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RALORequestPerson or Group SubmittingRequest NumberDescriptionFBSC DecisionStatus

Organization of a Workshop at 2017 IGF in Geneva


Aziz Hilali, Chair of AFRALO 

This proposal consists in the organization of a workshop at the 2017 IGF due to take place in Geneva from 18 to 21 December 2017 on a high interest topic in accordance with the IGF overall arching theme that is not yet defined. The topic will relate the end-users’ perspective in the global Internet ecosystem. Speakers will be selected respecting the diversity rules (Geographic regions, gender and stakeholders)

This request might be part of an overall  At-Large request for the 2017 IGF.


Although this RALO request is submitted separate from the At-Large, it is understood that should both be funded, they are complementary and will need to be synchronized.


Requesting: Travel support for 5 AFRALO members.


Approved for Submission with revision.

Add more details on workshop participants. Add note that this request is part of overall At-Large request for IGF activities.

Request for revision sent to Tijani Ben Jemaa and Aziz Hilali.

 Tijani Ben Jemaa sent final version.

Submitted to the ICANN Controller

Active participation in the 2017 African IGF


Aziz Hilali, Chair of AFRALO 

AFRALO active participation in the 2017 African IGF is composed of:

  • An AFRALO booth kept by AFRALO members with the AFRALO pop-up banner and AFRALO and ICANN outreach material
  • A workshop on a topic addressing an African end-users’ concern to be chosen to match with the 2017 African IGF main theme which is not yet defined

Effectively participate in the African Internet Governance School that is held yearly by APC back to back with the African IGF. Our participation will ensure that the governance of the Internet unique Identifiers will be addressed as well as the governance of the usage of Internet.


Outreach material for ICANN and AFRALO to be used in the booth:

  • USB flash disk containing All the beginner guides
  • ICANN pins
  • Printed graphics
  • AFRALO and ICANN flyers


Travel support for 5 AFRALO members

Approved for Submission.

HU consulted with Regional VP for Africa

Submitted to the ICANN Controller

APRICOT, Kathmandu, Nepal, Feb 2018 – to enable at least 3 members from the APRALO Leadership Team to attend the AP* and APRICOT meetings in Kathmandu, Nepal, in Feb 2018 and future AP* and APRICOT meetings.


Maureen Hilyard 

This proposal is to enable the APRALO leadership team to first of all request attendance of the AP* and APRICOT in Nepal in 2018, but secondly to request that this attendance be a recurring activity, in order for APRALO to continue to maintain the positive and productive relationships that the leadership team has built up over the years within the regional AP* community. 

As one of the first events of the year in the Asia Pacific regional calendar, APRICOT provides APRALO to touch base and to plan with other internet-related organisations within the Asia Pacific region beginning with AP* - a gathering of these organizations at a meeting in between the TRAINING AND EDUCATION programmes offered by APNIC, APIA and other organizations, and the APRICOT meeting itself which culminates in APNIC’s Annual General Meeting. The AP* meeting not only enables related groups to formally meet with each other but also to share information and to encourage greater coordination and collaboration. APRALO not only reports on activities that they propose for the upcoming year, but also get to hear about other regional activities that they can put into the APRALO calendar to encourage attendance by ALS members in the related country hosting the event.  AP* includes: Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG); Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC); Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Name Forum (APTLD); Asia & Pacific Internet Association (APIA); Asia Pacific Advanced Network Consortium (APAN); Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO); Country Code Top Level (ccTLD) Domain Operators; Dot Asia; Internet Society (ISOC); and Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN – represented by the APAC Hub). AP* also meets as part of APNIC’s second conference within the Asia Pacific region.

  APRALO has become a regular participant at APRICOT after Satish and Maureen attended their first meeting in Fukuoka, Japan in 2015, as a CROPP event, This first event was focused on outreach, familiarizing ourselves with the APRICOT context and generally making ourselves known among other APRICOT participants. This relationship was enhanced when 6 APRALO team members (Siranush, Maureen, Lianna, Kaili, Satish and Ali, in a mix of CROPP, APTLD, ISC and self-funding) attended APRICOT2016 in Auckland, firstly to participate in the APTLD meeting where Siranush updated the ccTLD meeting about APRALO; then the AP* meeting where Maureen was nominated to Chair the next AP* meeting in Bangladesh (later moved to Sri Lanka); and then the APRICOT conference – during which we were all able to meet together to prepare our FY17 Strategic Plan, as well as to connect with “down-under” ALS members and other ICANN related participants including Board members and other leaders from the ccNSO, GNSO and GAC.

