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2024-01-18 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  Silvia Vivanco to add the Continuous Improvement Program to the OFB-WG agendas as a standing item. 
  •  Heidi Ullrich to contact all FY25 AFR proposals that are seen to be outreach-focused, to contact their RALO leadership to decided whether they should submit the proposal to their regional GSE teams. 

2024-01-11 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  The next call will focus on the review of submissions of AFRs and the review of the 2 public comments docs.

2023-12-21 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  Silvia Vivancowill send the note with the New process for FY25 At-Large Funding requests to  ALAC member and RALO leaders 
  •  Michelle Desmyter will send a doodle to the OFB to set up the January 2024 call and to set a rotating schedule.

2023-12-14 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  Silvia Vivanco and Claudia Ruiz to create a poll on the 11 priorities in the ICANN OP&B and ask the ALAC and RALO leaders to select their top 3. The poll will be sent ASAP  and will close on Monday 18 December COB. 
  •  The WG agreed on the proposed timeline for both Public comments Draft ICANN FY25 Plans  and  Draft PTI FY25 Operating Plan and Budget as follows:  Draft statement 31 Jan 2024, Final Statement 02 February 2024 and ALAC vote 05 Feb-09 Feb 2024. 

2023-11-09 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

2023-10-05 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

On the Two Board questions to the ALAC:


    Ricardo Holmquist  was tasked as responder to the Board for the ALAC on the two questions.

  •  Claudia Ruiz to create a Google doc for the ALAC responses to the questions from the Board to the ALAC during the Board meeting with the ALAC at ICANN78.
  •  Heidi Ullrich to send the Google doc to the  ALAC, CPWG and OFB-WG members to add content for the ALAC responses.
  •  Jonathan Zuck Holly Raiche , Ricardo Holmquist and Marita Moll to review and finalize the ALAC responses and identify speakers. 

On the Holistic Review PC :

  •  Claudia Ruiz to create the Google doc for the development of the ALAC input to the HR TOR. 

    For the Holistic Review, a small working team Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Bill Jouris,  Vanda Scartezini, Daniel Khauka Nanghaka, and  Sebastien Bachollet  will be formed to develop the initial talking points.

  •  In the immediate post ICANN78 period, a call of the ALAC/CPWG/OFB will be held  to review the talking points. Following the call, the small WT to develop draft text for the ALAC response to the Public Comment
  •  Heidi Ullrich and Claudia Ruiz to add a standing item on the HR TOR on the CPWG as long as the public comment is open. 

ICANN 78 Agenda :

  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr will use the Holistic Review  TOR slide on the At-Large Talking Points for the OFB-WG update on the TOR Agenda item. 

2023-06-06 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

2023-05-24 call

  •  Heidi Ullrichwill open a wiki page on ALAC Nomcom Rebalancing off the ALAC wiki page.
  •  The OFB WG advice to ALAC is not to provide comment on either the PTI changes to its governance rules ( the only changes are in changing the wording from WHOIS to registration data) and not to comment on the ISPC rules - the decision was that wit would not be appropriate to comment on the governance rules they have drawn up for themselves. 
  •  Michelle Desmyter to schedule the next call for the first week of June , either June 6 or Wednesday June 7 at 18 or 19 UTC.

2023-05-18 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  The OFB-WG will finalize the NomCom2 Review Statement  by Tuesday, 23 May.
  •  Claudia Ruiz will launch a three day  vote on the ALAC NomCom2 Review Statement on Wednesday,  24 May and submit it on Friday, 26 May.
  •  The OFB-WG will respond to question 2 : Do you have input on the proposed  Standard Bylaws amendments proposed to Article  8 of the ICANN Bylaws as well as the Transition Clause proposed for Article 27 (TBC).
  •  The OFB-WG will respond based on Judith’s slides to the following:  a) ALAC agrees with and supports the extension of NomCom delegates terms from one to two years, b) ALAC agrees with an supports making all NomCom delegates “voting” except for the leadership, c) ALAC agrees and supports the creation of the NomCom Standing Committee
  •  Silvia Vivanco to open a Special wiki page to comment on this discussion of the "Unaffiliated Director"
  •   The next OFB-WG call will include the topic of “Rebalancing” and the PTI Governance issue and amendments to the base gTLD RA and RAA" on the agenda.
  •  Michelle Desmyter to schedule next meetings for Thursday 25 May at 18 UTC.


  •  The Topic Pilot Holistic TORs Public draft comment will be included on next OFB-WG meeting Agenda.
  •  Holly Raiche will initiate the discussion via email on  the At-Large Operations Policy Update session with Ricardo, Marita, and Holly.
  •  Chantelle Doerksen in collaboration with a small team will develop the ICANN 75  At Large Operations Policy agenda.
  •  Michelle Desmyter will put a placeholder for the next call tentatively set up for Thursday September 1th at 18 UTC.

