Date: Thursday, 29 August 2024

Time: 18:00-19:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones (click here)

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EN, ES, FR : 1638

Zoom Room:  / Password: OFBC#12345 

RTT Link:

Action Items: EN         

Zoom Recording: EN

Recording : ENESFR

Zoom Chat: EN   

Transcription: EN, ES, FR

OFB-WG Co-Chairs: Claire Craig & Marita Moll



EN: Bill Jouris, Bukola Oronti, Claire Craig, Jonathan Zuck, Pari Esfandiari, Raihanath Gbadamassi, Shah Rahman, Tommi Karttaavi, Avri Dori, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Hadia Elminiawi, Vanda Scartezini, Jenna Fung, Judith Hellerstein, Lavish Mensah, Marita Moll, Muriel Alapani, Sebastien Bachollet

ES: none

FR: Aziz Hilali

Apologies: Alfredo Calderon, Eduardo Diaz, Alan Greenberg

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Michelle DeSmyter

ES Interpreters: Liian & Marina

FR Interpreters: Aurelie & Dominique

Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter

AGENDA:   ****DRAFT****

  1. Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)

  2. Welcome and review of Action items - Claire Craig, Co-Chair of the OFB-WG (3 mins)

  3. Next Steps on the 2012 ALAC Procedures for filing comments and objections in the Next gTLD Round  - Dev Anand Teelucksingh (5 mins)

    1. At-Large Small Team on ALAC Objection Process for Next Round

  4. Review of Currently Open Public Comments assigned to the OFB-WG - Claire Craig, Co-Chair of the OFB-WG (10 mins)

    1. Open Public Comments - Summary

At-Large Workspace: IRP-IOT – Proposed updates to the IRP Supplementary Procedures

  • The Independent Review Process (IRP) provides for third-party review of Board or Staff actions (or inactions) alleged to be inconsistent with ICANN's Articles or Bylaws. The IRP Implementation Oversight Team (IRP-IOT) seeks input on its proposed updates to IRP Supplementary Procedures.
    • The OFB-WG has agreed to draft a statement for this public comment proceeding


Pari Esfandiari Bukola Oronti Claire Craig Gregory Shatan 

At-Large Workspace: Proposed Fundamental Bylaws Amendments Related to Grant Program

  • The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is seeking input on a proposed amendment to Article 4, Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the ICANN Bylaws. The proposed Bylaws amendment is designed to specifically exclude the use of the ICANN’s Reconsideration and Independent Review Processes (collectively, “Accountability Mechanisms”) to challenge decisions on individual applications in the ICANN Grant Program. This proposal replaces the earlier proposed amendments to Article 4, Section 4.1 to set out a general process for how the ICANN community can limit access to ICANN’s Accountability Mechanisms.

    • To be reviewed by the OFB-WG.


Judith Hellerstein 

At-Large Workspace: Draft ICANN Strategic Plan and Operating Plan Framework for FY26-30

  • As the ICANN Board finalizes the draft Strategic Plan for FY26–30, your insights are crucial to ensuring its success and alignment with community needs. The Board and org need your feedback on the clarity and relevance of our vision, the appropriateness of the strategic objectives, and the detailed goals and strategies designed to achieve them. Additionally, we seek your input on the proposed progress indicators and identified strategic risks. Furthermore, your input on the key activities identified in the five-year Operating Plan Framework to achieve each draft strategy is also appreciated. Your comments will help the Board and org to refine and enhance the plan to better serve our community through our strategic objectives. 
    • To be reviewed by the OFB-WG.


Claire Craig Cheryl Langdon-Orr Judith Hellerstein Bukola Oronti Hadia Elminiawi Vanda Scartezini 

5.  IRP - IOT -  PC - Next Steps - Greg Shatan, Bukola Oronti, Pari  Esfandiari (8 mins)

a. Proposed Timeline

•    Draft final by  penholders by - August 30th 
•    5 days to comment on draft- 2-6 Sept 
•    1 day to integrate comments – 9 Sept 
•    10 – 13 Sept – Ratification vote 
•    Deadline:  16 Sept

6. At-Large Workspace: Proposed Fundamental Bylaws Amendments Related to Grant Program - Judith Hellerstein - (7 mins)

7. Draft ICANN Strategic Plan and Operating Plan Framework for FY26-30 - Claire Craig and Cheryl Langdon-Orr (15 mins) 

a. See: Public Comment period for the draft ICANN Strategic Plan and draft - ICANN Operational Plan for fiscal years 2026–2030 will now begin on 23 July. PPT With timeline

b. Update from the  At-Large FY26-30 Strategic Plan Team

8. AOB - Claire Craig and Marita Moll, Co-Chairs of the OFB-WG (10 mins)

a. At-Large Activities at Global Internet Governance Meetings - Marita Moll

i. At-Large Activities at the 2024 IGF

b. Request to discuss Ombudsman - Sebastien Bachollet 

9. Next Meeting - Claire Craig, Co-Chair of the OFB-WG (2 mins)




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