  At the APNIC42 meeting in October 2016 in Sri Lanka, Maureen co-chaired the AP* meeting with Professor Gihan Dias. Kaili Kan also gave a well-received presentation on the status of internet development in China. The Leadership Team is currently preparing to attend the APRICOT2017 meeting in Ho Chi Minh City using CROPP initially but also self-funding to take advantage of the full AP* and APRICOT programme as well as its networking and engagement opportunities. Members of the LT team (Satish, Maureen, Ali and Kaili) have been invited to participate, as presenters, in various sessions during this week.

APRALO has greatly benefited from attending the AP* and APRICOT meetings. The regular contact with other AP* organizations throughout the weeks of the APRICOT meetings has helped us to build a profile for APRALO which is now acknowledged within the wider regional internet related community. Satish and Maureen have also enhanced this relationship by involving ourselves further on other AP committees, for example the APrIGF and the APSIG. Our attendance at APRICOT also enables us to give support for APNIC, APTLD and Dot Asia who also hold meetings at APRICOT, as our MOU partners, and we hope to create more partnerships over time.

 APRALO would like to make this a regular opportunity to meet with other regional Internet-related organizations, especially those directly involved with Names and Numbers but more so to build relationships that will provide beneficial results for APRALO, for At-Large and ultimately ICANN.

Approved for submission with revision.


Revision  to include policy activities in addition to outreach.

Request for revision sent to Maureen Hilyard.

Maureen Hilyard sent the revised request.


Submitted to the ICANN Controller

Armenia IGF


APRALO leadership/ISOC Armenia 

To organize a course on Internet Governance with program including the IG infrastructure, Multistakeholder model, IGF mandate, ICANN and other I* organizations, their roles and activities, Human Rights and Cybersecurity issues, etc. The course is envisaged especially for students to provide them with solid knowledge of current developments in Internet governance ecosystem.

A comment was made about the proposal being "a little thin" however, we believed that the ALS member did a great job providing the information required in the short timeframe which still adequately outlined what was required. Also another comment made with regard to the Travel Support Section, specifically states that it refers back to the Matter Expert Support section, rather than an additional request for funding for more matter experts as the comment implies. The event in Armenia provides an excellent opportunity to create interest and provide information about ICANN, its services and how it supports the work being done in Armenia through their 3 ALSes, as capacity building for their internet-related community.

Approved for submission with polishing.

Polished version sent to Satish Babu and Lianna Galstyan.

Lianna sent final version to staff.

Submitted to the ICANN Controller

India SIG proposal for 2017


ISOC-TRV, ISOC-Kolkata and ISOC-Delhi 

This proposal is for organizing the second India School of Internet Governance (inSIG 2017) in a suitable location in India, tentatively just before ICANN60 meeting.

InSIG2016, the first India School of Internet Governance ( was a very successful initiative organized just prior to ICANN56 at Hyderabad. Organized by two APRALO ALSes—ISOC-TRV and ISOC-Delhi—at the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, (IIIT-H), the programme was supported by Government of India, ICANN, ISOC, APNIC and APSIG. The speakers for the programme were sourced largely from the ICANN60 community and included Members of the ICANN Board as well as eminent experts. There were around 45 students, including 15 international students, and the community feedback as well as formal feedback for the programme indicated a high degree of satisfaction.

The 2017 edition of inSIG also follows the basic model from 2016 (a mix of international and Indian participants, speakers from the IG community (particularly ICANN Board members and AC/SO leaders), and a 3-day programme at an eminent academic institution.

Compared to inSIG2016, the costs are bound to be higher as travel costs of speakers need to be paid. The number of speakers will be cut down from the figure of 25 to about 15, with some of them handling multiple sessions. Additional funding needs to be raised from existing partners to cover travel and accommodation costs (which was largely covered by ICANN60 in inSIG2016).

The FBSC asked whether this event would take place in India or Abu Dhabi/UAE.

