09:39:53 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach & Engagement Call on Wednesday, 25 March 2020 at 17:00 UTC
09:40:14 From Claudia Ruiz : https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net] [streamtext.net]
09:52:33 From Captioner - Shannon : Hello!
09:55:04 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : hi all!
09:57:35 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : Hi to all
09:57:47 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Hi All
09:57:56 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : from my quarantine in all colombia
09:58:03 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @lillian the SSIG is cancelled for May in BA
09:58:21 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : yes glenn
09:58:31 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : for now
09:58:42 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : our two CROP trips are cancelled . IGF Canada is cancelled, Net Inclusion in Portland and the ARIN meeting is cancelled
09:58:47 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : Will be in the other semester
09:59:10 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : all is cancelled
09:59:16 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Marjam has put some new CROP slots and we are looking at the Bridging the Digital Gap and NANOG
09:59:21 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : HI Ali
09:59:33 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : How are things in Bahrain?
09:59:40 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : or is it UAE
09:59:47 From davekissoondoyal : Hello everyone
09:59:57 From heidi.ullrich : Hi All, Welcome to the O/E call
10:00:01 From ali almeshal : Hi Glenn , so far so good still under control
10:00:50 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Folks on our Nextgen analysis we didn't hear from LACRALO or AFRALO on the number of active NexGen participants with their RALO's
10:00:51 From Lianna Galstyan : We have lockdown in Armenia.
10:01:55 From ali almeshal : @lianna we are not yet but it seem very soon it will be
10:02:10 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : We do also in Canada with 1 million Canadians returning from USA and are now on two week self quarantine
10:02:41 From Roberto : I think it is inevitable. Luckily everybody starts to understand it.
10:02:43 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @ i have been doing a ton of online courses and the occasion trip to my community garden and planting
10:03:31 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Lots of posts to my blog on Covid-ID and Technology www.internetgovernancehub.blog
10:03:32 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : i work with the Colombia government and this is a crazy
10:03:39 From Lianna Galstyan, APRALO : btw, for muting background noise you can try program Krisp
10:03:56 From Priyatosh Jana : sorry for the late joining
10:04:00 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Please send me any news items to share on the blog
10:04:08 From Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary) : Hello all! sorry for the delay
10:04:20 From Alfredo Calderon : After a two-week self- quarantine and curfew , it looks like we will have two more weeks of both.
10:04:21 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : hi dear Natalia
10:04:50 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @all we need to think that we will not have a face to face ICANN or IGF meeting this year
10:05:26 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : indeed!
10:05:39 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : +1
10:06:13 From heidi.ullrich : The page is at: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+Subcommittee+on+Outreach+and+Engagement
10:06:14 From Alfredo Calderon : Will have a hard stop at 1600 UTC. Have another call.
10:06:41 From vandascartezini : sorry to be late, hi everyone
10:06:56 From vandascartezini : hi Daniel.
10:09:06 From heidi.ullrich : Virtual Events: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Sub-Committee+on+Outreach+and+Engagement+Table+of+Virtual+Events+-+FY20-FY21
10:09:43 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : BTW on the NARALO survey it's still draft form and questions will be refined and a process to correspond to the survey. ie. Email message, follow up etc
10:10:20 From heidi.ullrich : There will be many more events that are held virtually. It might be useful if members of this group could identify such events and how to participate in them.
10:10:39 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @all i have been posting alot of online resources of doing remote meetings on my blog
10:10:45 From heidi.ullrich : This is one way to continue to outreach and engagement in the current environment
10:11:04 From vandascartezini : saw it Thanks GLENN
10:11:54 From vandascartezini : yes fine Joanna
10:12:16 From heidi.ullrich : Three sub-groups working:

a) ICANN Learn Policy Development Course Team

b) ICANN At-Large Onboarding Slide Deck Team

c) Webinars Team
10:12:23 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : The NDIA is dong a great job in sharing resources. I did a session just before this called TRY ENGINEERING and it was to provide a toolkit of resources. Perhaps we should do a webinar on all things free resources for fellows etc
10:13:49 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Important to have abstract or briefing book on any policy adding context...
