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  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the ALAC call on Tuesday 28 August 2012 at 1400 UTC
  Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:yes I can hear you. Thanks
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:awaiting dial-out
  JJS:Hello all!
  Natalia Enciso:Hello everyone!
  Yaovi Atohoun:Hello,  I am just arriving in Accra - Ghana (7 hours drive). I will be on mute and fully join the call at 15hUTC. My apologies
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Adobe
  sergio salinas porto:Hi everyone!
  Natalia Enciso:Yes on the audio, thanks
  Natalia Enciso::)
  Carlton Samuels:Good day all!
  Heidi Ullrich:Hello, Everyone
  Carlton Samuels:Morning JJS, good to see you sir
  Evan Leibovitch:Hi,  I'm able to get on Adobe Connect...  At least for a while
  JJS:Olivier, your voice sounds muffled.
  Evan Leibovitch:no access to phone
  JJS:Better, thanks Olivier.
  Evan Leibovitch:yes
  Evan Leibovitch:online only
  JJS:Olivier, could you speak closer to the mike?
  Yaovi Atohoun:Me too could not hear well
  Evan Leibovitch:may have been leave without much notice
  Heidi Ullrich:Alan, which statement was that?
  Alan Greenberg:Sent to the ALAC list last night -
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, will add it to the agenda.
  Heidi Ullrich:AIs:
  Heidi Ullrich:The agenda on the wiki has been updated to include Alan';s draft statement
  Gisella Gruber-White:Action Items:
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:talk about  to little to late :-(
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:we have our names listed i Baku workshops  yet still no knowledge of supprt to attend tal about bad planning
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:a few of us have just  gone ahead  with our part of planning  but ***SIGH***
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and flights are being booked and gettign more expensive
  Matt Ashtiani:
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:maybe we can list it as an action point to await word from finance but move on
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:VERY annoying
  Alan Greenberg:I presume that JJS's question was who would go IF we are funded
  Gisella Gruber-White:APRALO Activities in Baku:
  JJS:Alan: yes, IF and WHO
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:we are going to loo quite  stupid  soon
  Natalia Enciso:Fatima and I are going as ISOC ambassador we can help if you need.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:look quite stuoid soon
  Heidi Ullrich:That is good to know, Natalia. It would be useful to have a list of At-Large members who know they will be in Baku.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:perhaps you will ebd up being panalists in a whole lot of workshops on a number of topics
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:OCL please speal louder, audio from you is faint
  Natalia Enciso:Heidi, just let as know how can we help.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:as many listed panalists  are caught in travel support limbo
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I am trying
  Heidi Ullrich:Apologies for the beeping! We are trying to loacate the source
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:@Carlton, we can hear you
  Heidi Ullrich:Carlton, you have been muted.
  Carlton Samuels:MY apologies to all
  Gisella Gruber-White:Rerports:
  Carlton Samuels:I am on the WHOIS PDP  Charter Drafting WG
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:can someone please mute that
  Carlton Samuels:@CLO:  Glory be, I now know you're  good! You needed the sleep!!
  Heidi Ullrich:RALO reports:
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:+1 OCL
  Heidi Ullrich:One RALO has not sent a report in 2012!
  Wolf Ludwig:EURALO report was posted yesterday!
  Heidi Ullrich:Great, Wolf! Thanks!
  Heidi Ullrich:SAC 054:
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I was dropped!
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:this is terrible
  Heidi Ullrich:would you like one of your VCs to continue?
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:yes please
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:back on in 10 secons
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:back on
  Heidi Ullrich:
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Carlton.
  Heidi Ullrich:. ALAC Reply to Comments on the Draft Statements of ICANN's Role and Remit in Security, Stability, and Resiliency of the Internet's Unique Identifier System  - voting ends on 29 August
  Alan Greenberg:For those with a "2" after their name, you can fix that by clicking on the little icon at the right of the "Attendees"  header and editing your name.
