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Image ModifiedIn late 2019, the APRALO Leadership Team proposed the initiation of an APRALO Policy Platform for 2020. After reviewing input from RALO members to the proposal and in light of the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic, the Leadership Team considers this APRALO Policy Forum to be a modest but useful kickstart to facilitate and coordinate ICANN policy-related discussions at a regional level.


The APRALO Policy Forum seeks aims to:

  • Aim 1: Encourage engagement of APRALO members on issues within ICANN's remit  
  • Aim 2: Facilitate informed, inclusive regional position development on issues within ICANN's remit
  • Aim 3: Support APRALO Leadership's participation as a regional partner to the ALAC Policy PlaftformPlatform / the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group
  • Aim 4: Grow APRALO outreach opportunities within the AP region and with other RALOs and ICANN communities on ICANN policy issues
  • Aim 5: Provide suggestions on AP regional issues of interest which may fall within ICANN’s remit

How do we achieve these aims? By:

  • Informing the APRALO Community on ICANN policy issues.
  • Engaging the APRALO Community in At-Large discussions on ICANN policy issues 
  • Consulting the APRALO Community to formulate input on ICANN policy issues.
  • Building the capacity of the APRALO Community to effectively participate on ICANN policy deliberations 
  • Participating in inter-RALO discourse on ICANN policy issues 
  • Creating intra-regional discourse & cooperation opportunities to advocate for individual end user interests

APRALO Priorities for 2023-2024

Area1. Vis-à-vis ALAC/At-Large Community2. Policy-related priorities3. RALO Membership Retention & Engagement priorities4. ICANN operating priorities – top 5 to monitor**  5. Consideration of additional, new topics ***
  • 1a-Continue to contribute towards policy position development
  • 1b-Pay attention to ICANN governance matters
  • 1c-Take greater cognizance of "global public interest" applicability
  • 2a-Increase involvement in DNS Abuse mitigation
  • 2b-Continue focusing on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)
  • 2c-Increase participation in promotion of Universal Acceptance (UA)
  • 3a-Continue with capacity building / development
  • 3b-Build on leadership development & mentorship
  • 3c-Improve participation & engagement, institute activity metrics
  • 4a-OI-4.  Evolve & strengthen ICANN Community’s decision-making processes [**p.28]
  • 4b-OI-3.  Evolve & strengthen the Multi-stakeholder Model (MSM) [**p.23]
  • 4c-OI-9.  Evaluate, align & facilitate improved engagement in the Internet Ecosystem [**p.44]
  • 4d-OI-7.  Promote the Universal Acceptance of domain names and email addresses [**p.38]
  • 4e-OI-10.Through targeted engagement, improve Govt and IGO engagement & participation [**p.47]
  • 5a-Internet Fragmentation or “Splinternet”
  • 5b-Aspects of the Next Round of New generic Top-Level Domains (New gTLDs)

*    Per the 2022 Hot Topic Survey.
**  For an explanation of the above priorities in area 4, please refer to:
*** Per the APF Town Hall Meetings of 10 Aug 2023


Open to all APRALO members interested in ICANN policy-related discussions, by subscription to the mailing list. The membership list is published below.


To begin with, this The work of the Policy Forum will be facilitated using this work space and the a combination of the following resources:

  • This work space, as the central repository for the Forum
  • The mailing list which will be moderated by members of the Leadership Team and supported by At-Large Staff. 
  • Periodic team/small team project/planning calls 
  • Event calls

The ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviour will apply.

14 Sep 2020 

Active Discussion(s)


idAPRALO Policy
labelSubsequent Procedures

Call for Public Comments to the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Draft Final Report (20 Aug - 30 Sep 2020) 

Purpose: The objective of this Public Comment period is to share the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group's draft Final Report and present draft final recommendations and implementation guidance on topics within the Working Group's charter. The draft recommendations and implementation guidance included in this report are the culmination of years of Working Group deliberations and community input that take into account input received through a number of Public Comment periods, including a survey of existing Stakeholder Group / Constituency / Advisory Committee statements from the 2012 round of new gTLDs, a set of dozens of initial questions aimed at getting input on the processes and results of the 2012 new gTLD round, as well as comments on the Working Group's Initial Report and Supplemental Initial Reports. Given that some of the recommendations have been substantively updated since these earlier reports, this draft Final Report is being published for an additional Public Comment period. While the full report is open for comment, the Working Group would like input to focus on areas that have substantively changed since publication of the Initial Report and Supplemental Initial Report and in limited instances, questions that the Working Group has posed to the community for feedback.

Current Status: This draft Final Report is being posted for Public Comment as supported by the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Operating Procedures.

Next Steps: Upon the receipt of this Public Comment period, all comments will be considered by the Working Group, which will adjust the draft Final Report as applicable.

