Link to FY19 ABR for IGF Activities
At-Large Participation at IGF 2017
IGF 2017 Report: Glenn McKnight, O&E and Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Member of APRALO
IGF 2017 Report: Tijani Ben-Jemaa, ALAC Member of AFRALO
IGF 2017 Report: Satish Babu, Chair of APRALO
IGF 2017 Report: Olawale Bakare, Secretariat of EURALO
1 Comment
Maureen Hilyard
An interesting IGF - my 5th to date. The venue provided challenges and for workshops, roundtables weren't as effective as they could have been. The At-Large Booth was well attended by people interested in browsing, asking for the power adaptors (for which we asked their names and contact details to justify the gift), and for volunteers who helped to man it. I spent at least two hours a day offering support for any queries and additionally to update our database in order to keep some statistics on the use of the activity. The booth site also conveniently provided a meeting place for At-Large trying to keep in contact with each other during a busy week in which it was easy to get lost in the crowd.
The events in which I participated as an organiser or panelist or was asked or volunteered to make an intervention were:
Day Zero: SIDS Preparatory meeting for 2018 (Sala); Second meeting of all SIGs; Towards meaningful multistakeholder mechanisms in IG (Satish, Gunela); Day Zero Creating a world of inclusion in social and economic opps for women from developing countries (Marilyn)
Monday: SIDS Roundtable-Are we running out of resources and bandwidth? (Tracy and MH)
Tuesday: APrIGF multistakeholder group meeting - planning for APrIGF 2018 (Raj & MSG)
Weds: Open Source: Defending Freedoms in the Digital Future (Satish)
Thurs: Synthesis Document- A collective output shaping the future of IGF and NRIs - An experience from APrIGF (Jennifer)
Events that I attended to support my APRALO/ICANN/ISOC/DIPLO colleagues:
Day Zero: How Digital activists are shaping the evolution of the internet (Satish, Sarah)
Monday: Towards Greater female leadership in internet (ISIF)
Tuesday: Multistakeholder governance of the domain name system (Jordan);
Weds: Equipping populations with the skills to shape and secure their digital future (Kenta, Jianne)
Thurs: Redefining rights for a Gender Inclusive Networked Future (Amrita. Nadira, Anju); Islands surrounded by land and sea: the road to full connectivity for LDCs and SIDS (Jovan, Jane); the Closing Ceremony (Matthew, Jianne, Raquel)