adrian Schmidt (P)CA
2Alan GreenbergCA
3Daniel WrightUS
4David AllnutUS
5Edward HasbrouckCA
6Endrias ZewdeUS
7Javier Rúa Jovet (P)PR
8Jean Armour PollyUS
9Jeongwon RyuUS
10John Levine - 2017 Rep.US
11Jonathan Zuck (P)US
12Kristian Stout (P)US
13Linda KaiserUS
14Michelangelo De SimoneUS
15Philip RighterUS
16Roberto GuerraCA
17Roland YarbroughUS
18Thomas StruettUS
19Thomas W CampbellUS
20Wendy SeltzerUS
21Wes BoudvilleUS
22William Cunningham (P)US

<<For updates please contact Evin Erdoğdu, At-Large Staff.


2. Quorum :: (35%) Consensus (


12/9) - (50%) Votes (



This section is to record if there is quorum for decisions that requires a consensus call or formal vote.

-→ 12 February [Recording: --]   Quorum determined after meeting [Decision]:  There was quorum.

3. Approval of the Agenda & Discussion Order 


-→ 12 February [Recording: --]  [Decision]:  Approved with not objections. 

4. Resolved Discussions (i.e. Closed or Dormant)

This section is to approve moving to their respective archive locations the discussions that have been closed or made dormant in the previous meeting.

-→ 12 February [Recording: 03] William wanted to keep open ITEM 021: --]  Snippet Webinar - Net Neutrality.  [Decision]:  


Item will be closed as is and a new discussion will be open to cover this theme. William to submit discussion title and description.

ITEM 003: 2018 ALS Voting Rep & Alternates

LEAD: Glenn McKnight.

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 8 January 2018


-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Recommend to close [Decision]:  

ITEM 004: SOI Updates

LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: January 2018


-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]   Recommend to close. [Decision]: 

ITEM 007: 2018 & 2019 Time table

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: Dormant @ 12 February Dormant @ 8 January

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: A table with NARALO important dates needs to be created and updated as necessary. Example of these dates are: elections, CROP, fellowship programs, monthly mid/year reports, strategic plans, etc.


-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting. Off Line Report: Time table started but needs to be updated . [Decision]: Off Line Decision: Put dormant to re-check in the future

ITEM 008: Meeting recordings as podcasts

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: Dormant @ 12 February Dormant @ 8 January 

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: Currently, if you want to hear a specific NARALO meeting recording you must find where it is located. This is a “PULL” operation. To make it easier for the region, we should recreate these recordings into podcasts and have them available through a subscription. This will make it a “PUSH” operation. This can be extended to other areas like webinars, working groups, etc.


11 December 2017: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action required: Eduardo to work with Alfredo in setting-up this mechanism. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Not discussed during this meeting.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

-→ 12 February [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]: Off Line Decision: Put dormant to re-check to check in the future

ITEM 010: ARIN 40  trip reports

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 08 January 2018


-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]   [Decision]: Recommend to close

ITEM 013: ICANN 61 - two (2) open travel slots

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 8 January 2018


-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Call made to the region resulted in 0 interest.  [Decision]: Recommend to close.

5. Meeting Discussion Order 

ITEM 021: 
Snippet Webinar - Net Neutrality

LEAD: Alfredo Calderón / Education Group

OPEN: 8 January 2018, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: Policy

DESCRIPTION: dismantling the rules regulating the businesses that connect consumers to the internet. One of the main questions to answer is: Should changes to the NN rules concern ICANN at all?

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Snippet Webinar (SW) about Net Neutrality will be held during this meeting. The purpose is to hear what net neutrality really is and what changes are expected to happen with the new FCC ruling. After the SW, there will be an opportunity for all to participate and comment about this theme. One of the main questions that we want to answer is the following: Does the NN ruling affects ICANN directly? . [Decision]:  The webinar was held. recommend to close.

ITEM 022: 2018 At-Large Webinars

LEAD: Tijani Ben Jama

OPEN: 8 January 2018, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: Education

DESCRIPTION: Presentation of 2018 At-Large Webinars

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Heidi explained that Tijani did not planned to talk in this meeting but that what he wanted was to remind everyone to send him topics for 2018 Capacity Webinar series. [Decision]: Recommend to close.

