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2020 LACRALO ALAC member election /2020 eleccion del miembro del ALAC


IMPORTANT: The process for posting nominations is as follows:


5) For specific requirements applicable to this election, please see wiki:   2020 LACRALO Rules applicable to votes

LACRALO Selection Timetable for 2020*: (TBC)

  • 27 April 2020 -  Announcement of call for nominations and Nominee's Statement.* (Except for NARALO that requires a 30 day call for nomination.)

  • 27 April – 8 May 2020 - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 10 working days). 

  • 15 May 2020  - Deadline for nomination acceptances

  • 18 May - 22 May 2020- Calls with the candidates if desired by the RALOs. 

  • 22 May - 29 May 2020 - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).

  • 2020 AGM [ ICANN69 ] - Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders shall be seated at the end of the 2020 AGM following the close of the Board Meeting on 22 October 2020.



IMPORTANTE: El proceso para publicar nominaciones es el siguiente:
1) Las nominaciones, incluidas las auto nominaciones, deben hacerse directamente a la lista de correo de su RALO;
2) Las nominaciones deben publicarse en el espacio de trabajo de elecciones, selecciones y citas de ALAC y RALO 2020 o enviando una nota al personal de At-Large.

 Además, todos los nominados deben presentar lo siguiente:

3) una breve declaración explicando por qué creen que son un candidato adecuado y también deben completar o actualizar su Declaración de interés (ver: Espacio de trabajo de nuevas SOI de At-Large).

4) Todos los nominados deberán presentar un formulario de conflictos de intereses COI. (Vea los detalles abajo)
5) Para conocer los requisitos específicos aplicables a esta elección, consulte wiki:  2020 Reglas de LACRALO aplicables a votos.

LACRALO Selection Timetable for 2020*: 

  • 27 April 2020 -  Announcement of call for nominations and Nominee's Statement.* (Except for NARALO that requires a 30 day call for nomination.)

  • 27 April – 8 May 2020 - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 10 working days). 

  • 15 May 2020  - Deadline for nomination acceptances

  • 18 May - 22 May 2020- Calls with the candidates if desired by the RALOs. 

  • 22 May - 29 May 2020 - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).

  • 2020 AGM [ ICANN69 ] - Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders shall be seated at the end of the 2020 AGM following the close of the Board Meeting on 22 October 2020.


Current Holder of Position

Titular actual de la Posición 

Regional Rotation of Current Position Holder



Nominated By

Nominado por

Regional Rotation/Member Countries 

Rotación Regional/Países

Date Accepted

Fecha de Aceptación

Expression of Interest

Expresión de Interes

Conflict of Interest Declaration

Declaración de conflicto de interés 

Results  / Resultados

Term to Serve

Período a Servir 

LACRALO Chair Elect 

Vice Presidente 


vacante *1

Region A (excepcionalmente para las elecciones 2020)*2Lia Hernandez Abdias ZambranoA (Central America and Mexico)


View file
nameLia Hernandez Statement .pdf

View file
nameLia Hernandez COI .pdf

2020 until AGM 2021

(1 year to complete the remaining term)* 3

Augusto Ho Yoselin Vos


View file
nameDeclaracion_Augusto Ho_PDF.pdf

View file
nameAugusto Ho LACRALO Conflict of Interest Form - EN - Google Forms.pdf

Augusto Ho 
Luis M. Martinez Self-nominated 


View file
nameExpresion de interes LUIS MARTINEZ.pdf

View file
nameLuis Miguel Martinez COI .pdf

declined his candidacy 21 May 

View file

ALAC Member (RALO)

Miembro del ALAC

Humberto Carrasco

(Not eligible for re-appointment)

Region B Andes

(Andes:Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela)

Tracy Hackshaw

This candidate is not eligible based on Section 8.8 of the ICANN Bylaws.

Bartlett MorganC (Caribbean)


View file
nameTracy Hackshaw EOI .pdf

View file
nameTRACY LACRALO Conflict of Interest Form - EN - Google Forms.pdf

This candidate is not eligible based on Section 8.8 of the ICANN Bylaws.2020 AGM to 2022 AGM

ALAC Delegate to the NomCom**

Delegado del ALAC ante el NomCom

Tracy Hackshaw

(Not eligible for re-appointment)

C (Caribbean)Vanda ScarteziniSylvia Herlein LeiteRegion D (Mercosur: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay).


