This page summarizes all the action items identified and necessary to carry out the ATLAS II Fayre of Opportunities Event

Column explanation and use:

  • Action#: Shows the main identifier for the action item. It does not necessarily represents order of precedence. [The identifier links to corresponding action item detail history page.(Note: this is not used in this instance) ] Please use the format "XXX" for easy reading and consistency.
  • Description: Brief description of the action item. Make sure that this description is included in the corresponding action item detail history page.
  • Lead: Indicates who is leading the coordination of the action item work. Use the "@" macro to notify the corresponding leader.
  • Open: Indicates the date when the action item was opened. Please use the format "dd/mm/yy)" for easy reading and consistency. Make sure that this date is included in the corresponding action item detail history page. Enter the latest status report on top (i.e. in descending order).
  • Due: Indicates when the action item is due. Please use the format "dd/mm/yy" for easy reading and consistency
  • Status: Indicates the state of the action item (see Legend). If status is Completed, indicate it in the Latest Report column and update the "Closed" date box in the corresponding action item detail history page. Move the Completed action item to the "Completed Action Items" table in its corresponding slot. 
  • Latest Report: Brief report on latest action taken. It should include a link to the wiki page where the action item was discussed and updated. Please use the format "(dd/mm/yy): Updated report information. [Reference page] " for easy reading and consistency. Make sure that this report is also included in the corresponding action item detail history page. Use the "@" macro at the end of the current report to notify the corresponding leader(s).


  • Lead: TBD=To Be Determined
  • Status to use: Unstarted, Started, Completed

Active Action Items

Action#DescriptionLeadOpenDueStatusLatest Report

Identify Welcome message speaker(s)

All / Glenn McKnight29/01/1431/03/14Started

(26/02/14): Not in today's meeting agenda.  [Reference meeting page] 

(12/02/14): Not discussed.  [Reference meeting page] 

(29/01/14): Opened today. [Reference meeting page]  

004Identify the keynote speakerAll / Glenn McKnight29/01/1431/03/14Started

(26/02/14): Tim Berners Lee has been preliminarily identified as the most probable speaker. Need to confirm his attendance. (please refer to AI 005) [Reference meeting page] 

(12/02/14): Suggestions -Larry Lessing -Jimmy Wales -Tim Bernes Lee -Paul Mockapetris. Olivier mentioned that  the ICANN Public Relations staff through Sally would make the connection [Reference meeting page] 

(29/01/14): Opened today. A few key luminaries were mentioned as guests of honour including Vint Cerf. The list of suggested names is still open. The specific name may be determined also by the key sponsor. Not a  pressing issue yet [Reference meeting page] 

005Staff to connect with PR dept on connecting with speakersHeidi Ullrich12/02/1412/03/14Started(26/02/14): Heidi Ullrich will contact Sally Costerton to ask for help in reaching and confirming Tim Berners Lee. [Reference meeting page] 
006Determine the event agendaAll / Glenn McKnight26/02/1431/03/14Started(26/02/14): Not in today's meeting agenda.  [Reference meeting page] 
008Coordinate with ICANN technical staff to play background music during the eventTBD26/02/1431/03/14Unstarted(26/02/14): Opened today. [Reference meeting page]
009Acquire and compile music on MP3 player from all RALOsTBD26/02/1431/03/14Unstarted(26/02/14): Opened today. [Reference meeting page]
011Follow up about catering for Fayre of OpportunitiesHeidi Ullrich26/02/1431/03/14Started(26/02/14): Opened today (please refer to AI 010) [Reference meeting page]
012Determine event roomGlenn McKnight12/02/1431/03/14Started

(26/02/14): Windsor most probably is too small for the event. Not sure if Viscount or other rooms are available. Staff requested a pictorial representation of the room arrangement as we like to have it. This will be used to discuss the requirements in more details with Nancy Lupiano, Director of Meeting Staff . The purpose is to see if there are other possibilities. The group understands that the event should be held in the venue hotel (please refer AI 013) [Reference meeting page]

(12/02/14): Opened today. Possible rooms: Windsor or  Viscount  (See room capacity by clicking in the rooms) [Reference meeting page] 

