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  Kathy Schnitt:Welcome to the At-Large Summit II Organizing Committee Call on Thursday 22 May 2014 at 19:00 UTC.

  Kathy Schnitt:Meeting Page:

  Eduardo Diaz:¡Hola a todos!

  Jordi Iparraguirre:hola, hi !

  Matthieu Camus:Hello everyone!

  Pastor Peters:hola

  Jordi Iparraguirre:loud and clear

  Pastor Peters:thankx

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Ali

  Ali AlMeshal:hi Terri

  Wolf Ludwig:Suggest they have to wash the dishes from ATLAS II all two days!

  Heidi Ullrich:Who will be assigning them?

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:perhaps a 24 hour extension and last minute urging by the ralo chairs?

  Carlos Reyes:Action Item 029: ATLAS II Participants Page is updated daily. Thematic Group assignments will be added once the survey closes. Then Mentoring assignments will be added.

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:lol at wolf's suggestion

  Wolf Ludwig:I don't urge our people any more -- we did it plenty of times ...

  Carlos Reyes:Action Item 035: Thematic Group survey has been distributed to ALSes. 78 responses have been recorded. Deadline is 23 May.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:for AI 024 there is notbm:ch of an apdate from last weeks activity, other than to mention that we will I trust next week, have an update from IT staff on some issues regarding measurements of engagement surfing ATLAS II, and I am working with one Region ( APRALO). to use in London and then follow up after ATL$

  Heidi Ullrich:Tijani has joined the call

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:cont....  ATLASII with a mechanism for measurement of ALS /Member engagement post ATLAS II  and I hope this mechanism will also be used by other RALOs but the Regions will look at that in London, via the Reg Secs ( I assume)

  Terri Agnew:Tijani has joined

  Heidi Ullrich:Thematic Group Coordination  Workspace:

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Heidi, I was going to suggest looking at the workspace

  Sivasubramanian M:I am now logged into adobe, so disconnecting the phone line.

  Heidi Ullrich:We are putting the workspace on the screeen

  Heidi Ullrich:approx 92 ALSes in ATLAS I - approx 154 ALSes in ATLAS II !!!

  Heidi Ullrich:29 days

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Darlene

  Wolf Ludwig:Now we have 27 people listed for the thematic groups only!

  Siranush Vardanyan:sorry for joining late

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Siranush

  Siranush Vardanyan:thank, Terri

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:i was spoeaking specifically of what's on the screen: Session Moderators & Session Reporting

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:OCL nothing on my screen sorry...  but I covered that I believe....

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:YES @Wolf I agree with you planning proposal as outlined by you now...

  Pastor Peters:sINCE I am yet to sight a draft of the agenda for the summit, I want to know if the breakout sessions will be on the same day and time. This question is for the purpose of participants who may want to particippate in more than one thematic group.

  Heidi Ullrich:@Pastor Peters, the meeting page is at:

  Heidi Ullrich:The ATLAS II Home workpace is at:

  Pastor Peters:ok Heidi thanks

  Heidi Ullrich:so there are 5 themtic groups that will have four break out sessions

  Wolf Ludwig:Sorry Heidi -- do not really understand what this means?

  Sivasubramanian M:+1 on what Tijani said

  Heidi Ullrich:@Wolf, letting Pastor Peters know about the thematic group schedule

  Sivasubramanian M:The sessions have to organized with well deliberated choice of panelists and moderators

  Sivasubramanian M:The choice of panelists depends on the ezpertise requirement of the topic in dicscussion,  so is the choice of moderators

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:this is all on the screen already.

  Heidi Ullrich:@Siva, please note that the SMEs, Moderators, Reporters are not panelists

  Sivasubramanian M:What is on screen looks great

  Wolf Ludwig:Right point, Eduardo!

  Pastor Peters:In deciding moderators I do not understand what is meant by 'expertise' remeber roles should be balanced in line with ICANN Multistakeholderism

  Heidi Ullrich:Wolf Ludwig to select a shortlist of moderators, assistant moderators and reporters and assistant reporters.  - Is this AI correct?

  Wolf Ludwig:Thsi final selection will be done *based ont the criteria* we drafted / adopted!

  Eduardo Diaz:@wolf: +1

  Heidi Ullrich:Criteria are at:

  Pastor Peters:ALL interest must be served , and remember this is a capacity building program for ALS

  Pastor Peters:So rigidly sticking to what is termed EXPERTS to me is a diservice]

  Pastor Peters:to the NON EXPERTs from developing

  Wolf Ludwig:ATLAS II is NOT a CB program only but *result-oriented* as ATLAS I was!

  Pastor Peters:agreed wolf

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:the "experts" are only present to help out. They will NOT be lecturing. They are NOT presenting a presentation. They are just there to help with framiing the discussions

  Pastor Peters:but u need the participants to achieve yr aims

  Pastor Peters:sure. how would u know if I for example cannot perform that role Olivier

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Pastor Peters, yes, the participants will be provinding the input. But as you know sometimes, some people need to be asked the right questions to unlock their point of view

  Pastor Peters:How would you evaluate or asseess  my 'expertise'

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I admit it is difficult.

  Pastor Peters:Lets have one main and an assistant moderators and two reporters for each the

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:@Pastor Peters  as the activities of each Breakout group will be interactive and; inclusive that is not in my view an issue Moderators are there to help guide the process not  discourse as such the SME will just "set the scene" so to speak so the Non Experts actually have the Primary role anyway....

  Pastor Peters:thematic issue

  Pastor Peters:Cherly we are being premptive here

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:your a Moderator not a SME that uh @Pastor Peters  your topics SME's are. Fatima and JJS

  Pastor Peters:yes

  Pastor Peters:i am speaking for the moderators and reporters

  Jordi Iparraguirre:usually this time is better for me

  Heidi Ullrich:@Olivier, I'll update as soon as the pieces stop moving!

  Heidi Ullrich:there are just a couple more meetings to be confirmed

  Heidi Ullrich:There are some updates to the schedule as well

  Jordi Iparraguirre:thanks bye!

  Siranush Vardanyan:thanks all and bye

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The Draft Agenda Summary is on:

  Ali AlMeshal:thanks

  Wolf Ludwig:Thanks and bye

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Staff will need to update this.

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:bye