Particular Focus for APRALO: Since the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group's Draft Final Report and Working Group charter cover a very large number of topics, and the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) has been reviewing the development of the Draft Final Report and in that process, has led to the generation of Scorecards to capture/present key At-Large feedback/comments/responses. Given that the public comment period closes on 30 Sep 2020, it is suggested that APRALO focus on reviewing and commenting on just a few topics of interest/relevance to our region, in particular, these 3 Scorecards:

  1. Universal Acceptance Scorecard v4 settled 27 May 2020
  2. Internationalized Domain Names Scorecard v4 settled 28 May 2020
  3. Applicant Support Program Scorecard v8 settled 13 Sep 2020

Other At-Large Resources:

labelLGRs for Second Level

Call for Public Comments to the Reference Label Generation Rulesets (LGRs) for the Second Level (24 Aug - 15 Oct 2020) 

Purpose: To improve the transparency and consistency of the Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) table review process to facilitate the registry operations of new gTLDs, ICANN has developed additional reference IDN tables in machine-readable format, called reference Label Generation Rulesets (LGRs) for the second level. The reference IDN tables are based on the Guidelines for Developing Reference Label Generation Rules (LGRs), which were finalized after community review. These reference LGRs will be used in reviewing IDN tables submitted by the gTLD registries, e.g. through the Registry Service Evaluation Policy (RSEP) process.

Current Status: ICANN org had published reference second-level LGRs for multiple languages. Additional reference LGRs have been developed based on the detailed analysis and finalized solutions by the script community for the Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGRs). Seventeen (17) LGRs are being released for Public Comment including Bangla, Devanagari, Ethiopic, Georgian, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Kannada, Khmer, Lao, Malayalam, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu script-based LGRs, and Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, and Thai language-based LGRs.

Next Steps: Based on the community input, these reference LGRs will be finalized and published for the use of gTLD registry operators to consult while they design their IDN tables.  These reference LGRs will also be used in reviewing the IDN tables submitted by the gTLD registries.

Particular Focus for APRALO

At-Large Resources: Presentation by Bill Jouris

17 Aug 2023 


Discussions & Next Events

APRALO Policy Forum Planning Document 2024 (comment-only mode)

Current Activities

  • TBD

Immediate Past Activities


2024 Activities

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id2024 Archive

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title[27A] APRALO RoSI Pilot Cycle 1

[27-Cycle1] APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Pilot Cycle 1 (Jul-Sep 2024)

Image AddedPurpose: This is the pilot implementation of the project code-named "Project RoSI" aimed at producing a dynamic Register of Skills & Interests for APRALO. This pilot incorporates many of the project's 2021 goals and preliminary work (See: Infographic report Infographic report). This pilot is to open to all interested APRALO Community members who wish to indicate they have expertise and/or knowledge to share on or are interested to learn about selected topic and themes within ICANN's remit in line with the ALAC's and APRALO's priorities.  

Status: Cycle 1 of the APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Pilot is now closed. It was open for participation from 19 July - 13 September 2024.LINK TO PARTICIPATE

Target Aims: 1, 3, 4
Target Priorities: 3a, 3b, 3c, 4a-OI-4, 4b-OI-3

More info about RoSI:  Project RoSI Workspace

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title[28] APRALO ICANN80 Readout

[28] APRALO ICANN80 Readout

Image AddedBackground:  Panelists will discuss their respective key takeaways from ICANN80 and participants are welcomed to join in the conversation aimed at identifying where and how end-users may play a role in any next steps to each of those takeaways. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr, At-Large Leader, based in Australia

Satish Babu, APRALO, based in India
Fidya Shabrina, ICANN80 Fellow, based in Indonesia
Tomslin Samme-Nlar, GNSO Council Vice-Chair & GNSO Councillor, currently based in Australia
Zakir Syed, representing GAC, based in Pakistan
Ian Chiang, ccNSO, based in Taiwan

Target Aims: 1, 4
Target Priorities: 4b-OI-3, 4e-OI-10

Event Wiki:  APRALO ICANN80 Readout

Zoom Recording: EN

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title[27] Project RoSI 2024

[27] APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Project (2024)

Image AddedBackground: Tentatively code-named "Project RoSI", this project is intended to produce a dynamic Register of Skills & Interests for APRALO.

Status: Reactivating. The APRALO Register of Skills & Interests (RoSI) is proceeding as a pilot! This pilot incorporates many of the project's 2021 goals and preliminary work (See: Infographic report Infographic report), but instead of assessing candidates for entry into RoSI, the approach for the pilot is to open the RoSI to all interested APRALO Community members by not only focusing on respondents who have expertise and/or knowledge to share but also to capture the interests of respondents who may be interested to learn about selected topic and themes within ICANN's remit. 

