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Recording : EN, ES, FR

Zoom Chat: EN   


Transcripion: EN, ES, FR


OFB-WG Co-Chairs: Claire Craig & Marita Moll


  1. Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)

  2. Welcome and review of Action items - Claire Craig (3 mins)

  3. At-Large Activities at Global Internet Governance Meetings - Marita Moll (10 mins) 

  4. Update on the work of the ATRT3 Recommendation 3.6 - Continuous Improvement Program Project (CIP) - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (


    10 mins) 

    1. See: At-Large Continuous Improvement Program Project (CIP) workspace    NEW Updated/detailed CIP-CCG Project Timeline

    2. ALAC CIP Small team

  5. Update on the Procedure to select ALAC PHR nominees by AASC- Justine(5 mins)

  6.  ALAC Procedures for filing comments and objections in the Next gTLD Round -  Dev Anand Teelucksingh (15 mins )
    1. Google Documents as background on the next round on new gTLD applications open for OFWG members  - Justine Chew (10 mins) 

    2. Procedures for the ALAC to submit public comments on and file objections to the new gTLD applications.
    3. ALAC objections Funding instructions.
    Update on the Procedure to select ALAC PHR nominees by AASC- Justine(5 mins)
  7. AOB 

      9. At-Large Activities at Global Internet Governance Meetings - Marita Moll (10 mins) 

Next Meeting - Claire Craig  (2 mins)