View file
nameVanda Scartezini SOI - LACRALO NomCom 2020.pdf

View file
nameVanda COI .pdf
Vanda Scartezini by acclamation. Vanda's name will be sent to the ALAC. 2020 AGM - 2021 AGM (NOTE: This is a one year term)

*1 Carlos Leal renuncio a su posición. Carlos Leal resigned.

*2 See: Rules for choosing the Chair Elect this year/ Reglas aplicables a la Election del Vice Presidente :2020 LACRALO Rules applicable to votes

*3 The Chair elect will become the Chair from 2021-2023.


  • Estas elecciones se rigen por el principio de Rotación de sub regiones, implementada por primera vez en 2019 en LACRALO. Ver LACRALO Principios Operativos Titulo IV, artículo 7.2.a
  • Las elecciones también están guiadas por el borrador de las nuevas Reglas de Procedimiento de LACRALO desarrolladas por el Grupo de Gobernanza.
  • These elections are governed by the rotation principle by sub-regions, implemented for the first time in 2019 in LACRALO. See: LACRALO Operating Principles Title IV, article 7.2.a.
  • The elections shall also be governed by the draft new LACRALO Rules of Procedures developed by the Governance WG. 
  • A candidate can be nominated by any member of LACRALO but the nominated candidates must be members of the ALS located in the corresponding subregion. LACRALO Observers cannot nominate or be nominated.
  • Un candidato puede ser nominado por cualquier miembro de LACRALO, pero los candidatos nominados deben ser miembros de la ALS localizada en la subregión correspondiente. Observadores de LACRALO no pueden nominar o ser nominados.
  • For specific rules and requirements/Para reglas especificas y requisitos ver : 2020 LACRALO Rules applicable to votes

No one who is currently serving on the Nominating Committee may be nominated for the ALAC. See


The ICANN Bylaws require that the ALAC, in consultation with the RALOs, appoints five voting members of the NomCom, one per ICANN region. Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, starting at the close of the 2019 Annual General Meeting and ending at the 2020 Annual General Meeting, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws

  • XI-2.4.e The ALAC shall, after consultation with each RALO, annually appoint five voting delegates (no two of whom shall be citizens of countries in the same Geographic Region, as defined according to Section 5 of Article VI to the Nominating Committee.
  • VII-3.1 Each voting delegate shall serve a one-year term. A delegate may serve at most two successive one-year terms, after which at least two years must elapse before the individual is eligible to serve another term.

Voting delegate to the NomCom may not serve more than two consecutive terms.

IMPORTANT: Criteria for NomCom Delegates

The NomCom is responsible for selecting members of the ICANN Board, ALAC, ccNSO and GNSO. This is a very important function and all candidates should meet important criteria.

  • Familiarity with the ICANN groups to which the NomCom appoints (Board, ALAC, GNSO, ccNSO).
  • Ability to judge people (such as when interviewing and hiring).
  • Comfortable and preferably fluent with English (listening, reading, speaking).
  • Good on-line skills such as on Google & Social media
  • Time Commitment - Must be willing to devote substantial time under tight deadlines (March-June). Will involve travel to up to 4 meetings.
  • Ability work in a group environment, standing up for what you believe in a discussion with other "strong" people, but at the same time, must be a good listener and be willing to change your mind if someone else has a good argument. Diplomacy is important.

RALOs may recommend one or more candidates to the ALAC. The appointment if NomCom delegates is carried out by the ALAC. Therefore, RALO recommendations are not binding.

NOTE: LACRALO rotation per regions rules apply to the LACRALO NOMCOM election.


Los Estatutos de la ICANN requieren que el ALAC, en consulta con las RALO, designe a cinco miembros con derecho a voto del NomCom, uno por región de la ICANN. Los miembros con derecho a voto del NomCom son nombrados por un período de un año, comenzando al cierre de la Asamblea General Anual de 2019 y terminando en la Reunión General Anual de 2020, y pueden ser reelegidos por un período adicional de un año sujeto al requisito bajo los estatutos de la ICANN.