Dedicated Workspace:  Project RoSI Workspace

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title[26] Fireside Chat 5: Internet Fragmentation & MSM (2024)

[26] APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chat #5: Let's Talk About Internet Fragmentation and Multistakeholder Internet Governance

Image AddedBackground: Having had an earlier conversation on Internet Fragmentation in the ICANN context, this fitfh APRALO Fireside Chat will feature moderator Amrita Choudury  in conversation with Anriette Esterhuysen, Senior Advisor on Global and Regional Internet Governance,Chris Buckridge, Independent Consultant on Internet Governance and Digital Policy, and Pablo Hinojosa, Senior Director of Engagement at APNIC. They will be discussing the state of multi-stakeholderism in Internet Governance, with a focus on:

  • What does Internet Fragmentation mean, what are some of the dimensions of fragmentation  and how does it impact especially individual end-users?
  • What role does the At-Large Community have, as part of ICANN's multi-stakeholder model and beyond, in addressing Internet Fragmentation risks, given ICANN's "One World, One Internet" goal? How can the At-Large Community support ICANN's endeavour.

Target Aims: 1, 3, 4
Target Priorities: 1b, 3a, 3c, 4c-OI-9, 5a

Event Wiki:  APF Fireside Chat #5, 25 April 2024 (with Activity Report posted)

Recording: EN Zoom Recording

More about: APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chats

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title[25] APRALO ICANN79 Readout

[25] APRALO ICANN79 Readout

Image AddedBackground:  Panelists will discuss their respective key takeaways from ICANN79 and participants are welcomed to join in the conversation aimed at identifying where and how end-users may play a role in any next steps to each of those takeaways. 

Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair, based in India

Aris Ignacio, APRALO Vice Chair, based in Philippines
Manju Chen, GNSO Councilor representing NCSG, based in Taiwan
Pranav Bhaskar Twari, ICANN79 Fellow, based in India
Dr Shamsuzzoha, representing GAC Bangladesh, based in Bangladesh
Russell Deka T Harada, ccNSO, based in Papua New Guinea (PNG)

Target Aims: 1, 4
Target Priorities: 4b-OI-3, 4e-OI-10

Event Wiki:  APRALO ICANN79 Readout

Zoom Recording: EN

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title[24] APRALO Statement - Draft ASP Handbook (2024)

titleNO STMT
[24] APRALO Statement to ICANN Org Review of the Draft Applicant Support Program (ASP) Handbook – New gTLD Program

Image Added

Background:  ICANN org is seeking feedback on the Draft Application Support Program (ASP) Handbook, which has been previously discussed by the Subsequent Procedures (SubPro) Implementation Review Team (IRT) Sub-Track on ASP as part of ICANN’s efforts to implement the policy recommendations on Topic 17: Applicant Support, of the SubPro PDP Final Report, and taking into account the guidance provided by the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) on Applicant Support. An APRALO Small Team on ASP is to be constituted to work on inputs for APRALO's submission to this call for feedback.

The Small Team, which comprised several APRALO Leadership selected APRALO/APF members, had reviewed the public comment supporting materials, identified and discussed comments for consideration over a period of February 9-28, 2024. Thereafter, our efforts shifted to the At-Large, in shepherding the ALAC/At-Large comments for the same, through the ICANN79 At-Large Policy Discussion session held on 2 Mar, and continued through 3 subsequent At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) calls on 13, 20 and 27 Mar, where suggested positions were discussed by the At-Large Community.  The Small Team contributed significantly to the positions discussed by At-Large and many of those proposed by the Small Team were eventually taken up in the ALAC Statement AL-ALAC-ST-0224-02-01-EN.

Target Aims: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Target Priorities: 1a, 3a, 3b, 3c, 5b

Small Team Workplan: [24a] Small Team Work Plan on Draft ASP Handbook

Dedicated Workspace:  At-Large Workspace: Review of the Draft Applicant Support Program (ASP) Handbook – New gTLD Program

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title[23] APRALO Statement - IDNs-EPDP P1 (2024)


titleNO STMT
[23] APRALO Statement to ICANN Board Call for Public Comments for the IDNs-EPDP Phase 1 Final Report, February 2024Image Added

Background: APRALO seeks to respond to the Public Comment proceeding that is seeking input on the Phase 1 Final Report Recommendations from the GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) for ICANN Board Consideration. After deliberations at the APF call of 13 Feb 2024, it was determined that no statement was needed.