Satish Babu has confirmed that the second InSIG would take place in India.


Submitted to the ICANN Controller

The APIGA proposal for potential APRALO leaders


APRALO leadership 

This request is to seek funding to enable at least TWO ambassadors, selected from within the APRALO ranks, to participate in the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy, in order to enhance leadership capacity within APRALO as well as increase potential for informed outreach in the area of Internet Governance related to the work of ICANN within their area of the AP region.

This event was developed and successfully coordinated by the APAC Hub last year.  The APAC Team independently invited members of the AP community. The APRALO Leadership Team would like an opportunity to suggest their own candidates. If this requires additional funding to make this happen, then the ALT would request that funding be made available to enable two additional active ALS members to this event. This would be perfect for the leadership pathway APRALO has proposed to prepare its Next Gen APRALO Leaders.

The first academy was organized jointly by the Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA) and ICANN, in partnership with regional organizations such as the Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC), Internet Society (ISOC), DotAsia organization, and other members of the Asia Pacific Internet community. Many of these APIGA partners are already partners of APRALO. The program aims at nurturing the next generation of Internet leaders to be the region’s voice and preparing them to participate in the global multistakeholder Internet governance ecosystem.

The FBSC asked for more clarifity and polishing.

Polished version sent to Maureen Hilyard for review.

Maureen Hilyard sent final version.

Submitted to the ICANN Controller

Global IGF 2017

APRALO leadership 

Continuing further with the successful previous IGF initiatives, the APRALO Leadership Team proposes participation of 3 members of its Leadership Team at the 2017 IGF.

The specific activities that would be carried out by the three-member Outreach Delegation, jointly and individually, are:

  • Participate as APRALO resource persons in different workshops. For this, the team members would be registering themselves as Resource Persons in the IGF Resource Persons' Roster.
  • Collaborate and support activities of other ALAC Members
  • Explore, and if possible, plan and execute an At-Large Outreach event jointly with other RALOs present at Genva and local ALSes, if any, with Universities and other institutions. The objective of such an outreach process would be to introduce At-Large (and thereby, ICANN), and to stimulate growth and participation of local end-user communities in At-Large activities.

Although there are uncertainties arising out of the approval process of Workshops at IGF, going by past history it is likely that there would be workshops being organized by APRALO members (there were two such workshops last year and one the previous year). The Outreach Delegation would support these workshops.

  • Assuming we have other RALO representatives available, consider creating an At-Large 'corner' in the ICANN booth to provide information on ALAC/At-Large, its role, reach and diversity to visitors
  • As in the case of 2016, hold talks with AP regional organizations for specific regional collaborative programmes

The Twelfth Meeting of the annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF), under the revised mandate, is scheduled to take place in Geneva, Switzerland, in December 2017. IGF is an open and public forum that brings interested participants from various stakeholder groups as equals, under a multistakeholder process. IGF focuses on public policy issues relating to the Internet.

IGF's open format allows anyone interested in Internet policy to participate. Consequently, it presents a unique opportunity for outreach as well as for networking and interacting with several global communities that are otherwise difficult to contact independently.

Several members of APRALO—including some of the members of the APRALO Leadership Team—have been actively participating in IGF over the years, and have been organizing workshops on different IG-related topics.

APRALO was able to send an official delegation to IGF 2015 held at João Pessoa, Brazil and IGF 2016 in Mexico with ICANN budget support. The initiative was very successful, and the APRALO team was able to extensively interact with members of APRALO, members of the Asia-Pacific Internet Governance community, members of other RALOs, ICANN community members, and the larger IGF Community. The APRALO team also supported the APRALO members in organizing their workshops.

As of now, neither the themes for IGF 2017 nor the Call for Proposals have been published. APRALO had discussed a plan to propose a Workshops, as soon as the call for proposals is announced.

Although this RALO request is submitted separate from the At-Large, it is understood that should both be funded, they are complementary and will need to be synchronized.

No comment from FBSC.

Staff suggest the request should note that is is part of the comprehensive At-Large request for 2017 IGF activities.

