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Yesim Nazlar: (5/11/2016 13:35) Welcome to the At-Large Capacity Building Program 2016 on the Topic of “How ALSes can be more engaged in At-Large and ICANN: an ALS Guide to participating held on Wednesady, 11 May 2016 at 13:00 UTC

  Yesim Nazlar: (13:35) Meeting Page:

  Ron Sherwood: (15:57) Good morning everyone

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (15:57) hello, everyone

  Ricardo Holmquist - ISOC Venezuela: (15:58) good day everyone

  Michel 2: (15:59) Good morning all

  Joseph Mandjolo: (15:59) Bonjour à tous

  Aída Noblia: (16:00) Buenos días a todos.

  Michel 2: (16:00) Le son est très mauvais, merci

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:01) Bonsoir à tous

  Michel 2: (16:01) il n'y a plus de son

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (16:02) yes we can hear Yesim

  Tijani BEN JEMAA: (16:03) Les amis Francophones, est-ce que vous recevez le son correctement sur le canal Français?

  Michel 2: (16:04) Cela commence à s'améliorer merci

  Michel 2: (16:04) Là je viens de bien t'entendre

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:06) Tijani je suis pas sur dial out

  Glenn McKnight: (16:07) No captioning?\

  Glenn McKnight: (16:07) Can i get this  slideshow to convert to a  E BOOK

  Diego Acosta Bastidas: (16:08) Por favor registrarme en canal en español. Saludos Diego Acosta bastidas

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:08) @Glenn - the presentaions appear to be on the agenda page :

  Glenn McKnight: (16:08) Thanks  I will convert and upload

  Diego Acosta Bastidas: (16:09) Tengo cero audio en Ecuador, ni siquiera el canal en inglés o francés

  Glenn McKnight: (16:09) How  does  someone do the  poll from  Adigo?

  Eduardo Diaz: (16:10) @DIego: ¿YA te estan ayudando?

  judith hellerstein: (16:12) They can not

  judith hellerstein: (16:14) Tijani had requested it for the end of May meeting and not this one

  Beran GILLEN: (16:14) hello everyone sorry am late technical issues

  Gordon Chillcott: (16:14) Hi.  Sorry I'm late

  Joseph Mandjolo: (16:15) l'interpretation en fraçais svp

  judith hellerstein: (16:15) @yesim I am here as well

  Glenn McKnight: (16:15) @ judith  note  the discussion on ALS  attendance

  Joly MacFie: (16:18) fb relay

  Glenn McKnight: (16:18) Interesting statement on  'informed  participation"   how do you define this?

  judith hellerstein: (16:19) Is this our new requirements for the future or current ones

  judith hellerstein: (16:20) @gisella @silvia @yesim @ariel. Please list me as being here, I mentioned it earlier but I do not see my name on the list

  Yesim Nazlar: (16:21) @Glenn: The presentations are availble on the agenda page

  Glenn McKnight: (16:21) Correction.   Fellowship is not available to NARALO or  Western Europe

  Glenn McKnight: (16:21) @Yesim  i see that  but they need images and editing before  creating a Ebook

  judith hellerstein: (16:24) So we are discriminating agains indiginous people and others who happen to live in developed countries

  Glenn McKnight: (16:25) I think they also need to reassess the stats for  Puerto Rico which has a serious  downturn.  Interesting one rep from Barbados is sponsored

  judith hellerstein: (16:25) @siranoush, are these mandatory if people do not attend a meeting or wirtie a comment on the list serv how do you decertify

  judith hellerstein: (16:27) We found out that currently attendance is not required for an ALS to maintain its satus

  Maureen Hilyard: (16:28) @Judith. I think that you have to look at ALS participation holistically. Some may be very active in working groups and my not attend APRALO meetings regularly. (Siranush is now answering)

  judith hellerstein: (16:29) Exactly but we were told that we can not exclude any one Nor is any type of engagement.  We feel that ALS needs to get engaged, either in a meeting posting comments, or involved  in working groups but we were recently told that it is not mandated

  judith hellerstein: (16:29) We think like you it should be

  judith hellerstein: (16:30) We thought so as well but in our decertification exercise we were told that we could not decertify a group for that reason

  Maureen Hilyard: (16:31) @Judith.. as Siranush mentioned the timing of meetings and webinars may not be convenient. It is 3am where I am at the moment, Not particularly suitable for everyone in my region, especially if access to the internet is at work because they don't have internet connection at home - access issue

  judith hellerstein: (16:32) Yes but they contribute in working groups or in some form of engaement.  We have people who do none of these, but still hang on to be an ALS

  Maureen Hilyard: (16:32) We engage them in whatever way we can to encourage them to participate in some way

  judith hellerstein: (16:32) and we are not allowed to decertify them

  Glenn McKnight: (16:32) We did a poll to ask people for a change in the times  from 3 pm est and the vast majority said keep it as  is

  Glenn McKnight: (16:32) Our  time zones  are minor issue

  Alan Greenberg: (16:34) @Judith, decertification for non-meeting attendance is not an issue if it is a rule within the RALO, as it is for some RALOs.