5. Meeting Discussion Order 

Discussion Items recommended to Close/Dormant

2018 ALS Alternate representative(s)

SOI Updates

2018 & 2019 Time table

Meeting recordings as podcasts

ARIN 40  trip reports

ICANN 61 - two (2) open travel slots



















Item #

Allotted Time/Running Time


ALS Decertification







Item #

Allotted Time/Running Time


2018 At-Large Webinars


Ben Jamma

22(00:03 /00:12)*

(00:03 /00:15)*

Snippet Webinar :: Net NeutralityWebinar :: Cybersecurity - "Typo-squatting: Not Just a Brand/Tradename Problem"

    • General discussion




(00:15 /00:30)

(00:15 /00:45)


Two CROP Trips Available for FY18



025(00:05 /00:50)

NARALO Hot Topics



009(00:10 05 /00:55)
5Outreach WG Update



017Real Time Transcription Services Survey


-(00:04 /00:59)

if we get to them.....

Outreach WG Update

NARALO Elections

NARALO 10th Anniversary @ ICANN 61

ABR (Additional Budget Request)

NomCom update report2018 & 2019 Time table

Individual Members Certification Criteria

ICANN 61 Showcase & NARALO 10th Anniv.

Meeting recordings as podcasts

SOI Updates

member representative







75Any Other Business

*(allowed time/running time)


This section is for discussions that have been carried forward to this meeting.

ITEM 002: 2018 Individual member representative


08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Item not discussed.  [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting-

→ 12 February [Recording: --]  ]  Need to clarify who is the current rep and how to move forward with selecting the new rep for 2018. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting

ITEM 005: NomCom update report

LEAD: Leah Sykmekher

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 


08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting Off-Line Report: The 2018 NOMCOM is tasked with filling 9 open leadership positions on the ICANN board. The team kicked off with meetings at ICANN 60 in Abudhabi where we got right into the preparatory phase of our work that focused on detailed planning for responsibilities in the coming year. We achieved the following: - Defined operating procedures - Outlined 2018 NOMCOM timelines, goals and strategies - Formed 8 subcommittees each focused on specific tasks. Outreach:  We are currently in the candidate recruitment phase of our annual process where outreach to the community plays a significant role. NOMCOM delegates attending IGF 2017 in Geneva began our outreach efforts with more to come at ICANN 61 and at /through other appropriate channels. We welcome NARALO to encourage suitable candidates to apply for these open seats: ICANN Board of Directors 3 Seats, GNSO 1 seat, ALAC 2 seats (Europe & North America) & ccNSO 2 seats.Resources: For more information on NOMCOM 2018 and to be continually updated on our activities please use the following resources: 2018 NOMCOM website as a resource for information:,  2018 NOMCOM wiki for candidate applications (will be up soon), 2018 NOMCOM Update (will be available soon  [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meetingof Directors 3 Seats, GNSO 1 seat, ALAC 2 seats (Europe & North America) & ccNSO 2 seats.Resources: For more information on NOMCOM 2018 and to be continually updated on our activities please use the following resources: 2018 NOMCOM website as a resource for information:,  2018 NOMCOM wiki for candidate applications (will be up soon), 2018 NOMCOM Update (will be available soon  [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting

-→ 12 February2018 [Recording: --]   Off-Line Report:  Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom: Thx Glenn direct people to my summary, the website and let all know that we are in the recruiting phase so direct intersted candidates  to website.Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:→ 12 February2018 [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting Off-Line Report: [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

ITEM 009: NARALO Hot Topics

LEAD: John Laprice / Policy Group


-→ 12 February 2018 [Recording: --42]  There was no one from the Policy Group to discuss this item. [Decision]:   Carry forward to next meeting.

ITEM 012: ABR (Additional Budget Request)

LEAD: Heidi Ulrich

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED:


-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Offline report: ABR deadline is Friday, 12 January 2018. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

-→ 12 February 2018 [Recording: --]  Report given [Decision]: Recommend to close50] Final results in May 2018 [Decision]: Revisit in May - Recommend to put in a dormant state until then.

ITEM 014: Individual Members Certification Criteria

LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED:


-→ 12 February 2018 [Recording: --]  Off Line Report:  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

ITEM 016:




 Anniversary @ ICANN 61

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: Dormant @ 8 January 2018, Open 12 February 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: This item is to discuss and f/u the coordination of the ICANN 61 NARALO showcase and the celebration of NARALO 10th anniversary.