Submitted to the ICANN Controller

Promote ICANN’s Role and Multistakeholder approach at the 2017 IGF


Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Chair of EURALO 

A workshop organized by EURALO on the “The Public Interest”. EURALO has been at the forefront of the discussions on the Public Interest in ALAC but also in ICANN, through its working group on the Public Interest and its involvement in the ICANN-wide public interest discussions.

This workshop at the Internet Governance Forum, Chaired by Wolf Ludwig, would explore the Public Interest in ICANN’s remit and compare it with other Multistakeholder systems and the Public Interest in wider Internet Governance. Representatives from the various stakeholder groups composing the Multistakeholder ecosystem will be invited to explain their perspective. The discussion of the Public Interest in ICANN’s remit would act as a starting point for a wider debate that touches on the broader Internet Ecosystem.

Although this RALO request is submitted separate from the At-Large, it is understood that should both be funded, they are complementary and will need to be synchronized.

Approved for submissionSubmitted to the ICANN Controller

EURALO members participation at the 17th ICANN Studienkreis meeting


Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Chair of EURALO 

EURALO requests funding for 5 EURALO members to attend the ICANN-Studienkreis to take place on 24-25 August 2017 in Stockholm. The ICANN Studienkreis ("ICANN Study group") is an open network composed of experts in the Internet industry who are dedicated to organizing high-level expert seminars on issues regarding ICANN development and internet governance. Individuals and constituencies from the private sector, government, academic institutions, the civil society and the media participate in yearly conferences organized by ICANN Studienkreis.

ICANN Studienkreis focuses 100% on ICANN topics.

The ICANN Studienkreis is essentially attended by participants in ICANN’s ecosystem and includes influential participants. ICANN’s former President and CEO Fadi Chehadé has attended past ICANN Studienkreis, as the conference is directly related to ICANN activities. ICANN’s current President and CEO Göran Marby attended last year’s ICANN’s Studienkreis. Other speakers included several ICANN senior staff, Chairs of Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committees, as well as at least two ICANN Board members per meeting. Meeting these participants is an essential part of the experience the EURALO participants will have, an opportunity they will not have as easily in other fora.


Approved for submissionSubmitted to the ICANN Controller

Creating Leaders in LACRALO


Alberto Soto 

This aim of this activity is to create leaders in LACRALO. Oriented to those who have never held any positions in LACRALO, ALAC or ICANN.

It has as a prerequisite to have taken following courses in ICANN LEARN: "Intro to the At-Large Advisory Committee" and "Introduction to LACRALO" (in EN and ES). This will allow for the leveling of basic knowledge required.

The second stage contains the specific contents of creating leaders. Provide participants with concepts, tools and techniques that every leader must know in order to generate competencies to influence their collaborators and guide them towards obtaining the expected results. This material would be developed by LACRALO experts in collaboration with At-Large staff.

Working in collaboration with previous LACRALO leaders, including the soon to be created Council of Elders, and staff, a guide on key leadership activities will be prepared to provide incoming leaders with more information on what is required of them as leaders. 

Program Outline: Foundation and Leadership Development - Project Management - Tools and Supervision Exercises - Leadership at ICANN. All content will be oriented to ICANN's activities. When explaining the conditions that a leader must meet, each example will be with the characteristics of our ecosystem. If the exercise says "ride a bike" it will be on an ICANN bike.

In addition, participants would be required to participate actively in LACRALO policy development capacity building activities so as to develop knowledge on ICANN policies and their potential impact on end-users.

A third stage would be implementation of a LACRALO mentoring program that would match experienced LACRALO leaders with potential leaders.

The next steps would potentially include the observation that from there they are prepared to run for RALO, ALAC or ICANN positions with the best base and only have to adjust to the form of work depending on the position. In addition, they can apply voluntarily to the positions requested by the NONCOM, or as Chairs in the WG without


FBSC requested that this request include a a component of ICANN policy leaders and running LACRALO.

Add that this could be a pilot project for the other RALOs. 

What is the next steps for the trainees?

Polished version sent to Alberto Soto with additional comments. 

Alberto sent revisions.

Staff polished final version.

Staff added component of an external trainer.

