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IMPORTANT: New LACRALO Bylaws are in effect*

See details below.


LACRALO Operating Principles

LACRALO Principios Operativos


LACRALO Selection Timetable



  • 29 April

    18 June 2019- Announcement of call for nominations and Nominee's Statement.**

  • 29 April – 10 May 2019

    18 June – 27 June 2019 - Nomination period (nominations accepted for


    9 working days).

  • 17 May

    5 July 2019  - Deadline for nomination acceptances

  • 20 May - 22 May

    8 July - 10 July 2019 - Calls with the candidates if desired by

    the RALOs


  • 23 May - 30 May

    11 July - 18 July 2019 - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).

  • 2019 AGM [ ICANN 66 ] - Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders shall be seated at the end of the 2019 AGM following the close of the Board Meeting on 7 November 2019.


  1. All nominees are expected to submit a brief statement explaining why they believe they are a suitable candidate and must also complete or update their Statement of Interest (see: At-Large New SOIs Workspace).
  2. No one who is currently serving on the Nominating Committee may be nominated for the ALAC. See

All Nominees shall submit a Conflicts of Interest form COI*, in accordance to LACRALO operating principles, Article 7.1 - LACRALO Members who are interested in running for leadership positions shall:

a) State that they do not have any of the following conflicts of interest, which are incompatible with LACRALO leadership positions:

  • Have a close family relationship with ICANN employees (parents, siblings, spouses, partners, children);
  • Be under a financial contract with ICANN;
  • Hold leadership positions in registries, registrars, ISPs or the chambers that specifically represent these business interests;
  • Be in a decision-making position on behalf of a government (e.g. a Minister of State, Deputy Minister, Secretary, or equivalent position);
  • Act as a country representative to the GAC (or other Advisory Committees/Supporting Organizations).

b) Declare other possible conflicts of interest and explain how they will handle these conflicts once they take their leadership position in LACRALO.




Open Positions

Summary of Open Positions and Nominations

PositionCurrent Holder of PositionNomineeNominated ByRegional Rotation/Member Countries (TBC)Date AcceptedExpression of InterestConflict of Interest DeclarationResultsTerm to Serve

ALAC Member (RALO)

Bartlett Morgan

(NOT eligible for re-appointment)

Sylvia Herlein Leite Vanda ScarteziniMERCOSUR (SUBREGION D) [Argentina Excluded]


View file
nameSYLVIA declaración ALAC MEMBER 2019.pdf

View file
nameSilvia - LACRALO Formulario de Conflicto de Intereses - ES - Google Forms.pdf

Elected by acclamation2019 AGM to 2021 AGM

ALAC Member

(NomCom to Select)

Ricardo Holmquist

(Eligible for re-selection by Nomcom)

TBDNANANANANACarlos Raul Gutierrez2019 AGM to 2021 AGM

Sergio Salinas Porto

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Sergio Salinas PortoLilian Luque MERCOSUR (SUBREGION D)


View file
nameexpresion de interes SERGIO .pdf

View file
nameSergio -LACRALO Formulario de Conflicto de Intereses - ES - Google Forms.pdf

Elected by acclamation2019 AGM - 2021 AGM







The Vice Chair (Chair-Elect) has certain specific roles, is a member of the LACRALO Board of Directors and automatically becomes the LACRALO Chair after a two-year period.


View file
nameDeclaración Carlos Leal.docx

View file
nameCARLOS LACRALO Formulario de Conflicto de Intereses - ES - Google Forms.pdf

Elected by acclamation2019 AGM-2021 AGM
LACRALO Secretary

Harold Arcos

(Eligible for re-appointment

Harold ArcosVanda ScarteziniANDES (SUBREGION B)

AGM - 2020 AGMLACRALO Vice Secretary/


View file

View file
nameHAROLD LACRALO Formulario de Conflicto de Intereses - ES - Google Forms.pdf

Elected by acclamation2019 AGM - 2021 AGM


The Vice Secretary (


Secretary-Elect) has certain specific roles, is a member of the LACRALO Board of Directors and automatically becomes the LACRALO Secretary after a two-year period.



