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At-Large Statement of Interest (SOI) Form

1) Please enter your Name:

Pastor Peters Osawaru OMORAGBON

2) Picture/Image:
(Instructions: Click in the field to the right to open up the text input window. Then click the <Insert> menu button, select <Image>, then choose (or browse) to locate an image file (e.g., JPG, PNG, BMP) from your local computer to upload. After insertion, please click on the picture and adjust the size to no larger than 200 pixels). 

3) Are you participating in the At-Large advisory process (including email and real-time discussions) as a representative of:


a) ALAC (if so, detail the region and term):

AFRICA. ALS since 2010 ICANN Fellow 2010 and 2011 Atlas 2 and 3 Alumnus

b) A Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) (if so, please detail the region, position and term):


c) An ICANN-accredited At-Large Structure (if so, which one):

Nurses Across the Borders Humanitarian Initiative-A UN Ecosoc NGO

d) Any ICANN Committee, Constituency or Stakeholder Group (if so, which one(s))?

Atlas2 Planning Committee Work Group, ATLAS 3 , planning Committee, VC AFRALO ROP WG, Member ALAC ALS MOP WP,

e) Any other company or organization, whether commercial or nonprofit (if so, please detail the organization and your position):

President, Nurses Across the Borders Director for International Liaison Nigerian Nurses Charitable Association-UK, President, Diaspora Nurses Association of Nigeria Board Member-Conference of NGOs in Consultative Status with the UN-CONGO (2011-2017) UNFCCC Designated Contact Person Permanent Representative to the United Nations General Secretary, Civil Society Network on Climate Change in Nigeria Fellow Open Society Institute Budapest

4) Please identify your current employer(s):

Nurses Across the Borders Humanitarian Initiative Inc (USA and Nigeria Healthcare Today LTD

5) Please identify your current position(s):

Executive President/.CEO

6) Please identify the type(s) of work performed:

Executive administrative and managerial functions

7) Please identify your declared country of primary residence:


8) Please list any financial relationship beyond de minimus stock ownership you may have with any company that to your knowledge has a financial relationship or contract with ICANN:


9) Please identify any other relevant arrangements, interests, or benefits as requested in the following two questions:


a) Do you, your employer, and/or sponsor have any type of material or financial interest in the At-Large advisory process and its outcomes?


If the answer is “Yes,” please describe the interest:

b) Are there any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your participation as a work team member?


If the answer is “Yes,” please describe the arrangements/agreements and the name of the group, constituency, or person(s):

10) Please identify any Working Groups or other chartered teams in which you are participating (include acronyms, if applicable):

atlas2 planning committee work group, capacity building work group PR Work group, AFRALO ROP WG, ALAC ALS MOP WP

11) Additional information (optional):


My Dear Esteemed ICANN/AFRALO Family.

This is surely an interesting time and an epoch-making era in the anal of AFRALO's existence.

Since the ‘Call’  for the expression of interest for the vacant positions in AFRALO for the 2024 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments,  I have taken a deep reflection on whether to vie or not

I got both the confirmation and conviction to run for the office of the  SECRETARY, AFRALO today.

In the above regard and in line with ‘the extant guidelines of the ICANN/AFRALO Bye-Laws, I, Pastor Peters Osawaru OMORAGBON is self-nominating for the office of AFRALO SECRETARY in the forthcoming elections.


I am in my Sixties, married with children and grandchildren, and a Mental Health and General Nurse by profession. I hold Masters of Business Administration (MBA) in International Relations and Diplomacy from the University of Cumbria,  United Kingdom.

Pastor Peters as I am fondly called has been involved with the Information Society since 2003 when the first World Summit on the Information Society was held in Geneva, and in 2005 at the 2nd WSIS in Tunis, I was one of the pioneers of the establishment of the African Chapter of the WSIS with the likes of Mama Fatimata and others, that I became the First Chairman of the Nigerian Branch of the ACIS for years as pioneer Chairman.