Submitted to the ICANN Controller

Challenges for At-Large Community in Latin-American and Caribbean - F2F Meeting


LACRALO - Humberto Carrasco and Maritza Manino 

The activity proposed is to organize a face-to-face Meeting for LACRALO members to continue addressing the challenges they will face in the ongoing discussions in the WS2 issues (post-IANA Transition) such as privacy and human rights. This two part meeting has two aims: 1) The first is to address WS2 issues, such as privacy and human rights that LACRALO members will need to be aware of to engage productively in policy development activities. 2) The second activity that will take place immediately following the first part, is a workshop for members of LACRALO to continue to implement the LACRALO Roadmap as agreed during the LACRALO Assembly in January 2017. This includes a new focus on policy development and the development of new governance structures within LACRALO.

This two-part meeting would take place on the sidelines of a major Internet-related meeting in either the Caribbean or Latin American region. While the session on the WS 2 issues will be open, 8-17 LACRALO members may participate in this event, provided they submit a paper to be discussed at this event. Subsequently, a compilation of papers will be published with these papers that will be delivered to the members of LACRALO.

For the second session on the post LACRALO Assembly implementation, 17 LACRALO leaders would be invited for a follow up to their work in January 2017. This would allow for additional progress to be made in the implementation of the LACRALO Roadmap.

Polished version sent to Humberto Carrasco and Maritza Minano,

Humberto Carrasco approved polished version.

Submitted to the ICANN Controller

Empowerment and capacity building of ALS - LACRALO in ICANN ECOSYSTEM

(Polished version)

Johnny Laureano 

The activity being requested has the overall aim of supporting a more informed and more global participation in ICANN of the parties within the ICANN eco-system. In particular, this request seeks the increased participation of the ALS members within LACRALO through a series of activities focusing on training and engagement.


The primary set of activities would take place at a meeting held in Lima-Peru.


Participants: One representative from each of the 54 ALSes of LACRALO.




1. Review of LACRALO Strategic Plan aligned with the ICANN Strategic Plan 2016-2020, ensuring its full knowledge and discussion, especially the points that amplify the participation of End Users.


2. Equipment for the remote participation of the ALS representatives.

 3. Implementation of paper and digital printed material for distribution in digital literacy campaigns (social action).

Clarification to be added. In its current state, FBSC can't submit it. 

Polished version sent to Johnny Laureano, Humberto Carrasco and Maritza Minano.


The FBSC decided not to submit this request.

3rd Encounter on Internet for Development and Social Transformation – EIDST 2017 (Caracas, Venezuela)

Harold Arcos 

Dos días de talleres, mesas de trabajo presencial y en línea y Hubs en varios países de LAC para acceder a las charlas de los invitados.


Two days of talks with face-to-face and online workshops and Hubs in several LAC countries to access the guest talks


 Submitted to the ICANN Controller
LACRALOTo certify the webinars programed by LACRALO in semiannual or annual form, with a certificate from the Universidad Autónoma de Colombia.EnREDo de Colombia 

The webinars that are being programmed by LACRALO executives or staff may be certified by the Universidad Autónoma de Colombia. This will motivate the participation of the community in the region.

We request two round trip tickets for 2 people designated by the ALS and the University to attend to an ICANN meeting.


North American School of Internet Governance


Eduardo Diaz/ISOC PR 

To organize and deliver the FIRST NORTH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF INTERNET GOVERNANCE (NASIG) two days before the commencement of ICANN 61 in March 2018. This would be a two-day capacity building event to provide in-depth knowledge of Internet Governance (IG) issues to an approximately 100 individuals from different sectors in the North America At-Large Region. It will consist of 10 sessions covering IG topics that will be surveyed early in 2017 to determine and prioritize the topics to be covered.

The First NASIG is considered a pilot event and as such we expect it to be duplicated, enhanced and rotated around the North America At-Large Region in the future.

We are requesting travel, lodging and per diem support for a minimum of 6 speakers which will augment the pool of local speakers. We will strive to find speakers that will be already supported by ICANN to participate in the ICANN 61 meeting in which case only lodging and per diem support will be required for the additional days.

The FBSC recommended that this request suggest add text that this activity is the  1st North American School of Internet Governance and the location will be moved throughout North America.

Revised version posted.

 Submitted to the ICANN Controller

Global Indigenous Persons Mentorship Program in support of Fellowships as proposed.


