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Action Items: EN         

Zoom Recording: EN

Recording : EN EN,  ES, FR FR

Zoom Chat: EN    

Transcription: EN, ES, FR



Co-Chairs: Claire Craig and Ricardo Holmquist

Advisors: Jonathan Zuck 


Dial out Participants: 

EN: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Bill Jouris, Bukola Oronti, Claire Craig, Eduardo Diaz, Pari Esfandiari, Raihanath Gbadamassi, Shah Rahman, Tommi Karttaavi, Alan Greenberg, Ali AlMeshal, Amrita Choudhury, Avri Doria, Hadia Elminiawi, Harold Arcos, Judith Hellerstein, Marita Moll, Ricardo Holmquist, Sebastien Bachollet, Sandra Rodriguez

ES: Sandra Rodriguez Rodriguez, Lilian Ivette

FR:  Aziz Hilali

Apologies: Satish Babu Babu, Justine Chew, Jonathan Zuck, Alfredo Calderon

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Claudia Ruiz, Michelle DeSmyter

ES Interpreters: David & Veronica

FR Interpreters: Dominique & Jacques

Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter


  1. Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)

  2. Welcome and Aim of Meeting and review of Action items - Claire Craig, OFB-WG Co-Chair (5 mins)

  3. Update on the work of the ATRT3 Recommendation 3.6 - Continuous Improvement Program Project (CIP). At-Large Continuous Improvement Program Project (CIP) workspace - Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Tommy Karttaavi (25 mins)

  4.  At-Large Operations and Governance Discussion at ICANN79 - Claire Craig, OFB-WG Co-Chair (10 mins)

    1. The meeting at ICANN79 is scheduled for Sunday, 3 March between 09:00-10:00 Local time

      1. Agenda 
  5. At-Large and NETmundial - Next Steps - Sebastien Bachollet (10 mins)

  6. AoB - Claire Craig, OFB-WG Co-Chair (3 mins)

  7. Next Call - Time slots for new doodle: 16-21 UTC and 14-18 UTC - Claire Craig, OFB-WG Co-Chair (5 mins) 


  • ICANN Grant Program
  • Highlights of the Draft ICANN Fiscal Year (FY) 25–29 Operating and Financial Plan and the Draft ICANN FY25 Operating Plan and Budget.
  • Registration links: 
