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  Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function call on the 14th January 2015 at 13:30 UTC

  Terri Agnew:meeting page:

  Jimmy Schulz:Hi everyone

  Terri Agnew: Action items 08 January 2015:

  Terri Agnew:IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group Issues Proposal Assembly and Finalization Process and Updated Transition Process Timeline:

  Alan Greenberg:Finally in!

  Terri Agnew:• Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal Team (CRISP Team):

  Terri Agnew:At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function :

  Terri Agnew:Last Call for comments on IETF Transition proposal:

  Seun Ojedeji:finaly indeed ;-)

  Terri Agnew:Update on RFP4 activities:

  Terri Agnew:Update on RFP5 activities:

  Terri Agnew:@Cheryl, we are unable to hear you

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Janvier Ngnoulaye

  Seun Ojedeji:yeah  i saw that message too

  Janvier Ngnoulaye:Thanks Terri

  Fatima Cambronero:Stress Test Scenarios

  Seun Ojedeji:from Robert: As the RFP4 chair - I ask that the RFP3b group please also try to identify transition implications. A wholly owned subsidiary would have certain requirements - such as a separate board, perhaps separate budget. How that gets dealt with would need to be detailed in the proposal...

  Terri Agnew:CWG-RFP3B:

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Seun

  Seun Ojedeji:I am loosing audio

  Terri Agnew:Eduardo is on telephone

  Seun Ojedeji:can you add more volume Cheryl ;-)

  Fatima Cambronero:+1 @Alan

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:such IANA operations reports are,already made public   ... Rem member we aware looking at a design for Oversite  not IANA Operations

  Janvier Ngnoulaye:Yes @ Cheryl: we are looking a design for Oversite  not IANA Operations

  Jimmy Schulz:Not only a veto but maybe the right to turn back if we are not satisfied

  Fatima Cambronero:are we discussing the RFP3B or not? sorry I don't understand

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Fatima: yes that's what wea re doing

  Seun Ojedeji:but i thought MRT will be from the AC/SOs?

  Fatima Cambronero:but in the RFP3B we don't have problem with the CSC or MRT, right?

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Loris Taylor

  Loris Taylor:Thank you.  On travel and thought I had the time zone figured out, but didn't.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Fatima: they may be slightly different - ie. take different functions

  Fatima Cambronero:understood. thanks

  Seun Ojedeji:i just lost audio

  Terri Agnew:@Seun, we are dialing back out to you

  Seun Ojedeji:can i be re-dialed

  Seun Ojedeji:thanks

  Seun Ojedeji:okay back

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Seun: we'll come back to you after Alan

  Jimmy Schulz:agreed

  Seun Ojedeji:agree on that @Alan

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:it seems we are all in agreement on these principles...  and Edwardo  remember in an MRT entity we can have / should have seats allocated to beyond AC/SO. e.f. othe unafdiliated ccTLDs   etc.,

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:exactly OCL

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:BTW I have switched hand sets from my phone system since the isues with my audio earlier I think that has helped

  Seun Ojedeji:okay that is clear now

  Loris Taylor:When is the decision to be made on the operation?

  Seun Ojedeji:sorry i did not get response on the Budget part

  Seun Ojedeji:does ICANN present its budget to NTIA seperately?

  Alan Greenberg:@Loris, RFP3b is being convened to discuss option. Nothing further is decided.

  Loris Taylor:Thank you Alan

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:@seun   no it does not present a budget as such costs are disclosed and more called for details exist but it is publication of costs. and a component of normal overall ICANN budget development process.

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Jean-Jacques Subrenat

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I am quite happy with developing/ e/poling an IANA  SO  in a future model. BTW

  Seun Ojedeji:okay thanks...Cheryl that helps streamline the role of and need for MRT

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Thanks Terri. All: sorry for being late, just got back home from other obligations.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes Olivier. a INSO could be what MRT is in an external to ICANN soln.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Eduardo +1.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Re Fatimas 's last question a INSO or RT  solves the need for incorporstion needs

  Eduardo Diaz:I know that naming of an organization may not be importnat at this time but the more we use whatever name we slect to use the more a message we send out with it. Organizations with the SO last name points out to policy, ACs advisory and that is. It really does not matter if they have or not developed policy at all. Sos are not overseeing operations at all (as far as I know.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Eduardo: again, +1.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier about separability: if not absolutely "one of the principles", at least we should keep that option open.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:it is a principle that's already been agreed

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier about "in perpetuum": indeed, as representatives of the users' community, we should insist on that.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Alan: in that case, could ALAC not say "we're not final about any specific solution, but from the user point of view, we consider that..."