013Staff to meet with Nancy Lupiano to determine final room assignment and possible room arrangementsHeidi Ullrich26/02/1431/03/14Started(26/02/14): Opened today. [Reference meeting page]
007Layout of RALO displays at event, power requirements, tables, lighting etcTBA12/03/14 New

(012/03/14) Opened today

The five RALO's need to decide who is the assigned volunteer to coordinate their RALO table display, content and volunteers

010RALO Identification badges at eventTBA12/03/14 New

(12/03/14) Opened today

Discussion and decision on lanyards, badges etc for ALS attendees

014Create a pictorial representation of the Fayre of Opportunities room arrangementGlenn McKnight26/02/1405/03/14Started(26/02/14): Opened today. [Reference meeting page]
016Add venu map and room capacity table the wikiCarlos Reyes26/02/1405/03/14Started(26/02/14): Opened today. Coordinate with Glenn to make sure the information is located in the appropriate wiki page. [Reference meeting page]
015Sponsorship updatesOlivier Crepin-Leblond29/01/1431/03/14Started

(26/02/14): Letters have been sent to sponsors. No response from them yet. [Reference meeting page] 

(12/02/14): No update. [Reference meeting page] 

(29/01/14): Opened today. The amount of sponsorship will determine the  level of activity, amount of food, entertainment etc.  This has not yet been determined nor a pressing issue yet [Reference meeting page] 

017Determine budgetGlenn McKnight29/01/1431/03/14Started

(26/02/14): Not in today's meeting agenda.  [Reference meeting page] 

(12/02/14): Not discussed.  [Reference meeting page] 

(29/01/14): Opened today. Room, Food/Drinks   $25 per person @ 300 people, Signage, Badges/pins, banners, etc. [Reference meeting page]  



Completed Action Items

Action#DescriptionLeadOpenDueStatusLatest Report
001Select name of the eventAll29/01/1426/02/14Completed

(26/02/14): Name ratified: Fayre of Opportunities [Reference meeting page] 

(12/02/14): The  consensus on the naming convention is  ATLAS ll Fayre of Opportunities 

(29/01/14):On the biweekly calls  with the members of the committee  the  consensus is not to use the word SHOWCASE  but  to work on a new more upbeat and joyful title for the  event.  Some suggestions  words such as  GET TOGETHER,  CELEBRATION  and more. No consensus was met but we agreed to send the message via emails and SKYPE chat room for community feedback. The major message is that the EVENT NAME  should be fun and not a mini-lecture,  we also want the various  RALOS's to have table displays of literature from the various  ALS's


 002Determine Purpose and goals for the eventAll26/02/1426/02/14Completed(26/02/14): Purpose and goals captured from the ATLAS II Fayre of Opportunities - 2014.02.12 meeting. Ratified today. Please refer to the following wiki page for details: ATLAS II Fayre of Opportunities: Purpose and Goals [Reference meeting page] 
007Determine event musicAll / Glenn McKnight29/01/1431/03/14Completed

(26/02/14): Ratified during today's call: music will play in the background. All music tracks will be supplied by all RALO's compiled on Mp3 player and looped. Need to coordinate with ICANN technical staff for using their sound system  (please refer to AI 008) [Reference meeting page] 

(12/02/14): Suggestion for a music track supplied by all RALO's compiled on Mp3 player, songs are looped, interface with ICANN technical staff using their sound system. [Reference meeting page] 

(29/01/14): Opened today. It was the consensus of the callers not to have a performance but the availability of music performance that is more background music to add to the ambience.  If possible a wide  selection of global music would be preferred. [Reference meeting page]  

010Determine the event foodAll / Glenn McKnight12/02/1431/03/14Completed

(26/02/14): Ratified today: diverse food from all regions should be served. This needs to be coordinated with Meeting staff (please refer to AI 011) [Reference meeting page] 

(12/02/14): Opened today. A discussion of a variety of ethnic food stuffs  based upon the budget and special consideration for cultural, vegetarian, vegan and other .The  amounts etc  is not determined yet due to budget issues. 

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