At-Large Statement of Interest (SOI) Form

1) Please enter your Name:

Harold Arcos

2) Picture/Image:
(Instructions: Click in the field to the right to open up the text input window. Then click the <Insert> menu button, select <Image>, then choose (or browse) to locate an image file (e.g., JPG, PNG, BMP) from your local computer to upload. After insertion, please click on the picture and adjust the size to no larger than 200 pixels). 

3) Are you participating in the At-Large advisory process (including email and real-time discussions) as a representative of:

a) ALAC (if so, detail the region and term):

ALAC Member - LACRALO 2015-2017

b) A Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) (if so, please detail the region, position and term):

Desde 2014 como miembro regional. // Since 2014 as a regional member. LACRALO Secretariat 2018 LACRALO Vicechair 2021 LACRALO Chair 2023

c) An ICANN-accredited At-Large Structure (if so, which one):

Internauta Venezuela

d) Any ICANN Committee, Constituency or Stakeholder Group (if so, which one(s))?

At-Large, Review working groups of atlarge, atlas, icann. As a contributor during nomcom review.

e) Any other company or organization, whether commercial or nonprofit (if so, please detail the organization and your position):

- Miembro del Centro de Investigación de la Internet de la Asociación de Usuarios Latinoamericanos. (ad honorem) / Member of the Research Center of the Internet Users Association Latin - Congreso Nacional Desafíos del Siglo XXI / Investigador invitado (ad honorem) / Congress of Challenges of the XXI Century / Research Fellow - Círculo de Periodismo Científico de Venezuela / Escritor (ad honorem) / Circle of Scientific Journalism Venezuela / Writer

4) Please identify your current employer(s):

- Marketing True Kingdom - Latam, Cuenca Ecuador. (Headquarter México) - Fundación Red Académica de Centros de Investigación y Universidades Nacionales / Organization nonprofit Academic Network of Research Centers and National Universities.

5) Please identify your current position(s):

- Director Imagen & Marketing. - Consultor de Proyecto. Investigador / Project Leader. Researcher.

6) Please identify the type(s) of work performed:

- Dirección de las estrategias de Imagen y Comunicación Digital de la Empresa. - Coordinación de Proyectos para Investigación en TICs / Project Coordination for ICT Research.

7) Please identify your declared country of primary residence:

República Bolivariana de Venezuela / Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

8) Please list any financial relationship beyond de minimus stock ownership you may have with any company that to your knowledge has a financial relationship or contract with ICANN:

No tengo relación con alguna compañía que posea relación comercial con ICANN / I don't have relationship with any company that has a financial relationship or contract with ICANN.

9) Please identify any other relevant arrangements, interests, or benefits as requested in the following two questions:

a) Do you, your employer, and/or sponsor have any type of material or financial interest in the At-Large advisory process and its outcomes?


If the answer is “Yes,” please describe the interest:

b) Are there any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your participation as a work team member?


If the answer is “Yes,” please describe the arrangements/agreements and the name of the group, constituency, or person(s):

10) Please identify any Working Groups or other chartered teams in which you are participating (include acronyms, if applicable):

GNSO-NewgTLD-SubsequentProcedures-WG; Mediation Process Lacralo, LACRALO At-Large Review Working Group;  Nomcom Review;  At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG); At-Large Review Implementation Working Group (ARIWG);  New Program gTLDs - LACRALO;  Outreach and Engagement;  Member of FBSC (now OFB-WG);  Public Interest WG;  CCWG Accountability;  CWG IANA Stewardship;  Technology Taskforce;  Capacity Building WG;  LAC Space - Project of Regional Strategic;  LACRALO WG Domains and its impact on End-Users;  LACRALO WG on WHOIS and GDPR;  LACRALO WG on IDNs and Multilinguism;  LACRALO WG Governance;  LACRALO WG on Communications;  LACRALO WG on Capacity Building.   

11) Additional information (optional):

  • Comunicador Social. Informático. / Communication Researcher. Journalist. Information Systems Analyst.

  • Investigador en el área de las TIC. Sociedad de la Comunicación. Desafíos para las Sociedades Futuras. / Researcher in the area of ICT. Communication Society. Challenges for Future Societies.
  • Miembro del Centro de Investigación de la Internet de la Asociación de Usuarios Latinoamericanos. / Member of the Research Center of the Internet of the Association of Latin American End Users.

  • Miembro Asesor del Programa Nacional de Formación en Comunicación Social / Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación del Ministerio de Educación Universitaria, Ciencia y Tecnología de Venezuela. / Advisory-Member of the National Training Program in Communications and Information Technology and Communication of Venezuela.

  • Co-redactor de pronunciamientos de alerta sobre temas como: Libertad de Expresión en Internet,, Ciudadanos en Internet, entre otros temas relacionados con Privacidad de Datos. / Co-editor of warning statements on topics such as freedom of expression on the Internet, human rights online, Internet Citizens, among others related to data privacy issues.

  • Conferencista pleno sobre Internet: / Lecturer on Internet:

  • Internet: ¿Cómo las TIC acompañan la vida de las usuarias y usuarios? / Internet: How ICT accompany life of users?

  • Ecosistema de la Internet en Venezuela: Impacto y Relación Actual. Referido al papel de las múltiples partes interesadas involucradas en el Ecosistema Nacional. / Internet ecosystem in Venezuela: Impact and current relationship. Referred to the role of multiple stakeholders involved in the National Ecosystem.

  • Participante proponente en la consulta pública para elaboración de Ley de Infogobierno de Venezuela./ Participant proponent during the public consultation for developing Infogobierno Act (Electronic Government) of Venezuela.

  • Participante proponente en la consulta pública para elaboración de Ley de Telesalud de Venezuela. / Participant proponent during the public consultation for developing Telehealth Law Venezuela.

  • Participante-Colaborador del Hub ICANN-51, estado Miranda, Venezuela. / Participant-partner of Hub ICANN-51, Miranda state, Venezuela.

  • Organizador-Responsable de los Hub Interactivos ICANN-52 e ICANN-53, Caracas, Venezuela. / Head-organizer of Interactive Hub ICANN-52 and-53, Caracas, Venezuela.

  • Organizador del Primer Encuentro sobre Internet para el Desarrollo y la Transformación Social. Agosto 2014. / Organizer of the First Meeting on Internet Development and Social Transformation (IGF-Ve). August 2014.

  • Panelista en el Encuentro Gobernanza de Internet. organizado por ISOC capítulo Venezuela en septiembre 2014. / Panelist Meeting on Internet Governance. ISOC Chapter Venezuela. September 2014.

  • Invitado al Congreso Nacional Desafíos del Siglo XXI donde aportó propuestas de políticas públicas en la Mesa de Trabajo sobre Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. / Guest to Congress of the Challenges of the XXI Century which brought public policy proposals in the Working Group on Information and Communication Technologies in the Information Society.

  • Asesor Invitado a revisión-discusión sobre líneas de investigación en TIC del Centro de Informática de la Fundación Instituto de Ingeniería. / Guest to reviewed-discussion of research lines of ICT of the Center of Computer Engineering Institute Foundation of Engineering.

  • Conferencista invitado sobre Ecosistema de la Internet en la Universidad Simón Rodríguez. / Guest speaker on Ecosystem of the Internet in Venezuela at the University Simón Rodríguez.

  • Organizador del II Encuentro sobre Gobernanza de Internet para el Desarrollo y la Transformación Social. Agosto 2015. / Organizer of the Second Meeting on Internet Governance for Development and Social Transformation. August 2015.

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At-Large SOI Template v3 (Feb 2014)

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