2022- 08- 04 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •   On the item of Terms of Reference Holistic Review, the small OFB group will come back to this group during the next 2 meetings. The topic will be put on the Agenda tentatively.
  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr will review the  GNSO Operating procedures to determine if the group should comment.
  •  Silvia Vivanco will setfd a reminder with the  announcement “Register for the FY24 IANA Functions and PTI Planning Webinar” sessions on 11 August 2022 at 16:00 UTC and 12 August at 00:00 UTC.
  •  Holly Raiche to work on a draft  Agenda for the next call to be held on Thursday 18th August at 18:00 UTC. The call will include a presentation on the IANA Budget.
  •  Michelle Desmyter will set up the next call for Michelle to set up a call on Thursday 18 August at 18 UTC. 


  •  Heidi Ullrich and Silvia Vivanco to work with the Planning Team to schedule a presentation on the ALAC results from the Strategic Trends Exercise.  
  •  Michelle Desmyter to schedule the next OFB-WG meeting on 5 May (at a time that does not conflict with other meetings many members may attend)

2022-03-31 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  Planning Team to consider providing more technical support for Jamboards during the FY25 Trends Outlook Session
  •  The Chair of the OFB-WG to consider starting a discussion on the FY25 strategic trends immediately following the FY24 budget review and comment. 
  •  The Chair of the OFB-WG to schedule a Prep Session for the FY25 strategic trends session
  •  Heidi Ullrich and Silvia Vivanco to re-schedule Cheryl's report on the APAT Status on the next OFB-WG call. 
  •  Michelle Desmyter to send a Doodle to schedule the next OFB-WG call. 
  •   Holly Raiche and Ricardo Holmquistto have a discussion with Maureen about the process to prepare for future Trends Sessions. 

2022-02-24 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

2022-01-27 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

2022-01-20 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  Heidi Ullrichto send the link to the FY23 budget doc to the OFB-WG. 
  •  Michelle Desmyterto schedule the next OFB-WG meeting on Thursday, 27 January at 18:00 UTC.

2022-01-06 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  Heidi Ullrichto invite JZ/OCL to next OFB-WG meeting on FY23 budget. 
  •  Michelle Desmyterto schedule the next OFB-WG meeting on Thursday, 20 January at 19:00 UTC. 

2021-12-16 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

2021-11-18 Joint OFB/FBSC Working Group Call

  •  Heidi Ullrich to send the call for FY23 ABRs to the Regional Leadership Team by 19 November
  •  Michelle Desmyterto schedule the next OFB-WG on Thursday, 16 December. 
  •  Heidi Ullrichto invite Becky and team to discuss the ICANN Draft FY23-27 Operating and Financial Plan and Draft FY23 Operating Plan and Budget public comment.

2021-10-07 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  Heidi Ullrichto send a Google doc to the OFB-List to add comments on the ALAC statement for the FY23 PTI/IANA budget.
  •  Claudia Ruizto schedule the next meeting on Thursday, 21 October at the same time. 
  •  Heidi Ullrichto develop an agenda for the next meeting with the main item on the review of the statement. 
  •  Holly Raicheand Ricardo Holmquistwill draft the final statement. 

2021-09-23 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

No Action Items were recorded. 

2021-09-09 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  OFB-WG members to raise the question of UA Funding in the FY23 Operating Plan and Budget to Becky Nash.

    Heidi Ullrich At-Large staff (Claudia Ruiz )to schedule the next OFB-WG call to include the Planning team’s presentation on the IANA and PTI Draft FY23 Operating Plan and Budget on 23 September at 19:00 UTC.


    At-Large Staff (Heidi Ullrich )to send a reminder of the upcoming ICANN Planning Webinar to the OFB-WG.

 2021-08-26 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  IANA/PTI budget public comment opens 14 September.
  •  ICANN Operating Plan and Budget and FY22-FY27 and FY23 budget are expected to open around 10 October. 
  •  Next OFB-WG to be  a webinar for the IANA/PTI budget public comment in three weeks. 
  •  The meeting at the end of September/early October will be on overall prioritization. 

2021-08-12 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) / Planning Workshop 

  •  Claudia Ruizto coordinate with Becky Nash re additional document and post it on the OFB-WG workspace. 
  •  Heidi Ullrichto add item on the next OFB-WG for a discussion of feedback on the proposed prioritization techniques presented on the Workshop. Becky Nash and Victoria Yang to be invited. 
  •  Heidi UllrichClaudia Ruizto invite Marita to present on the Operational Initiative of the Strengthen MSM - facilitate diverse and inclusive participation as well as Cheryl on how the work of the small group can be utilized. 

