12:58:40 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    cape cod -- in North America
12:59:11 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    or is there on in the
12:59:17 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    south pacific
12:59:43 From Holly Raiche to Everyone:
    Specifically - Point Connett - (on Buzzards Bay)
12:59:52 From silvia.vivanco to Everyone:
    Hello all welcome
13:00:11 From Holly Raiche to Everyone:
    That’s facing Cape Cod
13:01:15 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    Being a directionally challenged person, I have no clue!
13:03:02 From silvia.vivanco to Everyone:
    Action items- all completed
13:03:20 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    Thx Silvia
13:04:19 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    the recommendation regarding rebalancing was withdrawn from the total of 27 that was to have been implemented
13:05:25 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    Judith and I had a very useful chat after our last call last week :-)  Thank you for your time Judith
13:06:19 From Eduardo Díaz to Everyone:
    Are RALOs constituencies? I do not think so. They are a structure creation to organize at-large.
13:06:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies in the GNSO (BUT constituencies can be added to GNSO through a simple needs analysis process at ANY time  NO other AC/SO can expand like that
13:07:59 From Eduardo Díaz to Everyone:
    But they are not constituencies.
13:08:15 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    No RALOs are not constituencies per se though I fought to have them treated more like that when they were formed and I was Chair
13:08:51 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    Correct the MOUs can be changed or withdrawn or removed at any time under the terms of the MOUs
13:09:20 From Vanda Scartezini - Brazil to Everyone:
13:10:12 From Eduardo Díaz to Everyone:
    Let's tread carefully with our choice of language here. If we use the term 'constituency,' we might inadvertently exclude RALOs participation, which is not our intention. Therefore, the specificity of the language we employ is of paramount importance
13:10:45 From Holly Raiche to Everyone:
    @ Ed - Exactly
13:10:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    It would indeed  not cover RALOS  Eduardo your correct
13:11:20 From Vanda Scartezini - Brazil to Everyone:
13:15:25 From Eduardo Díaz to Everyone:
    Could we entertain the idea that every Supporting Organization (SO) and Advisory Committee (AC), regardless of their size, have only one representative in the Nominating Committee (NomCom)? This approach would substantially streamline the size of the NomCom, but also ensure equal representation across the board, without any group having more members than others.
13:18:59 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    So  things like fairness equity diversity, those terms need to come into the balancing requirements
13:19:13 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    Yes the rest are often FAR from Diverse
13:20:52 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    Yes tht COULD have been and indeed WAS considered in the Review Implementation Group BUT there was also a Rec that resulted in NO change to the NC's current sizr… Future Review points though and with Community support certainly Eduardo (that's my personal preference in fact)
13:21:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    these days a smaller NC could work IF proper professional external services are supplied and THAT also comes in after the other Recs are implemented
13:22:55 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    Long gone are the days when it was the personal teledex and outreach of the NC Members  that brought in the applicants
13:23:37 From Vanda Scartezini - Brazil to Everyone:
    Agree with Sebastien related to risk
13:24:14 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    SeB exactly why the pulled Implementation of the Rec  keep the 7 seats and let the GNSO sort itself out  was originally made
13:24:46 From Vanda Scartezini - Brazil to Everyone:
    from my view ALAC shall not propose specific points about one or other AC/SO
13:25:52 From Vanda Scartezini - Brazil to Everyone:
    yes remember it Palage…
13:27:22 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    We should keep our noses out of the current lack of equity within the GNSO  IMO but  at this point why not leave the seat numbers alone  I just wish we had been able to remove the Bylaw language that defined the 7 seats in the GNSO  to specific and not all constituencies
13:27:49 From Vanda Scartezini - Brazil to Everyone:
    YES Cheryl was my intention in my comment above..
13:28:03 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    The Impalance is ALL about a seat for NPOC
13:28:11 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
    Generally Iagreewith CLO
13:28:29 From Michael Palage to Everyone:
    Long live the memory of Marilyn - she was a force
13:28:50 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    of course if NCUC seat became a NCSG one that might also help (snowballs chance in hell of that of course)
13:29:23 From Holly Raiche to Everyone:
    We all remember Marilyn!