Target Aims: 1, 2, 3
Target Priorities: 2b, 3a, 3c, 5b

Event Wiki: APF Call, 13 Feb 2024

Dedicated Workspace:  IDNs-EPDP Phase 1 Statement Googledoc


Activity & Meeting Archives

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APRALO Policy Forum Discussions Archive 2020-2024


Annual Reports



Staff Support Lead: Gisella Gruber

Proposed Project(s)

  1. Regional Inventory of Skills and Interests
  2. Regional Hot Topics Survey 2020


Staff Support Lead:

Mailing list: 

To subscribe to the APRALO Policy Forum mailing list (or read the archives / manage your subscription) please send a request to



Membership Current membership of the APRALO Policy Forum comprises: 

Date Joined / (Resigned


Justine ChewALAC Member/Co-Chair16 Sep 2020Justine Chew SOISatish BabuAPRALO Chair/Co-Chair16 Sep 2020Lianna GalstyanAPRALO Vice-Chair16 Sep 2020Ali AlMeshalOutgoing APRALO Vice-Chair and ATLAS III Ambassador 16 Sep 2020Nadira AlarajIncoming APRALO Vice-Chair and ATLAS III Ambassador 16 Sep 2020Maureen HilyardALAC Chair16 Sep 2020Holly RaicheALAC Member16 Sep 2020Aisyah ShakirahATLAS III Ambassador Amir QayyumATLAS III Ambassador Bikram ShresthaATLAS III Ambassador Gunela AstbrinkATLAS III Ambassador Hanan KhatibATLAS III Ambassador Kristina HakobyanATLAS III Ambassador Md Jahangir HossainATLAS III Ambassador Prateek PathakATLAS III Ambassador Priyatosh JanaATLAS III Ambassador Shreedeep RayamajhiATLAS III Ambassador Sivasubramanian MuthusamyATLAS III Ambassador Suhaidi Hassan ATLAS III Ambassador Mohammad Kawsar Uddin Wintrop YuFouad BajwaNarine KhachatryanGopal Tadepalli


)Subscribed to the Mailing list

1. Shah Zahidur Rahman (Chair, as of 15.08.2024)

2. Justine Chew (Former Chair, RoSI Project Lead)04.01.2024(tick)
3. Amrita Choudhury04.01.2024(tick)
4. Cheryl Langdon-Orr04.01.2024(tick)
5. Gopal Tadepalli 04.01.2024(tick)
6. K. Mohan Raidu04.01.2024(tick)
7. Nitin Walia04.01.2024(tick)

8. Nazmul Hasan Majumder


9. Fouad Bajwa


10. Vipul Gautam 


11. Houda Chihi (non APRALO member)


12. Udeep Baral


13. Phyo Thiri


14. Kong Diep


15. Ashirwad Tripathy 


16. Nabeel Yasin


17. Laxmi Prasad Yadav


18. Maureen Hilyard


19. Jasmine Ko 


20. Prateek Pathak


21. Muhammad Umair Ali 


22. Iqra Ejaz Bhatti


23. Ashrafur Rahman Piaus 


24. Priyatosh Jana


25. Suhaidi Hassan


26. Harisa Shahid 


27. Holly Raiche


28. Fidya Shabrina


29. Bibek Silwal


30. Mabda Haerunnisa Fajrilla Sidiq


31. Faheem Soomro


32. Satish Babu


33. Mohammad Abdul Haque Anu


34. Shehab Karman


35. Adarsh Bu


36. Barkha Manral 


37. Mohammad Kawsar Uddin


38. Charles Mok


39. Juliana Harsianti



40. Muhammad Shabbir



41. Pranav Bhaskar Tiwari



Past Membership

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Justine Chew (Chair)Md Toufik HayderLaxmi Prasad Yadav Bibek SilwalSuhaidi Hassan
Shreedeep Rayamajhi (Former Chair)Kashif AdeelRao Naveed Bin Rais Udeep BaralPriyatosh Jana
Amrita ChoudhuryAyesha IftikharFouad BajwaSamik KharelAbhishek Gautam
Nabeel YasinMohammad Kawsar UddinShidul Alam Kaisar Jaewon SonFaheem Soomro
Dr. N.Sudha BhuvaneswariMd. Jahangir HossainStacy GildenstonAmir Qayyum
Asyraf Mierza Abd RahmaEranga SamararathnaNamra NaseerAbdul Ghayoor Bawary

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Justine Chew (Co-Chair)Satish Babu (Co-Chair)Maureen HilyardAris IgnacioNadira Alaraj
Holly RaicheGunela AstbrinkPriyatosh JanaKristina HakobyanAzatullah Dawoodzai
Fouad BajwaGopal TadepalliCheryl Langdon-OrrMohammad Kawsar UddinSivasubramanian Muthusamy
Narine KhachatryanAmrita ChoudhuryShreedeep RayamajhiJaewon SonAli AlMeshal
Mahmoud LattoufLianna GalstyanAmir QayyumWinthrop YuHilmi Ghalib
Prateek PathakAbdul Ghayoor BawaryK Mohan RaiduSuhaidi Hassan

