Group chat allows for persons to be be able to instant message either directly to another person or to groups of persons. They are often proposed as a faster collaborative solution than e-mail alone and typically offer features such as

  • ability to group instant messages into group of members or via topics (or both)
  • mobile clients so you can respond on your phone
  • ability to search messages
  • messages are seamlessly synced to all devices, mobile and desktop
  • integrates with other third party services (Dropbox, Twitter, etc)

See How At-Large should use group chat slidedeck, part of the TTF presentation at October 31 2017 at ICANN60

Group chat services

The TTF will be evaluating several of these group chat services to see if these could be used by At-Large

What is Slack

Here's a YouTube video "What is Slack?" from the makers of Slack which gives an overview of the features of Slack which applies broadly to group chat applications

For ongoing testing, the Slack room was renamed to

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  1. So good to see these experiments. It is interesting that trying these tools also implies trying and reinventing ways of collaboration and collective work in a hands on approach. Thumbs up for Rocket Chat on instantaneous collective work and Mattersmost or Slack for team long term projects. Mattersmost is used in Internet Freedom Festival and Slack on Open Heroines - Women in Open Data Collective. Folks who surely can have a great exchange with At-Large.

  2. in Russia we use telegram for collaborative chat, including secret mode with high encryption. No limit for number of participants. Second popular for geeks is Signal due its strong encryption. Both are outside of most questionable political powers.