14:58:47 From Michelle DeSmyter to Everyone : We will have RTT for this meeting, to follow along: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
14:59:49 From Vanda Scartezini to Everyone : hi everyone. happy new year to whom I had no chance to see before
15:01:05 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : Hi all
15:01:08 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone : Hello all, welcome
15:01:08 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : The other Community Webinar has just ended
15:01:34 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone : Hello All
15:03:31 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone : Hello everyone
15:04:33 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : This is outside the internet
15:04:53 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : the icann remit
15:06:01 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Exactly IMO @Judith, only Domain name aspect *may* fit in at times
15:06:08 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : @ Carlos - Lots is happening in the Digital Platforms area in Australia - as OCL says, not sure it is in ICANN’s remit but happy to report
15:06:19 From Herb Waye Ombuds to Everyone : Greetings… hoping everyone, families and friends is staying safe.
15:06:22 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : we will
15:06:37 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone : Yes @Carlos the news is that Social Media is now regulating Government 
15:06:47 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : we will present on the topic
15:07:08 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : @ Hadia - which topic?
15:07:30 From Michelle DeSmyter to Everyone : At-Large Priority Activities - 2021: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Priority+Activities+-+2021
15:09:07 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : @Holly we have two presentations one on the ODP and another in relation to the public comment on priority 2 items
15:09:08 From Michelle DeSmyter to Everyone : We will have RTT for this meeting, to follow along: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
15:10:33 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : Thanks Hadia
15:10:48 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE to Everyone : Happy New Year to all of you !
15:13:22 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Same to you @Michel
15:15:01 From Olivier Crépin-Leblond (Internet Society UK England) to Everyone : ABR = Additional Budget Request
15:18:40 From Betty Fausta to Everyone : TKS for acronym
15:21:34 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone : Very ambitious agenda for this year @jonthan are you going to create some subgroup to achieve each item?
15:21:38 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : That is a rather dire over characterisation of what the PDP process does with advice in the PDP process @CW but we do recognise the desirability for voices to be heard
15:21:51 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : and sooner than ;ater
15:21:54 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : later
15:22:47 From Olivier Crépin-Leblond (Internet Society UK England) to Everyone : I'd hope that the CPWG is able to support participants in PDPs on a weekly basis, so as to alleviate their workload
15:23:26 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : That *is* the desirable model @JZ yes
15:24:00 From Vanda Scartezini to Everyone : I agree with the general idea from Jonathan and I also believe will reduce the burden ...
15:25:05 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Probaby several orders of Magnitude @Alan ;-)
15:27:02 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : I see this as a codify execise not a redraghting of mechanisms
15:27:11 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : exercise
15:28:11 From Justine Chew to Everyone : The amount of "influence" the ALAC/At-Large can wield in an open-membership PDP WGs could be improved if all the At-Large folks who signed up as a member of such a WG actually participate in WG calls/discussions.
15:28:18 From Carlos Raul Gutierrez to Everyone : how do we raise the hand here?????
15:28:24 From Carlos Raul Gutierrez to Everyone : can’t find it anymore
15:28:37 From Michelle DeSmyter to Everyone : If you updated your zoom, it is under the “reactions” tab
15:28:47 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : Apparently on some interfaces, it is part of "Reactions"
15:29:17 From Carlos Raul Gutierrez to Everyone : txs @michelle
15:29:20 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : For the record, on the Windows interface, it is not in reactions.... At least not for me, and my version is up to date.
15:29:46 From Harold Arcos to Everyone : @Carlos; tap un your name, if you are from mobile device
15:29:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Again that is a gross mischaracterisation in my obviously very biased POV @CW
15:30:07 From Justine Chew to Everyone : Start early
15:30:16 From Olivier Crépin-Leblond (Internet Society UK England) to Everyone : @Alan: you have not got the latest version. I have windows and it has now moved to "reactions"
15:30:24 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Start early and stay engaged is the key
15:30:36 From Matthias to Everyone : @JZ I fully support your idea!
15:31:36 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : I think it might be heidi?