  Oksana Prykhodko: (16:35) Hello all, sorry for being late

  Glenn McKnight: (16:35) @judith  we  need to reexamine the  NARALO  rules of  procedure on this issue

  judith hellerstein: (16:35) But if you do not show up to meetings or be engaged in any meeting or working group that should be a way to decertify people

  Glenn McKnight: (16:37) she is back

  Glenn McKnight: (16:37) yes

  Diego Acosta Bastidas: (16:37) Question to APRALO: yu have a fellowship program to the LACRALO'S ALS ?

  judith hellerstein: (16:38) I also have a question

  judith hellerstein: (16:38) had my hand up for a while

  Glenn McKnight: (16:38) I have a question

  Glenn McKnight: (16:38) I have a question

  judith hellerstein: (16:38) @siroaush exactly

  Glenn McKnight: (16:39) i agree

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:40) is that possible to get a accreditation  "a person " as ALS APRALO

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (16:40) a person can be as an individual member, not an ALS

  judith hellerstein: (16:41) Each RALO does things differently

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (16:41) Judith, sorry i was following questions in chat space and missed your hand

  Michel 2: (16:42) Yes

  judith hellerstein: (16:42) NARALO has individual members which are called unaffilaited

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:42) Thanks Siranush

  judith hellerstein: (16:43) @Siranoush thanks. I very much liked your presentation and found it very interesting. Did you have this in your by-laws

  judith hellerstein: (16:44) We tried to make a metric combined of meeting particiaption, participation and comments/questions in working groups, active on mailing lists but we were told that since noe of this is mmandatory we can not decertify a group that does nto engage

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (16:45) thanks, Judith, it was taken from our ROP, so it is there

  Diego Acosta Bastidas: (16:45)  dear Eduardo, what is the ALAC wiki link ?  

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (16:45) the presentation credit goes to Maureen:)

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (16:49) i got disconnected

  Ariel Liang: (16:49) follow us on Twitter :)

  Ariel Liang: (16:50) Like us on Facebook

  Ariel Liang: (16:50) and this is the At-Large website:

  Diego Acosta Bastidas: (16:50) skype please dear Ariel

  judith hellerstein: (16:51) for skype, please send your skype ID so that you can be included

  Ariel Liang: (16:51) @Diego -  please add me on Skype and I will add you to the group: ariel.liang.icann

  judith hellerstein: (16:52) @next gen is only open to univerisity students

  Ariel Liang: (16:52)

  Alan Greenberg: (16:52) The World Bank rules are no longer being used going forward for the Fellowship

  Candice Mendez- Native Public Media: (16:54) Apologies. I will need to jump off this call to join another at the top of the hour. Thank you!

  Beran GILLEN: (16:54) so what is being used then @Alan

  Yesim Nazlar: (16:54) Thank you for your participation Candice!

  Ariel Liang: (16:54) here are some tips how to subscribe to the At-Large Google Calendar:

  Sarah Kiden: (16:55) Thank you Siranush and Eduardo. So helpful.

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (16:55) thank you, Sarah, for participation

  Candice Mendez- Native Public Media: (16:55) Thank yoy Eduardo & Siranush!

  Candice Mendez- Native Public Media: (16:55) *you

  Ariel Liang: (16:56) you can find also find the At-Large google calendar here to check out the meetings that you'd like to participate in: Can search meetings based on keywords

  Otunte Otueneh: (16:56) This CHAT is good for Alses to have

  judith hellerstein: (16:56) That is why captioning is so important

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (16:56) always here to support, Candice

  Sarah Kiden: (16:57) @Judith, NextGen is not only for students. I was a NextGen participant in the last ICANN meeting. Applicants need to be between 18 - 30 years old.

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:57) Merci

  judith hellerstein: (16:57) OH . I was told it has to be people who are affilaited with a university

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (16:57) +1 Sarah

  Otunte Otueneh: (16:58) Can the CHAT be sent to the ALSes?

  Maureen Hilyard: (16:58) @Judith.. I am a real captioning fan after comparing captioning and transcripts for webinar eBooks

  Glenn McKnight: (16:58) Each  RALO leadership has their  own  methods

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (16:58) chat will be posted and available with the records

  Nadira Alaraj: (16:58) Thanks for the presenters & the inputs in the chat

  judith hellerstein: (16:58) Are you asking about Chat on Adobe

  Beran GILLEN: (16:59) thanks this is very helpful

  Otunte Otueneh: (16:59) The CHAT was very good

  Otunte Otueneh: (17:00) @Judith, I mean the presentation CHAT that was used for illustration

  Ricardo Holmquist - ISOC Venezuela: (17:00) as a newcomer, I wish all of you identify where you came from in the meetings

  Yesim Nazlar: (17:01) **Please MUTE your speakers while not speaking**

  Glenn McKnight: (17:01) Hi Ricado  I am from Canada and Judith is  from US

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (17:01) Ricardo, I am from Armenia