  Heidi Ullrich:ALAC Draft Statement on the URS -
  Heidi Ullrich:Alan, was this not to be an ALAC statement?
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:new gTLD WG working on it
  Heidi Ullrich:ok.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and three of those on the DSSA WG  regularly attend and a key to the drafting of this report
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:so a no comment is OK  IMO
  Natalia Enciso:need a dial-out please
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:AGREE totally with OCL
  Heidi Ullrich:Natalia, you are being dialed out to
  Natalia Enciso:thanks
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:A supportive comment  is eay to do I would have thought
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and will reinforce what I see as SSAC's more roactive and inclusive approach to PC/s on their work (resulting from the Review of the SSAC  BTW)
  Ron Sherwood:I lost the connection (for the umpteenth time this morning) and our chat has disappeared. If I missed anything important please repeat.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:excellent  Sergio  to hold the pen on this then...
  sergio salinas porto:ok thanks olivier
  Natalia Enciso:back on the audio, thanks
  Evan Leibovitch:I support Alan'Alanis
  Evan Leibovitch:grrr
  Heidi Ullrich:Alan's statement on Whois Review Final Report advice to the Board:
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan on WHOIS AoC Review.  I added a note
  Evan Leibovitch:I support Alan'Alan's statement bu t also Carlton s statement comment
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Suport for Alan on this frm me
  Garth Bruen 2:@Alan, amen
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:@Alan - Support!
  Evan Leibovitch:in fact,  I would strengthen the bit on compliance
  Heidi Ullrich:ye
  JJS:yes, heard you Alan
  Evan Leibovitch:Good stuff, Alan
  Carlton Samuels:@ WHOIS AoC Review.  I proposed that specifically with respect to Rec #4, the ALAC advise the Board to cleave  and re-align ICANN Compliance from ICANN Legal organisation
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:est have ALAC Members vote now
  Evan Leibovitch:I would like to suggest adding Carlton 's comment before voting
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Excellent Alan :-)
  Heidi Ullrich:Alan, please slow down for the interpretors
  Gisella Gruber-White:Please remember interpretation in progress
  Evan Leibovitch:could someone please mention my comment into the t record?
  Heidi Ullrich:Evan, we will note it in a moment
  Evan Leibovitch:K.  Thanks
  Garth Bruen 2:@Carlton +1
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:we also made the call during the Public Board meeting in Prague
  Evan Leibovitch:Alan,  we just want to hammer the points home
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:at least i raised it
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:that is in the Report  BUT  if we want to highlight it  I guess it could be repeated  but we need to ensure we say it (as a call out  as Alan suggests)
  Evan Leibovitch:it
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan: I know.  But I am supporting a call-out to emphasize the importance to us!
  Evan Leibovitch:I'm okay with Alan's suggestions
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:friendky ammendment  pending then
  Evan Leibovitch:to add it in the conclusion. It is a priority issue for us
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:it is ESSENTAIL  and a MAIN outcome of the report  ABSOLUTELY
  Evan Leibovitch:yes ocl, thanks
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:+1 JJ
  Carlton Samuels:@JJS:  +1.  I support a timeline addition to the statement by Alan
  Heidi Ullrich:Consumer Metrics Workspace:
  Heidi Ullrich:"The ALAC, after having reviewed the Report prepared by the Consumer Trust Working Group hereby endorses its contents and thanks the members of the working group for their work.Trust in the Internet's Naming System is of paramount importance to Internet Users. We believe that the set of metrics proposed by the working group will help track the new gTLD program according to the requirements of the Affirmation of Commitments and recommend that these are forwarded to the ICANN Board for implementation."
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:obvously the above has my TOTALLY  BIASED support ;-)
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:+1
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:+1
  Evan Leibovitch:fwiw,  I was a very cynit cynical participant in the ccci wg
  Gisella Gruber-White:GNSO Council call on 13 September
  Evan Leibovitch:I am now supportive of the effort
  Carlton Samuels:@ALAC Statement on Consumer Metrics Report: +1
  Alan Greenberg:Next GNSO COuncil meeting is on Sept 13th.