10:14:24 From Alfredo Calderon : TRY ENGINEERING https://tryengineering.org/ by IEEE.
10:15:32 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : We lose most of young academics to NCUC
10:16:07 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : This is excellent and exciting work, Joanna!
10:16:10 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Some people assume its not our target, this isn't true
10:16:16 From Alfredo Calderon : @Glenn, Yes, because of the research focus of those NextGen selectees.
10:16:21 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : We should be looking at ways to keep them in our community if their research is end-user focused. So this is a great initiative.
10:16:53 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : we lose some academics to NCUC because they are better than us at engaging and exciting them. I think that what Joanna is describing is going to help turn the tide
10:17:09 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : +1 Olivier
10:17:13 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : hand up to respond to JOanna
10:17:58 From Roberto : +1 @olivier
10:18:40 From Jonathan Zuck : @Olivier, I suspect the ideological approach is attractive to academics as well?
10:18:49 From Aris Ignacio : A process to open up the NextGen participants will be a great turn to involved them further after their participation
10:19:35 From Deborah Escalera : Always appreciated
10:19:40 From Fatimata : @Olivier, what incentive do we have versus NCUC? What is NCUC has that we don't?
10:19:43 From Alfredo Calderon : I have suggested that in the application form some questions be focused on this. As a member of the Fellowship selection committee it is interesting that some applicants come from the academia and fit the criteria to apply as a NextGen. Others do come from Academia with previous experience as a NextGen and moving on to the Fellowship Program.
10:20:29 From Claudia Ruiz : https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
10:20:33 From Fatimata : what does NCUC have that we don't ?
10:22:09 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Great intervention Glen
10:22:37 From Alfredo Calderon : @Fatimata, I believe it is because they see a clear outcome and the impact on their work. Besides from their perspective it seems more focused to their interests.
10:22:50 From Marita Moll : NCUC presents itself as much more powerful in the policy making process and we are downgraded as merely "advisors" I know that is misleading -- but that's how it looks
10:22:56 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Yes the IGF and ISOC fellows are good to engage
10:24:30 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @olivier then have the soldiers to engage
10:25:02 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : We need point people. its at the heart of our NexGen suggestions.
10:25:07 From Roberto : Another point is that individuals are still seen from the outside as a less important component versus the ALS, so individuals believe that in the NCUC they can count more
10:25:14 From Fatimata : Thank you very much Olivier!
10:25:18 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Think of the role a greeter at a church
10:25:23 From Deborah Escalera : Very good points
10:26:45 From Alfredo Calderon : @Roberto, I agree with you. Individuals in NCUC perceive that their voice is heard and have more influence in decision / policy commenting.
10:27:07 From Aris Ignacio : I think they just need to have a role model who came from the academics and being involved at At Large
10:27:15 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : I suggest you all look at the NexGen survey and our proposal for updates on NexGen which includes analysis of those folks that joined ATLARGE
10:27:44 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @aris sometimes perception is reality
10:28:02 From Jonathan Zuck : Not sure I agree with Marita but, if true, we simply need to present ourselves differently.
10:28:11 From Aris Ignacio : @Glenn let us divert that perception :-)
10:28:26 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Yes its up to us
10:28:29 From Marita Moll : @jonathan -- perception is reality
10:28:41 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : I agree about the role of At-Large. We have to cater for a whole lot of community groups and a whole lot of capacity levels. While I totally support this initiative, we are looking at capacity building for all groups. The Academic group being one of them.
10:29:00 From Aris Ignacio : @Maureen I agree
10:29:30 From heidi.ullrich : Draft statement on NextGen: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GuAFfOK2lJ4Laz6a5Ku9QQr-KnKjBE5fFMsbyqjanpE/edit
10:29:35 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @Joanna we need to make our message clear and simple
10:29:41 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : It comes on how we present ourselves
10:29:44 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : it should resonate
10:29:44 From Marita Moll : We need to do better PR. Community matters -- and needs to come through more strongly
10:30:12 From Jonathan Zuck : @Marita, I’d be interested to hear if that’s really the impression after say the capacity building exercises because, again if true, we should change that perception.
