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1. Welcome and Roll call - Staff (2 min)

2. Review of Action Items of


Monthly January 2014  - Glenn McKnight  (2 min) 

3.       Overview of Singapore Meeting

    3.1. TOR and Alternate DNS

    3.2. Accessibility Taskforce

    3.3. Other Sessions of Interest

4.       Outreach and CROPP

    4.1. Updates on Recruitment

    4.2. New Recommendations

    4.3. Municipal gTLD Applicants Group

5.       NARALO Spotlight: Anthony Niiganii – Telecommunities

6.       Committee and Working Group Reports

7.       ALAC Business

8.       ICANN Functions

    8.1. Ongoing Compliance Issues

    8.2. Domain Hijacking

9.       AOB







2.1. Staff: Please use care when updating these pages. The meeting page for last month was completely overwritten.

2.2. Staff: Please reorder the NARALO Meetings and Events directory so the most recent year is at the top and older years appear in descending order

2.3. Staff: Please reorder the NARALO Secretariat Monthly Reports directory so the most recent year is at the top and older years appear in descending order

2.4. Nathalie Peregrine (Staff) The ALS RALO database is to show the date of updating, please advise of status

2.5. Staff: Please move NARALO Toronto Events Workspace - 2012 under NARALO 2012 meetings and events

2.6. Staff: Please move NARALO At-Large Elections 2012, 2013 NARALO Selection, Election and Appointments Workspace, and NARALO At Large Election 2014 under a NEW directory called "NARALO ELECTIONS"


2.7. Staff: Please advise on the progress of NARALO At-Large applications for: Native Public Media, Open Media Canada, ISOC Disabilities and Special Needs, and VIBUG

2.9. Nathalie Peregrine (Staff) to notify RALO leaders and the ALAC members when the RALO ALS database is updated.


2.12. ALAC: Please advise on status of formal request to de-certify Alberta Community Network Association under rule #16 of the NARALO Operating Principles

2.13. Staff - With the departure of Matt A. please advise on who would be the contact for automating the NARALO ALS application form

2.14. Staff - Please advise on the status of including Closed Captioning for filmed ICANN Sessions

 2.23. All - Please note the March Report

3. Meetings & Events (5 Minutes)

3.1. Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance (Sao Paulo, 23-24 April) - Following along from the Montevideo Statement

3.3. Los Angeles 12-16 October 20143.2. London ATLAS II 22 - 26 June 2014

3.2.1. ATLAS II Needs list for volunteers. (Eduardo Diaz) Will assign slots to all NARALO sponsored ALS representatives

3.2.2. ATLAS II Public Relations Subgroup

3.2.3. London Fellowship

ARIN (Chicago 13-16 April - CROPP) See Glenn photo report

3.7. Sixth South School on Internet Governance Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 28 April to May 02, 2014 (SSIG 2014) - Fellowship Opportunity

3.8. ADA Symposium (Denver 15-18 June)

3.2. London ATLAS II 22 - 26 June 2014

3.2.1. ATLAS II Preparations

NAMEALS Working GroupIssueWIKI Access
Chris P.Privaterra  

privacy and security issues

Garth G.TC Canada    
Michael M.ACN    
Eduardo D.ISOC PR 

Public Relations

Chris G.ISOC CO    
Alan S.PCNA 


Evan L.CLUE Events  
Garth B.KnujOn Public Relations  
Glenn M.FBSC Events  
Monique C.Communautique     
Randy G.AmericaAtLarge    
Alan G.Unaffiliated/Virtual     
Gordon C.GTALUG    
Konstantin K.ISOC SF Communications  
Dana P.AWV CAP  Outreach and Capacity Building 
Jonathan A.ISOC NY  Open Internet/Surveillance and privacyN
Kerry B.ISOC CA EventsccNSO At-Large Coordination 
Neil S.CAUCE  Security, Abuse, Privacy 
Louis H.ISOC QC    
Darlene T.N-CAP 


Sarah A.YHY  Usability and the individual userN
Judith H.CAG Fayre Y
Yubelkys M.HETS    

!!!Sponsorship Group has no NARALO Members


3.2.3. London Fellowship

3.3. Los Angeles 12-16 October 201410. ARIN (Chicago 13-16 April) - Proposed as CROPP

3.11. Forward any other meeting notices to Chair or Secretary!


4.2. Automation of the ALS Application (Need Staff Assistance)

4.3. CROPP appointees and work


 Aligning CROPP with Outreach Goals

4.4.  Outreach recruitment queue


4.4.4. Chair made official request to de-certify Alberta Community Network Association under Rule #16

94.25. Creation of group to liaise between different municipal TLD applicants/operators (Tom L)
