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English Conference ID = 1638

Chinese Conference ID = 2038


Zoom room:


Action Items: EN

Recording: EN, ZH

Transcript: EN EN, ZH

Chat: EN


Dial-out Participants

EN:: Satish Babu, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Maureen Hilyard, Ali AlMeshal, Priyatosh Jana, Lianna Galstyan, Amrita Choudhury, Aisyah Shakirah Suhaidi, Suhaidi Hassan, Pavan Budhrani, Mahee Kirindigoda, Syuzan Marukhyan, Hanan Khatib, Aris Ignacio, Jay Paudyal, Gunela Astbrink, Amal Al-Saqqaf, Cherie Lagakali, Jenna Fung, Justine Chew, Leon Sanchez, Jahangir Hossain, Nadira Al-Araj, Tomohiro Fujisaki, Prateek Pathak, Yasuichi Kitamura, Eranga Samararathna, Mili Semlani

ZH: None 

Apologies: Shreedeep Rayamajhi, Narine Khachatryan, Kaili Kan, Fouad Bajwa

Staff: : Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Yeşim Nazlar

ZH Interpreters: Ray & Sandy

Call Management:  


Yeşim Nazlar



1. Roll call - Staff (2 min)




Newly Certified None(4)Internet Governance Institute

Namrata Khetrapal

Azadur Rahman Sarker

Sahid AliNone

Pending ALAC Vote


Awaiting RALO Feedback (31) None

Namrata Khetrapal

Azadur Rahman Sarker

Sahid AliAnanya Singh

Processing Due Diligence (2)

#301 Internet Governance Institute (awaiting applicant feedback)

#299 China Internet Development Foundation (awaiting applicant feedback)

Internet Society Rural Development Special Interest Group


On Hold (2)

#267 Surabhi Softwares

#112 Arab Regional ISPs & DSPs Association (ARISPA)



4. ALAC Policy Update -  Maureen/Holly/Kaili  (12 min)

At-Large Policy Resources

At-Large Capacity Building Workshop - An Introduction to Policy Development at ICANN
2019 See: 2019 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice (new)
See: 2018 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
See: At-Large Policy Summary
See: At-Large Executive Summary page (new)
See: Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic
Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)

Recently Ratified by the ALAC

Evolving ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model
The ALAC contribution to the evolving multistakeholder model condensed the 21 issues developed through community consultations into 4 general categories: (1) structural, (2) process, (3) participation and (4) intergroup relations. Regarding structure and process, the ALAC recommends more specific scoping, the use of external influences and project management tools, easily retrievable records of discussions and decisions and joint community/staff priority setting. Regarding participation, the ALAC noted the mutlistakeholder system depends on wide participation in the process and wide participation from all regions remains a challenge, including language barriers and volunteer burnout. Finally regarding intergroup relations, the ALAC noted there will always be disagreements,  but a culture of positive relations between and among groups must be actively encouraged.

Recently submitted (note: not ICANN public comment): 

 (Since Last ALT-PLUS Meeting)

Proposed Definition of Name Collisions and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collisions Analysis Project
The ALAC considers the issue of Name Collision in the DNS an area of importance for the minimization of unintended consequences for Internet end users. The ALAC appreciates the need to have a Name Collision definition for purposes of scoping the inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP), in order for the NCAP Study One to be manageable and on point, and therefore supports the Proposed Definition of Name Collision and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project of 1 July 2019. Of particular importance to us are:

(1) The recognition and inclusion of Type B situations (ie. B. In scope but not intended to be the subject of data studies) which provides built-in peripheral consideration of such situations with decision for examination through data analysis at a later stage if a compelling case were to arise within Study One; and

(2) The possibility of amending the Definition of Name Collision and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project should further pertinent information come to light at a later stage either through the ongoing work of the NCAP DG, NCAP Working Party and/or input obtained from the party/ies eventually contracted to undertake NCAP Study One.  

Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System
The ALAC strongly supports the overall proposal and appreciates the opportunity to comment. The RSS, according to RRSAC37, needs to evolve so it remains a reliable, resilient, and sustainable service in the face of increasing traffic and cyberattacks. However, the ALAC finds it difficult to accept that ICANN is not considered a primary stakeholder with regard to the RSS, given that the Domain Name System and its reliable and trusted operation is a prime reason for ICANN’s existence. The ALAC also encourages that Internet users, the ultimate user and beneficiary of the DNS, should be listed as having a stake in the existence and evolution of the RSS.

The financial model is also of some concern to the ALAC. No figures are provided to allow even order-of-magnitude estimates. It is surely time that we begin to understand exactly what level of funding will be required and hypothesize on where such funding will come from.

Draft Financial Assumptions & Projections and Operating Initiatives for the development of Fiscal Years 2021-2025 Operating & Financial Plan
The ALAC considered the Draft Financial Assumptions, Projections and Operating Initiatives, and offered comments on the following topics among others: 

  • The ALAC is not optimistic that Financial Assumptions A (Roll-out of New gTLDs) and B (New Business Models – Geographic gTLDs and Brand gTLDs) will be highly successful vehicles to new revenue. Although the first round of new gTLDs did bring in considerable revenue, the ALAC notes that these earlier rounds represented the “low hanging fruit” in the new gTLD market.
  • The ALAC agrees that ICANN continue to put money towards the an urgent need to resolve current challenges around Universal Acceptance, as well as the primary strategic goal of security, stability and trust.
  • The ALAC agrees that work which needs to be done on evolving the multistakeholder system is substantial and complex and that it must be ongoing with adequate resources directed towards its completion. The objectives related to diverse and inclusive participation in policy making in an efficient and effective way are essential to improving the system, underlining that face-to-face meetings are essential to the functioning of the multistakeholder model.
  • The ALAC/At-Large community propose some clarity via a listing of priorities and statements on the impact of each project on ICANN org and on each of the unique ACs and SOs. The community believes that while policy development and implementation activities are integral to the planning process, so are other activities, such as those that enable communication, collaboration, and outreach, between RALOS, At-Large members and other constituencies.


Proposed IANA SLAs for Publishing LGRs/IDN Tables


The ALAC supports the recommendations of the CSC and PTI for the proposed IANA SLAs for publishing the LGRs/IDN Tables.

Fundamental Bylaws Amendment Proposal – IANA Naming Function Review 


The ALAC supported the current version of the ICANN Bylaws Section 18.7(a) and 18.7(b), but understands that it has now proven to be difficult to implement. The ALAC agrees that the proposed change preserves the intent of the original Fundamental Bylaw and supports the change. Subject to any new information being brought to the ALAC’s attention, the current intention is that the ALAC will support this Fundamental Bylaw change when it is presented to the Empowered Community.

Public Comment for Decision



Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close



Process Proposal for Streamlining Organizational Reviews



Jonathan Zuck and Olivier Crepin-Leblond 

to discuss next steps on the public comment; penholder status TBC.

Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System 

CPWG SubPro Comment

Ongoing Workspace

As per 17 July CPWG AI, this is an informal At-Large workspace on the topic.


SAC105 Comment


As per 24 July CPWG AI, this is an informal At-Large workspace on the topic.


Bastiaan Goslings 

seeking a co-penholder

5.APRALO Updates (10 min)

6. ATLAS III Update (Maureen, 8 min)


7. Regional Updates (Satish, 6 min)

8. Member of the Month -  (Lianna/Yeseul, 8 min)

  • Request for creation of APRALO Policy WG on Extraterritorial Jurisdictional Issues as follow-up to APRALO Hot Topics, from Ms. Yeseul Kim, Individual Member

9. NomCom Update (2019 LT selection announcement  (Nadira, 3 min) - Nadira Alaraj 

10. AOB (3 min)