Loris Taylor/NPM 

Assign Global Indigenous Fellowships to the ICANN Fellowship Program in order to increase the ability of global indigenous to engage effectively within ICANN as well as to raise awareness on ICANN-related policy issues among indigenous communities worldwide.    

This activity is seen as the next step from the 2017 community special request project proposed by Native Public Media (NPM), an ALS based in NARALO.

The work of NPM, the proposer, includes the engagement of U.S. Tribal members into the policy-making and rulemaking processes of broadband and Internet policies.  The multi-pronged strategies of NPM include education, awareness building, and training of U.S. Tribal constituents on broadband deployment, broadband infrastructure funding, access, adoption, and use.  The participation of Tribal fellows in the FY17 Indigenous Fellowship program is just the beginning of greater engagement and consultation of U.S. Tribal Nations and other indigenous communities around the world in the ICANN multi-stakeholder model.  Often invisible, indigenous peoples have been at the heart of setting their own telecommunications destiny and the ICANN Fellowship opportunity supports and promotes indigenous self-determination in the Internet sphere.

In 2016, the first Indigenous Fellows, representing the North American Tribes of Hualapai, Arizona and Coure De’Alene, Idaho, attended ICANN 57 in India.  This first exposure of tribal community members to ICANN was not only eye-opening, it was life changing.  Valerie Fasthorse, is an experienced and veteran Internet Technology staffer for her Tribe (Coure De Alene) and previous to that in the U.S. armed forces.  Likewise, April Tinhorn, spent her early professional years working for the National Security Administration of the U.S. federal government and more recently as an IT specialist for Tribal clients through her personal business Tinhorn Consulting.  Both women, who had great knowledge about Internet access, use, and adoption were able to build on that base by learning about ICANN’s Internet multi-stakeholder work that reaches across the globe directly to diverse end-users and governments.  They continue to present to Tribal communities within the US on their experiences and the work of ICANN.

To make the most of the generous opportunity via ICANN, vested global indigenous mentors are paramount in bridging the importance of ICANN’s work to that of indigenous communities around the world.  Mentors must be able to continue and bridge the work post ICANN Fellowship engagement if the program is to remain meaningful and relevant. 

Requesting: Staff support, Meeting Room at ICANN Meeting and Travel support for four Indigenous Fellows and two indigenous mentors per conference @ three FY 2018 ICANN Conferences (4X3=12 Fellows):

  1. Air Travel
  2. Lodging
  3. Meals
  4. Passport/Visa
  5. Ground transportation


Request has been updated to be more global in nature.

Sent to Loris Taylor for review.

Loris Taylor responded with final version.

FBSC to consider making this an ALAC request.


Demystifying our tools: getting comfortable with videoconferencing

(Request will be handled under normal staff support)

Marita Moll/Telecommunities Canada 

ALS groups in Canada are thinly spread around the country. Within these groups, members are often also interacting at a distance. Under these circumstances, it becomes very hard to maintain cohesion within groups. This proposal suggests a train the trainers model of raising awareness/familiarity with videoconferencing tools to help groups communicate more effectively. For ALS to ALS communication, the Adobe Connect platform is already available to them, but apparently it is rarely used outside of ICANN scheduled meetings. For individual ALS groups, they may need to gain more familiarity with Skype, Zoom or other platforms to enable them to move information about ICANN and its activities to the edges. This proposal would begin by linking one individual from any interested ALS with a 2 hour training session during which they would learn about initiating and managing/chairing meetings using various videoconferencing tools.

The FBSC asked Heidi to follow up with Marita on whether this request could be completed within normal staff support.

Note sent to Marita.

Marita agreed to have the activities in this request be handled under normal staff support.

Withdrawn by Requestor as activities.

Canadian speakers bureau on ICANN and other Internet topics


Tim Denton and Marita Moll/Internet Society – Canada Chapter The Internet Society of Canada would like to make it easy for groups around the country to find speakers on ICANN's role in Internet governance and the multistakeholder approach as well as general Internet issues like security, privacy and net neutrality. This activity would create a list of experts across Canada prepared to speak to conferences and community groups about ICANN, how it works, how decisions are made, how to get involved.Withdrawn by NARALO Regional LeadershipWithdrawn by NARALO Regional Leadership