15:33:13 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Agree
15:34:44 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : It is worth noting that despite the At-Large Community being very diverse, our positions on many of the issues we deal with are amazingly similar and unified.
15:37:18 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : Where there are differences, it is rarely regional and largely on personal views.
15:38:10 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Many of us do care about the Non Policy ICANN Issues Carlos
15:38:11 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Agree completely Carlos about focus. No question.
15:38:20 From Justine Chew to Everyone : We get automatic seats on PDP WGs?
15:38:32 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : But this WG is all about Policy
15:38:37 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : @Cheryl, that's why we have the OBFC, right?
15:38:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : No we do not @Justine
15:39:11 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : as you well understand the new PDP 3.0 has various modes
15:39:22 From Justine Chew to Everyone : @CLO, exactly. but that's what I heard Carlos say.
15:39:38 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : As did I @Justine
15:40:34 From Matthias to Everyone : but for EPDP for example we got automatic seats, right?
15:41:02 From Justine Chew to Everyone : @Matthias, not all PDP WGs
15:41:02 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : No only if it Chartered that way @Matthias
15:41:58 From Justine Chew to Everyone : @Matthias, GNSO PDP 3.0 representative PDP WGs, yes, but not open ones.
15:41:59 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : ANd luckily @Holly we have a place to do that in the OFB-WWG
15:43:13 From Matthias to Everyone : @cheryl, justine thx!
15:43:17 From Carlos Raul Gutierrez to Everyone : @Holly: if the Board can take the money they want from the auction proceed, i think the Budget is a ver interesting process for accountancy and transparency, but little to do with the individual uses fate in their daily lives. In any case thank you for your service in the budget committee.
15:43:27 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Yes, Yes, Yes. All of which benefit from starting earlier and documenting our consensus decisions
15:44:33 From Justine Chew to Everyone : Balance issue --> ATRT3
15:45:20 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone : I totally agree with @jonathan and we have to improve our work tools first in order to achieve all the good ideas mentioned by all the participants
15:45:30 From Matthias to Everyone : +1 justine
15:45:31 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : @ Justine - ALAC has to apply for membership in each PDP. It would be unusual NOT to have one or two reps on a PDP
15:46:13 From christopher wilkinson to Everyone : Congress voted 232 to 197 on the sole article.
15:46:17 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone : Excellent discussion Jonathan, Olivier and the CPWG.. Very much appreciate the support the team gives for the work of the CPWG
15:46:37 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone : Unfortunately I have to leave at the top of the hour.
15:46:42 From Justine Chew to Everyone : @Holly, I beg your pardon?
15:46:51 From Carlos Raul Gutierrez to Everyone : @holly ALAC is getting more and more fixed numbers of setas assigned by default in the larger PDPs
15:48:03 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : someone typing needs to mute
15:54:19 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : I have no hard position here
15:55:46 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Alan my one changed with the update I did this week
15:55:49 From Justine Chew to Everyone : @Alan, @Hadia, so the question is should we need submit a statement or not?
15:55:58 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : latest version has it in reactions. Alan, you must be using an older version
15:56:08 From Roberto to Everyone : It is a feature of the new version - if you have not upgraded it, the hand is still in the old place
15:56:47 From Justine Chew to Everyone : @Alan, @Hadia, so the question is should/do we need to submit a statement or not?
15:57:24 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Seem the case for not is strong from our Reps
15:59:15 From Justine Chew to Everyone : Good taichi move @Alan !
15:59:18 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : again I have no strong position here, I agree the board is going to adopt them anyway
15:59:37 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone : If the recomandations #19 will be rejected what will happen to the proxy?
16:00:01 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Is there anyone that feels strongly we should issue a statement? If not, let's not do it.
16:00:04 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : Thanks
16:00:41 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : @Chokri, we will continue drifting as we are now.
16:01:35 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone : +1 Alan
16:02:59 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : I would have thought there is still significant opposition on RVCs and PICs???
16:12:59 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : Thank you Justine
16:13:14 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Greatly appreciated @Justine!!
16:13:48 From Justine Chew to Everyone : @Holly, as @CLO says, it won't prevent recommendations on RVCs and PICs from being included as recommendations.