11 December 2017: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting
08 January 2018: [Recording: --]   Offline report: This item is being discussed offline with the secretariat. Once the final schedule and agenda is set will be informed here. [Decision]: Recommend to put in a dormant state.

-→ 12 February 2018 [Recording: --]  Off Line Report: Ideas: [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

ITEM 017: Outreach WG Updates

LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: This item is for the Outreach WG to report on NARALO Outreach efforts.

20 November 2017: [Recording: XX] This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: --]  This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]   [Decision]: 

ITEM 020: ALS Decertification

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz


-→ 12 February 2018 [Recording: 46]  Change item title to NARALO 10th Anniversary @ICANN61. General Idea: 60 minutes event to be done at noon hour on Monday, 12 March 2018 on one side of the main atrium. Posible flow...

  • 10 minutes general talk: brief NARALO 10 year history (pictures running in the background). Speakers to be determined
  • 5 minutes talk about the "Pleneros" music.
  • 25 minutes of music: 5 songs / 5 minutes each
  • 15 minutes - happy birthday song with a tropical rhythm and a cake.

[Decision]: Recommend to close


ITEM 017: Outreach WG Updates

LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 20 Nov OPEN: 11 December 2017, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: This item is for discussing NARALO ALs decertifications  item is for the Outreach WG to report on NARALO Outreach efforts.

20 November 2017: [Recording: XX] This item was not discussed during the meeting. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: --] This   This item was not discussed during the meeting.   [Decision]: Carry forward to next meetingEN - Randy Glass America@Large/US
EN - Steve Anderson Open Media/CA
EN - Sunish Gupta Visually Impaired & Blind Users Group (VIBUG)/US

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  The following ALSs were sent to ALAC to be decertified: America@Large/US, Open Media/CA & Visually Impaired & Blind Users Group (VIBUG)/US. Recommend to put dormant until final vote is done by ALAC Report given [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

-→ 12 February 2018 [Recording: 42]  Report given. Please refer to recording/transcript fro more details. [Decision]: 

6. New Discussions (→= current meeting date)

This section is for new discussions in the agenda for this meeting.

ITEM 021: Snippet Webinar - Net Neutrality

LEAD: Alfredo Calderón / Education Group

Carry forward to next meeting


ITEM 020: ALS Decertification

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 11 December 2017OPEN: 8 January 2018CLOSED:

TYPE: PolicyGeneral

DESCRIPTION: dismantling the rules regulating the businesses that connect consumers to the internet. One of the main questions to answer is: Should changes to the NN rules concern ICANN at all?This item is for discussing NARALO ALs decertifications  

11 December 2017-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Snippet Webinar (SW) about Net Neutrality will be held during this meeting. The purpose is to hear what net neutrality really is and what changes are expected to happen with the new FCC ruling. After the SW, there will be an opportunity for all to participate and comment about this theme. One of the main questions that we want to answer is the following: Does the NN ruling affects ICANN directly? [Decision]: 

7. Any Other Business (AOB)

This section is for any new discussions not in the agenda for this meeting.

ITEM 022: 2018 At-Large Webinars

LEAD: Tijani Ben Jama

OPEN: 8 January 2018, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: Education

DESCRIPTION: Presentation of 2018 At-Large Webinars

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Presentation was made. See recording for details. [Decision]: Recommend to close.

 This item was not discussed during the meeting.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

EN - Randy Glass America@Large/US
EN - Steve Anderson Open Media/CA
EN - Sunish Gupta Visually Impaired & Blind Users Group (VIBUG)/US

08 January 2018: [Recording: 07]  The following ALSs were sent to ALAC to be decertified: America@Large/US, Open Media/CA & Visually Impaired & Blind Users Group (VIBUG)/US.  [Decision]: Recommend to put dormant until final vote is done by ALAC.

-→ 12 February 2018 [Recording: --]  The ALAC has decertified the following organizations as ICANN At-Large Structures: VIBUG, America@Large, Open Media, ISOC Disabled and Special Needs, ISOC North Carolina (NARALO).  [Decision]: Recommend to close.

6. New Discussions (→= current meeting date)

This section is for new discussions in the agenda for this meeting.


