(formerly the Analysis of ICANN Fellowship Programme page)
The ICANN Stakeholder Tool was developed by Dev Anand Teelucksingh (based on work by Glenn McKnight) which is a Google Spreadsheet which allows for the ability to search by country:
- At-Large Representation, At-Large Structures and Individuals
- ccNSO membership
- GAC Membership
- NCUC Membership (Persons and Organisations)
- NPOC Organisations
- Business Constituency,
- ISP and Connectivity Providers Constituency,
- Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG),
- The Number of Fellowships
- Nextgen
- Accredited Registrars
AND also do a Regional or worldwide analysis on At-Large, ccNSO, GAC, Fellowship and accredited registrars.
At ICANN63, the ICANN Stakeholder Tool was presented on October 23 2018. View the ICANN63 - ICANN Stakeholder Tool.pdf presentation
Latest Version v8.95 (published March 1 2024)
ICANN Stakeholder Analysis Tool (At-Large, GAC, ccNSO, NCUC, Fellowships, NextGen, Registrars) by Country or by Region
or visit
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong
Mahdi Taghizadeh
Great job! But I checked my country Iran and some data seems to be incomplete; I got two fellowships myself for the ICANN54 and ICANN55 which are not indicated.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Hi Mahdi, are you looking at the version 5 (as of Dec 2017) of the tool, because it does have that information.
Baudouin Schombe
I read consciensously this tools. Its a precious elements for evaluation and self evaluation.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Thanks, Baudouin
Glenn McKnight
Hi Folks
We took the information from the ICANN website. If it was incomplete or we did a bad job transcribing the information we need to recognize the issue that we the volunteers did a job that was ignored by ICANN staff . We tried to provide a tool that illustrated transparency. We have tried again and again for ICANN to take over this tool. Silence is the answer. I don't know what Dev wants to do. I am not doing anymore work on this. I saw it a great tool Thanks to Dev for his work .
Daniel Khauka Nanghaka
Dev Anand Teelucksingh - Do we have timelines in the Tool?
Sarah Kiden
Great stuff, Dev!
Betty Fausta
Hi very good job. Thanks . but there is a problem. you have to add Guadeloupe as country now
oki Dev Anand Teelucksingh 
Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Hello Betty Fausta The update to At-Large was done