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1. Hypothesis

The At-Large Regional Welcome Package is an online resource to serve as a guide for new and current members of the At-Large community across all Regional At-Large Organizations.  The dynamic and easy to use format. Content will include such information as key documents, infographics, videos, links, names, and  application forms to provide a complete source of information on how best to start working in At-Large as a member or leader.  

2. Primers

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7. Ideas

What could solve the customer personas' problems and meet stakeholders' requirements?

Airline example: "Refurbished airplanes with no check-in baggage and no food/drinks served".



6. Value

What is the likely user benefit and business benefit:

  • expected user gains
  • $ business benefits
  • technical benefits

Only list what can be measured and rank them as a team in terms of perceived customer value.

Airline example: "Air travel speed (not service) at the price of train tickets."



4. Stakeholders

Who supports this effort? Who could potentially block this project? Who also has requirements?

Airline example: "CEO, pilots, travel agents, air regulators".



3. Customer personas

Who has this problem? What motivates them? What are they trying to accomplish?

Airline example: "John is a university student who wants to travel during semester vacation without spending a fortune".


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8. Minimum viable experience

The smallest, easiest, fastest-to-make version of your idea that can reliably prove the hypothesis.

Airline example: "Serving one popular tourist destination during university vacation."



5. Team

What experience and skills are required to set up this experience for success?

Airline example: "marketing manager, operations lead, finance, IT dev team"



10. End to end demo

Tell an end to end story from the point of view of the customer that focuses on the problems solved, the solution applied and value achieved. List key scenarios as role play, sketches or lo-fi (wireframes) that later could be worked into hi-fi (pixel perfect) mockup journeys.

End to end previews of the user experience will give the entire team a desired end goal to work towards.

Airline example: "Screen journey of booking a low cost flight; end to end experience from check-in to disembarking; complaint hotline process and experience, etc."



9. Metrics

Define success metrics directly related to the desired values for this experience that will be used to prove or disprove the hypothesis.

Metrics are often overlooked or not executed. Determine early when, how and by who they will be measured.

Also, you want to have metrics not only for the ultimate value but also for milestones along the way that can provide early success or warning indicators.

Airline example: "The low-cost air travel offering website will trigger at least 10,000 leads and 1,500 bookings within the first month".


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The At-Large Regional Welcome Package is an online resource to serve as a guide for new and current members of the At-Large community across all Regional At-Large Organizations.  The dynamic and easy to use format. Content will include such information as key documents, infographics, videos, links, names, and  application forms to provide a complete source of information on how best to start working in At-Large as a member or leader.  

What information is available in the At-Large Regional Welcome Package?

The Welcome Package is an easy to use guide for new community members (Individuals or ALS members) as well as existing At-Large community members who would like to increase their participation. 

Information on the following topics is included: 

  • to understand the mission, rules, working methods and purpose of the At-Large Committee, Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs), At-Large Structures (ALSEs), and Individual Members making up the At-Large community
  • to understand the key policy views of the ALAC, current policy, operational and governance, and mobilization work tracks
  • to get to know the ALAC Members, ALAC Liaisons, RALO Leaders and Working Group Chairs and other key members of the At-Large community
  • to increase knowledge about each RALOs' At-Large Structures and individual members in order to expand local and regional networks, ask substantive questions, and to identify the opportunities for mentoring support
  • to have access to the training and capacity building resources developed by ICANN and the At-Large community. 
  • to follow the ICANN, At-Large, RALOs news on all communication channels

Welcome and Introduction to At-Large

Organizational Structure

Current ALS Map:

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Topic Structure

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ICANN Multi-Stakeholder Model




titleWelcome and Introduction to At-Large


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The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)


The Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs)


At-Large Structures (ALSes) and Individual Members


The At-Large Journey

Learning Resources

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How to Participate

At-Large at Meetings

ICANN Meetings

Global Internet Governance Meetings 

ICANN's Multi-Stakeholder Model and the Role of At-Large

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Would You Like More Information? 

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At-Large Organizational Structure

  • Use shades of ICANN blue
  • Update look
  • Use At-Large logo

Update to Interactive global map for ALSes. 



titleOur Work

Structure Map

  • Use shades of ICANN blue
  • Make interactive allowing each ALS to be clickable leading to ALS wiki page
  • Update look

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Topic Structure

  • Is it possible to made the boxes clickable for use on a wiki? Clicking them would lead to a wiki page. 

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People around the world

  • Include links to ALAC/RALO history (clickable if possible)
  • Use RALO colors for regions (Africa - orange; Asia-Pacific - Red; Europe - blue; Latin America and the Caribbean Islands - green; North America - yellow) 

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  • Make each section clickable leading to ALAC and RALO wiki pages
  • Use RALO colors with each RALO space leading to the RALO workspaces
  • ALAC color (purple) leads to ALAC webpage

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ICANN Multi-Stakeholder Model

  • Eack block should be clickable or include a link to lead to the SOAC pages, Board, etc. 

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Journey Example

  • This is an example of the At-Large journey illustration. 
  • Content is needed to chart journey 

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Learning Resource Cards

  • Aim is to make each of the learning resource cards clickable to lead to ICANN Learn, the At-Large capacity building tool, 




Operations and Governance


Community Engagement and Mobilization


titleHow to Participate


ALAC Portal and Gateway


Working Group Portal


RALO Portals


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titleLearning Resources
