Gisella Gruber:Welocme to the Social Media Working Group on Tuesday, 31 March 2015 at 13:00 UTC
  Gisella Gruber:Agenda:
  Peter Knight:Hello all!
  Juan Manuel Rojas:Hi everyone!
  Glenn McKnight:Hi Peter
  Peter Knight:Hi, Bro!
  Glenn McKnight:Murray and Evan not here?
  Glenn McKnight:Morning Murray
  Ariel Liang:Hello Murray and Glenn!
  Glenn McKnight:Hi Ariel
  murray mckercher:good morning, Thanks to Dev for the skype ping
  Glenn McKnight:Murray I was just going to do it
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello all
  Peter Knight:Slides visible/
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Hello all -- apologies for the late arrivel - had a call back to back.
  Gisella Gruber:Olivier has joined the call
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello Olivier
  murray mckercher:Bonjour Olivier
  Juan Manuel Rojas:Hi Olivier
  Glenn McKnight:The gender  bias  is typical
  Glenn McKnight:It's  the nature of the topic
  Glenn McKnight:You need more  female  news  aggregrators
  Glenn McKnight:yes
  Juan Manuel Rojas:Have we how much people of every region?
  Glenn McKnight:I think the  stats  per region is important  to measure   adoption rates
  Peter Knight:Good to see LinkedIn included.
  Glenn McKnight:Ariel  can you please send the slides
  Glenn McKnight:or do we have  a link
  Glenn McKnight:What about retweeting  stats
  Juan Manuel Rojas:In a near future we could include also Instagram
  murray mckercher:I agree with the more formal region of LinkedIN, not sure hootsuite or such tools integrate with LinkedIN
  Glenn McKnight:Are we  getting our  tweets  to the  social media  mavens
  Juan Manuel Rojas:Hootsuite can integrate Linkedin aswell
  murray mckercher:@Juan Thanks for the clarification
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks Juan
  Glenn McKnight:I can hear  Juan
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Juan's question : How to produce more content for Facebook audience ; how to engage persons on Facebook
  Juan Manuel Rojas:How to produce more content similar to "find yourself in the picture" for engage Facebook audience
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Rapporteurs
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Samantha Dickinson is probably a very good example ;
  Glenn McKnight:#15ntc  tweets  as  good  examples
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
  Juan Manuel Rojas:I believe that we need a team producing tweets and facebook posts and not only Ariel.
  Glenn McKnight:NTEN  in Austin used   Google  Doc  per session which  had  lots of  people added to a  really good  resource and  a  repositiory of  content  that  can share  what tweets were going out
  Glenn McKnight:@Juan   everyone  going to BA   should  reveiw what  sessions  and  do at  least five tweets  per session  this  provides  troops with boots on the ground.
  Juan Manuel Rojas:Of course @Glenn but I mean to approve it for publish.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:excellent data
  Peter Knight:@Ariel, perhaps you could give feedback on direct tweets via Skype chat.
  Peter Knight:Ditto on Facebook.
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Buffer :
  Glenn McKnight:Hi
  Juan Manuel Rojas: One of challenges last time was programming post because  sometimes when were published were outdated
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Indeed , Juan
  Glenn McKnight:This is  why we need the shared doc  site  so  people can translate good tweets in many languages
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
  Juan Manuel Rojas:@Ariel Can you send us previous slides, please?
  Juan Manuel Rojas:Thanks @Glenn
  Glenn McKnight:TOR
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Leon's on holiday at the moment
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:he's taking a few days break
  Glenn McKnight:Item 23 and  24  I can update this
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Loomio :
  murray mckercher:@Glenn I believe you did complete item 23? or had conversations with the Ombudsman..any updates since Singapore meetings?
  Glenn McKnight:Is the video's  being  subtitled?
  Ariel Liang:@Glenn, I will check with the comms department about this
  Glenn McKnight:
  Ariel Liang:Here is the Rec 26 wiki page:
  Glenn McKnight:One  post  in March, One  Post in Jan  in his blog
  Glenn McKnight:One  ugly blog
  Juan Manuel Rojas:Dev, I can help with that taxonomy
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I particularly like: "This is where a taxonomy of policy categories to be defined for past, current and future/upcoming policies. Furthermore, a policy system could track past user interactions, so that if a person commented on a particular policy issue (e.g WHOIS), they could be notified of new, related policy issues for their review."
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:This is going to really help end users work smarter, not harder. Entirely supportive of this
  Glenn McKnight:The  policy comments are by the usual suspects
  Glenn McKnight:Hands up
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:FYI : for document colloboration, seems that ICANN is looking at according to a comment in the FY16 Draft Operating Plan
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Glenn: absolutely. We need to track all of this; GAC is indeed a prime potential customer too -- but there are SO many complications in the GAC and they are always too far behind... I do not think they have enough bandwidth to devote people to this at early stage
  Glenn McKnight:i agree
  Juan Manuel Rojas:For 29 is kind of curation of contents..
  Juan Manuel Rojas:as
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:,%20RALOs%20and%20Liaisons
  Juan Manuel Rojas:
  Glenn McKnight:A  blank  screen is not  a solution for  reporting
  Glenn McKnight:We need   a template
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Glenn: excelllent idea!!!
  Glenn McKnight:The basic  information  
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:because some RALOs have an excellent monthly report and others have terrible reports (5 lines) if AT ALL..... :-)
  Glenn McKnight:Meetings,  Outreach,  New  ALS
  murray mckercher:@Dev also great idea for a template
  Glenn McKnight:Etc
  Glenn McKnight:Yes  i think so
  Glenn McKnight:Sorry it should be  a  online  form  that  pushes out  content  to a spreadsheet
  Glenn McKnight:-Attendance at calls
  Glenn McKnight:need  a  Google doc  to gather  information    for the template,
  Juan Manuel Rojas:It would be  a good idea create a form to do that
  Juan Manuel Rojas:just fill spaces
  Glenn McKnight:I agree,     we need the recommendations for the form
  Juan Manuel Rojas:That kind of forms also can be created on wiki page, as far I have seen.
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks everyone
  Ariel Liang:thank you very much! bye bye
  Juan Manuel Rojas:Ariel.. can you send us Slides?
  Peter Knight:bye all
  Ariel Liang:@Juan yes

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