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1.  Adoption of this agenda; call for Any Other Business or other amendments – Olivier (2 min) – Olivier

2.  Roll call; apologies from members, if any (1 min) – -- Staff (Gisella, Marilyn) (1 min)

3.  Review of Action Items from ALAC meeting of 17 March 2011-- Olivier (5 min) – Olivier

4.  Review of Current ALS applications (3 min) – Staff (Marilyn) (3 min)

European Media Platform (EURALO)


Netmission.Asia (APRALO) 


5.  Reports – Olivier (1 min) – Olivier

See At-Large Reports from WGs, RALOs and Liaisons wiki page.


6.  Review and revise timelines on Policy Advice Development Calendar (10 mins) -- Carlton and Olivier (10 min)

See ICANN Web site Public Comment page for all currently open public consultations.


7.  Proposed ALAC Statement to the ICANN Board on the RAA Negotiations -- Olivier (5 minsmin) – Olivier

8.  At-Large WG on Future Challenges:  Next steps (10 mins) - Olivier and Jean-JacquesJacques (10 min)

Discussion to include:

  • Charter;
  • Determining membership and leadership (see link above);
  • Determining which current WGs this new WG would consume (see At-Large WGs); and
  • Potential concerns:  Diverting people's time, redoing work already done by past WGs (e.g., WG on At-Large Engagement in ICANN), access to past WGs' archives & information.

9.  Formal vote of thanks to Staff for Confluence Wiki Guide (available in 6 UN languages) – Olivier (5 minsmin) – Olivier

Items for Discussion

10.  Board resolution on Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation -- Olivier (5 min) – Olivier


Discussion to include: 

  • Identification of cross-regional links; and
  • Context provided by Sebastien (Staff AI from 14 Apr ExCom meeting – In progress)

11.  Identification of data to be shared with registrars – Olivier (5 min) – Olivier

Discussion to include:

  • Registrars’ to-do list: 
    • Produce educational products for end users/consumers (by next meeting)
    • Develop 3--4 more education/outreach ideas (and identify who will work on them)
  • No need to meet with registrars in Singapore; instead, Staff-to-Staff communication.

12.  Danny Younger's comment regarding cyber-squatting registrar -- Cheryl (5 min) -- Cheryl

Comment:  "For what it's worth, I would like to see the ALAC release a statement that says:  We have taken note of yet another lawsuit naming an ICANN accredited registrar as a serial cybersquatter.  We call upon the ICANN Compliance Department to act to eliminate the rogue registrars within our midst.  For details see:"

13.  Cross-Community Work Groups (C-WGs) -- Cheryl (10 min) -- Cheryl

Geographical Regions Review WG


Items for Information


14.  Call for Community Volunteers for IDN Variant TLD Case Study Teams -- Olivier (5 min) – Olivier


15.  Any Other Business – Olivier (5 min) – Olivier




Items For Decision