I am the Founder and Executive President of Nurses Across the Borders and the THIRD ICANN Fellow from Nigeria since 2010 with my 2nd Fellowship in 2011. This was when Nurses Across the Borders was equally admitted as an ALS within AFRALO and ever since 2010, I have actively promoted the activities of ICANN, especially in the areas of democratic governance in ensuring that, ICANN Rules are followed to the letter and applied equally to all.

This was why I actively engage and participated in the AFRALO ROP WG as the first Vice Chair of that WG and my inputs were instrumental to the final adoption of the ROP that today allowed for individual members of AFRALO. With this penchant, I took to the ALAC ALS MOP WP where as an AFRALO Representative I fought for the recognition of rights and independence of ALS and AFRALO so that we are not treated as just mere appendages. I am not just a Fellow of ICANN and Chairman of one of the oldest ALS, but I am a Two-time Alumnus of ATLAS II and III in London and Quebec Canada. My passionate involvement and contributions at both ATLAS Summits cannot be underplayed. It was flowing from my struggle to ensure that AFRALO got equal representation at ATLAS III during the WG on ATLAS III that made it possible for AFRALO to receive the largest slots for that event. The records are there.

I was not only involved in the planning of the First African General Assembly in Senegal but also actively participated especially in the areas of showcasing our rich cultural heritage within the ICANN Ecosystem.

Suffice to say that, I joined the ICANN process and program as an Internet End User. The space and role of the Internet End User in the ICANN scheme of things have been relegated to the background to the extent that, they have never featured in the/any leadership ladder of ICANN in general and AFRALO in particular. That is why, all successive leaders of AFRALO and by extension ICANN AT LARGE have been "IT EXPERTS". I do not have that background of being an IT expert, so to speak, but can boldly and gladly say that the INTERNET as invented by ICANN has made me what I am today and has promoted and given worldwide visibility to Nurses Across Borders Humanitarian Initiative both at the United Nations General Assembly and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that today, I am not just a Permanent Representative to the United Nations but became the First Designated Contact Person for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from Nigeria. I am the President of the Diaspora Nurses Association of Nigeria and the Director for International Liaison for the Nigerian Nurses Charitable Association, United Kingdom, and was a Board Member of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations-ECOSOC -CONGO from 2011 -2017. I became the First General Secretary of the African Regional Committee for CONGO. 

At the national level in Nigeria, I am the National Deputy Chairman of the oldest political party today in Nigeria-the National Conscience Party, founded by the foremost Human Rights Crusader-Late Chief Gani Fawehinmi of blessed memory. Under the Party I have contested twice for the Nations House of Representatives in 2003 and 2015. And for the Governor of Edo state in 2016 and 2020.

What am I bringing to the table as SECRETARY for AFRALO?

The answer is simple. FIRST with my support to the current Leadership of AFRALO under Ms Hadia, I  want to make AFRALO the role model for all other RALOs within ICANN by expanding the democratic space of all the ALSs to give them a voice to not only be heard but also be seen as belonging and enjoying the same privileges being enjoyed by some within AFRALO.

What do I mean?

See Section 1.2.(a)iv, ICANN Byelaws: Employ open, transparent and bottom-up, multi-stakeholder policy development processes that are led by the private sector (including business stakeholders, civil society, the technical community, academia, and end users), while duly taking into account the public policy advice of governments and public authorities. These processes shall (A) seek input from the public, for whose benefit ICANN in all events shall act, (B) promote well-informed decisions based on expert advice, and (C) ensure that those entities most affected can assist in the policy development process;).

Brothers and Sisters, the above provision from the ICANN Byelaws shall form the bedrock of my service to you all as your next Secretary. I am a man guided by rules and principles. I intend to run an open-door policy and will not abuse the privilege to serve you.

I have supported every leader of AFRALO at all times as a good follower on the path of justice and fair play.

