Nathalie  Peregrine: (6/9/2014 14:43) Dear all, welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce Wg call on the 9th June 2014 at 1500 UTC

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (14:43) Agenda page:

  Seun: (15:49) Hello

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:50) Hi Seun!

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:55) The AC audio has been enabled, please click on the telephone icon at the top of the AC toolbar and follow instructions from there. Your microphone activation is successful once the telephone icon becomes a microphone icon. Please remember to mute/ unmute your mic by clicking on the white arrow to the right if the mic icon.

  Seun: (15:55) Yeah thanks

  Seun: (15:56) i guess it looks fine now

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:59) It does, thanks Seun!

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:00) Dear all, just to let you know that we will be starting a few mins late as Dev is chairing the CROPP call which is running over by a couple of mins

  Seun: (16:02) yeah i can hear you

  Seun: (16:03) can you hear me?

  Seun: (16:04) +2348035233535

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:05) dialling out to you now

  Seun: (16:05) okay

  Seun: (16:06) +2348076102354

  Seun: (16:06) thanks dev

  Seun: (16:07) @Natallie you can use either of the number to dial in

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:07) thanks, have communictaed this to the operator

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:08) Hi, can "Guest" identify him/herself?

  Glenn McKnight: (16:10) I hear a  echo

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:10)

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:10) Glenn, I hear no echo

  Seun: (16:10) i just lost the voice dial-in

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:11) Seun, the operator is dialling back to you

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:11) on both numbers

  Jahangir Hossain: (16:12) Hi this is Jahangir Hossain from Bangladesh as a Guest :)

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:12) thanks!

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:12) I have edited your information

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:12) AC :

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:15) Roosevelt King has joined the call

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:15) Meeting fails to load in Firefox under Ubuntu :

  Evan Leibovitch: (16:15) I'm using Chromium to joing this AC.

  Glenn McKnight: (16:16) @  Dev  all us  white guys  are called Glenn..

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:16) Jason Francis has joined the call

  Seun: (16:17) yeah i tried that ff option and it worked

  Seun: (16:20) sure

  Gordon Chillcott: (16:20) Appreciate it, Seun!

  Ariel Liang: (16:22) here is the link:

  Ariel Liang: (16:22) curation workflow

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:22)

  Ariel Liang: (16:24)

  Ariel Liang: (16:24)

  Seun: (16:25) great!

  Gordon Chillcott: (16:26) Just looking at the Facebook page.    It looks great!

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:29)

  Seun: (16:30) yes

  Glenn McKnight: (16:31) I really like this  vs  SKYPE.   Skype  is annoying for chat

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:38) Beran Gillen sends her apology for today's TTF call

  Seun: (16:38) i think i will just type this

  Seun: (16:39) How can we integrate this into ICANN system without having to create multiple accounts?

  Seun: (16:40) I have just also noticed that a team account login details does not work across other team?

  Seun: (16:41) how does this also compare to a jabber platform?

  Seun: (16:41) yeah but it asked for login details

  Seun: (16:44) okay great so if icann authentication system supports jabber, then we can still use single authentication....just quite many login details right now :)

  Seun: (16:45) yeah its promising

  Seun: (16:45) thanks Dev

  Seun: (16:45) meanwhile should we be worried about our content on slack?

  Seun: (16:46) i just typed it

  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:46) Seun, re dialing you

  Evan Leibovitch: (16:46) Dev, you use Linux. You're naturally multitasking ;-)

  Seun: (16:48) i think its a good thing to try out

  Evan Leibovitch: (16:49) Dev, just like with skype or hangouts, the limiting factor is the size of the networks. Will I find trhe people I need to talk to there?

  Evan Leibovitch: (16:49) In the case of the WG, the answer is "of course".

  Evan Leibovitch: (16:50) See my post in Slack regarding waiting for what google dopes at its IO conference later this month.

  Seun: (16:51) i have to leave in a minute

  Seun: (16:51) thanks for the discussion

  Seun: (16:52) perhaps it will be good to try slack out in our next social  WG meeting

  Gordon Chillcott: (16:52) Seun, let's get in touch through the mailing list.

  Seun: (16:52) thats fine @Gordon

  Glenn McKnight: (16:52) I think we can really try this in London 

  Seun: (16:53) I really think ICANN should think of hosting a jabber platform and we develop a nice frontend for it

  Seun: (16:53) here is such front ends

  Evan Leibovitch: (16:54) Seun, I like the idea of a cloud service rather than something ICANN needs to maintain.

  Seun: (16:54) okay you have a point Evan

  Seun: (16:55) have to go now folks.....nice discussion

  Seun: (16:55) bye

  Evan Leibovitch: (16:58) OK with everyuthing.

  Evan Leibovitch: (16:59) The only tools like this I find myself using are Adobe Connect and Cisco Webex (which ISOC uses)

  Gordon Chillcott: (17:00) I like LUCID, myself.

  Evan Leibovitch: (17:02) bye!

  Gordon Chillcott: (17:02) Thanks, Dev.

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:02) Thanks everyone, take care all

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