Group Chat

Dev Anand Teelucksingh 3:56 PM
Hello everyone
Maureen Hilyard 4:00 PM
Good morning. Does this have audio cos I can't call out. I don't have a freeline number I can call from my country :(
Nathalie Peregrine 4:00 PM
Hello Maureen, there is no audio enabled in the LUCID meeting room, please dial 1638
Can we dial out to you maureen?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh 4:00 PM
Or Adigo can dial you Maureen
Maureen Hilyard 4:00 PM
Yes please cos I can't dial out to adigo
I did ask for a call out
Nathalie Peregrine 4:01 PM
Maureen, so sorry, I did not see a dial out request. Adigo are dialling to your landline now, is that the best nr for you?
Glenn McKnight 4:05 PM
Nathalie Peregrine 4:06 PM
Hello Glen!
Maureen Hilyard 4:11 PM
Sounds great Glen
Glenn McKnight 4:12 PM
Dev Anand Teelucksingh 4:14 PM
Glenn McKnight 4:15 PM
FYI the ISOC Chapters have free access to the ISOC Webex account
Dev Anand Teelucksingh 4:16 PM
Cisco req:
Gordon Chillcott 4:25 PM
Concur on UberConf testing
Nathalie Peregrine 4:25 PM
AI noted.
Maureen Hilyard 4:25 PM
sounds good to me.. we want to use Google Conference in the pacific
Dev Anand Teelucksingh 4:29 PM
Dev Anand Teelucksingh 4:32 PM
Maureen Hilyard 4:35 PM
I am on the call Glen
No.. Cheryl is the chair
Juan Manuel Rojas 4:36 PM
Hi everyone.. Im sorry, I'm late. May Staff call me please? 573205293669
Nathalie Peregrine 4:38 PM
dialling out ot you you now
Juan Manuel Rojas 4:39 PM
Maureen Hilyard 4:48 PM
Dev did show one application but it didn't really record the information we needed to record for the ALAC
It seemed to make more sense to mine the wiki information which was already available
somehow.. :)
Glenn McKnight 4:57 PM
Sorry folks I have to be on another call.
Glenn McKnight 4:58 PM
Another issue is the quality of the ALS SKYPE interviews by staff. I have done my own ALS overview to contrast the SKYPE interviews. The technical issues for these videos include lighting, sound, etc issues
Here is my video
Nathalie Peregrine 5:01 PM
A.I. noted
15 mins
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 5:09 PM
I was about to suggest such a checklist indeed
Also -- perhaps having pointers for people to be able to test their set-up. For Adobe; for Skype; for Webex.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 5:11 PM
Suggested Title: best conditions for a conference call. Best conditions for a videoconference call.
Maureen Hilyard 5:14 PM
Good point Gordon
Gordon Chillcott 5:15 PM
Just to support Glenn, though, you don't go to a job interview in your pyjamas. Usually.
Nathalie Peregrine 5:17 PM
I am on Firefox too and i cannot see the last line either
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 5:17 PM
I am having a struggle with Mozilla at the moment.
They've also reduced the default crypto suite for sending emails out from 256 bit to 128 bit. I filed a bug report in bugzilla & it's apparently a feature not a bug.
Not happy with Mozilla people at the moment.
Nathalie Peregrine 5:18 PM
Glens line dropped
Maureen Hilyard 5:19 PM
Dev just to note that Glen wasn't registered as present in this call (metrics :))
Nathalie Peregrine 5:20 PM
he is noted :)
Maureen Hilyard 5:20 PM
thanks Nathalie, his name just wasn't listed in the attendees
bye all
Gordon Chillcott 5:21 PM

Thanks, De

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