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Date: Monday, 26 April 2021



18:00 -


19:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)


How can I participate in this meeting?  





ES: 1738

FR: 85851838

Zoom Room :

Password:  OFBC#12345

RTT Link (subject to availability): []


Action Items: EN         

Zoom Recording: EN

Recording : EN, ES, FR

Zoom Chat: EN    

Transcription: EN, ES, FR


OFB-SC Members

Chair: Holly Raiche






EN:  Holly Holly Raiche, Ricardo HolmquistMaureen Hilyard, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Ricardo Holmquist, Marita Moll, Steve DelBianco, Wolf-Ullrich Knoben, Tony Holmes, Sebastien Bachollet, Justine Chew, Dave Kissoondoyal, Joanna Kulesza, Jonathan Zuck, Nadira Al-Araj, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Judith Hellerstein, Maureen Hilyard, 


FR: Aziz Hilali, 

Apologies:   Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Satish Babu, Nadira Al-ArajSatish Babu, Justine Chew, Aziz Hilali, Vanda Scartezini, Harold Arcos 

Staff: Silvia  Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Becky Nash, Victoria Yang, Alex Morshed,Michelle DeSmyter, Claudia Ruiz


ES:Lilian  Veronica & Paula Claudia 

FR: Claire Camila & IsabelleAurelie

Call Management: Claudia RuizRuiz 



  1. Roll Call - Staff (2 minutes)

  2. Aim of Call and Review of Today's Agenda - Holly Raiche, Chair of the OFB-WG (3 mins) 

  3. Review of Action items - Holly Raiche (5 minutes)

  4. Presentation of the Report on the Draft FY22-26 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY22 Operating Plan & Budget - Becky Nash, VP,  Planning; Victoria, and Alex (25 mins)
    1. Report 
  5.  Discussion with Steve DelBianco, Commercial Stakeholder Group on the ATRT3 Recommendation for "Holistic Reviews" and Possible Areas of Collaboration - Steve DelBianco (20 minutes)

  6. Update on the Multistakeholder Model - Marita Moll (presentation) (20 minutes)

    1. Report back on response to comments re: FY22-25 budget (see: Presentation)

  7. Update on the status of Recommendation Priorities Small Group and

    Small team to present update on the status of

    their activities - Cheryl (


    5 minutes)

  8. Next Call  - Holly Raiche (3 minutes)

  9. AoB - Holly Raiche (2 mins)