XI-2.4.e El ALAC, después de consultar con cada RALO, nombrará anualmente cinco delegados con derecho a voto (ninguno de los cuales deberá ser ciudadano de países de la misma Región Geográfica, según se define de acuerdo con la Sección 5 del Artículo VI del Comité de Nominaciones).
VII-3.1 Cada delegado con derecho a voto deberá cumplir un período de un año. Un delegado puede servir como máximo dos mandatos sucesivos de un año, después de los cuales deben transcurrir al menos dos años antes de que el individuo sea elegible para cumplir otro mandato.

El delegado con derecho a voto en el NomCom no podrá cumplir más de dos mandatos consecutivos.

IMPORTANTE: Criterios para los delegados del NomCom

El NomCom es responsable de seleccionar a los miembros de la Junta de ICANN, ALAC, ccNSO y GNSO. Esta es una función muy importante y todos los candidatos deben cumplir con criterios importantes.

  • Familiaridad con los grupos de ICANN a los que nombra el NomCom (Junta, ALAC, GNSO, ccNSO).
  • Capacidad para juzgar a las personas (como al entrevistar y contratar).
  • Cómodo y preferiblemente fluido con inglés (escuchar, leer, hablar).
  • Buenas habilidades en línea, como en Google y las redes sociales.
  • Compromiso de tiempo: debe estar dispuesto a dedicar un tiempo considerable en plazos ajustados (marzo-junio). Implicará viajar hasta 4 reuniones.
  • La capacidad de trabajar en un ambiente grupal, defendiendo lo que crees en una discusión con otras personas "fuertes", pero al mismo tiempo, debe ser un buen oyente y estar dispuesto a cambiar de opinión si alguien más tiene un buen argumento. La diplomacia es importante.
  • Los RALO pueden recomendar uno o más candidatos al ALAC. El nombramiento si los delegados de NomCom es realizado por el ALAC. Por lo tanto, las recomendaciones RALO no son vinculantes

Los RALO pueden recomendar uno o más candidatos al ALAC. El nombramiento si los delegados de NomCom es realizado por el ALAC. Por lo tanto, las recomendaciones RALO no son vinculantes.

NOTE: Las reglas de rotación por regiones se aplican a la elección del representante de LACRALO ante el NOMCOM.

Conflict of Interest form

All Nominees shall submit a Conflicts of Interest form COI*, in accordance to LACRALO operating principles, Article 7.1 - LACRALO Members who are interested in running for leadership positions shall:

a) State that they do not have any of the following conflicts of interest, which are incompatible with LACRALO leadership positions:

  • Have a close family relationship with ICANN employees (parents, siblings, spouses, partners, children);
  • Be under a financial contract with ICANN;
  • Hold leadership positions in registries, registrars, ISPs or the chambers that specifically represent these business interests;
  • Be in a decision-making position on behalf of a government (e.g. a Minister of State, Deputy Minister, Secretary, or equivalent position);
  • Act as a country representative to the GAC (or other Advisory Committees/Supporting Organizations).

b) Declare other possible conflicts of interest and explain how they will handle these conflicts once they take their leadership position in LACRALO.

Formulario de conflicto de intereses

Todos los nominados deberán presentar un formulario de conflictos de intereses COI *, de conformidad con los principios operativos de LACRALO, Artículo 7.1 - Los miembros de LACRALO que estén interesados ​​en postularse para puestos de liderazgo deberán:

a) Indique que no tienen ninguno de los siguientes conflictos de intereses, que son incompatibles con las posiciones de liderazgo de LACRALO:

  • Tener una relación familiar cercana con los empleados de ICANN (padres, hermanos, cónyuges, parejas, hijos);
  • Estar bajo un contrato financiero con ICANN;
  • Mantener posiciones de liderazgo en registros, registradores, ISP o las cámaras que representan específicamente estos intereses comerciales;
  • Estar en una posición de toma de decisiones en nombre de un gobierno (por ejemplo, un Ministro de Estado, Viceministro, Secretario o una posición equivalente);
  • Actuar como representante de un país en el GAC (u otros comités asesores / organizaciones de apoyo).