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:That's a strong recommendation, Evan. :)
  Carlton Samuels:@Evan: So noted :-)
  Evan Leibovitch:I am quite satisfied that it addresses end user issues
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan: piffle!
  Gisella Gruber-White:Avri has joined the Adobe Connect
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Fair comment Alan
  JJS:@Carlton, translation required for "piffle", please :-)
  Heidi Ullrich:New gTLD WG request for extensions for the charter:
  Carlton Samuels:@JJS: You know the froth that sometimes comes from the mouth of an angry speaker?
  JJS:yeth, saith he, wiping hith mouth
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:the request  foe extention to Charter  is worhty IMO and I trust ALAC will suport this....
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I am sorry the audio is quite disturbing
  Carlton Samuels:or there is a Texas saying: All hat, no cattle.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:muffled sound; echo on adobe
  Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, Sebastien
  Carlton Samuels:The criticism is weak and not of any substance
  Alan Greenberg:My WHOIS statement re-write: Replace the closing paragraph with: The ALAC notes that the Review Team’s deadline for implementing Recommendation 15 has already passed. The Board needs to move quickly and decisively on this report and in particular on Recommendation 4 regarding the Compliance reporting structure. Moreover, the ALAC calls for such Board action no later than the end of the Toronto ICANN meeting..
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Why one year and not sooner, Avri?
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan on revised final para of WHOIS AoC Review Statement: Works for me
  Heidi Ullrich:Alan, is this the correct revised text:
  Rudi Vansnick:i agree with Avri
  Carlton Samuels:@Avri on extension of ANgWG Charter:  I agree the timeline and support extension
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:@Avri, Support extension - important work.
  Alan Greenberg:@Heidi In essence yes, but needs some cleanup. I will do it and let you know when complete.
  Heidi Ullrich:Olivier, may we note a unanimous agreement of the Charter extension?
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Alan.
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Olivier
  JJS:Matt, on item 7 could you add my suggestion for a timeline, and Alan's agreement to include that in his revised draft? Thanks.
  Heidi Ullrich:Alan, could you please let us know when you are finished?
  Heidi Ullrich:Matt will then load the wiki.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:is not the "... by Toronto..."  nit a timeline JJS
  JJS:good, thanks.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:it reasonably 'reajusts the timeline  from the report  YES
  Gisella Gruber-White:PLEASE state your names - the interpreters are not always able to identify the voices
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:re-ajusts
  Yaovi Atohoun 2:OK
  Yaovi Atohoun 2:Clear
  JJS:my remark for Matt was not in addition to our discussion, but just for the minutes of our meeting.
  Gisella Gruber-White:Sebastien is only on the Adobe Connect audio
  Sebastien:I can't unmute myself on AC
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Sebastien - you should be able to click on mic to unmute
  Heidi Ullrich:At-Large Registrants Rights and Responsibilities -
  Sebastien:Thanks Gisella
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Holly will be an excellent Chair for this WG
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:+1
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:it is an area of particular passion for her
  Carlton Samuels:@ RR_WG Chair: I fully support Holly!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:passion nd experience
  Alan Greenberg:Now update:
  Alan Greenberg:Now updateD:
  Heidi Ullrich:I count 9
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes 9
  Evan Leibovitch:Me too
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:that is unanimous then
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:second
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh 2:@Alan, in the last paragraph, sentence is repeated twice
  Carlton Samuels:Congrats Holly!  Excellent choice!
  Alan Greenberg:@Dev. Thanks will fix
  Alan Greenberg:Fixed
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:+1
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Alan.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Congratulations Holly!