10:30:47 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Our ISOC 25 anniversary we sponsored 25 young Leaders to join us. I asked many of them and where not members of ISOC. What a waste of money
10:31:19 From Marita Moll : @Jonathan -- that's how it was presented to me when I was "shopping" constituencies
10:31:27 From Jonathan Zuck : Interesting
10:31:59 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : YEs Marita our message misses the target market
10:32:03 From Matthias M. Hudobnik : hello everybody ;-), sorry for the delay!
10:32:15 From Alfredo Calderon : @Glenn, the exercise was done not to recruit but basically to have them learn, similar to newcomers of what ICANN is all about.
10:32:35 From Deborah Escalera : Please take a look at the NextGen 5 year survey it yo haven’t already done so. https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/nextgen-five-year-survey-13jun19-en.pdf
10:33:34 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @deborah yes we looked at it and compared to the names in the Stakeholder tool then we asked each of the RALO on who from the NExGen are active vs the survey results
10:33:36 From Alfredo Calderon : @Glenn, I do not know if the selected had any form of Mentor assigned.
10:34:09 From Deborah Escalera : @Glenn thank you
10:34:27 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : 42 in the survey said they joined ATLARGE
10:35:01 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @adam only one with NARALO but not active
10:35:29 From ali almeshal : NextGen / Academia members always very much productive and engaged if they assigned specific tasks or assignment to achieve
10:36:34 From Aris Ignacio : @Ali I agree but being engaged in this platform will be something different... but if they will be enlightened in a way, more will be engaged :-)
10:37:48 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : We have close to 2000 followers on our Internet Governance HUb on Facebook and many of them are students. We provide lots of information beyond ICANN to the list
10:38:55 From heidi.ullrich : +1 Ali
10:40:15 From Alfredo Calderon : @Glenn, Now that we have a good number of followers, how can we link this with How to get involved? How to have an active voice in the conversations taking pace in different groups?
10:41:35 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Engagement is a process that involves with a longer process to prompt an action
10:41:43 From Alfredo Calderon : @Glenn, short video clips, Why are you a volunteer in …?
10:42:01 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @alfredo nope, its new to me....
10:42:47 From Joanna Kulesza ALAC : @Jon would these videos be on YouTube?
10:43:31 From Alfredo Calderon : They should be in YouTube to have the benefit of the closed captions.
10:43:53 From Joanna Kulesza ALAC : +1 Alfredo, we'd need a popular platform and good PR
10:44:19 From Joanna Kulesza ALAC : or we could just "hire" a botnet to boost our clicks
10:44:24 From Joanna Kulesza ALAC : ;)
10:46:21 From Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary) : PR agents are - we @Joanna-) advocates of At-Large brand-)
10:46:45 From Joanna Kulesza ALAC : +1 Natalia
10:46:53 From Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary) : -)))
10:46:53 From Marita Moll : Where are @Jon's videos now? Posted somewhere central.
10:46:54 From Alfredo Calderon : Yes Daniel, metrics can be embedded in YouTube.
10:47:12 From Aris Ignacio : @Filina I agree that we are the ones who will be the most effective PR people.. :-)
10:47:24 From Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary) : exactly!-)
10:48:14 From Adam Peake : I forgot to mention, GSE would also be pleased to help with ALS Mobilization, if some from of online presentation could help with that
10:50:31 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Here is some of the videos called ICANN SHORTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0gdmGY5Nz8&list=PLHeYfhcpf4QSNbG72YSlHV67TeEKC_Ag0
10:50:32 From ali almeshal : We need to use the power of technology these days in the virtual communication world
10:53:07 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : switching to tablet to free up my laptop for my next call ( that of course overlaps this one
10:53:13 From heidi.ullrich : @JZ, would this be a sub-committee of the O/E or the CPWG - or a combination?
10:54:53 From Harold Arcos : I can contribute with our videos,, I have experience in broadcasting, scripts. , I know the themes and we can assemble.
10:56:20 From vandascartezini : harold can be a great addition to this group
10:56:34 From Marita Moll : Such a class would be very cool
10:56:56 From Aris Ignacio : I think videos should be engaging in a way. A lecture type video can be disengaging at a certain point when it is being played. :-)
10:58:02 From Alfredo Calderon : Have to leave for another call.
