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Chat: AC Chat transcript 09 June 2014         

Recording: EN   





1. Welcome and Roll call - Staff (2 min)


2.7. Elections: Alan Greenberg to check NARALO procedures if the elections can be held in July


NAMEALSWorking GroupIssueWIKI AccessLondon Travel Details
Chris P.Privaterra 

privacy and security issues

Garth G.TC Canada   Flight
Michael M.ACN   ?
Eduardo D.ISOC PR

Public Relations

 YWaiting for TC responseFlight
Thomas Municipal TLD group ?
Chris G./Ogi M.ISOC COEventsImpacts of DDoS and Cyberwar Flight


Evan L.CLUEEvents  Flight
Garth B.KnujOnPublic RelationsWorkflow Waiting for TC responseFlight
Glenn M.FBSCEvents YFlight
Monique C.Communautique   Y?
Randy G.AmericaAtLarge   ?Flight
Alan G.Unaffiliated/Virtual    Flight
Seth R.IPTSHSBA   Flight
Gordon C.GTALUG   ?Flight
Konstantin K.ISOC SFCommunicationsDigital Divide Flight
Dana P.AWV CAP Outreach and Capacity Building Flight
Jonathan A.ISOC NY Open Internet/Surveillance and privacyNFlight
Kerry B.ISOC CAEventsccNSO At-Large Coordination Flight
Neil S.CAUCE Security, Abuse, PrivacyNFlight
Louis H.ISOC QC  Y?
Darlene T.N-CAP


Sarah A.YHY Usability and the individual userN?Flight
Judith H.CAGFayreCapacity Building, Digital DivideYFlight
Yubelkys M.HETSPublic Relations  Flight


5.1. NARALO ALS Spotlight

5.1.1. Joly McFee - ISOC NY


5.1.3. Spotlight Calendar

5.2. Welcome new ALSes: Native Public Media, Open Media Canada, ISOC Disabilities and Special Needs, and VIBUG

5.5.   Developing a comprehensive transition plan for oncoming officers:


7.2. Recently held meetings

7.2.1. Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance (Sao Paulo, 23-24 April) - Following along from the Montevideo Statement

7.2.2. ARIN (Chicago 13-16 April - CROPP) See Glenn photo report

7.2.3. Sixth South School on Internet Governance Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 28 April to May 02, 2014 (SSIG 2014) - Fellowship Opportunity

7.3. ALAC please provide update on request to de-certify Alberta Community Network Association under Rule #16


8. ICANN Functions (5 Minutes) (Communication Strategy III.5)

8.1 Compliance Tracking

8.1.1. The Chair has made a formal request of ALAC to forward a list of concerns highlighted in a December Washington Post article. The full extent of the request is posted within the December NARALO Monthly Report Ongoing Compliance/Ombudsman IssueALAC Chair/Alan G. - Please advise on the status of the NARALO Chair request to publicly notify ICANN Compliance of issues noted in 8.1.1. and the December Monthly Report and discussed on leadership calls

8.1.2. Domain Hijacking/Unauthorized Transfers





8.2 Language and Translation

8.2.1: An abstract of the Naralo Monthly Meeting that we could post on our Web site (or RSS it), including some of the documents produced by ICANN, that we discuss and that would be worth translating to attract attention toward NARALO.


9. Any Other Business "AOB" (2 Minutes)

9.1. News

9.1.2. World’s first braille cell phone for the blind

10. Action Items

10.1 Previously Closed Action Items

2.1. Staff: Please use care when updating these pages. The meeting page for last month was completely overwritten - NOTED

2.2. Staff: Please reorder the NARALO Meetings and Events directory so the most recent year is at the top and older years appear in descending order - COMPLETED

2.3. Staff: Please reorder the NARALO Secretariat Monthly Reports directory so the most recent year is at the top and older years appear in descending order - COMPLETED


2.5. Staff: Please move NARALO Toronto Events Workspace - 2012 under NARALO 2012 meetings and events - COMPLETED


2.6. Staff: Please move NARALO At-Large Elections 2012, 2013 NARALO Selection, Election and Appointments Workspace, and NARALO At Large Election 2014 under a NEW directory called "NARALO ELECTIONS" - COMPLETED


2.9. Staff: Please advise on the scheduling of a Confluence/WIKI Webinar - COMPLETED

2.7. Staff: Please advise on the progress of NARALO At-Large applications for: Native Public Media, Open Media Canada, ISOC Disabilities and Special Needs, and VIBUG