ITEM 023: NARALO Elections


DESCRIPTION: 2018 NARALO Election Timeline and available positions as follows:

  • NARALO Secretariat: Currently held by Glenn McKnight.  The duration is for one year. according to the ROP Section 6.1.1  Position commences at the startThe new term starts immediately after the end of the current term and continues until the end of the 2019 AGM. Glenn is not term limited .
  • ALAC  Representative:Currently held  by Alan Greenberg for a two year period.  Alan is term limited. Current term lasts until the end of the 2018 AGM.
  • NARALO  NomCom Delegate: The current NA delegate to the 2018 NomCom is Leah  Symekher. Current term last until the end of the 2018 AGM. Leah is not term limited.






4 April 2018


Nominations* open for three positions: Secretariat, ALAC Representative and NomCom Delegate. ROP 6.1.2: "Candidates for office may be an Individual Member or a member of an ALS Member, and must be resident in North America."


16 April 2018


Nominations Close. ROP 6.4.1: "The nomination period shall be no fewer than ten (10) working days."


23 April 2018


Deadline for Nomination Acceptance. ROP 6.4.2: "Nominations other than self-nominations must be accepted within 7 days of the close of the nomination period."


24 April 2018


NARALO Special Purpose Call on NARALO 2018 Elections: "Get to Know the Candidates" -  24 April 2018 ←NOTE: Need link to this page


9 May 2018


Elections end.


Newly selected ALAC Members and RALO leaders are seated at the close of the 2018 AGM on October 26, 2018. The newly selected NomCom Delegate is seated when the 2018 NomCom convenes.




4 April 2018

Nominations* open for three positions: Secretariat, ALAC Representative and NomCom Delegate. ROP 6.1.2: "Candidates for office may be an Individual Member or a member of an ALS Member, and must be resident in North America."

16 April 2018

Nominations Close. ROP 6.4.1: "The nomination period shall be no fewer than ten (10) working days."

23 April 2018

Deadline for Nomination Acceptance. ROP 6.4.2: "Nominations other than self-nominations must be accepted within 7 days of the close of the nomination period."

24 April 2018

NARALO Special Purpose Call on NARALO 2018 Elections: "Get to Know the Candidates" -  24 April 2018

4 May 2018Elections open.

9 May 2018

Elections end.

10 May 2018Elections results are published.
26 October 2018

Newly selected ALAC Members and RALO leaders are seated at the close of the 2018 AGM on October 26, 2018. The newly selected NomCom Delegate is seated when the 2018 NomCom convenes.

→ 12 February 2018: [Recording: 51] Heidi mentioned that the dates presented in the DRAFT may change since staff is  synchronizing all RALO elections two run simultaneously. [Decision]: Carry froward to next meeting


ITEM 024: Snippet Webinar - "Typo-squatting: Not Just a Brand/Tradename Problem"

LEAD: Alfredo Calderón / Education Group

OPEN: 12 February 2018, CLOSED: 

TYPE: [Education]

DESCRIPTION: Seminar will be held by an expert from LookingGlass. To cover: short background on the topic, How does it impact end-users, Is it within the remit/scope of the mission of ICANN? If so, what can NARALO do?

-→ 12 February 2018 [Recording: 10] Seminar given. Please refer to recording/transcript for details. [Decision]: Recommend to close.


ITEM 025: Two CROP Trips Available for FY18

LEAD: Glenn Mcknight

OPEN: 12 February 2018, CLOSED: 

TYPE: [Outreach]

DESCRIPTION: There are currently two trips available under this program. These need to be requested before 4 May, 2018 deadline.

-→ 12 February 2018 [Recording: 38] Report given. Refer to recording/transcript for details. [Decision]: Recommend to close.

7. Any Other Business (AOB)

This section is for any new discussions not in the agenda for this meeting.

ITEM 026

→ 12 February 2018: [Recording: --]  Mentioned in the call. [Decision]: Recommend to leave this open until election's results are published.

ITEM 022: 2018 At-Large Webinars

LEAD: Tijani Ben Jama

OPEN: 8 January 2018, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: Education

DESCRIPTION: Presentation of 2018 At-Large Webinars

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Presentation was made. See recording for details. [Decision]: Recommend to close.


*: [Item title here]

LEAD: [name]

OPEN: [open date], CLOSED:


*Use this format. The number shown is the next in the sequence of discussions. Update every meeting if necessary.

8. Next Meeting: 

-→ 8 January → 12 February 2018: [Recording: --] Monday, 12 February 2018 @ 20:00 UTC  During ICANN61 - TBD  [Decision]: Approved. Staff to send invitation. Inform region once the date/time is set.


Supporting Material





Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP)-FY18 Home