  Eduardo Diaz:I think that by having details for how to achieve separativty in the ICANN Internal solution will give the rfp3b proposal big teeths

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Seun, could you please just summarize? Many thanks! ;-)

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Seun: that's what Alan was saying.

  Seun Ojedeji:Yeah @Jean, however there is a saying that silence may not necessarily mean i had to indicate my support in the way i also understand it.

  Seun Ojedeji:;-)

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Seun, you're right! ;-)

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Alan on overriding the Board: agreed.

  Jimmy Schulz:agreed

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Alan on dismissal/recall: agreed. In fact, the Board Chair can contact the Chair of an SO or AC to suggest recall.

  Seun Ojedeji:Agreed, while i remain positive  however if we are not able to figure out an acceptable way to get board to comply then i would say we just have to look at where to shelf the contract in an existing body (with the IETF trust perhaps). So i think while we work on our internal to ICANN proposal we also need to keep and eye on what contracting route will be least complicated

  Gordon Chillcott:I very much dislike the idea of "spilling the Board", for the reasons Alan brought up.

  Seun Ojedeji:I agree OCL, the process to removing the board should be difficult - it should not be easy!

  Fatima Cambronero:+1 @Seun

  Loris Taylor:Don't the Bylaws describe how board members can be instituted and released?  Or will it require an addendum or new provision?

  Fatima Cambronero:I think it will requires and addendum, @Loris

  Seun Ojedeji:lost audio

  Fatima Cambronero:*an addendum

  Terri Agnew:@Seun, dialing back out to you

  Seun Ojedeji:@Loris i think the bylaw will need to be reviewed +1 to Fatima

  Terri Agnew:@Seun, you are back on telephone

  Seun Ojedeji:thanks Terri

  Seun Ojedeji:Perhpaps i should also mention that some community accountability needs to be in place...i don't see for instance why just 1 SO/AC wants to remove its board member, there should be a collective consensus with each SO/AC acting concurrently

  Jimmy Schulz:sorry I´ve got to leave the call

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye Jimmy

  Fatima Cambronero:I agree with @JJ just I am not sure if the decision should not be appealable....

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier: indeed, that is a leverage, at least in theory.

  Seun Ojedeji:Okay i have to leave now

  Seun Ojedeji:thanks

  Fatima Cambronero:bye @Seun

  Terri Agnew:goodbye Seun

  Eduardo Diaz:ok

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:amputation = remedial act ?

  Fatima Cambronero:@JJ mmm for me it is not the same thing

  Eduardo Diaz:So, to me it removing the board is remedial and do not provide for separability.

  Eduardo Diaz:Separability for me is moving IANA fucntions outside ICANN

  Alan Greenberg:@JJS, Yes! gangrene or flesh-eating bacteria are sufficiently serious to warrant amputation.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Eduardo: yes these are 2 different issues, but in the short term overriding or removing the Board could favour separability.

  Terri Agnew:CCWG Accountability:

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Alan: thanks, note taken.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Cheryl: thanks, note taken.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Thanks, I'm going early to bed, then...

  Fatima Cambronero:so when the CWG is going to send the proposal to the ICG?

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Doodle

  Gordon Chillcott:Doodle

  Fatima Cambronero:thanks @Sabrina & @Veronica?

  Loris Taylor:Doodle

  Fatima Cambronero:!

  Fatima Cambronero:Doodle

  Yasuichi Kitamura:yes.

  Alberto Soto: Thanks @Sabrina y @Veronica!!

  Yasuichi Kitamura:i will be in Bangkok between 19 and 23.

  Fatima Cambronero:22?

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Alan, every day is ALAC Chair day!

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Bye all!

  Loris Taylor:Thank you!

  Yasuichi Kitamura:bye all

  Gordon Chillcott:Thank you and bye all.

  Fatima Cambronero:thanks all, bye

  Alberto Soto:Thanks!! Bye!!