  Yaovi Atohoun 2:Will report to my RALO so that we have member from AFRALO to this WG
  sergio salinas porto:I'm sorry, I must leave now, I go to my appointment with the doctor
  Evan Leibovitch:I need to leave. Please register my vote in favor of alan'Alan's statstatstatsstatstatstatsstatstatsta
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye  Sergio
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:can you stay for the vote  Sergio
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh 2:
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:only a moment
  sergio salinas porto:my vote in in favor for alan too
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Noted  THANKS
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:for Alans  drafting
  Evan Leibovitch:delete key doesn't work
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh 2:+1 to WHOIS statement
  Evan Leibovitch:yes vote
  sergio salinas porto:if necessary I can stay 5 minutes to vote
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:second
  Evan Leibovitch:I second alans s
  Carlton Samuels:@ ALAC Statement on WHOIS AoC Review Board Request: Move to put it to vote
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:10 of 10 present  then
  Carlton Samuels:Count in favour is 10
  Evan Leibovitch:Sorry, I need to leave
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye  Evan
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye sergio
  sergio salinas porto:bye all
  Heidi Ullrich:Bye!
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan: Agree.  Now for trnasmission to the Board
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh 2:Bye, Sergio, Evan
  Carlton Samuels:Bye Sergio and Evan
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks all who need to go
  Heidi Ullrich:RG Workspace:
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I've been dropped again.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:listening through Adobe but cannot speak
  Heidi Ullrich:Adigo is dialing you back, Olivier
  Heidi Ullrich:Carlton is speaking whle we get Olivier back
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:back
  Heidi Ullrich:Next wG is Academy WG - Sandra.
  Heidi Ullrich:very faint, Olivier
  JJS:Olivier can't hear you.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:it must be the line...
  Wolf Ludwig:You are so distant today, Olivier!
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Internet NZ
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:English Telecom System....
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:lol @OCL
  Wolf Ludwig:Or better: you *sound* ...
  Heidi Ullrich:Yaovi has asked Dev for a message to the RALOs on the ALAC objections process.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:yes as a form of Memorandum from the ALAC
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:to the RALOs
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:we had forwarded Dev's Email some time ago
  Silvia Vivanco:Yes, Secretariat's meeting is tomorrow
  Yaovi Atohoun:Thanks Dev
  Carlton Samuels:@Dev: Refer to the wiki where the objection process is recorded and the email list!
  Heidi Ullrich:That is better , Olivier!
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:roaring with laughter
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Olivier - we are calling you again
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:awwww poor OCL
  Wolf Ludwig:We allow you to shout on us, Olivier ;-)
  JJS:Olivier, try coming OUT of the submarine
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:this is terrible. Same phone, different part of the world
  Heidi Ullrich:Dialing out to Olivier
  Carlton Samuels:@CLO: Endorsed, the handling of Internet NZ
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I am back
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh 2:Thanks, Cheryl
  Wolf Ludwig:Good point, cheryl!
  Natalia Enciso:need a dialo out please
  avri:i suggest that in the next round, they will look at comments from ALAC as a non-threat.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:not sure I agree with yiu Alan  but there you go  I DO think it is proof of concept
  avri:and thus approval should be easier
  Sivasubramanian M:Olivier is still in the submarine :-)
  Wolf Ludwig:There is a general understanding here that common names 7 terms like "bbok", "apple" etc. should be objected ....
  avri:Comments, for those reading the list, can also be postive.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:the closed Generics  do need dealing with  BUT it was OUT of scope for us
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan: I actually think opposite to Alan.  We have a narrow band within which substantive comments are to be addressed!
  Carlton Samuels:I view it as maturity of the At-Large NOT to make frivolous comments!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:agreed  Carlton
  avri:In terms of scope, forgive me for not remembering, but while Objections are scoped, why are comments scoped.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup Alan  crrect  but we should as part of ICANN communty   make some noise
  avri:ALAC is one of the mechnaisms that defines public interest for the board
  Carlton Samuels:Nooo, comments are not scoped.  But to the extent you make comments for consideration and not as vanity, why bother?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:but  our objection processed handelled it FINE in my view
  avri:Carlton: because evaluation teams read comments?