  Ricardo Holmquist - ISOC Venezuela: (17:01) @Siranush, ty vm

  Sarah Kiden: (17:02) +1 Maureen. Captioning was good the last time we had it

  Eduardo Diaz: (17:02) @Ricardo: From Puerto Rico

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong 2: (17:03) Abdeldjalil from CHAD and from ISOC CHAD ALS

  Ricardo Holmquist - ISOC Venezuela: (17:03) ty all. I also mean, as a good use, to include your ALS or representation in your name

  Ricardo Holmquist - ISOC Venezuela: (17:03) in most cases it is very difficult to identify someone just for the name or nickname

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:03) @Ricardo - I'm from Trinidad and Tobago

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (17:04) @Ricardo: i represent Armenain Association for the Disabled and ISOC Armenia Board member

  Maureen Hilyard: (17:04) @ Ricardo.. good idea to give others an idea of what regions are being represented at webinars and meeting

  Maureen Hilyard: (17:04) Im from the Pacific - Cook Islands

  judith hellerstein: (17:05) I am from the US

  judith hellerstein: (17:05) + OLivier exactly that was my second question

  Ron Sherwood: (17:05) I am from the Virgin Islands and Panama

  judith hellerstein: (17:06) Is there a short summary of what is happening in each working group

  Bastiaan Goslings: (17:06) I'm from Holland, on behalf of Ithe Dutch ISOC chapter

  Maureen Hilyard: (17:06) @Olivier - our RALO leader answers these HOW questions as part of the ALS orientiation into APRALO

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:06) There's a presentation on communications done some time ago which lists the various communications tools :

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:06) with links

  Ricardo Holmquist - ISOC Venezuela: (17:07) ty Dev

  Diego Acosta Bastidas: (17:07) I losed the call, please call me +593996154300

  judith hellerstein: (17:08) @tijani. It was because you requested it for May 25 instead of this one

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (17:09) we have Beginners guide available and the great presentation info, shared by Dev here

  judith hellerstein: (17:09) I tired to suggest to Silvia for this one but it was too late and also since you has specifically requested it for the one in late may

  Ariel Liang: (17:09)

  Ariel Liang: (17:10)

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (17:10) Yippee @Ariel: going to subscribe to working groups now! :-)

  judith hellerstein: (17:11) @ariel these are great we should put these links into future presentations

  Eduardo Diaz: (17:11) Thnak you Ariel for th elinks.

  judith hellerstein: (17:11) @siranoush can you answer my question re: metrics

  Ariel Liang: (17:11) @Olivier - lol I think you already have been in 10 working groups

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:11) Past Capacity Building webinars have information on engagement, WGs, etc - see:

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (17:12) @Judith: did u post it here? i missed it, can u type

  Eduardo Diaz: (17:12) Great!

  judith hellerstein: (17:12) NO I asked it in my question on the Q&A

  Otunte Otueneh: (17:12) I am of ISOC Nigeria Chapter

  Maureen Hilyard: (17:14) +1 Alan

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (17:16) sorry, i need to leave adobe space but will be via phone

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:19) Very good comments on this call!

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:19) Please keep in mind that there are tools for the RALOs and for ALSes to reach out and raise awareness

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:20) For example, each RALO has an Adobe Connect room for its own use. ALSes can use it to present to their groups.

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:20) Each ALS has a wiki page they can use.

  Maureen Hilyard: (17:20) @Ricardo I can appreciate your dilemma about getting more members involved - I have a small ALS because our population is small

  judith hellerstein: (17:20) The poll is only for those on adobe connect

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:21) There are multimedia sources in the 6 UN languages:

  Sebastien: (17:21) The French is realy poor in that question

  Sebastien: (17:22) Why there is correct answer for previous question?

  Glenn McKnight: (17:23) How do you include the adigo  votes

  judith hellerstein: (17:23) I agree there should be a choice betweeen more than one

  judith hellerstein: (17:24) adigo people can not vote unless they are on adobe connect

  Joly MacFie: (17:24) Sorry I am on delay on fb so a bit slow to respond on questions.

  Sarah Kiden: (17:28) wow! So hard to participate in the voting from Adobe Connect on mobile

  judith hellerstein: (17:28) Exactly

  Otunte Otueneh: (17:29) I can't vote on my iPad.

  judith hellerstein: (17:29) Yes we know that.

  Aída Noblia: (17:29) mUCHAS gRACIAS. Saludos a todos. BuenSeminario

  Ron Sherwood: (17:29) Tahnk you everyone... bye for now

  Gordon Chillcott: (17:29) Bye for now and thanks

  Oksana Prykhodko: (17:29) Thank you bye!

  Michel 2: (17:29) Goog  bye all

  Heidi Ullrich: (17:30) Bye!

  Diego Acosta Bastidas: (17:30) Gracias saludos desde Ecuador

  Silvia Vivanco: (17:30) Bye all!

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (17:30) merci bye v

  Sarah Kiden: (17:30) Thank you