Secondly, I intend to vigorously (with the leadership of the AFRALO Chair) pursue and explore the engagement of major telecommunications companies in Africa especially in Nigeria to collaborate, sponsor and provide technical support to the promotion of the Universal Acceptance (UA) in Africa in line with the strategies of AFRALO. I shall with the support of the AFRALO Leadership facilitate the direct involvement of African governments through both official and diplomatic channels in the UA campaign and implementation in collaboration with the ICANN GAC in this effort.

It will be a dream come true, if through my role as Secretary with your votes, we are able to secure a future date for an ICANN Summit in Nigeria, the largest market in Africa. We had muted this initiative in Senegal in 2011 with the support of AFRALO Leadership then.

Ladies and Gentlemen and my friends and colleagues, I covet your support and solicit for your votes as the next SECRETARY of AFRALO with the above experience in leadership and as one of the oldest members of AFRALO. I have always been a voice for AFRALO and intend to continue that if given the opportunity (even if not voted, ) I will nonetheless not shy away from my passion for all-inclusive leadership.

I know, my throwing my hat into the race may come as a surprise, but reflect upon why I think I should be given the opportunity so. Amongst everyone else that has shown interest (I respect them all), I believe I am most qualified to provide that leadership in the Secretariat AFRALO needed so badly after the very good work that has been done by past Secretaries and I intend to build upon them and expand them further. I have the experience, I have the years -since 2010, I am a leader of one of the most active ALS within AFRALO and I am an Internet End user. My United Nations experience since 2005 as a Permanent UN Representative will be brought to bear in my role as Secretary with parliamentary decorum.

Nurses Across the Borders Humanitarian Initiative (NABHI) is an international charitable non-government, not-for-profit organization. Founded in 1999 on the recognition that the vast majority of people worldwide enjoy poor healthcare delivery services, arising from the dangers of inadequate healthcare facilities, crises and conflicts, droughts, disasters, and famine, detrimental to full and good health. It is the belief of NABHI that health is everybody’s business. Our activities are enhanced and promoted through the Internet.

I come with the following credentials in summary:

1. Registered Mental Health Nurse since 1983

2. Registered General nurse since 1994

3. Post Graduate Diploma in Pastoral Theologgy 1999

4. Higher Certificate of Education from Coventry University UK 2021

5. MBA in International Relations and Diplomacy, Cumbria University UK 2024

6. Permanent UN Representative to Nurses Across the Borders since 2005

6. First United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCC Designated Contact Person from Nigeria since 2004

7. Board Member Conference of NGOs in Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC ( CONGO) 2011 to 2017

8. Secretary to the African Regional Committee in CONGO 2011 - 2017

9. Treasurer, Central Association of Nigerians in the UK-CANUK 2013 -2015

10. Financial Secretary CANUK 2015-2017

11. Director for International Liaison, Nigerian Nurses Charitable Association UK since 2010

12. President Diaspora Nurses Association of Nigeria since 2009

14. Chairman Health Committee, Nigerians in Diaspora Organization UK since 2023

15. In 2003, 2015 contested for the Nigerians House of Representatives and in 2016 and 2020 contested as Governor for Edo State Nigeria.

16. A fellow of ICANN (twice, 2010 & 2011)and an Alumnus of the ICANN ATLAS Leadership Forum since 2010 UK to Quebec in 2019.

Distinguished brothers and sisters, at this stage of International dynamics in world politics, AFRALO needs a bold, intelligent Pan Aficanist to represent it within ICANN. 

I promise to dedicate my tenure to your service and representation. 

I maybe too Frank to a fault, but no one can take away my passion for AFRICA and AFRALO. 

I will support the current Chairman in her leadership role for the great good of AFRALO

 Thank you and God bless you all as you cast your votes for me.

Yours in service to humanity,

Pastor Peters Osawaru OMORAGBON

12) Page last revised:




At-Large SOI Template v3 (Feb 2014)

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