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh 2:gTLD Review Group decisions regarding the comments on objection grounds on the ".book" application by Amazon EU s.a.r.l :
  Alan Greenberg:@Cheryl - certainly. But it is not a facit of the formal objection process.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes  supprt  to ALAC  supporting all noise on this issue  from MY POV
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes  understood Alan
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:yes
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Very clearly, Sandra.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Alan -- do you need me to come back to you afterwards?
  Alan Greenberg:@Carlton, Guess I disagree. Yes, maturity not to make frivolous comments, but strange tat given the number and range of applications and TLD strings (and number of comments on public forum), strange that there are not at least a few substantive comments.
  Alan Greenberg:no, sorry. Hand down now.
  Carlton Samuels:@CLO: +1.  The comment had substance but wrt the RG remit in context of the At-Large Objection Remit and Mgmt Framework it was acknowledged and coursed in the right direction.  This [At-Large] comment was getting the attention it deserved
  Wolf Ludwig:There was extensive discussion on the WG list last week -- ongoing ...
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:+1 Sandra - excellent work
  Wolf Ludwig:Head up, Sandra!
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan: There was a really good classification system published someplace....I have a hard copy but I bet you Dev could find the link...that  deftly explained why, I think!
  Carlton Samuels:Excellent work, Sandra!
  Heidi Ullrich:
  Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, Naela!
  Matt Ashtiani:welcome, naela
  Heidi Ullrich:We also have Nadia Sokolova from staff with us.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:in Prague  yes
  Wolf Ludwig:Sorry but I have to leave now as well.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:though I sat in te ccNSO  one  nit the ALAC ne  I assume it was the same
  Heidi Ullrich:Bye Wolf.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye  Wolf
  Wolf Ludwig:Bye everybody!
  Carlton Samuels:Take care, Wolf
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:The flyer  would be useful to distribute  ut  through our ALSes  IMO
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:ut = Out
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Thanks, Naela.
  Heidi Ullrich:The flyer text is on the wiki :
  Heidi Ullrich:Comments can be collected on this wiki.
  Heidi Ullrich:Naela and Nadia, what is the deadline for comments, please?
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh 2:Q : Thanks Naela, have any software developers contacted ICANN directly with the re:
  Yaovi Atohoun:@JJS +1
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh 2:Thanks Naela, have any software developers contacted ICANN directly? Any idea how many software developers have used the libraries on GitHub?
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:lost audio on adobe for a bit - thanks Naela
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:lol OCL
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:almost 4am here
  Heidi Ullrich:Please add your comments by mid-September at the latest
  Sivasubramanian M:ICANN could develop a TLD "library" similar to a library of country names used in drop down lists in forms, for the benefit of Developers, so that no TLD is left out in in application development of any kind
  Sivasubramanian M:that is for naela
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:good idea Siva
  Nadia Sokolova:It looks like we got cut off
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:dropped -- unbelievable
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup ALAC  calls  are designed  for us here in the Pacific =>  NOT
  Gisella Gruber-White:We are dialling out to Olivier again
  Naela:Nadia's answer was to submit coments by beginning-mid September
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks
  JJS:Gisella, line lost...
  Heidi Ullrich:Dialing back
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:My sincere apologies, I will have to bid thee all adieu
  Sivasubramanian M:the "library" could be periodically updated by icann with the introduction of every new tld in the root
  Naela:and yes for the PDF, we will provide that on the wiki
  Heidi Ullrich:ok, Jean-Jacques
  Naela:thanks everyone for your time
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:next agenda item is 12
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ JJS, we are dialling out to you again
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Sala - thank you
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh 2:12 - At-Large Delegates to the 2013 NomCom: Review and Discussion of Candidates
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I will leave my Adobe on
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I was
  JJS:am following on Adobe Connect with audio
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and now I am on hold
  Alan Greenberg:Given that we do not have a NomCom chair, the timing is not nearly as critical.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:with music....
