00:19:41    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    We will note this, thank you Claire
00:21:30    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    To follow along with the RTT:  https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:27:23    Amrita Choudhury:    I had volunteered for the sustainability group last week
00:27:32    Amrita Choudhury:    but seems my name was not added
00:27:47    Amrita Choudhury:    Thanks Claire
00:27:49    ALAC-Bukola Oronti:    I volunteer for topic 2
00:27:56    mmoll:    I had volunteered last week but have to withdraw due to medical issues at the time
00:28:17    hadia Elminiawi:    Get well Marita
00:28:28    mmoll:    Thanks
00:28:33    hadia Elminiawi:    Reacted to "Thanks" with 
00:28:55    Amrita Choudhury:    Thats Marita not me Claire :)
00:29:30    Judith Hellerstein:    Sorry Marita for being under the weather
00:29:42    Judith Hellerstein:    Hope you feel better soon
00:35:42    Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org:    Talking Points - https://docs.google.com/document/d/11u--2SsDZsVtg8F4GEx9SCO8EETVTvDQ9H8TJUa5gA8/edit?usp=sharing
00:36:43    Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org:    Amrita and Bukola, you are being added as shepherds for the topics you’ve requested.
00:40:39    ALAC-Bukola Oronti:    Reacted to Amrita and Bukola, y... with "
00:45:40    ALAC-Lilian Ivette:    hi everyone sorry for be late
00:45:54    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    future rounds of the Holistic Review processes
00:49:48    avri doria:    get it right?  be exciting to see it get close.
00:50:42    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Reacted to "get it right? 
be ex..." with 
00:51:51    mmoll:    Reacted to "Hope you feel better..." with 
00:53:15    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    exactly @ALAC-Claire Craig
00:55:26    avri doria:    I do not mind be called on, I tend to hide in corners when I can.
00:55:35    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Reacted to "I do not mind be cal..." with 
00:55:35    ALAC-Bill Jouris:    What fun is that?
00:56:13    avri doria:    Replying to "What fun is that?"

best places for watching as much as possible and listening to a great deal.
00:58:27    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    we do need to wrap this section of the Agenda now however thank you all for this discourse...
00:59:20    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    AND I have learned how to mute with [return]
00:59:29    Amrita Choudhury:    Reacted to "AND I have learned h..." with 
00:59:44    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Wise words @ALAC-Claire Craig
01:00:36    Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org:    We take note of this, will include it in the  “DRAFT” At-Large Regional Leaders coordination session
01:00:54    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    FYI  I have covered off the part of this Agenda  in detail  in the last item
01:02:13    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    By Team  @ALAC-Claire Craig means the Org staff who run these exercises
01:04:06    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    so we will need our attendees to be prepared by at least reading and understanding the talking points ON CIP-CCG
01:04:20    hadia Elminiawi:    Reacted to "so we will need our ..." with 
01:05:05    Amrita Choudhury:    New format worth experimenting with
01:05:13    ALAC-Shah Rahman:    Reacted to "so we will need our ..." with 
01:06:07    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    polling your opinions  NOT sharing them extensively  via interventions and debate ;-)  as needs must
01:07:51    Amrita Choudhury:    https://netmundial.br/
01:08:02    hadia Elminiawi:    Reacted to "https://netmundial.b..." with 
01:08:17    avri doria:    what day?
01:08:19    Harold Arcos:    Reacted to "https://netmundial.b..." with 
01:08:38    avri doria:    thanks.
01:08:46    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    April 23 1400 UTC
01:09:46    Amrita Choudhury:    People who were involved then
01:09:49    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    so we are an audience
01:09:54    Amrita Choudhury:    Reflection
01:10:10    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    for a retrospective and information sharing on the history
01:12:01    Sandra Rodriguez El Salvador:    Reacted to https://netmundial.b... with "
01:14:05    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    2 hrs is hardly a spread I agree
01:14:17    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    I support a wider spread
01:14:56    ALAC-Shah Rahman:    fix two time alternative
01:14:59    Amrita Choudhury:    Agree Seb
01:15:08    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    minoritiy says  make no damn difference in a doodle
01:15:12    hadia Elminiawi:    Reacted to "Agree Seb" with 
01:15:34    ALAC-Bill Jouris:    Agreed Seb.  The only question is do we do an 8 hour spread or a 12 hour spread
01:15:57    avri doria:    i have switched from saying no during the middle of the night, to saying prefer not.  reserve no for the impossible.
01:16:18    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Replying to "i have switched from..."

That's how I operate Avri
01:16:18    hadia Elminiawi:    Thank you all. I need to leave for another call now. By for today
01:16:32    hadia Elminiawi:    bye
01:16:46    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Replying to "i have switched from..."

but even so a no if only a minority makes no difference to a doddle
01:16:52    avri doria:    Replying to "i have switched from..."

maybe that is were I learnt it.
01:17:25    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Replying to "i have switched from..."

happy to share my bad habits  ;-)
01:17:39    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    so this will be a pick one
01:18:00    Amrita Choudhury:    two times and rotation  like cpwg
01:18:06    Amrita Choudhury:    +1 Pari
01:18:08    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Can we look at the one that has less clashes with other ICANN calls and take that
01:18:27    avri doria:    very much support rotation and pain sharing.
01:19:04    avri doria:    can always send a remark to the list, if something on the recording is very rousing.
01:19:48    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    but DO change the time spread!
01:19:56    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    2 hrs is NOT a spread
01:20:05    Amrita Choudhury:    However call rotation would help
01:20:05    ALAC-Bill Jouris:    Replying to "2 hrs is NOT a sprea..."

Do 8 or 12
01:20:12    Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org:    So conclusion? No doodle? Or doodle?
01:20:21    Amrita Choudhury:    Thanks Claire and everyone
01:20:26    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    pick the one that clashes least
01:20:33    ALAC-Shah Rahman:    Thank you all
01:20:34    Amrita Choudhury:    Reacted to "pick the one that cl..." with 
01:20:39    mmoll:    Bye

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