b) Declare otros posibles conflictos de intereses y explique cómo manejarán estos conflictos una vez que tomen su posición de liderazgo en


2020 until AGM 2021

(1 year to complete the remaining term)


ALAC Member (RALO)


Humberto Carrasco

(Not eligible for re-appointment)


Region B Andes

(Andes:Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela)


Tracy Hackshaw

(Not eligible for re-appointment)



  • Estas elecciones se rigen por el principio de Rotación de sub regiones, implementada por primera vez en 2019 en LACRALO. Ver LACRALO Principios Operativos Titulo IV, artículo 7.2.a
  • Las elecciones también están guiadas por el borrador de las nuevas Reglas de Procedimiento de LACRALO desarrolladas por el Grupo de Gobernanza.
  • These elections are governed by the rotation principle by sub-regions, implemented for the first time in 2019 in LACRALO. See: LACRALO Operating Principles Title IV, article 7.2.a.
  • The elections shall also be governed by the draft new LACRALO Rules of Procedures developed by the Governance WG. 
  • A candidate can be nominated by any member of LACRALO but the nominated candidates must be members of the ALS located in the corresponding subregion. LACRALO Observers cannot nominate or be nominated.
  • Un candidato puede ser nominado por cualquier miembro de LACRALO, pero los candidatos nominados deben ser miembros de la ALS localizada en la subregión correspondiente. Observadores de LACRALO no pueden nominar o ser nominados.

For specific rules and requirements/Para reglas especificas y requisitos ver : 2020 LACRALO Rules applicable to votes

No one who is currently serving on the Nominating Committee may be nominated for the ALAC. See


The ICANN Bylaws require that the ALAC, in consultation with the RALOs, appoints five voting members of the NomCom, one per ICANN region. Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, starting at the close of the 2019 Annual General Meeting and ending at the 2020 Annual General Meeting, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws

  • XI-2.4.e The ALAC shall, after consultation with each RALO, annually appoint five voting delegates (no two of whom shall be citizens of countries in the same Geographic Region, as defined according to Section 5 of Article VI to the Nominating Committee.
  • VII-3.1 Each voting delegate shall serve a one-year term. A delegate may serve at most two successive one-year terms, after which at least two years must elapse before the individual is eligible to serve another term.

Voting delegate to the NomCom may not serve more than two consecutive terms.


  • Familiarity with the ICANN groups to which the NomCom appoints (Board, ALAC, GNSO, ccNSO).
  • Ability to judge people (such as when interviewing and hiring).
  • Comfortable and preferably fluent with English (listening, reading, speaking).
  • Good on-line skills such as on Google & Social media
  • Time Commitment - Must be willing to devote substantial time under tight deadlines (March-June). Will involve travel to up to 4 meetings.
  • Ability work in a group environment, standing up for what you believe in a discussion with other "strong" people, but at the same time, must be a good listener and be willing to change your mind if someone else has a good argument. Diplomacy is important.

RALOs may recommend one or more candidates to the ALAC. The appointment if NomCom delegates is carried out by the ALAC. Therefore, RALO recommendations are not bindi

Conflict of Interest form

All Nominees shall submit a Conflicts of Interest form COI*, in accordance to LACRALO operating principles, Article 7.1 - LACRALO Members who are interested in running for leadership positions shall:

a) State that they do not have any of the following conflicts of interest, which are incompatible with LACRALO leadership positions:

  • Have a close family relationship with ICANN employees (parents, siblings, spouses, partners, children);
  • Be under a financial contract with ICANN;
  • Hold leadership positions in registries, registrars, ISPs or the chambers that specifically represent these business interests;
  • Be in a decision-making position on behalf of a government (e.g. a Minister of State, Deputy Minister, Secretary, or equivalent position);
  • Act as a country representative to the GAC (or other Advisory Committees/Supporting Organizations).

b) Declare other possible conflicts of interest and explain how they will handle these conflicts once they take their leadership position in LACRALO.