  Heidi Ullrich:NomCom candidates:
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I am back for a bit so you can have quorum
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:dial out again please
  Heidi Ullrich:7. ALAC selection and endorsement vote: Carried out on-line between 27-31 August
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:yes
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:so 4 candidates to endorse; 1 selection to make on one region
  Gisella Gruber-White:Olivier is back
  Matt Ashtiani:he said yes
  Heidi Ullrich:ok
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:lol
  JJS:am back on the call.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:coin toss [kidding]
  Sebastien:May I suggest that you also wait for the current decision of the NomCom?
  Carlton Samuels:@Seb: Do you mean the decision on the NomCom Chair for 2012?
  Heidi Ullrich:
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:thanks
  Sebastien:@Carlton yes but also the choice made by this year Nomcom
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:why Seb unless either one of the ALAC nominees  are being appointed  OR  NomCom is to be disbanded///
  Heidi Ullrich:Friday sesssions have been approved.
  Heidi Ullrich:but likely very limited services
  Alan Greenberg:Note that there is a Friday ALAC meeting scheduled, so departures should accomodate that.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:excellent  Heidi and were used to liitations
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks to all of you for your input into new agendas
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All!
  Heidi Ullrich:
  Carlton Samuels:@Seb: Thanks for the explanation.
  Heidi Ullrich:AFRALO: Tijani has been re-appointed to the ALAC
  Sebastien:Are you sure that no one will be selected by nomcom is also candidate to join the next Nomcom?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:if  one of the LACRALO  filed of nominess was also a candidate for Chair  I would have hoped they would have disclosed that TO  LACRALO and ALAC
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:poor  form if they d nt  IMO
  Carlton Samuels:@delegates to ALAC from AFRALO, NARALO, APRALO and EURALO.  Congratulations!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and Yes I know at least one was cnsidering it  I do not know if they did apply
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:for the Chair elect  and therefore  are in pool for Chair
  Heidi Ullrich:Olivier, you are garbled
  Heidi Ullrich:ok, better now
  Heidi Ullrich:NomCom Selectees are likely to be announced this Friday, 31 August
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Excellent news JJS hope you are returned of course :-
  Heidi Ullrich:ok, thanks for the update, Olivier!
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh 2:Congrats to ALAC members from AFRALO, APRALO, EURALO, NARALO
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I endorse Cheryl's comment
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Sounds perfectly reasonable.
  Gisella Gruber-White:Olivier - faint - interpreters not able to hear you
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Kindly register my endorsement
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:if any one heard all of that from OCL oplease type it here
  Gisella Gruber-White:No Es nor FR interpretation - not able to hear Olivier
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Repeat please OCL.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:4:12am here in Fiji
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Ok to have Cheryl work with IDN WG
  Carlton Samuels:@CLO: +1
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Edmon + RInalia + Sala to liaise with the ALAC
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:yes thanks
  Carlton Samuels:Bye all
  JJS:Cheryl: and I've been associated with our ALAC group on IDNs...
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:None - thank you Olivier
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yur in the IDN WG  then
  Ron Sherwood:Bye All
  Alan Greenberg:Thanks you all for a productive meeting.
  Carlton Samuels:Thanks to all!
  Rudi Vansnick:bye
  Yaovi Atohoun:Bye
  Natalia Enciso:Bye!
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks everyone for this productive meeting:
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:so will be coied in the list traffic when I send it
  Sandra Hoferichter:bye
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh 2:Goodbye all
  Sivasubramanian M:bye
  Heidi Ullrich:bye!
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:adios
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Bye.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:JJS??
  JJS:OCL, did you see my previous line?
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:lol
  Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you everyone
  JJS:sorry, I meant "Cheryl, did you see my previous line?"
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:did yoiu see mine?  I assume  JJS  that You are in the ALAC  IDN-WG list
  JJS:yes. Bye.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok excellent
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks to all
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I'll be working with that list in this mater
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:OK  all good then  JJS
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye
  JJS:Bye then.