2021-07-29 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call 

  •  Heidi Ullrichto post Planning slides to OFB-WG workspace.
  •  Holly Raicheto send note to OFB-WG list on next steps
  •  Claudia Ruizto create a Google doc for the collection of OFB-WG member responses and send it to the OFB-WG. 
  •  Claudia Ruiz to schedule next Planning Workshop on the 12th of August. Confirm time with Becky and Victoria.


  •  Heidi Ullrichto add the Planning Slides from the call of 1 July to the OFB-WG workspace. 
  •   Holly Raicheto invite Marita Mollto the next OFB-WG call to expand on the first priority on the MSM. 
  •  OFB-WG Members to review the Operating Plan and identify which of the top 5 priorities they are interested in working on. 
  •  Claudia Ruizto post Finance slides on the OFB-WG workspace. 

2021-07-01 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call 


    ATRT3 Holistic Review to be included as Agenda item for the next ALAC meeting


    Claudia Ruiz  to link the poll data to next call's Agenda. The Next meeting will be focusing on results of the poll- operating initiatives


    Claudia Ruiz to schedule the next call will be held in 2 weeks, July 15th at 19 UTC, subject to confirmation by stand managing the calendar


     Becky Nash will offer a Workshop on Planning Prioritization framework  in mid or late July or very early August


    Heidi Ullrich to circulate the results of the poll to OFBC WG members

2021-06-03 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

AI from CPWG - 18-05-21

  •  Heidi Ullrichto add the topic of the NA Engagement Plan to the next OFB-WG meeting agenda.  

2021-05-13 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

2021-04-26 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  Claudia Ruiz to arrange a call of the ALAC and the CSG to discuss the 'holistic' review and invite interested At-Large parties. 
  •  Heidi Ullrichto post Marita Moll's slide deck on the OFB-WG wiki. 
  •  Claudia Ruizto arrange the next OFB-WG in two weeks. 
  •  Heidi Ullrichto add an item on the FY21-25 budget and operating plan results on the next OFB-WG call. 

2021-04-07 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  Becky Nash  will send the links where it is easy to see what applications are remaining in the new gTLDs applications pipeline.
  •  Yesim Nazlar to schedule the next call to be held  in 2 weeks.

2021-03-03 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

2021-02-24 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  OFB-WG to consider whether a statement should be developed on the IANA Naming Function Amendment Proposal on the next call. 
  •   OFB-WG to review MSM slides to see which items are in ICANN's remit. 
  •  Holly RaicheMarita Molland Maureen Hilyardto meet to discuss the next steps on the MSM model work. 
  •  Claudia Ruiz to schedule the next call is 3 March at 17:00 UTC. 

2021-02-10 Operations, Finance, Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call 

  •  Next OFB-WG the Small Team to present a brief update on the status of their activities.  NOTE  This Item was removed from Agenda of meeting of Feb 24, by the Chair the AI therefore held over to following meeting....
  •  Ricardo Holmquistto add a brief comment asking about accounting procedures. 
  •  Alan Greenbergto provide text on request an FTE for At-Large to focus on ALS policy engagement support as part of the ARI
  •  Ricardo Holmquist to re-arrange texts moving most important issues to the top. Alan's item on staff #1; Marita's new item #2
  •  Marita Moll to add new text. 
  •   Evin Erdogduto launch vote on Thursday,  11 Feb and submit on Monday, 15 Feb. 
  •   Marita Mollto  present on MSM during next meeting. 

2021-01-27 Operations, Finance, Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

  •  Heidi Ullrichto ask Finance re Judith's question on the use of funds not used in a fy. 
  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orrand WS2 Small Team to hold next meeting week on 17 Feb to start discussing prioritisation for CCT-RT and RDS-RT Recommendations
  •  Next OFB-WG the Small Team to present a brief update on the status of their activities. 
  •  The next two OFB-WG calls to be held 10th and 24th February.  

2021-01-13 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

Comments on draft FY22 budget 


  •  Evin Erdogdu - to create Google doc with table for comments
  •  OFB-WG Members to review the draft budgets - Operations, etc. 
  •  Evin Erdogdu to send the links from the two Community finance calls to the OFB-WG list. 
  •  WS2 Sub-group will develop text to go with their ranking on WS2 recommendations. 
  •  WS2 to present to OFB-WG during the next OFB-WG call on the 27th of January. 
  •  Yesim Nazlar to send a doodle for a 60-90 min call for the small Team over the next 7-10 days with announcement at least 24 hours ahead of the call. 
  •  Yesim Nazlar to schedule the next OFB-WG is to be scheduled on 27 January. 
  •  Heidi Ullrich to schedule 25 mins for the WS2 Sub-Group update on the OFB-WG call of the 27th of January.

2020-12-21 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call

Action Items: 2020-12-21 Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) Call