View file

View file
nameKerry LACRALO Formulario de Conflicto de Intereses - ES - Google Forms.pdf

Elected by acclamation2019 AGM - 2021 AGM
ALAC Delegate to the NomCom

Tracy Hackshaw

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Tracy Hackshaw





View file
nameExpression of Interest - Tracy Hackshaw - Nominating Committee Representative - At Large - LAC.pdf

View file
nameTRACY- LACRALO Formulario de Conflicto de Intereses - ES - Google Forms.pdf

Elected by acclamation 2019 AGM - 2020 AGM (NOTE: This is a one year term)


Details of Positions as stated in the new LACRALO Bylaws


 10. Coordinate the activities of ICANN policy working groups within the LACRALO Board of Directors (see Title VII).

10.a Draft documents reflecting policy positions adopted on behalf of LACRALO, in conjunction with each Working Group Chair.

10.b Participate virtually in meetings where the Chair participates, and after the first year, potentially replace the Chair alternately in ALAC meetings.



LACRALO Secretary and Vice Secretary (Secretary-Elect)


11.LACRALO shall have a Secretary and a Vice Secretary (Secretary-Elect). These positions shall be held by two individuals residing in their corresponding subregion, pursuant to the Rotation Principle set forth in Item 8 herein. Each of them shall hold their position for a two- year term.

11.a     - a   The Vice Secretary (Secretary-Elect) shall automatically become Secretary in the following election.

12.  The Secretary and Vice Secretary (Secretary-Elect) election shall be carried out in an electoral process within the region. The election shall be convened by the incumbent Chair and Secretary elected by active LACRALO


voting members.

As far as processes, modalities, rights, timing and other election-related issues are concerned, the LACRALO Rules of Procedure shall apply

13. The Secretary’s and Vice Secretary’s (Secretary-Elect's) responsibilities are as follows:



13.a.       Perform administrative and reportingfunctionsreporting functions.


13.b.          Maintain communication systems, ensuring the proper exchange of information on matters that are being discussed among all LACRALO members, and perform any other tasks assigned to them by the LACRALO Board of Directors.


14. The Vice Secretary (Secretary-Elect) shall automatically become the Secretary upon completion of the incumbent Secretary’s term, or in the event of the incumbent Secretary’s resignation or permanent incapacity. In addition, the Secretary-Elect will temporarily become the Secretary in the case of a temporary inability.

Elections and other issues related to this position shall be governed by the LACRALO Rules of Procedure.

15 - The Vice Secretary’s (Secretary-Elect's) duties are as follows: 

  • Help with the follow-up of notifications and topics being discussed in the ALAC and ICANN and contribute to spreading information within LACRALO.
  • Receive and address requests from ALS representatives to improve their work within the region.
  • Keep an up-to-date ALS database in conjunction with staff and communicate with the ALSes to ensure a continuous information flow within LACRALO.
  • In conjunction with the Secretariat, ensure the oversight of LACRALO operating metrics and produce reports on regional organizational performance.



Title V - About LACRALO Representatives to the ALAC


16. LACRALO shall elect two (2) individuals to serve as representatives to the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) pursuant to the Rotation Principle and based on the terms set forth in the ICANN Bylaws. Each representative shall be elected at the same call for elections, and because of the preference arising from the respective election results.

17. The elected representatives to the ALAC shall be LACRALO members with their effective residence in different sub-regions.

18. The representatives shall be responsible for the duties set forth in the ICANN Bylaws regarding the ALAC and shall periodically report to LACRALO on the topics addressed within the ALAC.


19. LACRALO representatives to the ALAC shall have a two-year mandate and may not be reelected for a subsequent period.

Elections and other issues related to this position shall be governed by the LACRALO Rules of Procedure.



Title VI - About LACRALO Representatives to the NomCom


20. LACRALO shall recommend one (1) member to serve as their representative to the ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom) in accordance with the principles defined by the ALAC for these positions and the Rotation Principle, under the terms set forth in the ICANN bylaws, and pursuant to the criteria established by both


the ALAC and the NomCom.

21. The representative shall be responsible for the duties set forth in the ICANN Bylaws regarding the NomCom and shall periodically report to LACRALO on the topics addressed within the NomCom.

22. LACRALO shall recommend a representative to NomCom to serve for no more than two consecutive years.

23. The representative shall be recommended through a call for elections, and because of the preference arising from the respective


election results.

Elections and other issues related to this position shall be governed by the LACRALO Rules of Procedure.