13:29:26 From Vanda Scartezini - Brazil to Everyone:
    yes quite efficient the size we have now.. l
13:29:34 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    I am leaning towards the position Seb put forward -- which I understand as keep the status quo
13:29:40 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    Right now the reduction is not on the table  because of the other Recs being implemented including all vote seats and same size
13:30:43 From Vanda Scartezini - Brazil to Everyone:
    we have one seat mostly open GAC, but I do not see we shall  touch it
13:31:33 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
    Yes they should have it as maybe they will use it one time
13:31:47 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    YEs the seats are assigned specifically IN the Bylaw language approach  that was pulled because of GNSO and GNSO Board Members on the OEC making it clear for the other Recs to go ahead and be implemented  then this 1 rec needed to be pulled from the group of 27.
13:32:00 From Michael Palage to Everyone:
    Seb makes an important historical point
13:33:40 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
    I agree with CLO
13:33:43 From Vanda Scartezini - Brazil to Everyone:
    YES not our business Cherayl
13:34:07 From Claire Craig to Everyone:
    Happy to be sitting in and listening to these discussions. I'm appreciating the historical background, and feel better able to approach answering the questions now.
13:34:34 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    Yes, Chery's suggestion makes sense - groups manage their own set of seats
13:34:53 From Claire Craig to Everyone:
    Thanks for that CLO
13:34:56 From Vanda Scartezini - Brazil to Everyone:
    i would just recommend to all to have geographic and gender balancing inside their selection may by rotation … whatever.
13:36:34 From Vanda Scartezini - Brazil to Everyone:
    thanks Holly
13:36:39 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    Yes @ Holly -- that is what I am understanding
13:36:53 From silvia.vivanco to Everyone:
    Summary - same number and leave set number to each SO/AC
13:37:05 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    Experience is also important for a NC Member  I year I was involved very few serving had ever even been extensively interviewed  (beyond an after school or vacation job) let alone conducted Interviews or had advanced skills in dong so …  SHUDDER   there is now training
13:38:18 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    Whatever we say we need to be VERY aware of Unintended Conseequences
13:39:02 From silvia.vivanco to Everyone:
    Who should conduct each work- each SO/AC
13:39:36 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    We are setting up pages for all the RALOs and their Google docs
13:39:52 From silvia.vivanco to Everyone:
    RALos have their own google docs on this issue
13:40:06 From silvia.vivanco to Everyone:
    And they will work on a joint RALO document
13:41:29 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Yes - a total of 6 letters were sent: ALAC and the 5 RALO Chairs.
13:43:57 From silvia.vivanco to Everyone:
    AI: A wiki page on ALAC Nomcom Rebalancing will be open off the ALAC wiki page
13:45:06 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    we all don't fully  agree with the text presented FOR this though Holly surely we can all put our own text in  via a suggest mode on a collaboration document
13:46:36 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    I would like to be able to comment ON other text already in this slide set as well
13:46:37 From silvia.vivanco to Everyone:
    AI; Staff will open a google doc ALAC Nomcom Rebalancing
13:47:18 From Seb Bachollet to Everyone:
    Need to leave 
13:48:35 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    So no requirement to make comments then on either   Thanks Holly
13:49:23 From silvia.vivanco to Everyone:
    PTI Issue due on June 26  -  no input from ALA
13:50:17 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    Not our business IMO
13:50:43 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    we all agree
13:50:49 From silvia.vivanco to Everyone:
    WG formally recommend ALAC no comment on the ISPC and PTI
13:51:01 From Alfredo Calderon to Everyone:
    @Holly, agree with your comments/suggestions.
13:52:13 From Claire Craig to Everyone:
    Thanks Holly
13:52:35 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
    Bye for now then...  Thanks everyone...
13:52:51 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    Thanks. Bye
13:52:52 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN ALAC to Everyone:
    thanks and bye to all
13:52:53 From Alfredo Calderon to Everyone:
    Thank you.

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