16:22:54 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : operational impact is what is required
16:23:25 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : I totlly support that as a Comment (as I did in the chat of the Webinar
16:24:07 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : +1 Alan and Cheryl
16:25:22 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone : Thank you Alan, noted
16:26:22 From Michelle DeSmyter to Everyone : ALAC & GAC Joint Call on Sub Pro is scheduled for Wednesday, 20 January 2021 at 17:00 UTC
16:26:36 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone : Thank you @Michelle
16:26:42 From Hanan Khatib to Everyone : Thank you all
16:26:43 From Justine Chew to Everyone : I was curious to note that "community feedback" to the ODP version 1 resulted in the earlier proposed Design Feedback Group being eliminated.
16:27:56 From Justine Chew to Everyone : The Design Feedback Group had reps from SO/ACs
16:29:12 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone : Thank you all have a good night
16:29:27 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : I agree with alan
16:29:44 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : +1
16:29:50 From Roberto to Everyone : +1
16:29:55 From Justine Chew to Everyone : @Carlos, @Yrjo, I could well be wrong about IGO WT call. Maybe it was the doodle poll that I saw.
16:29:57 From Marita Moll to Everyone : +1
16:30:53 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : Yes it is a terms of service issue and outside of the icann remit
16:31:15 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : It is a really interesting issue - whether for ALAC or not
16:31:19 From Vanda Scartezini to Everyone : well Olivieryes it was expected I believe due the time passing after BREXIT
16:31:37 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Exactly @Alan
16:31:43 From Roberto to Everyone : I heard that they are only suspended for 6 months but not deleted yet - but I am sure that OCL has better info
16:32:24 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : @Roberto so after suspension what will happen?
16:32:27 From Olivier Crépin-Leblond to Everyone : @Roberto it is still unclear
16:32:30 From Yrjo Lansipuro to Everyone : Tentative IGO Work Track meeting dates are Feb 1,2,4 or 5 (Doodle still out
16:32:47 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : It is a ccTLD from ICANN's point of view regardless of whether the "cc" is technically correct.
16:33:02 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : So why do they want to stay under .eu when they decided to leave the eu?
16:33:17 From Roberto to Everyone : @Hadia - my guess is that it is to take time, hoping that there will be some diplomatic effort for a solution
16:33:27 From Vanda Scartezini to Everyone : thanks Lutz for this explanation
16:33:33 From Justine Chew to Everyone : @Yrjo, yes, my bad, apologies.
16:33:42 From Carlos Raul Gutierrez to Everyone : Hope they can move to Gibraltar or to Northern Ireland
16:35:00 From Carlos Raul Gutierrez to Everyone : @SEbastian +1
16:35:04 From Roberto to Everyone : @Lutz and @Alan - it has been delegated with the clearance of the ISO3166 Maintenance Agency, so it is following ccTLD rules
16:37:02 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : It is a ccTLD. There is no question. Perhaps sadly, but that is a fact.
16:37:14 From Herb Waye Ombuds to Everyone : Take care everyone…. Stay safe and be kind
16:37:16 From Michelle DeSmyter to Everyone : Next meeting scheduled for: Wednesday, 20 January 2021 at 13:00 UTC
16:37:23 From Roberto to Everyone : I am amazed by companies who move to offices to fiscal paradises but are unwilling to create a branch in Europe and transfer the name to that
16:37:33 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone : Okay. you seems to be right
16:37:43 From Vanda Scartezini to Everyone : thank you all for so many information, have a nice week
16:37:49 From Harold Arcos to Everyone : thanks for exhaustive update!
16:37:50 From alberto soto to Everyone : Thanks, bye, bye!!
16:37:54 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Bye for now then....
16:37:59 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) to Everyone : ok thank you all bye for now
16:38:06 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone : Thank you all! “See” you next week.
16:38:07 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : bye all
16:38:08 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone : Thanks, All,
16:38:12 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone : thanks bye
16:38:16 From Bill Jouris to Everyone : bye all
16:38:16 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Bye and thanks
16:38:16 From Roberto to Everyone : Bye
16:38:37 From pari esfandiari to Everyone : bye

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