10:58:16 From heidi.ullrich : We may have addressed this item I the previous discussion
10:58:20 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : Lilian estaba...
11:04:13 From heidi.ullrich : @Harold, I’ve noted you as a volunteer
11:04:42 From heidi.ullrich : This draft strategy is on the post-ATLAS III workspace. Please add your comments.
11:05:19 From Joanna Kulesza ALAC : +1 Maureen, we need to ensure good overall presence, with academia being just one of our focus points.
11:05:58 From Harold Arcos : Thanks to noted dear Heidi, I will
11:06:12 From Fatimata : Thanks Maureen
11:06:24 From heidi.ullrich : See post ATLAS III workspace at: https://community.icann.org/display/ATLAS3/Post-ATLAS+III+Activities
11:06:27 From heidi.ullrich : Comments welcome!
11:07:19 From Judith Hellerstein : there is an IGF webinar in the next few weeks
11:07:30 From Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary) : 6 April
11:07:47 From heidi.ullrich : @Daniel, should a workspace for At-Large at the 2020 IGF be set up at this time?
11:08:23 From Fatimata : Sorry but I have to leave for another commitment
11:08:24 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : Yes sure, the workspace can be set up
11:08:35 From heidi.ullrich : 2020 IGF webpage: https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2020
11:08:46 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Is anyone doing a proposal for IGF?
11:08:55 From heidi.ullrich : Webinar on 6 April: https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2020-outreach-webinar
11:09:06 From Joanna Kulesza ALAC : FYI: there is no news at this point of any possible challenges to the IGF going forward as planned.
11:09:12 From Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary) : we are going @Glenn. UA WS
11:09:25 From heidi.ullrich : Date:
Monday, 6 April, 2020 - 14:00 UTC
11:10:09 From Adam Peake : Judith, thanks for mentioning the webinar.
11:10:13 From Seun Ojedeji : was just hearing the news of Poland lockdown, don't know if that will affect IGF eventually
11:10:16 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : You need to look at the themes before proposing a workshop and fine members who are approved and from emergent countries
11:10:36 From heidi.ullrich : RALO Discretionary Funding: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/FY20+RALO+Requests+for+Funding+to+support+an+Outreach+Activity
11:10:37 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Satish and I are working on a proposal
11:10:39 From Joanna Kulesza ALAC : @Seun the (current) lockdown is until April 11th (for now)
11:10:57 From Adam Peake : The IG engagement group Olivier chairs may also be proposing something for the IGF
11:11:11 From Joanna Kulesza ALAC : No news on how long this will last, but there is, at this point, no discussion of this lasting as long as November (as is the case in other EUR regions)
11:11:21 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Our Strategic Plan for NARALO includes how we plan on spending the Discretionary funds not just CROP
11:12:07 From vandascartezini : thanks Heidi
11:12:26 From Lianna Galstyan, APRALO : But if the meetings are to be online, strategy can be reconsidered.
11:12:31 From Roberto : @Joanna - if EUR is still locked down in November I think that the IGF will be the least of our problems
11:14:18 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @mary is CROP funded for May or June?
11:15:04 From Judith Hellerstein : When will Travel will be permitted
11:15:04 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Our three events were cancelled so Maryam has added new ones
11:15:21 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : My concern is the 8 weeks notice
11:15:28 From davekissoondoyal : How about KL meeting?
11:15:57 From vandascartezini : too early anyway for any decision…
11:15:59 From Judith Hellerstein : When will travel be permitted?
11:16:03 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : I have been circulating a master list of events and adding all North American events
11:16:08 From Maryam Bakoshi : It’s 6 weeks notice :)
11:17:02 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : If not used do they to to the next fiscal period?
11:17:37 From ali almeshal : Would those slots be carried forward for next year due to the exceptional situation all re going in
11:17:41 From vandascartezini : thanks Mary
11:17:52 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks Mary
11:18:33 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : You need to cautious in paying out of your pocket ie. Registration and the event is cancelled. I didn't get a refund from an event and I only got a credit from United Airlines
11:21:22 From ali almeshal : happy to hear that this is on ICANN agenda
11:21:35 From Judith Hellerstein : Thanks Mary
11:21:39 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @Glenn: at present both airlines & events should offer you a full refund. This is Force Majeure.
