------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 09:02) ------------------------------------------

Terri Agnew: Welcome to the At-Large Capacity Building Program-2016: Eighth Webinar on the Topic: “New ICANN Bylaws and its effect on ICANN” held on Wednesday, 28 September 2016 at 21:00 UTC


Terri Agnew: agenda wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/iAu4Aw

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 09:17) ------------------------------------------

Terri Agnew: At-Large Survey (EN) http://items.fr/atlargesurvey/ / (ES) http://items.fr/atlargesurvey-es/  / (FR) http://items.fr/atlargesurvey-fr/

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 15:30) ------------------------------------------

Ricardo Holmquist: Good day, sorry for joining late


Terri Agnew: @Ricardo, you are actually early. This webinar will begin in 30 minutes


Ricardo Holmquist: ty Terry

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 15:58) ------------------------------------------

Aida Noblia: Hi all

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 16:02) ------------------------------------------

Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Hello All

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 16:04) ------------------------------------------

vanda: hi everyone


Leon Sanchez: Thank you very much Tijani


Heidi Ullrich:  Samantha Eisner, Deputy General Counsel to ICANN


Samantha Eisner: Thanks for your invitation, Tijani


Humberto: hello everybody


Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: merci tijani


Ariel Liang: The At-Large review survey is here: http://items.fr/atlargesurvey/


vanda: merci Tijani aussi


Ariel Liang: Spanish version is also available: http://items.fr/atlargesurvey-es/


Ariel Liang: so is the French version: http://items.fr/atlargesurvey-fr/


Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: thanks Ariel for sharing this survey with us

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 16:10) ------------------------------------------

Tijani BEN JEMAA: Gracias Vanda aussi

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 16:14) ------------------------------------------

Terri Agnew: Samantha Eisner: https://www.icann.org/profiles/samantha-eisner

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 16:15) ------------------------------------------

Terri Agnew: New ICANN Bylaws: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/adopted-bylaws-27may16-en.pdf

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 16:20) ------------------------------------------

Alan Greenberg: I have some idea of what we will be doing. ;-)

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 16:27) ------------------------------------------

Terri Agnew: This presentation is also posted on today's wiki agenda page: https://community.icann.org/x/iAu4Aw

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 16:33) ------------------------------------------

vanda: these changes are quite relevant ( reconsideration + independent review)

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 16:55) ------------------------------------------

Leon Sanchez: T-3 for transition! (hopefully)

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 16:59) ------------------------------------------

vanda: thank you all, was quite clear presentation! i am with other colleagues from my ALS and they also loved the presentation.


Sarah Kiden: Very informative. Thank you Samantha and Leon!


Ricardo Holmquist: Ty very much Samantha and Leon


Olivier Crepin-Leblond: It appears that everyone is able to see the answers of other people in the pop quiz, when casting the vote :-)


vanda: @olivier- you learn anyway

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 17:04) ------------------------------------------

vanda: @olivier - I haven't seen the motion of T cruz inside the bill ( only one this week) the senate are voting this week..

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 17:11) ------------------------------------------

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Thanks @vanda

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 17:15) ------------------------------------------

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I see indeed that Congress has ended Cruz's fight against the IANA Stewardship Transition: http://www.chron.com/news/politics/article/Deal-averts-federal-shutdown-ignores-Cruz-9381984.php

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 17:17) ------------------------------------------

Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks for all the answers

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 17:19) ------------------------------------------

Terri Agnew: @Aida, we are unable to hear you. Please check your mute button


Terri Agnew: one momnet, Aida has been unmuted


Aida Noblia: veo que no me escuchan

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 17:24) ------------------------------------------

Samantha Eisner: https://community.icann.org/display/WEIA/WS2+-+Enhancing+ICANN+Accountability+Home


Terri Agnew: WS2 SubGroup Topics: https://community.icann.org/x/ihWOAw


Samantha Eisner: All of the WS2 effortcs can be followed from the wiki page


vanda: vote deseapered from my adobe !


vanda: i have 16 years of experience.


vanda: adbe connect

 ------------------------------------------ (09/28/2016 17:27) ------------------------------------------

Andrew Molivurae: yes


vanda: yes it was great webinar


Andrew Molivurae: cannot see question 7


Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Q7 still not showing here either


Olivier Crepin-Leblond: aaah ok it has just shown now


Andrew Molivurae: ok now


vanda: sorry could not vote in all questions.  @ Cheryl, thanks


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): It happens Vanda...


vanda: let's think better what may be interesting for my group seating here


Leon Sanchez: Thanks everyone!


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  My AC  crashed several times as well then the phine line dropped   Typical call really


Aida Noblia: Gracias a todos y a los presentadores. Saludos


Samantha Eisner: Thank you for the invitation to join


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): Thanks Everyone!!!  Especially Sam and Leon


Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks to all great presentation with useful information


vanda: thanks to you Samantha and leon and Tijani, all support too.


Amal Al-saqqaf/ISOC-Yemen 2: Thank you !


Andrew Molivurae: Thank you Samantha, Leon and ICANN staff


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): Bye for now


Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: merci à vous aussi tijani


Silvia Vivanco: Thank you all


Olivier Crepin-Leblond: thanks all


Andrew Molivurae: bye now


Michel TCHONANG: Thank you all and bye

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