ALAC FY16 Request for E-books - Final.docx - Approved by FBSC and ready for submission


Anyone interested in joining a small working group  on the  EBOOK  ALAC  Learner Guides  please  express your interest 

You can contact  Glenn McKnight  at on participating

Ebook Project Update- Glenn McKnight

The ebook  project  has  researched the various tools to create an Ebook.  One of the deliverables is the creation of  a  EBOOK: How To Manual

1. How to create an EBOOK 

A number of  ebooks have been created in cooperation with  Maureen Hilliyard of  APRALO 

Here is the link to the books  based upon the  Working Group Slideshows

2. Working Groups  Part One

3. Working Groups  Part Two

4. ALS and Volunteer Engagement Within Work Groups

5. Introduction to the  Technology Taskforce

6. IANA Function

7. ALS  Beginners  Guide

8 New Membership Guide to ALAC

9 CCWG Draft Accountability Proposal
Includes  Spanish Audio track

10 NARALO  Slideshow


 Jamez Adjamli 
Glenn McKnight-Leadmcknight.glenn@gmail.comNARALO
Alfredo Calderon LACRALO



For your information 

Here is a EBook  created by Glenn McKnight  for  ISOC  on How to Livestream

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1 Comment

  1. I believe this proposal is a real advance on learning about ICANN- ALAC. since majority of third world have some kind of access using 3G mobile facility ebooks will not only reduce printed cost and is ecological right but allow a large amount of persons around the world to learn about it.

    Besides several other benefices to ICANn and to users, just considering technical aspects, the right use of internet by the users that having access to ebooks can facilitate  is also relevant to keep security and stability of the internet.