11:21:43 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Thanks Mary!
11:21:51 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Not in Canada Olivier
11:22:06 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Just wait a few more days when everyone gets sick
11:22:11 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : it's only a matter of days
11:22:19 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : $325 for Net Inclusion and $622 for flight.
11:25:00 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Our NOMCOM Intercessional was cancelled and replaced by a marathon of calls
11:26:02 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : I forget that flights are still running in North America. Suicidal. Europe's shut down completely - and it is the only way to avoid contagion. Refunds in all European airlines & hotels including the big US groups
11:26:24 From Judith Hellerstein : @glenn yes sorry about that. You need to argue with the airlines
11:26:38 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : the likes of Hilton & Marriotts are offering full refunds
11:27:00 From Marita Moll : Air Canada offers full credits or refunds with small penalty
11:27:02 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @Olivier the rules didn't apply to mine. The registration was forward to next meeting and they ask for you to donate it
11:27:14 From heidi.ullrich : Please add to the list of virtual events: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Sub-Committee+on+Outreach+and+Engagement+Table+of+Virtual+Events+-+FY20-FY21
11:27:54 From ali almeshal : i have been fully refunded by APRICOT team for registration fees
11:28:20 From Marita Moll : @Oliver -- believe me, no one in Canada is moving around much. Only essential travel. Smaller airlines not flying
11:28:26 From Lianna Galstyan, APRALO : ;)
11:28:38 From Adrian Schmidt : @Glenn yes and internet connection / extra money to pay for our phone bills
11:28:43 From Adrian Schmidt : good one
11:28:50 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : yes Adrian you are right on that
11:28:58 From Adrian Schmidt : I
11:29:12 From Hanan Khatib : no drinks because. because of Corona
11:29:51 From Adrian Schmidt : I'm in quarantine and using a lot of internet right now - and Telus has a cap so I'll be paying extra for sure. No word from our Telcos about voiding all those extra charges
11:30:52 From ali almeshal : @heidi , yes we are
11:31:18 From ali almeshal : totally agree with Heidi
11:31:43 From heidi.ullrich : At-Large staff can set these calls up
11:31:48 From Lianna Galstyan, APRALO : great
11:31:51 From Seun Ojedeji : that's fine, staff can coordinate that with the regional Co-Chairs
11:31:53 From heidi.ullrich : The next Regional Leadership call will be in early. April.
11:31:56 From Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary) : yes, thanks @Heidi @Daniel
11:31:56 From heidi.ullrich : Thanks, All.
11:32:00 From Claudia Ruiz : Interpreters gave us a 10 additional mins
11:32:00 From Seun Ojedeji : okay bye then
11:32:09 From ali almeshal : thanks to all , Stay Safe and take care
11:32:09 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks and bye to all
11:32:30 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : I must apologize for leaving, but I must enter a work call.
Greetings to all bye!
11:32:36 From Lianna Galstyan, APRALO : Thanks everyone
11:32:45 From heidi.ullrich : Thanks, All
11:32:46 From Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary) : thank you Daniel and all, Great discussion
11:32:46 From Pascal Bekono : Thanks
11:32:47 From Aris Ignacio : Thank you everyone! :-)
11:32:50 From Adam Peake : thank you
11:32:52 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you all
11:32:53 From Omir Kerr (ISOC - SVG) : Bye 
11:32:53 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : bye
11:32:54 From Harold Arcos : great meeting,, thanks to all
11:32:55 From Hanan Khatib : thank you alll
11:32:57 From Vrikson Acosta : Bye
11:32:57 From silvia.vivanco : Thanks all
11:32:59 From Harold Arcos : thanks to our interpreters
11:32:59 From silvia.vivanco : bye
11:32:59 From Maryam Bakoshi : bye all
11:33:03 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : bye all
11:33:04 From Harold Arcos : bye bye
11:33:07 From Katambi Joan (ISOC UGANDA) : bye
11:33:26 From Joanna Kulesza ALAC : bye all. thanks!

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